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A Dreadful Account of a Barbarous Bloody Murther: Committed on the Body of one Mr. Cymball,t his own Houſe, in Old Soho; On the 31ſt. of January, 1694. by a Perſon, who under pretence of coming to pay him a Viſit, and after having been very well Treated, Surprizingly gave him divers Mortal Wounds; in the preſence of his Wife and Siſters, (of which he immediately Dyed,) and then made his Eſcape: The whole Proceeding on this Bloody Act, being very Cruel and Inhumane; As will ap­pear in the Relation of it.

1. Febr. 1694 / 5Licenſed according to Order.

SUCH Is the wicked Inclinations, and Depravity of ſome Men's Nature, that the Bloody mindedneſs of divers Perſons in their Miſ­chiefs, and Tragical dealings, even Startle Underſtanding Men in their thoughts, and Conſideration of a Repoſing a Truſt, as not being ableo look into the Intentions of ſuch as Guild over a plauſible Friendſhip, with Flattering Proteſtations; whilſt Fraud, or the Rankeſt of Malice,ike a Poiſonous Serpent Lurks under their feighned Smiles. Such washe Misfortune of this Gentleman, who inſtead of Entertaining a Friend,urprizingly met with a Death, he little ſuſpected from ſuch a Hand.

This Gentleman (of whoſe Name we are yet Ignorant) on the 31ſt. of January, coming to Viſit Mr. Cymball, at his Houſe in Old Soho; andeing known to him, he was welcomed, with all becoming Civility; Ac­mmodated with Wine and other Treatments, ſo that in a kind of aerryment ſome Hours paſſed till it grew very Late. The Concern of••eir Meeting ſeems to be about Buſineſs, as appears by a Writing, ſaid to be Signed by the Deceaſed; and the Common Diſcourſe is, That it was a Will, but as to that particular we determine not, without better information.

But to come nearer, and open the Tragical Scene; whether about affairs of Buſineſs, ſome Heats might ariſe that might carry the Edg ofatal Miſchief in them; or otherwiſe is not greatly Material to our En­uiry, ſo we leave it to a more Judicial Scrutiny, and proceed to Mat­er of Fact.

After the Watch had paſſed by the Door of this Gentleman, and were not very far diſtant from it; ſome People that were Neighbourheard a Confuſed Voice, ſuppoſed to be that of the Muther'd Party and the Women preſent Crying, Murther, Murther, and ImplorinHelp.

The Watch upon this were Alarm'd, but before they could comup, or Enter the Houſe, Mr. Cymball, too Fatal Gueſt was Flea'd and left him Gaſping his Laſt: His Life haſtily paſſing away, througmany Mortal Wounds; which nothing but a Cruel, or Inraged Hancould have ſo often Repeated; when a far leſs Number in all proba­bility would have ſent him to his Grave, and there needed not ſmany Gaps to let in Death. Therefore to Enumerate them ſhows thInhumanity of the Inflictor of them.

Weltering in his Blood, they could not be particularly diſtinguiſhed but the Body being Cleanſed from it, and Expoſed to View, His RighShoulder was found to have a Wound, that ſeemed to be torn with thSword, as if a piece of Fleſh was Cut out. Two Wounds were made in his Breaſt, one on his Right Side; his Left Arm pierced almoſthrough: Another Wound he had on the Left Side his Left Hand Run through his Right Hand; ſuppoſed in Defending his Body, or Ex­tended to Implore Mercy from his pretended Friend, but now Merci­leſs Enemy was Cut between the Finger and Thumb, and otherways very much mangled; his Chin received a part of Dire Execution, and amidſt theſe many Wounds he Breathed his Laſt; and was Expoſed as a Miſſerable Spectacle of Cruel uſage, the following Day to the pity­ing Spectators; whoſe Tears at ſuch an Object of Compaſſion could hardly be Reſtrained.

Upon this, thoſe that were preſent. Viz. The Women (the Party who is held Actually to do it, being Eſcaped, as far as we can hitherto have any Account of him) are ſecured in order to their further Exami­nation before the Corroners Inqueſt; or what other Matters may be Objected to them in this Matter: Nor is it doubted but the Grand Agreſſor, may in a little time be brought to Anſwer for ſo Monſterous a Crime of Late, without Parrallel or Precedent.

Some ſay, he has ſent by an unknown Hand, a Letter to the New Widow, to Condole the Loſs of Her Husband, and Expreſs his Sorrow but whether ſo or no, ſo Great a Guilt deſerves Floods of unfeighned Tears, to Attone Heaven's Impendent Vengeance.


London, London Printed for B. Lyford. 1695.

About this transcription

TextA Dreadful account of a barbarous bloody murther committed on the body of one Mr. Cymball, at his own house, in Old Soho, on the 31st of January, 1694 ...
Extent Approx. 5 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 2 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A81733)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 150036)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2226:9)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA Dreadful account of a barbarous bloody murther committed on the body of one Mr. Cymball, at his own house, in Old Soho, on the 31st of January, 1694 ... 1 sheet ([2] p.). London [sic] printed for B. Lyford,London :1695.. (Caption title.) (Imprint from colophon.) ("Licensed according to order.") (Imperfect: stained, and tightly bound, with loss of text.) (Reproduction of original in the Newberry Library.)
  • Murder -- England -- London.
  • London (England) -- History -- 17th century.
  • Broadsides -- London (England) -- 17th century.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2014-11 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A81733
  • STC Wing D2148A
  • STC ESTC R42484
  • EEBO-CITATION 36282083
  • OCLC ocm 36282083
  • VID 150036

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