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THE DECLARATION AND RESOLUTION OF The Iriſh Army under the Conduct and Command OF Generall Oneale, Concerning Lieut General CRUMWEL,

AND The Forces which are to be ſent over from England; Sent by an Expreſſe from the City of Dublin, to the Engliſh Marchants.

WITH Prince Ruperts imperious Meſsage, concerning the Prince, and the Crown of England. And the Lord Inchiquins Reſolution touching the ſame.

London Printed for R. W. and are to be ſold at the Royall Exchange in Cornhill, Aprill 16. 1649.


THE RESOLUTION Of the Iriſh Army concerning Lieut. Gen. CROMWELTouching His advance into that Kingdome: Sent by an Expreſſe from the City of Dublin, to ſeverall Marchants within the City of London.

BY an Expreſſe from the City of Dublin to ſe­verall Marchants reſiding here, it is advertized; That the Marqueſſe of Ormond, Generall Pre­ſton, the Earl of Clanaickerd, and the reſt of the Iriſh confederates; have no conſiderable field army, and the ſeverall Factions break out into high Differences; by reaſon of the falling off of the Lord Inchiquin, and Generall Owen Roe, who are reſolved not to fight a­gainſt Lieut , Generall Crumwell, and the Engliſh ar­my,2 which hath occaſioned Prince Rupert to repreſent a letter to the ſaid Lord Inchiquin, which was to this effect, viz.

That He deſireth him to vſe his utmoſt endeavours, for the propagating of the preſent work in hand, in relation to the investing of his ſaced Majesty (as he is pleaſed to call the young titular King, Charles the ſecond) in all on his Engliſh, Iriſh, and Scottiſh Throne, and to en­deavour the reſtauration of him to its juſt Rights and Dignities, &c.

But his Lordſhip returned this anſwer, That he was reſolved to deſist from any further engagement against the parliament of England, or to be any wayes inſtrumen­tall, for the involving of bleeding England and Ireland, in another bloudy and domeſtique War; and that for the more apparent acquitting himſelf of that inhuman crime he declared that he was reſlved to ſacrifice both life and fortunes, againſt all oppoſition whatſoever, that ſhould en­deavour the obſtruction of the peace and tranquility of that Nation.

Inſomuch, that the difference between prince Rupert and his Lordſhip increaſeth, and the breach is like to grow wider before there can be any compoſure or re­conciliation. For Gen. Owen Roe is likewiſe fallen into a diſcontented againſt the Marq. of Ormond, who upon mature deliberation, in reference to his proceedings, and of the Engliſh Forces to be ſent over, under the conduct and command of Lieut. Generall Crumwell, the ſaid Owen Roe called a Councell of Officers, and after ſome time ſpent in debate of the preſent tranſa­ction of affaires, it was reſolved by the Councell, That two Letter ſhould be forthwith drawn up, the one to3 be communicated to the parliament of England, the other to Colonell Jones, intimating. That if they will not moleſt, or cauſe to be moleſted, any of the Forces under his immediate command, in their quarters du­ring the time prefixed for their reſidence in that king­dom, that then he will not iagage againſt any of their Forces, neither will he give any aſſiſtance to the Mar­queſſe of Ormond, Preſton, or any other parties who ſhall engage againſt them, provided, that they will not any wayes trouble his quarters, upon the advance of the Engliſh Army over, during the time of his re­ſidence as aforeſaid.

2 That he may have ſafe paſſage into Spain with ſuch forces as ſhall bee deſigned for that Kingdome, &c.

By which meanes and revolt, divers begin to decline from engagement, and to deſert the prince; ſo that it is hoped that Nation will ſoon be reduced to the po­wer and obedience of parliament, and a period put to her languiſhing ane bleeding condition. Ormond is in a very ſad condition, and dare not take the field, his men moulter away apace.

The Expedition, the Tyger, and another of the Parlia­ments ſhips are got to Ayrs point within a few leagus of Leverpool, to ſecure the Coaſt of Ireland on that ſide. We hear of ſome action at Sea, between the two Navies, which ſpeaks the parliament Victors, and that they have ſunk and taken 9 of the princes ſhips: for the further particulars whereof, I ſhall refer you to my next.


SInce my laſt of the ſevent of this inſtant, we have received certain information of the further pro­ceedings of the Princes Fleet, and that they have divi­ded the Navy into three Squadrons; the firſt com­manded by Prince Rupert, who is to guard the Iriſh Seas and to attend the motion of Col. Jores Governor of the City of Dublin for the Parliament of England; the ſecond, by Prince Maurice, who with 20 Sayle is to attend the motion of Captain Moulton in the We­ſtern Riding; the third by Captain Jerden, deſigned for the Lands-End, to attend the motion and coming out of the parliaments Summers Fleet; all which, bough numerous in ſhipping, yet weakly man'd, and dare not engage, unleſſe with great advantage, the Sea­mon begin to moulter in their affections, and ſhew a great diſlike of the proceedings of their Officers; for divers who have eſcaped at their coming into Creekes, do declare, That they begin to languiſh for their late perfidious Revolt and would fain make a recantation and that if once they could have the opportunity to come aſhore, are unanimouſly reſolved to deſert the princes ſervice: however if they cannot purchaſe their liberty one way, they are reſolved to ſaciliate it ano­theand that upon a neer Engagement with the Parlia­ments Fleet, it is believed they will take the ſame reſo­lution as the Land Souldiers have formerly done and (upon good articles and conditions) deliver up their Officers to mercy, &c.

Some action hath lately hapned between divers Mar­chants and prince Maurice his ſhips, and much hurt done on both ſides; but after ſome diſpute, and ſeverall boardings, the Victory fell to the Marchant Men of5 War, who ſunk two of the revolted ſhips, wherin was 50 piece of Ordnance, and chaſed the reſt above ſeven Leagues, but by reaſon of a ſtorm they werforced to deſiſt from further purſuit, and to leave them to the mercy of the raging Billowes.

Theſe ſhips are ſaid to be bound for London, Lyand Yarmouth, who hold conjunction together for the ſafety and preſervation of their Marchanize.

Since which time we have received other joyfull in­telligence from the Mauriian Fleet; and it is likewiſe confirmed by two men of War who laſtight caſt anchor in this Harbour: they purport, that upon their croſſing the Weſtern Channell, they w•••ſet upon by ſix of the princes ſhips, who gave them〈◊〉broad ſides, but were anſwered again with another Volley from the Sons of Mars, and after a hot conflict,〈◊〉came victorious, killing many of their mening the reſt, ſome taking their purſuit without a Maſt o­thers without a ſtern, and their Sayls〈…〉. But by reaſon of the diſtempers of the Sea, and the dangerous breaches they had received from the Ene­mies round ſhot, were forced to ſtrike in here for re­fuge, for the repairing and new rigging of their ſhips. Thoſe who have been in action with them, report them to be as cowardly an Enemy, as ever engaged upon the Neptune Seas, and that 30 of the parliaments ſhips wel man'd, will (in all probability) ſoon expell the fury of 60 of theirs.

We heare that Capt. Moulton is in a defenſive po­ſture, and that he ſayles ſometimes within ſight of the princes Fleet, but declines engagement at preſent.

We likewiſe hear of a great inſurrection ariſing in prince Ruperts Squadron, the manner thus: two Sea­man ſpeaking ſome words touching the unjuſtneſſe of6 their cauſe, and the unlawfulneſſe of their engagement, being over heard, were brought before the prince, and (according to Martial Law) were adjudged to die and to be hang'd up at the main Maſt, but the Seamen hea­ring thereof, unanimouſly reſcued him from the po­wer of the Marſhal; other Captains were ſummoned, to ſee the princes tyranny performed, but their Mariners likewiſe joyntly reſolved not to execute the ſame.

Major Gen. Laughorn, Col. Poyer and Powell, are ad­ludged by a Councell of War to die, and have recei­ved Sentence to be ſhot to death. Whereupon Mrs. Laughorn, wife to Major Gen. Laughorn, preſented a petition to the Court Marſhal, imploring their mercy to her husband, and that this one unadviſed act of his might not cauſe all his former eminent ſervices to be forgotten; and being the laſt that ingaged in this unfor­tunate action, it is ſuppoſed, that if the Sentence of any be remitted, he will be ſpared.



About this transcription

TextThe declaration and resolution of the Irish Army under the conduct and command of Generall Oneale, concerning Lieut General Crumwell, and the forces which are to be sent over from England; sent by an expresse from the city of Dublin, to the English marchants. With Prince Ruperts imperious message, concerning the Prince, and the Crown of England. And the Lord Inchiquins resolution touching the same.
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe declaration and resolution of the Irish Army under the conduct and command of Generall Oneale, concerning Lieut General Crumwell, and the forces which are to be sent over from England; sent by an expresse from the city of Dublin, to the English marchants. With Prince Ruperts imperious message, concerning the Prince, and the Crown of England. And the Lord Inchiquins resolution touching the same. [2], 6 p. Printed for R.W. and are to be sold at the Royall Exchange in Cornhill,London :Aprill 16. 1649.. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Ireland -- History -- 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800.

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