Duke Hamiltons Conditions for ſurrendring himſelf, and all Officers and Souldidiers under his Command, with 3000. Horſe and Armes to the Parliaments Forces.
FRiday the 25. of this inſtant Auguſt, were brought to the Houſe of Commons by one Mr. Noble (who came from Lievtenant-Generall Cromwell) 113. Colours of Horſe and Foot, which were taken from the Scots upon the taking of their whole Body of Foot in Lancaſhire, conſiſting of about nine thouſand, and putting the Duke with ſuch Horſe as he had left to flight.
Amongſt theſe Colours are Duke Hamiltons owne Standard of white Searſnet, with a Crowne in the midſt, and underneath this Motto,
The reſt of the Colours for all that Regiment of Horſe had the ſame Motto.
The Dukes Colours for his Regiment of Foot were alſo white, and (which is more then uſuall) had this Motto,
For Covenant, King and Kingdome.
A great number of Horſe-Colours are yet to come in, and when they are all brought together, it is conceived the Parliament will give order for hanging them up (as Trophies) in Weſtminſter Hall, the Abbey, or ſome other eminent place.
2The Duke fled with a party of Horſe into Cheſhire, where the Countrey roſe with ſo much gallantry and reſolution, that with ſome helpe of the Souldiery in thoſe parts, they took above a hundred priſoners at Namptwich; Colonell Moore, who at this time was joyned with Major Harley, and the reſt of the Party which of late gave the great blow to the Cavaliers Party commanded by Sir Henry Lingen, and took himſelf and almoſt all the reſt Priſoners, had intelligence hereof, and fell down into Shropſhire (a thouſand effective) where they lighted on many of the Scots in a frighted and moſt deſpicable condition, ten men chaſed a hundred.
The Duke finding himſelf in a great ſtraight, the Countrey riſing on either ſide of him, forces ready to incounter him before, and impede his march into the Iſle of Angleſey; and his Forces feared to look back, for that they conceited, they alwaies heard the noiſe of the trampling of the feet of Lievtenant-Generall Cromwells men, who were more terrible to them then Lions; the Duke with thoſe remaining with him being in a fainting condition, turned on one ſide, and rowled down upon Utceſter in the County of Stafford.
When he came thither, he heard that the Lord Grey of Groby had a gallant Brigade of Horſe, and attended the motion of the Scots; preſently comes newes that Major-Generall Lambert with a conſiderable party of Horſe was but about a dayes march behind; hereupon the Duke thinks of a way of ſubmiſſion, and finding he and his Party could no longer eſcape the fury of the people, wiſh themſelves under termes of mercy, within the protection of the Lord Grey, and the reſt of the Souldiery, on condition he might have a Convoy,3 which he and Sir Marmaduke Langdale, with the reſt of the Officers, Nobility, Gentry and Souldiery of Scotland that are with him, will doubtleſſe have within few dayes to bring them to the Parliament, or ſuch other place as they ſhall appoint.
The Earl of Traquaire hath already ſubmitted and yeelded himſelfe priſoner, with many others; and none of the reſt are like to have better quarter, they being environed, and little or no poſſibility of their eſcape.
Lievtenant-Generall Cromwell is in purſuit of that party of the Scots Horſe that fled North-wards, and to oppoſe the reſt of their Forces commanded by Munro; ſome ſmall recruit added to him in this conjuncture of time, would ſoon cleer the North, and be a terror to any other that ſhall preſume to invade that part of this Kingdome.
Duke Hamilton finding the County to riſe againſt him, who had taken about a thouſand of the three thouſand horſe, marched with him towards the South, and the ſouldierie to purſue him, and the remaining party with him fearfull of being knockt on the head by the Countrey, ſent a Meſſage to the Governour of Stafford, ſignifying, that he would capitulate with him, if hee pleaſed on conditions for himſelfe and thoſe that were with him, the Governour of Stafford (a wiſe and valiant Gentleman) returnes anſwer, that if himſelf and thoſe with him would lay downe and ſubmit to mercy they might, otherwaies they muſt take what followed: The Duke ſtayed ſtill at Uxceſter, having left about 2000. horſe, (one thouſand being cut off by the Countrey before they got thither) and there incloſed on all4 ſides, muſt be content with lower conditions, whereof more ſhortly.
In the meane time Sir Marmaduke Langdale and eight other eminent Commanders are taken in a mean houſe neare Nottingham diſguiſed, by 12. Troopers which knew them not within an houre after they were taken, but afterwards carryed them to Nottingham Caſtle to accompany Colonell Poyer, Colonell Powell, and the reſt taken by Lieutenant Generall Cromwell in Wales.
The Intelligence is, that Major Generall Monro, with the forces he brought out of Ireland, and thoſe Scots horſemen which eſcaped to him after the late rout in Lancaſhire, are matching forward (and were then in Weſtmerland) to meet Lieutenant Generall Cromwell, upon which the Lieutenant Generall hath ſent a Trumpet to Monro, to give him notice, that in caſe he advances further Southward, he muſt be forced to put foure thouſand and od priſoners he hath of theirs to the ſword.
What anſwer was returned we yet hear not, but it is reported that the Lord Kalender and Monro are joyned, and therefore the leſſe probability that they will deſiſt their further approach.
The Scots Colours before mentioned are carried down to the Leaguer before Colcheſter, and will be ſet up in the view of the Towne as ſo many ſignalls of that admirable victory, and if the ſight of them will not move the Defendents, doubtleſſe if Sir Marmeduke Langdale were there it would do it.
5When the Beſiegers had firſt notice of this great Victory againſt the Scots, they gave the Defendents notice thereof by diſcharging the great Guns ſix times over againſt the Towne.
The next day the Earle of Norwich, Sir Charles Lucas, and the reſt of the Officers in the towne ſent out one of the Committeemen (which they keep priſoners there) to the Lord Generall Fairfax, with a Letter, wherein they ſignified, that if his Excellency would give way that the Officers ſhould march away to their owne homes, or beyond the Seas, and the common Souldiers a mile from the towne, with Drums beating, and Colours flying, and there to lay down arms, they would ſurrender the towne, which the Committee-man begged as for his life.
His Excellency returned anſwer,That when their condition was far better then now it is, he ſhould have refuſed to grant theſe Propoſitions, and therefore had leſſe cauſe to harken to them now; His Excellency doubts not to preſerve the reſt6 of the Committee, and get the towne within foure daies; the Cannon began to make battery againſt the walls on Thurſday laſt, and if they doe not ſuddenly ſurrender, they muſt take what followes.
The Caſtle of Deale in Kent was ſurrended to Colonell Rich and Colonell Hewſon on Friday laſt, Sandown is all that holds out now in that County.