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A DECLARATION Delivered into the Houſe of Lords, by Mr: Abraham Dowcet, on Monday the 3 of July, 1648. Againſt Major Edward Rolph whom hee charges to have laine in waite three houres to have piſtold the King.

With his ſpeech at the Barre in the Houſe of Peers; And the Lords Order for Tryall of Major Rolph.

And ſeverall ORDERS of the Houſe of Commons for apprehending Delinquents.

[depiction of King Charles I on his throne

London Printed for A. H. ner Pye-corner,July 4th 1648.

Major Rolphs Letter to the Lords.

My Lords,

KNowing my ſelf (I ſpeaking in the preſence of that God who ſearcheth all hearts) to be ſo perfectly clear and innocent of that foule and horrid crime charged upon me, that I abhorre the very thoughts of it: Earneſtly de­ſiring an opportunity of appearing for vindication of my innocency, or what ever elſe malce in wicked men can lay againſt me; reſting fully aſſured that whatſoever a­ward I ſhall find at the hands of men, I ſhall injoy the4 happineſſe of an upright and peaceable conſcience with the ſame God, in whoſe preſence I ſtand.

Edward Rolph.

ORdered by the Lords in Parliament, That it be referred to the Kings learn­ed Councell to bring in an impeachment of High-Treaſon, againſt Major Edward Rolph.

BY vertue of an Order of the Houſe of Commons, Theſe are to require you, your Deputy or Depu­ties forthwith to make repaire to the abodes or dwel­ings of Mr: Richard Bankes, and Mris: Mary Hanmer, and them there, or where they may be found to appre­hend and bring to the Houſe of Commons as Delin­quents to anſwer their contempt and breach of the pri­viledge of Parliament, in breaking open or cauſing to be broken open the chamber doors of Mr. Robert Charlton a Member of the ſaid Houſe, taking away his goods, and forceably conveying away the body of Francis Charlton his Ward, and his Servants, even ſitting the Houſe, and Mr. Charlton then attending in the Houſe the publique ſervice of the Kingdome. Theſe are further to require (if need be) all Mayors Sheriffes, Juſtices of Peace, Conſtables and all other His Majeſties Officers and loving Subjects (in break­ing open doores locks or any place or places (to bee aiding to the Serjeants Deputies in the execution of5 this warrant, And for ſo doing, this ſhal be your War­rant.

William Lenthall Speaker.
To Edward Birkhead Eſq; Serjeant at Armes attend­ing on this Houſe, his Deputie and Deputies.

I doe nominate and appoint Marmaduke Sanders Edm. Cooper and Richard Action my lawfull Deputies for the execution of this Warrant

Ed. Birkehead Serjeant at Armes.

ORdered by the Commons Aſſembled in Parliament, That Mr. Richard Bancks a Mercer or Silke-man at the inner Temple-gate, and Mris. Mary Hanmer widow, and all other perſon or perſons in whoſe cuſtody the body of Francis Charlton, an Infant, now is, doe forthwith make reſtitution of the body of the ſaid Francis Charlton, to Mr. Robert Charlton a Member of this houſe, and Guardi­an to the ſaid child, he having been force­ably taken out of his cuſtody, whilſt he was ſitting in the Houſe of Commons upon the publique ſervice of the Kingdome, And that the Serjeant at Armes attending on this Houſe doe forthwith make ſearch after the ſaid Francis Charlton, and ſeize and apprehend him whereſoever hee ſhall bee found, and6 bring him, and reſtore him to Mr. Robert Charlton.

Henry Elſyng Cler. Par. Dom Com.
To Edward Birkhead Eſq; Serjeant at Armes attending on the Houſe of Commons, his Deputy or Deputies.

Reſolved &c. THat this Houſe doth declare, That the force­able taking away of Mr. Francis Charlton out of the Chamber of Mr. Robert Charlton (a Member of this Houſe) and breaking open his Chamber whilſt he was attending the ſervice of the publick, is a breach of priviledge; And it is Ordered, That Will Taun­ton, Ioſeph Rogers and Andrew Bateley actrs in the ſaid Buſineſſe be coto the Serjeant at Armes attending this Houſe, and that they remaine in cuſto­dy untill the body of Mr. Francis Charlton〈◊〉deli­vered unto Mr. Robert Charlton or this Houſe take further Order.

Hen. Elſyng Cler. Par. Dom. Com.

About this transcription

TextA declaration delivered into the House of Lords, by Mr: Abraham Dowcet, on Monday the 3 of July, 1648. Against Major Edward Rolph whom hee charges to have laine in waite three houres to have pistold the King. With his speech at the barre in the House of Peers; and the Lords order for tryall of Major Rolph. And severall orders of the House of Commons for apprehending delinquents.
AuthorDowcet, Abraham..
Extent Approx. 8 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A81685)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 161916)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 71:E450[28])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA declaration delivered into the House of Lords, by Mr: Abraham Dowcet, on Monday the 3 of July, 1648. Against Major Edward Rolph whom hee charges to have laine in waite three houres to have pistold the King. With his speech at the barre in the House of Peers; and the Lords order for tryall of Major Rolph. And severall orders of the House of Commons for apprehending delinquents. Dowcet, Abraham., England and Wales. Parliament.. [2], 6 p. printed for A.H. n[e]er Pye-corner,London :1648.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "July 4th".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Rolph, Edmund -- Early works to 1800.
  • Charles -- I, -- King of England, 1600-1649 -- Assassintation attempt, 1648 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2014-11 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A81685
  • STC Wing D2054
  • STC Thomason E450_28
  • STC ESTC R205244
  • EEBO-CITATION 99864661
  • PROQUEST 99864661
  • VID 161916

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