A TRUE RELATION, of a moſt Dreadful Fire which happened on the City of Udem or Uhien IN GERMANY: Together, with an Account of the Regulars, Monaſtries, Churches, Houſes, People, and Cattle, that ſuffered in thoſe moſt Devouring Flames, very Remarkable, and not inferiour to that of London.
ACcording to my Obligation, when I ſet forward in my Travels, of tranſmitting to you my Obſervations, and other Occurences; I am ſorry that my firſt Letter ſhould come frait with ſo Tragical a Story, which ſcarce ever was parallell'd, but in the dreadful Conflagration of London: I queſtion not, but the Commemoration of your own Loſſes, in that, will cauſe a Chriſtian feeling and compaſſion in all that ſhall hear of this, for thoſe poor Wretches, that one hour gloried in their Riches, Relations and pleaſant Habitations; the next, was forc'd to wander in the Fields, with their parch'd Bodies, deſtitute of any Abode: But let the Relation ſpeak their doleful Condition.
At Ʋdem, or Ʋhien, a ſmall but Beautiful City, near Xanten, on the lower part of the River Rhine, in Germany; that on Wedneſday in the Holy Week of Eaſter, in the Houſe of a Brewer; at the ſign of the Red-Hart, broak out a moſt dreadful Fire, which in an hour and half; or two hours at moſt, by it's Raging Flames, the whole City was turned into Aſhes, with all the Rich Furniture their Houſes were adorned with. The devouring Fire knew no difference betwixt things Sacred and Prophane; but equally in the Combuſt fell, the Monaſteries of the Regulars and Monks, the common Granary, in which was Stored the City Corn, the Town-Houſe or Court, with all the Houſes of the Citizens; excepting that of the Town-Clark, and a little Shed, not far from the Court, in which was kept the Engines, on which the Flames, (which makes us wonder) never exerciſed it's Fury, but the Temple of the Catholiques, is ſtill ſtanding without a Roof: The Bells were melted down, the Organs and the Altar ſpared; all things mournfully appeared.
Amongſt thoſe that were burnt, are Two and Twenty Regulars, and Fifty Seven others; and we fear many more, who are not yet diſcovered. 2The hopes of ſaving their Lives made them flye to Subteranus Vaults: One Man, thinking to avoid that intollerable heat, made his Sanctuary his Sepulchre, the Oven, in which he thought to have ſecured his tender Fleſh from Raging Flames, proved the Ʋrne of his pulverated Carcaſe.
A large Cheſt, in which the Citizens and Country People had treaſured up their Wealth, and depoſited in the Church, as a Sanctuary againſt the rapine of hungry Soldiers, who like Locuſt, have for ſome years over-ſpread and infeſted thoſe Countrys, was at the beginning of this horrible Incendium, drawn forth into the Church-Yard and there devoured by Flames, with the Wooden Croſſes that graced the Tombes of ſlumbering Saints.
The Cattle periſhed, one Cow only eſcaping; the Hair and Ears being burnt off.
So great was the horror and confuſion of theſe poor Wretches, and ſo violently raged the Flames; that all their Wealth and Subſtance was conſumed before they could reach the City Gates. A little Trunk belonging to a Lady, in which was Money and Jewels, valued at Ten Millions of Imperials; being mounted on a Porters back, thinking to have ſaved it from the Flames, not far from the City Gates the Iron-Ring broak by which he carried it; and down it fell, the Fire purſued ſo cloſe, the Porter to ſave his Life was forc'd to run and leave his Treaſure, which was ſoon devoured by the raging Element, but the melted Maſs was after found.
The Goods that was caſt into Wells, and Pools, was in a manner with the Water dryed, and burnt up; the Chains and Winals, with which they drew Water looked like Fire-brands, ſo that no man with his hands could endure to touch them; almoſt impoſſible was it, for man to find a paſſage out of the City: Some ran one way, ſome another, the Flames ſtill met & purſued them. Horrable ſhriks filled every corner; Children loſt their Antient Parents; Mothers left their tender Babes: and happy was he, that by his ſwiftneſs could eſcape, which none did, but thoſe that left in the Flames their Hair and Cloaths, as pawns for their Lives. The memory of man hath not heard of ſo ſudden and terrible a Conflagration; the Deſtruction of this City being as total as that of Jeruſalem; ſcarce any man, knowing the Foundation of his late Habitation.
Thus Dear Sir, as brief as I could, have I drawn you the Scene of their miſeries, having rid three German Leagues out of my way to view the Ruins, and obſerve the poor Inhabitants ſcattered about the Fields in Huts and Tents.
I ſhall now proſecute my Journey for Vienna, where I hope to receive your Letters and Bills, and in the intrim am,