Dreadful Newes from VViltſhire and N•rfolke, read in the Houſe of Commons upon Saturday laſt. VVherein is declared the proceedings of the M••qu•ſſe of H•rtford, and the Lord Seymore, in the County of Wiltſhire, and•he reſolution of the inhabitants of that County concerning the•a•d Lords.Alſo the reſolution of the Earle of Lindſey Lord Generall of his Majeſties forces, concerning the raiſing of forces in Norfoke: with the Parliaments determination therein.
THe diſtractions and diſtempers of this Kingdome are now more apparantly knowne then ever they have beene formerly, and beginne to claime things which formerly would not b•granted: they do•alſo b•gin to〈◊〉mo•e and more over the diſtreſſed inhabitants, which ſtrikes terror and amazement to the beholders. This is the malignant party which began theſe dreadfull times, whoſe hearts ſeeke and thirſt after blood, and whoſe almes tend to no other then to ruine them, the upholders and wel-wiſhers of Gods true Religion, and to bring in their owne popiſh and idolatrous ceremonies. They never ſought the deſtruction and ruine of this Kingdome ſo much till the Pillar of the Commonwealth aſſembled together, I meane this our happy and worthy Aſſembly, which by Gods divine providence were called together, and united in body, and have ſince their ſitting diſcovered many hell-bred plots and conſpiracies, and have found out many delinquents which were enemies to the Commonwealth.
This malignant party hath ſo farre prevailed with his Majeſty, that they have raiſed divers troopes in a warlike manner, and have endeavoured to put the commiſſion of Array in execution in divers Counties in this Realme, as for example may appeare in theſe following particulars.
Upon the twenty eight of Iuly, there a Meſſenger came to the Houſe of Commons informing them that the Marqueſſe of Hartford, and the Lord Seymor, have made great diſturbance in Wiltſhire by endeavouring to get the Commiſſion of Array in execution, and in attempting to ſeiſe upon their Magazine, but they were oppoſed and moſt couragiouſly reſiſted by the greateſt part of the County. Therefore there is no queſtion but the ordinance of Parliament will be obeied in that County, by reaſon they ſtand generally affected to the Common weale, and will by no meanes give way nor ſuffer the Commiſſion of Array ſhall bee put in execution.
Therefore it is thought that his Majeſty will goe in perſon to that county, and put the ſame in execution: for it is credibly reported that he is reſolved to come.
Newes from Norfolke.
THere was alſo newes brought from Norfolke to the Houſe of Commons, informing them that the Earl of Lindſey Lord Generall of his Majeſties forces hath ſent a Gentleman with a warrant to lie in Norfolke, to beate up drums for the raiſing of Volunteers which pretends they are entertained for the ſ•f•ty of his Majeſties perſon, and both Houſes of Parliament, whereupon the Houſes taking into conſideration the great danger that might enſue thereby, reſolved, and ordered that the ſaid Captaine ſhould be ſent for as a delinquent, and the County to have information not to raiſe any men upon ſuch ſummons.
They have alſo had information that there have beene great diſturbances in divers other Counties about the ſaid Commiſſion of Array, being endeavored to put in execution in ſome other places where the Ordnance to the Militia hath a•re•dy too•e•l•c•th•y〈◊◊◊〉time in debate therof, ordered, that the Members of the houſe o•Commons, ſerving for the Counti•s where ſuch diſturbances have beene, ſhould goe down•a•d take order for the putting of the Militia i•execution, to preſerve the peace of the Counties againſt all that ſhall oppoſe them, according to the Order of both Houſes.