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THE LIFE and DEATH OF That Judicious Divine, and Accompliſh'd PREACHER, ROBERT HARRIS, D.D. Late Preſident of Trinity Colledge in Oxon.

COLLECTED By a joynt-concurrence of ſome, who knew him well in his ſtrength, viſited him often in his ſickneſs, attended him at his death, and ſtill honour his Memory.

PUBLISHED At the earneſt requeſt of many, for the ſa­tisfaction of ſome, for the ſilencing of o­thers, and for the Imitation of all.

By W.D. his dear Friend and Kinſman.

ISAI. 57.1, 2.

The Righteous periſheth, and no man layeth it to heart, &c. Hee ſhall enter into peace, &c.

LONDON, Printed for S.B. and are to be ſold by J. Bartlet at the gilt Cup on the South ſide of S. Pauls Church, over againſt the Drapers, and at the gilt Cup in Weſtminſter Hall. 1660.

M. S.

Robertus Harris, S.T.D. Paſtor olim Hanwellenſis,
Inde per Decennium hujus Collegii Praeſes
Aeternùm Celebrandus;
Perſpicaciſſimus Indolum Scrutator,
Poteſtatis Arbiter mitiſſimus,
Merentium fautor integerrimus,
Quem Prudentia & rerum uſus Saeculo inſtruxerat
Coelo fides & Pietas;
Felix & praepotens animorum regulator,
Aliorum affectibus in concione Imperitans,
nuſquam non ſuis;
Poſt Evangelii labores Annis LIV ſtrenue deſuda­tos,
Poſt Societatem hanc optimis diſciplinis & Invi­dendâ concordiâ ſtabilitam,
Vivido etiamnum & vigente Ingenio,
Cum deſertor animi corpus ineluctabili morbo ſuccumberet,
feſſae mortalitatis exuvias hic depoſuit,
Prid. Id. Xbris A. Dom. MDCLIIX. Aetatis LXXX.


P. 10. l. 13. blot out, And. p. 14. l. 14. blot out, And. p. 17. l. 4. for is, r. Hee. p. 21. l. 9. for the moſt, r. moſt of the. p. 26. l. 8. for and, r. of. p. 27. l. 9. for the, r. that p. 62. l. 10. for into, r. upon. p. 64. l. 11. for were, r. are. p. 100. l. 17. blot out, often.

ON THE Memory of that Famous and Godly Miniſter Dr. ROBERT HARRIS, my late Worthy Friend.

AS once Elias in John Baptiſt came
Back to the Jews, in that Triumphant flame
Of light and zeal, wherein hee did before
Without deaths help up into Glory ſoar;
And by this Tranſmigration of his Grace,
Prepared paths before his Maſters face:
Even ſo in thee, bleſſ'd ſoul, did breath anew
Great Chryſoſtome, yea, Great Apollos too;
To thee thoſe mighty Orators did give
Their tongue to ſpeak, to thee their life to live;
Nay, thou thy ſelf didſt in thy ſelf renew,
Thy Forty's Vigour in Fourſcore; wee knew
When all thy ſtrength decayed, thy gifts did thrive.
The man is dead, the Preacher ſtill alive,
Alive in his own Sermons, in our love,
His name alive below, his ſoul above.
And may the younger Prophets still inherit
A double portion of their Fathers Spirit;
That by a ſacred Metempſychoſis,
The gifts may now be theirs which once were his;
That every Sermon which we hear, may be
(Rare Preacher) a true Portraiture of thee;
Yea, may it of each following age be true,
The former are exceeded by the new;
Viſions of young ſurpaſs old Prophets dreams,
The Father's light's outſhin'd by Childrens beams,
That in their meaſures wee may more and more,
The unmeaſur'd fulneſs of our Lord adore.
Dr E. Reyn. old.

THE LIFE and DEATH OF Robert Harris, D. D. late Preſident OF Trinity-Colledge, OXON.

RObert Harris was born in a dark time, and place, at Broad-Campden in Glocester-ſhire; his Father was looked upon by the chiefeſt in that Country, as a very wiſe and underſtanding2 man; his Mother was (confeſ­ſedly) a very devout and cha­ritable woman; under theſe prudent and pious Parents hee ſpent his childe-hood; But it did not a little afflict this their Son to his dying day, that even then hee was more willing of play, than of reading the Scrip­tures to his Parents at their call. So ſoon as hee was capable, his Parents (having deſigned him for the Law, or the Mini­ſtry, according as his parts ſhould prove) ſet him to the Free-School of Chipping-Camp­den, where hee ſoon found a double inconvenience. Firſt, The School-maſters were often changed by the defalcation of their ſalary through ſome de­fault. Secondly, Some of them proved very fierce and cruel, which, hee would often ſay,3 was the bane of many ſchool­boies; and though for his own part, hee never felt (to his re­membrance) the ſmart of any Rod in any School, yet the daily executions done upon o­thers, brought ſuch a trembling and ſadneſs of ſpirit upon him, that hee could not bee quite rid of ſo long as hee lived.

From that School hee was removed to Worceſter, where all the week hee was under the tuition of Mr. Bright, and on the Sabbath under the Reve­rend Paſtor, the learned Dr. Robert Abbots.

From thence hee was remo­ved to Magdalen Hall in Oxon, being allied to the Principal, Mr. Lyſter; There hee ſhew­ed an exceſſive deſire of know­ledge, and ſtudied the more, becauſe hee had little help ei­ther4 from the Principal, or his Tutor; But all this while hee was too too ignorant of the waies and truths of God.

At length (his Tutor leaving the Hall) hee became Suter to the Principal, that one Mr. Goffe of Magdalen-Colledge might bee the man; This Mr. Goffe was voiced to be a very good Logi­cian and Diſputant, but with­all a Puritane, which occaſioned the Principal (being Popiſh) to diſſwade the choice, but his kinſman perſiſted in his ſute, and would have no denial, not out of love to Religion, but to Learning onely. Mr. Goffe having received him, calls him to a concurrence with other Pu­pils in reading the Bible, Prayer, and Repetition of Sermons: This courſe did ſomewhat per­plex the new Pupil. Firſt, hee5 knew few, if any, of the Se­niors, who ran that way; and on the other ſide, hee was not able to confute the practice. In this caſe hee would (as him­ſelf reported) in his ſtudyfall down and intreat the Lord, either to diſcover the falſe­hood, if his Tutor had any de­ſign upon him to ſeduce him, or if this way were pleaſing to God, that then the Lord would confirm him in it.Not long after hee came to a reſo­lution, bought a Bible, took exceſſive pains in reading that, and other Authors in Divinity. In the mean while his Tutor puts off his Pupil, becauſe hee did not earn his mony, for his Tutorage: Only thus it ſhould bee (ſaid his Tutor) Wee will continue our ſtudies together, Ile read Philoſophy with you, and you6 Greek with mee; From Greek, they paſſed to Hebrew, where­in they had alſo the concur­rence of ſome other of the Fellows, whereof one was af­terward Preſident. And how­ever Mr. Harris was not then compleat Batchelor in the Hall, yet the company accepted of him, finding him ſtudious, and as ready in his Grammar as themſelves: Beſides this, his Tutor and himſelf agreed to read Calvins Inſtitutions by turns, the one reading a chap­ter this day, and giving an ac­count thereof to the other, and the other to do the like the next day; and this they did ſo long continue, as their other occaſions and exerciſes would permit.

After hee was a while Batche­lour of Arts, hee had a minde7 to try what his fitneſs was for the Pulpit (becauſe elſe hee muſt to the Law) and having prepared himſelf, hee offers his pains at Chipping-Campden; but ſuch were thoſe times, that in the greater Town hee did not know where to procure a Bible for the reading of his Text; At length hee was directed to the Vicar there, the Bible could hardly bee found, being not ſeen ſome months before, at laſt found it was, and the Preacher furniſhed, who choſe for his Text the words of St. Paul, Rom. 10.1. The Ser­mon was heard with much ap­plauſe, onely the Preacher would often ſay, that hee loſt by the bargain. Firſt, His heart grew bigg upon it, next, his carnal friends call upon him, to give over Univerſity-ſtudies,8 and to come amongſt them, as being now learned enough. His Father alſo (ha­ving many children yet to pro­vide for) was willing to eaſe his charge, and thereupon applied himſelf to ſome perſons of qua­lity in the State, and of eminen­cy in the Church, in order to ſome preferment. But his ſon declined publick imploy­ment for the preſent, and be­came humble ſuter to his Fa­ther, that what hee was plea­ſed to beſtow upon him as a Patrimony, hee would allow it to him in Oxon, for the per­fecting of his ſtudies. This, with much ado, was obtained, and to Oxon hee returned a joyful man. Long hee had not been in Oxon before a fear­ful Plague invaded that place, the Univerſity was diſſolved,9 few left behinde. In this caſe hee was at a ſtand again; Home hee durſt not go, whither elſe hee knew not, till by a provi­dence (the progreſs whereof is not known) hee was invited to Mr. Doylys, five miles diſtant from Oxon. This Mr. Doyly was an Antient Gentleman (of a moſt Antient Family of the Doy­lyes in Oxon-ſhire) a great friend to the Goſpel, and his wife a woman of an extraordi­nary knowledge and piety; To them Mr. Harris goes for the preſent.

There hee found one Mr. Prior, a prudent godly man, of an excellent ſpirit, but much weakned with the ſtone and gout. This Mr. Prior was then over-burdened with preaching, both on the Sabbaths, and at extraordinary Faſts then en­joyned10 by occaſion of the plague. In meer pitty Mr. Harris holp him a turn or two, but then was ſo ſet upon by the Gentleman, the Incumbent, with others, that hee could not withſtand their importunity; There hee muſt ſit down, and there preach during the Faſt at leaſt. Hee told them hee wasnot ordeined, and durſt not meddle with any thing but preaching, neither, and that, but till hee could bee authorized. This was accepted, the work goes on, large requitals hee re­ceived from the good Gentle­man, and his wife, and much incouragement hee found from the people. And thus it con­tinued till God appeared in a­nother call.

Now was there a fearful E­clipſe upon the Church; a con­ſtellation11 of Miniſters were at once darkened. Amongſt the reſt thoſe three ſhining Stars, Mr. Dod, Mr. Cleaver, and Mr. Lancaſter. Hereupon Sir Anthony Cope (who had before placed, and now loſt Mr. Dod, at Hanwell, and Mr. Cleaver at Drayton) became ſuter to his Brother Doylye (ſo hee was by marriage) for Mr. Harris. The motion was unwelcome on all hands, Mr. Doylye being un­willing to loſe Mr. Harris; yet (after a long debate) it was thought moſt conducible to the publick, that it ſhould bee ſo, and ſo it was.

Mr. Harris, with much grief and fear goes to Hanwell, where hee found that Country in this poſture; Preach hee might and welcome, but Paſtors they would own none but their old. The12 concluſion was, that hee would preach to both Congregations united, ſo long as Authority would permit, and ſo long as there was any hope of recover­ing their former Paſtors. This gave ſome ſatisfaction, but not ſufficient, for the quarrel was this, You are not throughout of our Paſtors minds.

It fell out, that at the ſame time Mr. Whately entred the Pulpit at Banbury, and bore a great part of the peoples diſ­pleaſure. For howſoever they could not except againſt his preaching (hee being a man of ſingular parts) yet upon the account of diſſent from their Antient Teachers, hee was alſo diſtaſted; and the truth is, they both had a ſad time of it, a great while, notwithſtanding all the wiſdome and moderation of13 Sir Anthony Cope, and Mr. Dod, to the contrary.

Well, this world laſted not long; Archbiſhop Bancroft, find­ing no compliance in the ſi­lenced, preſents two Chap­lains to the two fore-named Churches, upon a pretence of a lapſe. Sir Anthony Cope thinks it now high time to ſtir, and ſit­ting then in Parliament, hee takes one or two of the houſe with him, and preſents his Clerks to the Archbiſhop. Af­ter a long conteſt the Arch­biſhop was content that Sir An­thony Cope ſhould preſent. How­beit, becauſe hee had ſpoken in Parliament againſt inſufficient Miniſters, with ſome reflexion upon the Biſhops, the Arch­biſhop could not but reſent this, and therefore refers both his Clerks to his ableſt Chap­lain14 to bee examined. The Chaplain (having it ſeems his leſſon) brings in the Clerk de­ſigned for Hanwell (declined by Mr. Harris) altogether in­ſufficient, being indeed a grave and diſcreet divine. The o­ther was returned Mediocritèr doctus. The Biſhop not plea­ſed with this laſt account, ſpeaks to Biſhop Barlow then preſent, to undertake Mr. Har­ris; The Biſhop, being a man active and witty, and was glad of the office, falls upon his work, tries his Examinate a little in Divinity, but moſt in other Learning and Greek, where the Biſhops ſtrength lay, but ſo long they both Greeked it, till at laſt they were both ſcoted, and to ſeek of words, whereupon they both fell a laughing, and ſo gave up. The15 Biſhop went in to the Arch­biſhop, and there (as Mr. Harris expreſſed it) ſet him as much too high, as his Chaplain had ſet his fellow too low. Upon this return the Archbiſhop was content to admit of Mr. Har­ris, but upon condition that hee might have Hanwell. This was eaſily granted, for the Pa­tron had before offered it, and Mr. Dod was there preſent to deſire it; Onely the ſtick was, That hee was fearful to ſucceed a Divine ſo famous, which anſwer of his did not much pleaſe the Archbiſhop, though at preſent hee courted Mr. Dod.

Well, now they have a new Paſtor at Hanwell, which begets a new tumult; withall Drayton is alſo furniſhed with one Mr. Scudder, a prudent man: And now there were three united,16 not onely in judgement and Chriſtian affection, but in affinity. Mr. Harris, marrying Mr. Whatelyes own Siſter; And Mr. Scudder his Wifes Siſter. Theſe three met a while week­ly, and alternatim tranſlated, and analyſed each his Chapter, but their publick employments ſoon took them off this.

Shortly after there befel Mr. Harris his Wife, upon her firſt childe, a great and long af­fliction, which was (as Mr. Dod told him) but to ſeaſon and fit him for his work; and himſelf would often ſay, that hee had been quite ſpoiled, had hee not been thus taken down, for young Miniſters know not the ground they tread upon, till God laies them flat.

This cloud blown over (and ſome other ſtorms from abroad,17 the weather ſeemed to clear up over him; the people began to relliſh his Miniſtry, and no ſmall comfort is found in the Proximity of many Divines. On the one hand there was Mr. Cleaver, a ſolid Text-man; on the other Mr. Lancaſter, a moſt humble and ſelf-denying man; for whereas hee was by birth a good Gentleman, and had been Fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge, where being called to ſundry publick Lectures and Speeches, hee delivered him­ſelf in as pure Latin (to uſe the words of that Maſter of Speech, Dr. Collins) as ever Tully himſelf uttered, having no Notes before him, but what hee wrote upon the nails of his fingers; yet this man, thus ac­compliſhed in all Arts, con­tented himſelf with a living un­der18 40. l. per annum, and made no noiſe of any learning at all.

But above all the reſt, the moſt reſpected was Mr. Dod, touching whom hee was fully of Mr. Cartwrights minde, who held him the fitteſt man in the Land for a Paſtoral function; A man able to ſpeak to any mans capacity, and never out of the Pulpit; for all his diſcourſes were Sermons, and that with ſuch a mixture of delight, as would take with any man. The truth is, hee was a very elo­quent man, both in Engliſh and Latin, ſo facetious and pithy, that Mr. Harris would often ſay, If all his Apophthegmes were collected, they would exceed all that Plutarch in Greek, or o­thers in Latin, ſince have pub­liſhed. For ſome years Mr. Har­ris had the happineſs to live19 with and by this Reverend man, and that in ſuch a conjunction, as greater could not bee.

Mr. Dod, (bearing the ſame reſpect to the new Preacher, as Mr. Goffe had done to his new Pupil) they ſtudied together, and daily read a Chapter in the Original together, and when Mr. Dod begn to preach again in another Dieceſs, hee would not expound a Text, preach a Sermon, anſwer a Caſe of Con­ſcience (whereof many were daily brought to him) without his concurence with him, ſo highly was that Eminent Di­vine pleaſed with him, yet ſtill would hee blame him for his reſervedneſs and unwillingneſs to put forth himſelf. The truth is, Mr. Dod was abundant­ly ſatisfied in his Succeſſor, which is rarely ſeen, and was20 pleaſed to own and honour him much: And on the other ſide, Mr. Harris accounted himſelf happy in the injoyment of ſuch a Mnaſon, from whom hee learned much. But this happi­neſs had its end; Mr. Dod was called thence into Northampton­ſhire, and in his abſence God made this ſupply; Sundry young Students reſorted to Hanwell, where his little houſe was a little Academy. Among others, hee took much comfort in Mr. Pemble, (who would do nothing without him, eſpecial­ly in Divinity) as alſo in Mr. Capel,V. Mr. Va­lent. Mar­ſhall in the life of Mr. Capel. who in his ſore conflicts and temptations, made much uſe of him in private, as alſo in his known Treatiſe of Tempta­tions.

But time wears and eats out all theſe temporary comforts;21 hee lived to ſee an end of Mr. Pemble, Mr. Capel, and moſt of his Sojourners; an end of three Patrons in a Succeſſion, and their reſpective Wives and La­dies, an end of all the antient Preachers of the Country, and of moſt of his Contemporaries, together with the moſt emi­nent Profeſſors of thoſe parts, as alſo an end of four of his Sons in their full ſtrength; and at length hee lived to ſee himſelf and his name buried at Hanwell.

During his being there, hee had ſundry calls to London, now to the Croſs, now to the Parliament, and ſometime to the Country-feaſts, which gave occaſion to many invitations to places there; The Auditory that moſt won upon him was, St. Saviours in Southwark, and there could hee have ſpent his22 life, if hee could have reached ſo great Aſſemblies. From thence hee was invited to leſ­ſer Churches, but ſomething or other ſtill intercepted; Hee had in probability cloſed with Al­dermanbury, had not the then Biſhop Laud complemented him thence, commending his Cle­rum at Oxon, and promiſing him more preferment than hee thought hee ſhould merit. O­ther offers were made to him then, but he ever met with ſome croſs providence about them.

At length hee came to this concluſion, even to end where hee began, as to his own par­ticular, though hee would not condemn others in their re­moval. At Hanwell hee went over many Scriptures; his peo­ple found leaſt good from that which coſt him moſt pains, and23 that was the Epiſtle to the Co­loſſians, which hee preached throughout. Hee conceived then, that hee could not ſpeak too highly to a people ſo taught, but upon further ac­quaintance hee found that hee could not go too low, ſo that (as ſome of his hearers after told him) his pains upon that Epiſtle was loſt upon them. His Sermons upon Hiſtorical Scrip­tures took beſt with the moſt, but with himſelf, and the more ſpiritual ſort, the Book of the Canticles prevailed moſt, the Notes whereof hee was often preſſed to publiſh, but refuſed, upon a double reaſon. 1 A great part of his Notes were loſt, and died with Dr. Preſton (whom hee would call a need­leſs ingroſſer of others Notes) And 2 Hee leſs ſatisfied him­ſelf24 in his elder years, in divers paſſages of that myſterious Book. Although there are, who upon leſs experience, and far leſs learning, dare vent their con­ceits upon ſuch difficult Scrip­tures, ſo confidently, as if themſelves had been Pen-men, rather than Commentators. Were the world at leiſure to hear old men ſpeak, it might bee Tanti, to collect thoſe diſperſed papers, and it is yet hoped that ſome neer relations (who beſt underſtand his Character and Method in penning) may take ſome pains therein for the pub­lick good. Mean while wee go on, where wee left Mr. Harris preaching at Hanwell.

There hee continued about forty years, A conſtant and pain­ful Preacher, both upon the Lords daies, and upon other oc­caſions,25 which were many, for hee found there an accuſtomed courſe of Preaching upon ſuch Feſtival daies (then ſo called) which might not enterfeire with the Lecture or Market ad­jacent, which hee maintained; eſpecially on the Eaſter, and White-mondaies, at which times troops of Chriſtians from all quarters, many miles diſtant, flocked to him, as innocent Doves to the windows, without any Superſtition.

Thence on the morrow were they entertained at Banbury by Mr. Whately; what a fair of ſouls was then held at Hanwell and Banbury, by theſe two Bro­thers! How did Religion flou­riſh? How did Profeſſors thrive? In truth, the Preachers carved out ſound wholeſome food, and their hearers came26 with good appetites, expecting (what they found) both milk and meat, and did grow thereby. In thoſe daies the Preachers laid aſide all aiery notions, and curious ſpeculations; They ſought meet words and matter, in a plain method and Doctrine, Reaſon and Uſe, accommoda­ting themſelves to every ca­pacity, and God gave them a plentiful harveſt in that Coun­try.

Theſe occaſions at home, (together with a natural book­iſhneſs) made him leſs forward to engage himſelf in Lectures a­broad; Onely hee was in a combination at Dedington, in Oxon-ſhire, and for ſome time engaged alone at Stratford up­on the Avon, where hee had each fortnight a great conflu­ence of the chiefeſt Gentlemen,27 and choiceſt Preachers and Pro­feſſors in thoſe parts; Among others, that noble and learned Knight, Sir Thomas Lucy of Charlcot, may not bee forgot­ten, who was pleaſed to caſt a ſpecial eye of favour upon him. About this time a great living was offered to him in the Country, touching which he was very indifferent, and the truth is but indifferently dealt with in it, which gave him occaſion to ſay,That hee never bore any thing more impatiently, than the abuſe of Religion to baſe private ends, and that car­nal policy would render pro­feſſion deſpicable at leaſt, whilſt ſome men took ſuch a liberty to themſelves, in e­quivocating, and daubing, and the reaſon of ſuch mens ſuc­ceſs, was not becauſe they28 had more wit than others, but more boldneſs to do and ſay what others durſt not.

At Hanwell yet wee finde him, where hee lived in much proſperity; The Neighbour­hood in the Borders much fre­quented his Sermons, from whom hee received greateſt Seals of his Miniſtery, and much countenance from the chiefeſt in that Country, where yet lives a Perſon of Honour, who makes it his work to ſet up ſhining lights in thoſe parts, where ſo many (within memo­ry) have been extinguiſhed.

Howbeit, although he found ſuch incouragement from a­broad, wee muſt not forget his own people at home, who were ſo far ſubdued to a conformity, that there was (ſometimes) no family in the Town, wherein29 Gods Name was not in ſome meaſure called upon, nor any perſon who refuſed to bee pre­pared by him for the Lords-Supper.

And as the Lord did thus bleſs his labours, ſo likewiſe his eſtate too; himſelf would ob­ſerve a ſenſible bleſſing on it; for though his means was not great, and his children (for whom hee kept a School-Ma­ſter) many, and the reſort to his houſe not little by occaſion of Sabbath, and ſundry weekly Lectures in his Pariſh, yet was hee of the growing hand, which made him to conclude, That there was a ſecret bleſsing on houſe-keeping, For I am not able (quoth hee) to give an account of my expences, and of Gods ſup­plies. Thus things ſtood with him in thoſe times of peace.


Now begin thoſe cloudy times, and his ſadder daies; now Troops and Armies march to­wards thoſe Quarters about Edge-hill, where they ſit down, and there is fought a bloody battel upon the Lords day, about four miles diſtant from him; notwithſtanding (which he took for a great mercy) hee heard not the leaſt noiſe of it, till the publick work of the day was o­ver, nor could he believe the re­port of a fight, till a ſouldier be­ſmeered with blood & powder came to witneſs it. From that time forward his troubles mul­tiplied; now hee was threatned with this, now with that Gar­riſon; here hee was a Round-head, and there a Malignant; ſtill op­preſſed with a ſucceſſion of ſouldiers quartering upon him, yet ſtill hee kept his ſtanding. 31In his family ſome of his gueſts would joyn with him in Fami­ly-duties, wherein hee was al­waies conſtant, albeit his de­votions were by ſome enter­tained, and by others ſcorned, becauſe not mingled with book-prayers. In the Con­gregation hee held on his courſe, every Sabbath, and the moſt of his quarterers being Leaders and Officers, were the more civil towards him and his; onely at one time the then com­pany were ſo outragiouſly blaſ­phemous, that hee could not forbear that Text, James 5.12. Which did ſo nettle ſome, that they damned themſelves to Hell, if they did not ſhoot him, if in caſe hee preached on that Text again, which was (as they con­ceived) purpoſely choſen a­gainſt them; The next day32 hee went on upon the ſame Text, as yet unfiniſhed, back­ing what hee had ſaid before, when a ſouldier (in his eye) takes his Carbine, fumbles a­bout the lock, as if hee intend­ed ſomewhat, but the Preacher (conceiving it done onely to diſturb him) goes thorow his work without any further news of his ſouldier.

Thus continued hee upon his work in thoſe ſad daies; and though hee had a call to the Aſſembly at London, yet becauſe there was (as hee ſeriouſly thought) leſs need of him there, than in the Country, hee con­tinued his ſtation, till hee ſaw his tenements in the neighbour­hood fired, wood, and nurſe­ries of wood deſtroyed, himſelf threatned, and at laſt enforced by a Scottiſh Commander to33 ſhift for himſelf, ſome of his neighbours alſo being now rea­dy to betray him, therefore to London hee went.

Thither hee came a ſad man; To the Aſſembly hee went, where hee found much more undone, than done; there hee heard many excellent men, but ſtill hee travelled with his peo­ple, his wife and children left behinde. Reſt hee found none, till Gods providence ſet them down in ſafety by him; Then went hee with more comfort to the Aſſembly, yet ſtill did hee Antiquum obtinere, i. e. hear all, and ſay little.

Upon his remove, his Books and Notes (ſome few except­ed, which hee had preconvey­ed) together with all his goods left, were ſeized, his living given to another, but that might have34 been ſoon ſupplied, having ma­ny offers made him from many Ceaſts, and Country-Commit­tees.

The firſt, which hee liſtened to, was the Temple; but finding that Church (upon trial) too hard for him, hee deſiſted; at laſt hee was ſent to Buttolphs-Biſhopſgate, there (though over­matched alſo with a great Con­gregation, yet being neceſſita­ted to do ſomething for his fa­mily now come to him) hee took up, during his abode at the Aſſembly.

But ſome while after, himſelf, with four more Divines, were commanded to Oxon then un­der ſuſpenſion. This imploy­ment hee often profeſſed that hee did ſtudiouſly decline, up­on a double account.

Firſt, The Committee for35 Hamp-ſhire had freely called him to Petersfield, and thither hee would have gone gladly.

Secondly, Hee had long diſ­continued the Univerſity, and therefore looked upon himſelf as moſt unfit for ſuch a ſervice; but in concluſion, hee was told, That ſuch who would not bee entreated, muſt bee command­ed, and ſo was ordered to pre­pare for his journey. Now was hee exceedingly perplexed; to Petersfield hee goes, tells them how it ſtands with him, to them hee could not ſuddenly come, and deſires them to think of ſome other Miniſter, or elſe to take the care upon them­ſelves for the ſupply of both Churches (for two they were) and to pay the Preachers im­ployed out of the revenewes. They liked neither offer, onely36 they would wait a while in hopes of his ſetling with them. In the mean, they deſired him to provide men to his own liking; this put him to much care and trouble; For a time hee procured ſome from Oxon, and thoſe parts; After hee had employed friends for the pro­curing of others (for at this time Preachers were ſcarce) two were with much ado provided, the one whereof gave no good content; In the end hee was put upon it, either to quit Oxen, or Petersfield, the one hee durſt not decline, the other hee did to his exceeding grief, becauſe hee could not ſeal up ſuch reſpect and thanks to that Coun­ty which was due from him.

No leſs trouble had hee at Buttolphs Biſhopſgate (it being no eaſie matter to content Citi­zens)37 much ado there was be­fore that place could bee ſup­plied to all their mindes.

In the mean, amongſt many Libels caſt out at Oxon againſt other Preachers, one eſpecially took a ſurvey of Mr. Harris his Livings and Revenewes, hee reckons up all hee could hear of, paſt, preſent, and to come, and had hee heard of the reſt, which at ſeveral times were of­fered him, haply they had all been put into the Inventory. Upon notice given of ſuch a Pamphlet, Mr. Harris wrote to ſome friends (which letters are already extant) for his own vindication in the main, how­beit he profeſſed to his friends, that it would and ſhould bee matter of humbling to him whilſt hee lived, that hee had given the leaſt advantage to an38 adverſary; for however hee ſtood clear in his own and others conſciences (who beſt knew him) that hee was far from the allowance of non-reſidency and pluralities, yet to men who knew not all paſſages, there was ſome appearance of evil, which hee took to heart, the more be­cauſe hee found Gods afflicting hand upon him, and his, thence forward.

To return to Oxon, there things ſtand but untowardly, whilſt the Preachers ſent are li­belled by their own Mothers chil­dren on the one hand, and with­all challenged into a diſputa­tion by one Mr Erbery, and his followers on the other: Such a motion or challenge (it ſeems) was made, which Mr. Harris utterly diſliked (obſerving that diſputes in that nature ſend a­way39 each party more ſtrength­ened in their opinion, than they found them) notwithſtanding his Brethren did not think it fit for them to decline it, onely they deſired his concurrence ſo far, at leaſt, that hee would be­gin the work with prayer. Ac­cordingly they met, and the iſſue was, that all were cenſu­red, ſome for ſpeaking, others for their ſilence; in this latter rank hee was willingly pla­ced.

About this time comes the Chancellour (the Earl of Pem­broke) to viſit the Univerſity, who, pro more, beſtowed degrees upon Scholars there, amongſt whom Mr. Harris (who never thought himſelf the better Scholar or Preacher thereby) was admitted Doctor of Divi­nity, which, had it not been the40 favour of his betters hee had re­fuſed; But hee had learned, That an empty hand from a Prince, and a naked title from his Chancellour, muſt be counted an honour.

By this time many Headſhips (before voided) were now to bee ſupplied. Dr. Harris pro­feſſed, that foraſmuch as it was noiſed, That theſe reforming Preachers, came thither to play their own game, namely, to thruſt out others, and to uſurp their pla­ces, therefore hee would keep him to his old courſe, viz. to ſtand ſi­lent, without opening his mouth for any Headſhip at all.

Well, the beſt places are ſoon diſpoſed of, neither any news of any for him, till a Noble man, of the other Univerſity, mentioned him, whereupon hee was aſſigned to Trinity Col­ledge;41 This ſome of his friends ſtranged at, conſidering that hee was (though the meaneſt in his own eyes) yet the eldeſt man, and one who had ſuffered more by the times, than any, if not all the reſt.

For his own part hee ſaid little, but inquired for the Head deprived, and into the nature of the place. As touching the Head of that houſe, hee was not willing to meddle with his place, if hee could finde fa­vour to hold it, and to that pur­poſe forbore as long as could bee permitted. And as touch­ing the place, the ſmalneſs of the Colledge, and the Scituation thereof, did abundantly ſatisfie him, who never deſired any more than what would keep him from diſtractions in his ſtudies. The onely thing ſtuck42 at, was a Parſonage annexed to the Colledge.

But underſtanding the di­ſtance to bee ſmall, and the conditions eaſie (viz. eight Sermons per annum) hee the more inclined to it, though af­ter, upon further inquiry hee could not ſatisfie himſelf under two Sermons weekly; Howe­ver there hee ſate-down, and took a great deal of contentment in the Fellows of that Colledge, betwixt whom and him there was ever a fair correſponden­cy.

But at the Parſonage hee found the greater part (not­withſtanding they had been long taught) very ignorant, and wedded to their old cuſtomes, and (which hee looked up­on as a ſad Omen to the place) no ſooner did any there ſet his43 face towards Heaven, in any ſpecial manner, but the Lord took him out of the world, ſome few, very few excepted. Some motion was now made by the Committee at Oxon for his re­moval to New Colledge, upon the avoidance of it, but the motion began without him, and was ſtifled by him, when ex­ception above was taken by ſome againſt his uncapableneſs, being no Wincheſter-man. In truth (as hee profeſſed to his friends) hee deſired a little Col­ledge, rather than a great, hee being a man very much addicted to privacy and his book, which made him often to ſay, That were Trinity-Colledge a compe­tency without the Parſonage, hee would not leave it for any place, unleſs it were for ſome Hoſpi­tal; ſo much had hee ſeen into44 the vanity and cumber of the world.

In his ltter daies hee began to grow weary of journies, whereupon ſome well-affected Citizens in Oxon (moved there­to in a Sermon preached to them by Dr. Cheynell) made ſome overtures to him to read a Catechiſm-Lecture, or ſome Brinciples of Religion (as hee thought fitteſt) in one of their Churches; in lieu whereof they would allow him (at their charges) an Aſſiſtant at his Parſonage. The motion was good, the exerciſe needful, on­ly it was queſtionable how ſuch a work would take in ſuch a place amongſt wits and Scho­lars; yet becauſe hee had be­moaned himſelf to God in pri­vate, That his comfort was little in the place where hee preached,45 and had made it his humble ſute That the Lord would not lay him aſide, but ſome way employ him, whilſt any ability was left him, becauſe (I ſay) hee had thus prayed, and this motion imme­diately ſucceeded, hee durſt not ſleight it, but ſet upon the work with much acceptance and aſſiſtance, the Lord giving ſtrength beyond his years; and thus hee continued preaching once a Sabbath at his Parſonage, once weekly in the City, and conſtantly in his turn at the U­niverſity, and that not onely in Engliſh, but in Latin alſo. Yet wee are not at the end of his travels; when he had now freed himſelf of ſecular affairs, pla­ced all his children, left himſelf nothing elſe to do, but to pre­pare himſelf and wife for their graves, having lived about fifty46 years together, it pleaſed the Lord to exerciſe him ſtrange­ly.

His wife, moſt religiouſly bred, born of Parents eminent­ly pious, a moſt conſtant wor­ſhipper of God all her time, who ſeldome roſe from her knees with dry eyes, was deli­vered up to Satans buffetings, to ſuch horrours of minde, and helliſh temptations, as ſmote a grief and terrour into all ſpecta­tors.

Then (as hee would often ſay) God made it appear to all Behol­ders, that the beſt man is no more than God makes him hourly; the re­ceiving of grace, the keeping of it, the uſe of it, the comfort & the en­joyment of it, is all from him. Nor is this true onely in ſupernatu­ral graces, but in the gifts of na­ture too, our wits, ſenſes, phan­taſies,47 are all in his hand, nor are the wiſeſt men any thing, any longer than hee continues them ſo.

This good woman was a ſad inſtance of all this, whoſe temp­tations were ſo fierce, ſo hor­rid, and withall ſo ſubtle, that they put the ableſt men to their wits to anſwer, and her poor ſelf beyond her ſelf, ſundry experienced Preachers and Pro­feſſors viſited her; and her Huſ­band (who had ſatisfied many others) could give her no peace. One day when ſhee was complaining that ſhee want­ed comfort, O ſaith hee, what an Idol do ſome make of comfort, as if their comfort were their Chriſt!

Amidſt all theſe trials, theſe comforts hee took notice of, 1 That ſhee was kept from48 blaſpheming the Higheſt (as ſhe ſtill ſtiled God) and from hurt­ing her ſelf or others. 2 That this affliction awakened him and his children; for they all ac­counted her the moſt conſcien­cious and innocent among them. 3 It put him upon more work, than his age would bear, that ſo hee might call out his thoughts upon buſineſs, and not eat up his own heart. And Laſt­ly, It wrought in him an holy deſpair of all creature-comforts; for now hee enjoyed neither childe, nor friend, nor meat, nor ſleep, having her continually in his eye, ear, and heart, and all friends fearing to come in ſight, leſt they ſhould wound themſelves, or trouble her. Onely inſtant prayers were con­tinued for her upon all occa­ſions, and I doubt not ſtill are49 in that City and Country, which gives hope that the Lord may yet pleaſe to make the end comfortable, and the con­queſt glorious.

However (as her Husband would ſay) The difference is not great whether comfort come in death, or an hour after, ſince comfort aſſuredly would come. And thus for the preſent wee leave her toſsing upon the waves and billows of Temptation (yet under a general expectation of a bleſſed Iſſue in the beſt time) and return once, and but once more, to her Husband now en­tring into the Haven of reſt.

After a long and laborious life (tedious perhaps to him who reads it, but more grie­vous to him who underwent it) wee come at length to his long and painful ſickneſs, ſick­neſs,50 I ſay, That uſual Harbin­ger of death.

In the Summer hee began to droop,Dr. Ba­thurſt. Dr. Willis. and finding a decay, ſent for two Phyſicians, well known to him and his by former experiences, and eminently known in the Univerſity, to whom hee would profeſs, That hee uſed means meerly in obedi­ence, but for his own part, hee could live, and durſt dye; His Phyſi­cians (as himſelf profeſſed) had proceeded ſo far, as Art and Learning could carry them, but herein they would loſe of their worth, that they had to deal with complicated diſeaſes, which were ſeldome removed, but moſt of all with old age, a diſeaſe which was never cured. His firſt encounter was with a vehement Pleuritical pain in his left ſide, to which was adjoyned a Feaver, as al­ſo51 a great defluxion of Rheume and oppreſſion of his lungs with flegm, and now when after di­vers weeks, all theſe Aſſay­lants ſeemed well nigh-van­quiſhed, through the tender care of his skilful Phyſicians, yet ſtill haeret lateri, That ene­my which had ſo long lodged in his boſome, brake forth in­to an Empyema, which hee ex­pectorated daily in ſo great a meaſure, for the ſpace of two months, or more, that hereby (together with ſome fits of his old diſeaſe, the ſtone and ſtran­gury) hee was not able to ſpeak much to thoſe that viſited him.

And herein hee made good what hee had often ſaid in his beſt ſtrength, viz. that little muſt bee expected from him on his death-bed, which pro­phetically52 occaſioned his pen to report (fearing his tongue might not then utter) his ad­vice and counſel to his family many years before his death; Indeed, hee rather forbore to ſpeak, becauſe hee perceived a deſign to make his words pub­lick, which hee was utterly un­willing to, neither would hee conſent that any thing of his life or death ſhould bee pen­ned; nay, hee could never bee perſwaded at any time to ſit, that his ſhadow might re­main, ſo deſirous was hee, that all of him might be buried with him. And albeit hee ſpit up thoſe lungs, which hee had waſted in the Pulpit, yet could not that light of grace bee ſo ſmothered under his buſhel, but oftentimes the beams thereof would ſhine forth, and himſelf53 would breathe out himſelf in pithy ſpeeches, and ſavoury diſcourſes.

At his firſt ſickneſs, being de­ſired to admit of company, hee anſwered, I am alone in company, it is all one to mee to bee left a­lone, or to have friends with mee, my work is now to arm my ſelf for death, which aſſaults mee, and I apply my ſelf (as I am able) for that great encounter. Accord­ingly hee ſpent his whole time in meditation, prayer, and in reading Gods book, eſpecial­ly the Book of the Pſalms, the Prophecie of Iſaiah, and St. Johns Goſpel, where hee took exceeding delight in the 10th. 14th. 15th. 16th. 17th. Chap­ters of that Evangeliſt.

After, when his long nights, and ſhort ſleep were tedious, when hee could not now riſe,54 or ſit upright to read, hee would command others to read unto him, and then would col­lect the chief uſeful things con­tained in the Chapter, expound­ing any thing hard in it, and ſweetly feeding on the reſt.

Still would hee exhort hiviſitants and attendants to get Faith above all:It is your victory, your life (would hee ſay) your peace, your crown, and your chief peece of ſpi­ritual armour; howbeit get on all, go forth in the Lords might, and ſtand to the fight, and then the iſſue ſhall bee glo­rious; onely forget not to call in the help of your General; do all from him, and under him.

On the Lords day hee would not hinder any from the pub­lick, for any thing to bee done55 for him, till Sermons were end­ed; then would hee ſay, Come, what have you for mee (meaning ſomething of repetition) to which hee would attend ſo di­ligently, as that hee would ſumme up the heads of every Sermon, and ſay, O what ex­cellent truths are theſe! Lay them up charily, you will have need of them.

When friends came to viſit him, hee would ſay, I cannot ſpeak, but I can hear; yet being asked where his comfort lay, hee anſwered, In Chriſt, and in the free Grace of God. To one that told him, Sir, you may take much comfort in your labours, you have done much good, &c. Hee anſwered, All was nothing without a Saviour. My beſt works (ſaid hee) would condemn mee; Oh I am aſhamed of them, being56 mixed with ſo much ſin: Oh I am an unprofitable ſervant, I have not done any thing for God as I ought; Loſs of time ſits heavy upon my ſpirit: Work, work a­pace, aſſure your ſelves nothing will more trouble you, when you come to dye, than that you have done no more for God, who hath done ſo much for you.

Sometimes he would breathe out himſelf thus, I never in all my life ſaw the worth of a Chriſt, ner taſted the ſweetneſs of Gods love in that meaſure, as now I do: Therefore being asked what ſhould bee done for him, hee anſwered, Do not onely pray for mee, but praiſe God for his un­ſpeakable mercy to mee; and in particular, that hee hath kept Satan from mee, in this my weak­neſs. Oh (ſaith hee) how good is God! entertain good thoughts of57 him; However it bee with us, wee cannot think too well of him, or too bad of our ſelves.

The ſenſe of Gods good­neſs was deeply imprinted on his heart to his very laſt; and therefore in all his Wills, this legacy was alwaies renewed, I­tem, I bequeath to all my children, and their childrens children, to each of them a Bible, with this In­ſcription, None but Chriſt. At what time hee was viſited by two Reverend Doctors,Dr. S. Dr. C. which were his choice friends, who before they prayed with him, deſired him to tell them what hee chiefly requeſted? hee an­ſwered, I praiſe God hee ſupports mee, and keeps off Satan: Beg that I may hold out, I am now in a good way home, even quite ſpent, I am now at the ſhore, I leave you toſſing on the Sea. Oh58 it is a good time to dye in. Yet nearer his end, being often ask­ed, How hee did, hee anſwered, In no great pain (I praiſe God) onely weary of my unuſeful life. If God have no more ſervice for mee to do here, I could bee gladly in Heaven, where I ſhall ſerve him better, freed from ſin and diſtractions. I paſs from one death to another, yet I fear none; I praiſe God I can live, I dare dye. If God have more work for mee to do here, (as that Antient ſaid,Domine ſi tibi ſim neceſſarius non recuſo, &c. Po­mer. to which hee ſeemed to allude) I am willing to do it, al­though my infirm body bee very weary.

Deſiring one to pray, That God would haſten the work, It was asked, Whether pain, &c. put him upon that deſire? Hee replied, No: But I do now no good, I hinder others which might59 bee better imployed, if I were not: Why ſhould any deſire to live, but to do God ſervice? Now I ceaſe from that, I do not live.

By this time the violence of his diſtempers and advice of his Phyſicians forbad ſpeech, yet did hee call upon his atten­dants to read the Scriptures to him conſtantly, eſpecially upon a Son of his with him to pray with him frequently; and whilſt life and language laſted, hee concluded all prayers with a loud Amen.

Hee ſlumbered much the nearer hee came to his laſt ſleep. Once upon his awake, hee found himſelf exceeding ill, called for his Son, and taking him by the hand, ſaid, Pray with mee, it is the last time in likeli­hood that ever I ſhall joyn with you, and complaining to him of60 his weariſomeneſs, his Son an­ſwered, There remains a reſt, To whom hee replied, My Sab­bath is not far off, and yours is at hand; Ere that, I ſhall bee rid of all my trouble, and you will bee eaſed of ſome.

At length this ruinous Fort which (onely in obedience to his great Commander) had held out beyond his own de­ſire, and all mens expectations, from the height of Summer, to the depth of Winter, comes to bee yeelded up. About Sa­turday even, hee began to ſet himſelf to dye, forbids all cor­dials to bee adminiſtred, upon whatſoever extremity, gives his dying bleſſing to his Son, (who onely of all his children was with him) and (upon his requeſt) enjoyns him to ſigni­fie upon occaſion in that Coun­try,61 where hee was longeſt known, That hee lived and died in the Faith which he had preach­ed and printed, and now hee found the comfort of it: Something elſe hee began to ſpeak, but his diſtempers interrupted his de­ſires, and from that time never entertained any diſcourſe with the ſons of men, onely com­manded the 8th. of the Romans to bee read to him. And here­in God was exceedingly good to him in the return of thoſe petitions put up for him that af­ternoon, by thoſe two eminent Divines, and his deareſt Bre­thren above mentioned; for whereas his diſtempers gave oc­caſion to fear that his death would bee exceeding painful, yet was it ſo eaſie, that his ſon and other attendants, could but gueſs at the particular time of62 his departure; his breathings were eaſie and even, his eyes open and full of water, till at the laſt (having lifted them up towards Heaven) they cloſed of themſelves, and his ſoul, without the leaſt motion or re­ſiſtance of body, entred into reſt, whilſt wee below were entring into the day of reſt. For then began hee a perpetual Sabbath in Heaven, when wee began ours on Earth, twixt twelve and one on Saturday, Decemb. 11. 1658. Hee died in a good old age, and full of daies, having out-lived fourſcore years, much bewailed by the Colledge, by the City, and whole Univer­ſity. Thus have wee for the ſa­tisfaction of ſome, and the ſilen­cing of others, given you a plain and impartial narrative of the life and death of this eminent63 Divine, collected partly out of his own letters, and partly from their mouths, who beſt underſtood him; Let us now look upon himſelf within him­ſelf, and there ſee what was in him, for the imitation of all. Dr. Harris was (confeſſedly) a man of admirable prudence, profound judgement, eminent gifts and graces, and furniſhed with all qualifications which might render him a compleat man, a wiſe governour, a pro­fitable Preacher, and a good Chriſtian.

Here is a large field, but I ſhall contract and ſpeak in few.

Firſt, Look upon him as a Chriſtian, becauſe that was his and our greateſt ornament; Hee was a man that had much ac­quaintance with God, much64 communion with him in private meditation and devotion, ac­counting thoſe his beſt daies, wherein hee had moſt converſe with him.

One in his ſickneſs asking him how hee did, Oh, ſaith hee, this hath been a ſweet day, I have had ſweet communion with God in Jeſus Chriſt. Hee was none of them that were all for promiſes and priviledges, mean while neglect duties. Hee made them his exerciſe, but not his Chriſt. Hee was much in the work of thoſe ſeverer points of Reli­gion, as private humiliation, mortification, and ſelf-denial, whereby hee gained the con­queſt of himſelf. In truth, hee was (as far as is conſiſtent with humane frailty) Maſter of his corruptions, whatſoever paſ­ſions, reaſon, appetite, language, all.


The Lord wrought upon him betimes; Though hee knew not the Preacher or Sermon that converted him, yet his courſe was, in the daies of his ſtricteſt examination, to ſet down his evidences for ſalva­tion in writing, now in Propoſi­tions from Scripture, now in Syllogiſms; Theſe hee often ſubſcribed to, in a book kept for that very purpoſe. But theſe evidences were beſt read in the courſe of his life, which was an exact walking with God in Piety, Charity, Humility, Patience, and Dependence on him. Hee was none of thoſe who ſate in Moſes Chair, but did not the things which them­ſelves taught: Hee had well digeſted that Fathers Precept to Preachers; Either preach not at all, or live as you preach. His66 life was the Commentary upon his Doctrine, his practice the counterpart of his Sermons; what was ſaid of that precious Jewel,In the life of B. Jew­ell. was true of him, That hee adorned an heavenly Do­ctrine with an heavenly Life. In a word, hee did vertere ver­ba in opera, hee lived Religion, whilſt many diſcourſe onely. Hee was much more than hee ſeemed to bee; hee loved not to make a noiſe in the world, accounting it much better to do, than to ſpeak.

His Charity to the poor was no leſs diſcreet, than private. When hee met with juſt ob­jects of Charity, his hand was more ready to give, than his mouth to proclaim it. Juſtice (they ſay) ſhould bee blinde, and know no difference of per­ſons, but Charity ſhould have67 her eyes in her head, and one eye eſpecially on the houſhold of Faith. It is true, hee was no friend to idle lazy perſons, who live on the ſweat of others brows, like Pharaohs lean kine, devouring the fat, yet no whit the fatter; Theſe hee looked upon as the Peſts of the Com­mon-wealth, nor could hee think it Charity to relieve ſuch to the prejudice of the publick, and to their own deſtruction: But Gods poor were his, and lay neer his heart. Hee that ſhall ſurvey his large bills of week­ly and quarterly allowances (beſides round ſumms to poor Miniſters, eſpecially their Wi­dows and Orphans, who never knew the Donor) and ſhall ex­amine his Legacies in his Will to charitable uſes, cannot but acknowledge his charity (what­ever68 others think of him) did exceed the proportion of his re­venewes. Though naturally hee were of a stout and maſ­culine temper, yet through grace hee had attained a very humble ſpirit. Hee was low and mean in his own eyes, and had more undervaluing thoughts of himſelf, than all the world be­ſides had of him; very ſenſible hee was of that enemy which hee much complained of, viz. Diſcouragement, which hee cal­led the childe of Pride and Un­beleef. It muſt needs bee a great meaſure of humility that could keep a man low under ſuch abilities, attainments, and ſuch general applauſe. Hee was wont to ſay, That hee va­lued no man for his gifts, but for his humility under them; neither would hee expect much from69 any man, were his parts never ſo great, till broken with af­fliction and temptation.

It was his obſervation, That the humbleſt Preachers converted moſt ſouls, not the choiceſt Scho­lars, whilſt unbroken.

Sometime hee would uſe this ſpeech, which though it ſeem­ed to ſpeak a contradiction, yet hath it much truth in it, It is better to bee an humble Devil, than a proud Angel. Hee never affected Popularity, Pulpits, Printing, &c. As one conſcious to himſelf, of I know not what unworthineſs. Neither ever came hee thus abroad in pub­lick, but when haled by im­portunity.

Secondly, Conſider him as a Man in his Morals; firſt, whe­ther in the Government of his particular ſelf, or family, or his70 greater truſts, you ſhall alwaies finde him like himſelf, excel­lent, and (almoſt) without an equal.

Hee was exactly temperate, confining himſelf to hours for diet, ſleep, &c. Hee would of­ten ſay, That hee had rather pour liquor into his boots, than into his mouth, between meals. V. Serm. called Drunkards Cup.A ſtrict obſerver of thoſe Laws of ſo­briery, which St. Paul had preſt upon Miniſters, and which hee himſelf had publickly printed for others; hee eat ſparingly and ſeaſonably, which (doubt­leſs) was one great means of preſerving ſuch a vigour of ſpi­rit, to ſo great an age; his one­ly play-time, was Saturday in the afternoon, then hee would unbend, and disburden himſelf, by ſome harmleſs recreation ad Ruborem onely. Hee was a71 man of an excellent carriage, and ſweet behaviour, whereby hee wonn much upon all; grave without affectation, pleaſant without levity; Indeed hee did never love to hear himſelf talk, and was therefore by ſome thought too reſerved, but when hee knew with whom hee had to do, hee was communi­cative enough. No man more candid, nor fuller of civility, none more open and free to entertain or return diſcourſes. Hee was very cautious ere hee ſtruck a league of intimate friendſhip with any man, but when hee had once done it, hee was cordial, firm and con­ſtant, his head, his hand, tongue, pen, feet, purſe, all were now no longer his own, but his feiends. It is ſaid of the French, that whatever72 cloaths they wear, whatſoever garb they accoſt you in, be­comes them ſo well, as if nothing elſe did. And our Doctor had this advantage (as a great Cri­tick in men,Mr. R. M. as well as books obſerved of him) That what­ſoever hee did or ſpoke, became him.

It was a very rare thing to ſee him angry; If at any time others folly had diſcompoſed him, or their ſin (the greateſt folly) had provoked him, yet could hee quickly command himſelf, and convert his paſ­ſion into wholeſome inſtru­ction.

Though hee had great parts and acquirements, yet hee would never ſleight or under­value, much leſs contemn or diſcourage any, whom he found right in the main.


In his cenſures hee was ve­ry ſparing, gentle to others, ſe­vere onely to himſelf.

Hee had a ſpecial gift of for­getting injuries, but would offer none; his memory never ſerved him better, than for any civilities received, to which hee would induſtriouſly make what proportionable returns hee could. Hee was very fear­ful, leſt hee ſhould give any occaſion of ſuſpition that hee forgot or neglected any, be­cauſe hee could not readily re­collect mens names, inſomuch that hee would ſay, If hee lived long bee ſhould forget his own name, with him in Valerius.

At meals hee was uſually comical and facetious, yet ſtill would hee enquire of the pub­lick, or of particular Towns, or Families, whence hee would74 alwaies extract ſomething for prayers or praiſes in his returns after meat.

In his Family hee had (a­mongſt the reſt) that compre­henſive qualification of a good Biſhop, that hee ruled well his own houſe. His method in the education of his children was this;

In general, his care was to maintain his authority over them (which is much preſſed by a Reverend Divine) yet even that authority was equally tem­pered with lenity and gravity:Mr. Hil­derſ. on Pſal. 51. Lect. Hee could love them without fondneſs, and rule them with­out rigour. In particular, as ſoon as his children could uſe their tongue, they were taught to repeat the hiſtory of Scrip­ture; ſo ſoon as they could well feel their feet, they were ſet75 to ſchool; when they could re­collect any portion of a Chapter, read, or bring home any paſ­ſage of a Sermon, hee would in­ſtruct them in the fundamen­tals of Religion. When child­hood was gone, hee called upon them for the practice of Reli­gion, and hee diligently ob­ſerved their private perfor­mance of religious exerciſes.

Their Mother, in the mean while, was no leſs careful to inculcate their Fathers inſtru­ctions; ſtill, as they grew up, hee diligently obſerved their capacities, inclinations, but e­ſpecially conſtitutions, whence hee could make a ſhrewd gueſs at that ſin which after would prove the darling corruption, that accordingly hee might ſo ſhape their callings, as that ſin might bee leaſt ſuccoured, and76 moſt ſubdued. His Rule was, When you are youths, chuſe your callings; when you are men, your wives; onely take mee along with you, it may bee old men may ſee farther than you. Thus, whilſt hee condeſcended to them, and they ſubmitted to him, all were gratified.

Though hee had a numerous Iſſue (yet through Gods bleſ­ſing upon his eſtate) hee diſpo­ſed of them in no mean employ­ments: Hee ſent many to the Univerſities, ſome to Mer­chandiſe, &c. To his Sons bred in the Univerſity, hee would ſay, Study work more than wa­ges; To thoſe bred in the Ci­ties, hee would ſay, Do not waſte a half-penny, and you will not want a penny. So well did they all improve, as his advice, ſo their own time and parts,77 that they became Maſters of their particular callings, from whence hee received no ſmall comfort. Hee acknowledged it a great mercy to his dying day, that none of his children were blemiſhed, either by na­ture, or in their reputation; hee was one of them, in whoſe chil­dren, that ſlander of the Pa­piſts, concerning the ungraciouſ­neſs of the children of the mar­ried Clergy, receives a real con­futation. Hee buried many Sons in their prime, ſome in forein parts, others at home, and ſome followed ſhortly after him, yet have wee comfortable hopes to conclude upon a ratio­nal Charity (grounded upon the pious letters from thoſe a­broad, and from that particular account of themſelves, who died neerer home) that they all78 met in Heaven. I forbear to ſpeak of thoſe remaining, who need not my atteſtation, On­ly I crave leave to ſprinkle ſome freſh tears upon the grave of one that hears mee not;Mr. Tho. Harris of Madg. Col. Oxon. once my deareſt and intireſt friend, who was eminently learned be­yond his age, an ornament to the Noble Foundation whereof hee was a Member; once the joy of his friends, ſtill their ſor­row, whoſe remembrance makes my wounds bleed afreſh, and if I miſgueſs not, this arrow from Gods hand, ſtuck deep in the Fathers heart to the very laſt.

For his Servants, there are ſome men yet living, that ſerved him in his younger daies, who bleſs God that ever they came under his roof, where they re­ceived the beginnings of grace, and ſuch a meaſure of know­ledge,79 as hath kept them from warping in theſe giddy times.

Amongſt his Antient Flock, where (by the way) hee ne­ver adminiſtred the Sacrament, without a religious Faſt of a whole day, and after in his ſmall Colledge, hee managed all affairs with ſuch prudence, that hee was both feared and loved. In the Colledge eſpecially, his Government was ſuch, that it cauſed a wonder, for whereas that Colledge was famous for factions, there was not in his time any complaint made to a­ny Viſitors. In truth, the Foun­dation there, honoured him as a Father, and hee looked upon them, and loved them as chil­dren, accordingly hee ſealed up his love to them in his laſt Will and Teſtament.

Hee hated the ſhadow of80 Bribery, and Blancht Bribery, as hee called Gifts. Examples are known in the Colledge, of Gratuities refuſed, long after fair and free Elections.

Laſtly, Look upon him as a Scholar, and here wee have him in his proper element; it muſt bee acknowledged, that though hee left the Univerſitie early, and preached conſtantly, yet being a retired man, a conſtant Student, and of great parts, hee had maſtered all manner of learning qualifying a Divine In the ſacred Languages, eſpecially the Hebrew, hee was ve­ry exact.

His Clerums ſpeak him a pure and polite Latiniſt, one of which preached and printed ſo long ſince, hath undergone the teſt, and gained the approba­tion of all knowing men in that81 language; The other younger by full forty years, yet of as good a complexion, and of as vigorous conſtitution, as its elder Brother, and it is to bee hoped may in due time bee made as publick.

What his abilities were in Argument, hath occaſionally appeared in the Colledge-Exer­ciſe in the Chapel, where oft­times in the unexpected ab­ſence of the Opponents, hee would ex tempore, take up the cudgels, and make good their ground. In theſe exerciſes hee manifeſted himſelf a ſubtil, clear, and ready Diſputant, without any grains of allow­ance, either for age, or diſcon­tinuance.

His choice learning lay where hee made leaſt ſhew of it in publick, viz. in Chronology,82 Church-Hiſtory, Councils, Caſe-Divinity, and his inſight into the Fathers.

But his parts were beſt known in the Pulpit; his gifts in prayer were much above ordi­nary; his affections warm and keen, his petitions pithy and ſinewous; his language perti­nent, unaffected, and without Tautologies; Oh how hee would boy up a dull and ſink­ing ſpirit! how hee would warm a cold and frozen heart! how would hee carry a mans ſelf out of himſelf, and by de­grees lift up the ſoul Heaven­ward!

His Sermons are well known in Print, his works commend him in the gate; The particular excellency of Nazianzen, Baſil, Chryſoſtome, Auſtin, Ambroſe, Bernard, ſeemed all united in83 him. It was hee who taught Rhetorick to ſpeak in our Mo­ther-tongue, and hee may bee ſtiled (without falſhood or flat­tery) The Engliſh Oratour: His Doctrines carried Light with them, his Application, Heat; his Reproofs were weighty, his Exhortations melting: But of this enough, leſt wee hear, as hee did, who ſpent much time in the commendation of Hercu­les, Quis unquam vituperavit? what either Chriſtian or Scho­lar, but approved or commend­ed him? Would you know the worth of his Sermons, read them (though read, they come ſhort of the ſame preached) read them again and again, and labour to read them with the ſame ſpirit they were preached, and you ſhall finde the excel­lency of them.


Among his excellencies, which were many in preaching, theſe were not the leaſt, that hee could cook his meat, to make it relliſh every palate; hee could dreſs a plain diſcourſe, ſo as that all ſorts ſhould bee de­lighted. Hee could preach with a learned plainneſs, and had learned the Art to conceal it. Hee had clear notions of the higheſt points, and proper lan­guage to make them ſtoop to the capacity of the common hearer.

His way in contrivance and penning of Sermons, was this,

1 Hee did ſo contrive the parts of his Text, and points thence, as might give moſt ſcope in his Application, where­in his, and a Sermons excellen­cy conſiſts. Therefore, was hee wont to ſay, in a Sermon hee con­trived85 the Uſes firſt; Hee would handle the ſame Texts and points often, yet ſtill would hee pen new Applications ſhaped to the quality and con­dition of his Auditory.

2 For penning, when hee began, hee would never take pen from Paper, or turn to any book, till hee had written all.

In his younger time, about twenty years together, hee penned exactly, and could without much ado, preach the ſame verbatim; hee was wont to ſay, That hee had a fluid and wateriſh memory; I can (would hee have ſaid) quickly remember any thing of my own, and as quickly forget it again; yet doubtleſs his memory was very vaſt and tenacious; for albeit ſometimes hee had ſhort notes in his Bible, and that rarely, yet86 did hee never uſe them, more than when hee preached a Cle­rum of late years, hee glanced once upon his Papers. His cuſtome was, immediately after hee had heard a Sermon, to ſet down the heads thereof, I do not know that ever hee forgat any main head, and ſeldome miſplaced them; upon Faſt­nights hee would repeat two, and ſometimes three Sermons that day delivered, in the ſame order as delivered.

Diſcourſing with a friend a­bout memories, hee ſaid, That his memory never failed him, which hee preſently explained, becauſe hee durſt never truſt it.

Hee would ſay, that a Preacher had three Books to ſtudy; firſt, the Bible, ſecondly, himſelf, thirdly, the people.


Hee looked much to the Ordinance and Relation twixt Paſtor and People, and would ſay, That preaching to them was but one piece of the Paſtors duty; Hee was to live and die in them, as well as for, and with them.

Hee complained much of the large inſiſting upon Doctrinal parts of points, when little or no room was left for Applica­tion; and found that few, either in Cities, or in the Univerſitie, bended themſelves to inlarge upon Uſes; which made Ser­mons to differ little from Divi­nity-Lectures; and though all Preachers could not eaſily en­large themſelves there, yet hee would ſtill call upon them to accuſtome themſelves to it. Hee would relate a paſſage of Mr. Dod, concerning Mr. Cartwright, who often preached88 at Hanwell, occaſionally in his daies) Mee thoughts (ſaid Mr. Dod) whilſt I heard him the Doctrinal part of his Sermon, I was in Heaven, but when hee came to Apply, I ſometime thought, that had I been in his place, I could preſently apply his point more cloſely.

Many young Preachers reſort­ed to him for counſel, both for their private ſtudies, and the Pulpit. Hee would perſwade young men, for many reaſons, to pen largely, and to keep their Notes for all Emergen­cies, often commending Mr. Dods words, who profeſſed, That hee would rather preach an old Sermon ten times, than ſpeak any thing new without prepara­tion. Hee would ſay, That hee would have a Preacher able to exceed himſelf upon juſt occa­ſion,89 and not alwaies to kee pthe ſame pace. Although this held not alwaies in himſelf, for (ge­nerally) his hearers commend­ed thoſe Sermons moſt, which coſt leaſt; and himſelf would ſay, That hee never came off with worſe comfort and content to himſelf, than when hee was in appearance beſt provided; and hee gave his reaſon, not becauſe hee had uſed diligence in pre­paring (for that was duty) but becauſe then hee was apteſt to preſume upon himſelf, and to neglect his dependence on God.

Many took his advice for books in Divinity, to whom hee would open himſelf freely; ſome hee would perſwade to read Ames his Medulla, Tileni Syntagma, Bucanus, and ſuch like; To ſome others hee90 would commend Aquinas his Summs (which Dr. John Rey­nolds was wont to call that abſo­lute body of Divinity) Melchior Canus, and of late Mr. Bowles his Paſtor Evangelicus; But ſtill would hee call upon all to read the Text in the tongues, and to Analyſe Chapters. This hee perſwaded Mr. Pemble to, and ſet him upon the Book of the Preacher, Eccleſiaſtes (which hee accounted a very hard Book, till hee met with that brief, but pithy expoſition of that incomparable Divine Dr. Edward Reynolds) and after that upon Zachary. When hee was conſulted with about Wri­ters, hee would ask what they aimed at in a Writer, for men had their ſeveral excellencies. For Acuteneſs hee would com­mend Mr. Baine, and his ſecond,91 Dr. Ames, Mr. John Ball, Mr. Capel, &c. if they attended the ſpiritual part of Divinity, hee would leave them to Dr. Sibbs; If the Rational, to Dr. Preſton, if the Hiſtorical to Biſhop Uſher. For ſolid Preachers, hee much prized Dr. Saunderſons firſt works (to his latter hee was a meer ſtranger) Mr. Randall, Mr. Hilderſham, Dr. Reynolds, &c. And for all the requiſites in a Preacher, both for matter, method, elocution, pronuncia­tion, all, hee would often ſay, That hee ſeldome met with an abler man than his Brother Whateley of Banbury.

His judgement being asked upon Commentators, hee would ſay,that hee was now more of Dr. J. Reynolds mind than ever, concerning Calvin, for upon experience (would92 hee ſay) I finde that moſt of the late Writers do but deſ­cant upon his plain ſong, and the Jeſuites were very Pla­giaries, who will firſt rob him, and then rail at him.

Next to him hee would commend ſundry later men, as Pareus, Rivet, Mr. Cartwright eſpecially, together with ſome Popiſh Writers, as Maldonate, (whoſe wit and learning hee commended better than his ſpi­rit.) Before him, Learned Maſius, Modeſt Ribera, and (for ought he found by him) Honeſt Eſtius. Being asked about the beſt E­ditions, hee would ſay, that what was ſaid of Homer, was true of the Fathers, and the firſt Popiſh Writers, viz. That was the beſt ſtill, which was leaſt corrected. Of the Antient Fa­thers, hee would ſay, that un­leſs93 it were for their Polemical, and Hiſtorical parts, their wri­tings were more for devotion and affection, than for their judgement and underſtanding.

For Modern Authors, this was his Opinion generally, that what Engliſh-men did ex profeſ­ſo, undertake, they did beſt per­form. No men beyond them in expounding Scriptures, in anſwering Papiſts, Arminians, &c. None equal to them in the Pulpit, or in Practical, or Caſe-Divinity; and herein hee held Cambridge very happy in her Whitakers, Downhams, Dave­nants, Perkinſes, to omit many more; and at Oxon hee would lay one J.Dr. C. Reynolds (to paſs in ſilence a younger Reynolds, and his Son-in-Law born a School­man) in the ballance with hundreds, as a man never ſuf­ficiently94 admired for his humi­lity, as well as for his learn­ing.

For Schoolmen, hee liked ma­ny things in them, but onely their awkward and ignorant quo­ting of Scriptures, and multi­plying uſeleſs Queſtions, with needleſs obſcurities.

For Lutherans, hee commen­ded divers of them for Learn­ing and Induſtry, but diſliked their tartneſs.

Arminius (though none of the beſt) hee liked better than his Diſciples and Succeſſors, who were more deſperate and dangerous in the five controver­ted Points, than many Papiſts.

As for Socinianiſm, hee held it but a kinde of Blancht Ma­hometiſm. Generally, hee ob­ſerved this, That thoſe Pa­piſts, who were moſt conver­ſant95 in the Scriptures, came neareſt to us; the ſame of the Lutherans alſo, as Chemnitius, Gerrard, Hemingius, &c.

For our condition at home, hee was ſparing to ſay much, yet ſome things lay much up­on his ſpirit. As

1 Hee complained, that the Power of Godlineſs, and Ex­erciſe of Love, and Self-denial, were much abated in theſe lat­ter daies. Hee did much be­wail the vaſt difference (in garb and practice) twixt new and old Profeſſors.

2 That the indulgence yield­ed to tender conſciences, was much abuſed to prophaneneſs, whilſt men of no conſcience moſt pleaded that liberty of chuſing their own Churches and Teachers, and on the mat­ter abandoned all.


3 That the liberty of Pro­phecying, which ſome pretend to, was abuſed to meer licen­tiouſneſs, and confuſion; ſome making none, ſome all Prophets and Preachers.

4 That in the Univerſity, few could bee called conſtant Students, but the moſt made a ſhort work of it, and poſted into the Pulpit before they un­derſtood their grounds, ſo that few were inabled to encounter Emergent Errours.

5 That in the Church, men were in extreams; ſome preſ­ſing nothing but Law, others preaching nothing but the Goſ­pel and Chriſt.

6 Hee complained of the want of catechiſing, and prin­cipling youth, the want of which hee ſaw by experience, occaſioned the peoples giddi­neſs.


7 But moſt of all hee be­wailed the readineſs of many to ſide and make diviſions; hee did not love to uſe, or to hear uſed, dividing names and titles, which occaſioned him often to relate Mr. Greenhams Anſwer to Trea­ſurer Cecil, who being asked on which ſide the blame lay in that great Rend betwixt the Biſhops and Anti-Biſhops, anſwered, that the fault was on both ſides, and in neither ſide; for (ſaid hee) the godly-wiſe on both ſides bear with each other, and concenter in the main, but then there bee ſelfiſh, peeviſh ſpirits, on both ſides ſome, and theſe make the quarrel.

Hee applied this to our times, and diſtinctions of Presbyterian and INDEPENDENT. Men of humble and ſincere hearts, though different in Opinions, can and do walk together, pray98 together, and love one another; but men, who wholly look at their own intereſts, blow the coals, and fare, as if the Opi­nions were irreconcilable, and every one to bee diſaffected to Chriſts cauſe, who goes not their pace and path.

For his own part he did pro­feſs freely, that he was not con­vinced of ſome things earneſt­ly preſſed touching Church-Government; hee did not con­ceive any one external form to bee ſo eſſential to a Church, but that it might ſtill deſerve that name, though under a Presbyterian, or Independent, or Epiſcopal form, ſo long as it was kept within the bounds of thoſe general Rules left in the Scriptures. It is true, ſome of theſe had been abuſed to Tyranny, and the reſt might in99 time bee abuſed alſo, but the uſe and abuſe of things are far different; hee would not com­mend either one ſide or other in their rigid exactions in ſome caſes.

For Presbytery, though hee thought that B. Bilſon could never (with all his learning) diſprove the being of lay El­ders in the Apoſtles times, yet hee thought it not ſo eaſie a thing to prove the perpetuity of ſuch an Ordinance to the worlds end, eſpecially ſo cloa­thed, and attended with all thoſe Perquiſites which ſome heretofore called for; hee thought that there was ſome reaſon in that diſtinction of Ju­ris Humani, and Jure Humano, what ever his Application was, who firſt uſed it; but for the thing it ſelf, ſith it is not alto­gether100 diſproved, but allowed, yea, once commanded, and not ſince retracted (for ought hee knew) hee ſaw no reaſon why any man ſhould, eo nomine, bee aſperſed, becauſe a Presbyterian, by any Diſſenting Brethren.

For the other of Independen­cy, hee confeſſed that it was a politick way, and free from much trouble and oppoſition, for who ſhall oppoſe the Mini­ſter, when all are of his mind before they are admitted? not­withſtanding hee could never ſatisfie himſelf, (though upon occaſion hee often deſired it) in ſome Particulars. As

1 What warrant there is to take out of anothers flock his beſt ſheep, and to entertain them without his conſent or teſtimony? hee asks whether a­ny man would bee willingly ſo101 ſerved, were it his caſe; and further offers, whether this would not open a gap, that ſo ſoon as a member is offended with his own Paſtor (haply upon deſerved reproof) pre­ſently to bee received of ano­ther.

2 To leave the cullen ſheep in a hard condition, for hee asks how they are looked upon? and truly, the Anſwer muſt bee, little otherwiſe than on Heathen. The Miniſter may preach to ſuch, and what more may hee do to theſe, when the chief are gone?

3 This way ſeemed to him to bee very deſtructive to that relation between Paſtor and People.

4 Further, hee conceived this way of gathering of Churches into private places102 and companies, to bee prejudi­cial to Gods publick worſhip, experience ſhewing us, that in many places of late, the publick ordinances are moſtly diſuſed, preaching onely excepted, which might bee vouchſafed to Cannibals, if they would hear.

Laſtly, For Congregations to conſiſt of members at ſuch a diſtance, as that one ſhould live in the North, another in the South, &c. many miles aſun­der, where there ſhall bee little inſpection on the Pastors part, little communion and edifica­tion on the Peoples part, this, hee would ſay, hee did not un­derſtand, nor could hee finde any precept in the word, or a­ny preſident or practice there­of in Antiquity, ſo long as wee ſpeak of Churches conſtituted, and out of perſecution, baniſh­ment,103 &c. Theſe things hee did ſparingly write or ſpeak with much fear and grief.

Amongſt the reſt, hee did very much bewail the ſo much ſleighting of ſolemn Ordination of Miniſters, the function being ſo ſacred, the work of the Mini­ſtry ſo important, and the Mini­ſter of ſo Publick Concernment; hee could but wonder, when as in all other offices, there is ſuch a ſolemnity at mens inſtalments and augurations, that a Mini­ſter and Embaſſador of Jeſus Chriſt, ſhould bee ſilently ad­mitted, without faſting, prayer, and publick ſolemnity.

Thus for the publick; as to private Paſſages, it were end­leſs to write all his Obſerva­tions, hee being a man very ob­ſerving. Ile name a few.

Hee obſerved, that ſuch104 who often changed their prin­ciples and faith profeſſed, fell uſually from Scepticiſm to Atheiſm.

That ſo much humility as any man had, ſo much grace and worth, and no more.

That nothing was to bee accounted good in or to any man, but that which was his proper fruit, and done by vir­tue of his calling, from a prin­ciple of God, and for him.

That the beſt man had no ſecurity from any one ſin, or fall, or temptation, any further or longer than he was held up by Chriſts hand & mediation.

That God did often leave us to own Satans ſuggeſtions as ours, becauſe wee did not own God in his holy motions and breathings,

That it was juſt with God105 to deny us the comforts of our graces, when wee denied him the glory of them.

In himſelf hee obſerved, that what hee unſeaſonably forgat in the week, would preſs in unſeaſonably on the Sab­bath. That hee could, durſt hee, contrive more worldly buſineſs on the Sabbath, than hee could diſpatch all the week.

That hee found no greater enemy than diſcouragement, that childe of pride and unbe­leef.

Hee would ſay, that hee found ſome duties (often in mens mouths) very difficult to him. As

To deny himſelf in all his ſelfs, was a work to bee learn­ing whilſt hee lived.

To live onely by Faith, and106 upon a bare promiſe without a pawn, was a great work.

To give all from ſelf to free grace, and to Chriſt alone, was a mighty work.

To love againſt unloving­neſs and contempt, no eaſie matter.

To do ones proper work, without ſome preſent pay and countenance from God and man, was a hard task.

That it was far harder to a­dopt anothers comforts than ſorrows, and to hold himſelf honoured in anothers exalta­tion.

Laſtly, That to dye in cold blood, and to bee active in it, as an act of obedience, was THE work of a Chriſtian.

In his ſickneſs hee would occaſionally vent himſelf thus.

It is a hard thing to think107 ill of our ſelves, and well of God, at the ſame time.

It was a hard thing for a Saint to forgive himſelf ſome faults when God had for­given them.

It was hard to think holy thoughts long, and to confine them to anothers prayers.

That wee know but little of Chriſts love, till all was perfected, and ſpread before us in Heaven.

For his children, hee refer­red them to an old Will, made Anno 1636. at what time his children were many and ſmall.

A Copy of that Advice to his children (though it be not of ſuch general uſe to his imme­diate children, as the caſe now ſtands) yet being of uſe to theirs and others poſterity, is thought fit here to bee added.


Dr. Harris's Advice and Counſel to his Family, annexed to an old Will, Dated May 2. 1636. Penned with his own hand, and printed exactly according to the Original.

To my dear Wife and Children.

MY dear Selfs, I know not what leiſure I ſhall have to ſpeak unto you at my death, and, I am not, you know, ve­ry free in ſpeech, eſpecially in ſickneſs and ſadneſs; and therefore now I will ſpeak my heart to you, and I would have you to hear mee ſpeaking whilſt you live, in this my Writing which I divide a­mongſt you all.


Firſt, For you my dear Wife, you ſhall finde the ſubſtance of that I would ſay to you, printed to your hand in the Book of Martyrs, Vol. 2. p. 1744. To wit, J. Care­leſs his Letter to his Wife, keep the Book, often read the Letter. Onely one thing I add, if you marry again, remember your own obſervation, to wit, that ſecond Husbands are very uxorious, ſe­cond Wives very prevalent; and take heed that you do no ill office in eſtranging your Husband from his natural children or kin­dred, you ſhall draw upon him a great, both ſin and judgement, If you kill in him natural affection; I have ſaid, and do with all the ſtrength and power that is in mee, thank you for your faithfulneſs, and reſign you to the Husband of Husbands, the Lord Chriſt.

Now my poor Children, let mee pour forth my heart to you, and ſpeak to your Souls firſt.


For your Souls.

Trifle not in the main point, the Soul is immortal, you have to deal with an Infinite Majeſty, you go upon life and death, therefore here bee ſerious; do all to God in a ſerious manner; when you think of him, ſpeak of him, pray to him, any way make your Addreſs to his Great Majeſty, bee in good earneſt, and, have God, and have all.

1 More particularly, Get your pardon in Chriſt; it is not impoſ­ſible to get it aſſured to you, if you will learn, 1 To deny your ſelves. 2 To live by Faith. 3 To under­ſtand the nature of the new Cove­nant. Settle your judgements in theſe points, and the thing is fea­ſible.

2 Having gotten it, bee ſtill ad­ding to your evidence, and enjoy your preſent aſſurance; do all to God, as to your Father.


Next to this, think how you and I ſhall endure the ſight, the thought one of another at the laſt day, if you appear in the old Adam; much leſs ſhall you ſtand before Chriſt, unleſs you ſhew the Image of Chriſt in you; and therefore never ceaſe till you bee made new Crea­tures; and ſtudy well what that is.

In the laſt place, Strive for thoſe graces moſt, which moſt concern your places and conditions, and make head to thoſe ſins which moſt threaten you; as firſt, haere­ditary ſins. I was naturally me­lancholy; that is a humor which admits of any temptation, and is capable of any impreſſion and di­ſtemper; ſhun, as death, this hu­mor, which will work you to all unthankfulneſs againſt God, un­lovingneſs to man, and unnatural­neſs to your ſelves. 2 Of your times and habitations. 3 Of your tempers and age. 4 Of your cal­lings.

I have made my own peace, my112 ſins ſhall not hurt you, if you make them not yours; you need not fear the ſucceſs, if you will oppoſe to ſin, Chriſt is made ſanctification to you, hee came to diſſolve the works of Satan, hee hath over­come for you, and hath made as many promiſes for your ſanctifica­tion, as your juſtification; gather thoſe promiſes as they bee ſet down, eſpecially in the Covenant, with an oath (Luke 1) preſs theſe to God, V. 2 Cor. 7.1.

In ſhort, do not talk and make a noiſe to get a name of forward men, but do the thing, bee con­ſtant in ſecret duties, and act Re­ligion in your callings, for it is not a name or notion, it is a frame of nature, and an habit of living by Divine Rule; what it is you will then know when you have it in truth firſt, and in power next, and not before. Onely this for the pre­ſent, it is that you muſt live and dye by, that you muſt riſe and reign by; therefore my Children I113 give you that advice which I gave your Brother, now with God;Tho. H. bee more than you ſeem, do more than you talk of in point of Religion; ſa­tisfie your own conſciences in what you do, all men you ſhall never ſatis­fie, nay, ſome will not bee ſatisfi­ed, though they bee convinced.

For your Body.

I was troubled with ſtraightneſs of breaſt, and breath, which was alſo Haereditary, and therefore you muſt fear it the more.

The remedies are, 1 Disclaim Hae­reditary ſins. 2 Keep heads clean, feet warm, hearts cheerful. 3 Bee more frequent than I and your Bro­ther in exerciſe. 4 Shun late drink­ing or ſtudying. 5 Uſe lighter ſup­pers.

For your callings.

1 Chooſe well. 1 A profitable calling for the Publique. 2 A full Employment. 3 A Calling fit for114 your parts and means; it is better to bee a rich Cobler, than a poor Mer­chant.

2 Uſe a Calling well. 1 Make it a help, not a ſnare to your ſouls. 2 Bee 1 Diligent. 2 Skilful; any ho­neſt Calling will honour you, if thus you honour it, and thereof you may bee hopeful, becauſe, my ſelf (who had not your parts and helps) never found any thing too hard for mee in my calling, but diſcouragement and unbelief.

For your Company.

Abandon all infectious, flattering, ſelf-ſerving Companions, when once you have found them falſe, truſt them no more; ſort with ſuch as are able to do or receive good. Solomon gives you beſt Counſel for this in many pla­ces. Read the Proverbs, and re­member him in this. 1 Forſake not an old friend. 2 Bee friendly and faithful to your friends. 3 Never trouble or truſt friends unleſs there bee a neceſſity. 4 Laſtly, bee long115 in cloſing with friends, and loath to loſe them, upon experience of them.

For your Marriages.

In Marriage you lay the founda­tion of your Preſent wo and weal, therefore here bee not raſh, go not alone, yet remember Paul, 1 Cor. 7.2. 1. Study whether you have a Calling to marry, yea or no, and ad­viſe well of that; if none, forbear; if ſo, adviſe with friends, before your affections be ingaged. In your choice 1 Aim at grace. 2 Good nature and Education, the beſt woman is not e­ver the beſt wife. 3 Good parts of underſtanding, huſwifery, &c. As for Portion, bee it more or leſs, be upon certainties, and truſt not words; and for Parentage, let not the diſtance bee too great, leſt you deſpiſe, or bee deſpiſed; however, be ſure that the Perſon likes not your fancy, but judgement.


For your Children.

Make it your chiefeſt work to make them, 1 Godly. 2 Uſeful. Beſtow moſt of their portions in good Edu­cation; and if grace make no diffe­rence, do you make none in your af­fections, countenances, portions: Partiality this way ends in no­thing elſe but envy, ſtrangeneſs, &c.

For your ſelves within your ſelves.

My deſire hath been to carry an even hand over you all, and have la­boured to reduce you, as neer as I could (all circumſtances conſidered) to an equality, and therefore my laſt requeſt and charge is, that you will live together in an undivided bond of love; you are many of you, and if you joyn together as one man, you need not want any thing: what counſel, what comfort, what mony, what friends may not you help your ſelves unto, if you will contribute your ayds? wherefore my dear chil­dren,117 I pray, beſeech, command, adjure you, by all the relations and dearneſs that hath ever been betwixt us, that you know one another, vi­ſit (as you may) each other, com­fort, counſel, relieve, ſuccour, help, admoniſh one another. Whilſt your Mother lives, meet there (if poſſi­ble) yeerly. When ſhe is dead, pitch upon ſome other place, if it may be, your eldeſt Brothers houſe, or if you cannot meet, yet ſend to, and hear from one another yearly: and when you have neither Father nor Mo­ther, bee ſo many Fathers and Mo­thers each to other, ſo you ſhall un­derſtand the bleſſing mentioned in Pſal. 133.

For your Eſtates.

Be not troubled that you are below your kinred, get more wiſdome, hu­mility, goodneſs, and you are above them; only this do. 1 Study work more than wages. 2 Deal with your hearts to make them leſs. 3 Begin low. 4 Joyn together to help one another. 5 Reſt upon the promiſes, which118 are many and precious this way. 6 Sow mercy; take of your Mother (to this end) a piece, give that in works of mercy, and if all other means fail you, that ſhall maintain you; I know, I know I ſay, and am confident in it, that if you will be humbled for my barrenneſs, and will truſt God in his own way, hee will make comfortable proviſion for you; object no more, but truſt him.

For the Publique.

Bleſs God that you are born En­gliſh-men, and bear your ſelves duti­fully and conſcionably toward Au­thority; ſee God in the Magiſtrate, and hold Order a precious thing: and for the Church, neither ſet her above her Husband Chriſt, nor below her Children, give her that honour, o­bedience, reſpect, that is her due; and if you will bee my children, and heirs of my comfort in my dying age be neither Authors nor Fautors of a­ny, either faction or novelty. 'Tis true, this is not a riſing way, but it119 is a free, fair, comfortable way for a man to follow his own judge­ment, without warping to either hand. Perhaps you may hear vari­ety of judgements touching my walk, when I ſleep in ſilence, ſome taxing mee for too much, ſome for too little Conformity, but be not ye trou­bled, I did what in my circumſtances ſeemed beſt to me, for the preſent; howſoever the event hath not in ſome points anſwered expectation, yet I have learned to meaſure things by a­nother rule than events, and ſatisfie my ſelf in this, that I did all for the beſt, as I thought. Sure I am, my Surety Chriſt is perfect, and never fai­led ſo much as in Circumſtance. To him I commit your ſouls, bodies, e­ſtates, names, poſterities, lifes, deaths, all, and my ſelf, waiting when hee ſhall change my vile body, and make it glorious like unto his own. Amen, Even ſo come Lord Jeſus. Amen.


About this transcription

TextThe life and death of that judicious divine, and accomplish'd preacher, Robert Harris, D.D. late president of Trinity Colledge in Oxon. Collected by a joynt-concurrence of some, who knew him well in his strength, visited him often in his sickness, attended him at his death, and still honour his memory. Published at the earnest request of many, for the satisfaction of some, for the silencing of others, and for the imitation of all. / By W.D. his dear friend and kinsman.
AuthorDurham, William, 1611-1684..
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SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe life and death of that judicious divine, and accomplish'd preacher, Robert Harris, D.D. late president of Trinity Colledge in Oxon. Collected by a joynt-concurrence of some, who knew him well in his strength, visited him often in his sickness, attended him at his death, and still honour his memory. Published at the earnest request of many, for the satisfaction of some, for the silencing of others, and for the imitation of all. / By W.D. his dear friend and kinsman. Durham, William, 1611-1684.. [8], 119, [1] p. Printed for S.B. and are to be sold by J. Bartlet at the gilt Cup on the south side of S. Pauls Church, over against the Drapers, and at the gilt Cup in Westminster Hall.,London, :1660.. (W.D. = William Durham.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "febr:".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Harris, Robert, 1581-1658 -- Early works to 1800.

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