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THE DECLARATION AND RESOLƲTJON OF THE Knights, Gentry, and Free-holders of the COUNTY of KENT, Now in Armes for the defence and pre­ſervation of the Kings Majeſties Royall Perſon,he Priviledges of the Subjects, and the Laws and Liberties of the Free-born People of this NATION.

With their Reſolution touching the Army; and al others that ſhall oppoſe them.

And their randevouzing at Black-Heath, and their Skirmiſh with a Party of the Gnerals horſe, with the manner thereof, and their taking of divers Pieces of Ordnance, Armes, and Ammunition.

May 29.London, Printed for R. W. Anno Dom. 1648.


A DECLARATJON OF THE Knights, Gentlemen, and Free-holders of the County of KENT

THat the innocency of our intentions, and Juſtice of undertakings, may more clearly appear to all men of uncorrupt underſtand­ings, and hearts not made too ſervil by the long and odious cuſtome of oppreſſion: We the Knights, Gentlemen, and Franchlins of the County of Kent, the moſt free people of this late Flouriſhing Na­tion; by the wiſdome and valour of our Anceſtors, deli­vered from the Laws of a Conquerer, and to theſe late daies unhappy confuſion and diſtraction enjoying the ſame, through all the Reignes of the moſt glorious victo­rious2 Kings and Princes of this Nation: Doe hereby de­clare and manifeſt to all the world, That our aſſembling and meeting together at this time, is no other then for a vindication of our ſelves and purpoſes, from the ſcandal, and aſperſions of the Committee of this County; who upon occaſion of a Petition in behalf of the County of Kent, aſſented and ſubſerbed to by the Grand Jurie at the Seſſions of the Judges upon an eſpetiall Commiſſion of Oyer and Terminer executed at the Caſtle of Canterbury the 11. of May laſt, for the ſaid County; not onely made Or­ders agoinſt the ſame, and commanded them publickly to be read in all Churches ſentencing & condemning the ſaid Petition and all the Abetors thereof: and have ſum­moned the Troops of Horſe, and Forces of Foot of this County for ſuppreſion of the ſaid Petition: which tends not only to the ſuppreſſion of the Liberty, even of the moſt enſlaved perſons of the world; but alſo as much as in them lies, endeavour upon any cauſes whatſoever, which ſuits not with their humours, to overwe the ſenſes of other men, and upon oppoſition therein think they have ground enough to take away the lives and For­tunes, or both, of their ſaid oppoſers.

In conſideration of which, and that now the ſaid Com­mittee finding themſelves unable to involve this County in bloud; have made their addreſſe to the Parliament, and Army; and make ſtrange and malitious repreſentations, of our purpoſes, thereby diſcovering nothing ſo much as their own pride and malice. We the ſaid Knights, Gen­tlemen, and Frree-Yeomen of the County of Kent do here­in appealto al the world to judge, If it were not high time for us to put our ſelves ino a poſture of Defence; & doe further declare, that we will proſecute our ſaid petiti­on3 with our lives and fortunes, not doubting of a fair re­ception from the two houſes of Parliament; whom we know to have been inſtigated againſt us by the ſaid Committee: And therefore ſaving to our ſelves the en­larging of the ſaid Committee with encreaſing the Taxes of this County above the duproportions, and only for maintining their owne private luxury and pride; with uſurping a power over the Eſtte and Fortunes of this County not grafted in them, and expreſſed by words and actions, all along the exerciſe os ths power, (which mkes them unfit for rule) to the exaſperating of the peo­ples hearts into all annimomoſity, and overthrowing of all love and peace in this County: which alſo hath been followed to that hight of proſecution, That had not two Houſes given a ſtop to their exorbitant proceedings, we had ſuffered much more uder the torment of theſe mens projected deſignes: wherein we acknowledge our ſelves to have ben ſecured in the temper and moderation of the Houſes. we have no more to ſay or do, but to defend our ſelves, till we can have a right underſtanding of our pur­poſes and action before the Houſes. In the mean time, we ſhall look upon all oppoſition, as the provocation of a conſcious and enraged Committee, and in reſpect of the invaſion lately made upon the perſons of our Neighbours we think fit not to lie at the mercy of Souldiers, but to have refuge to our Armes, from which no threats or face of Souldiery ſhall drive us, knowinwel the juſtice of our cauſe, and the temper of our owhearts.


An exact and full Relation of the procee­dings of the Kentiſh-men, and the man­ner of their Fight at Dedford, with the Parliaments Forces.


ON Fryday laſt being the 26 of this inſtant the Kentish-men boarded a Pinnace that lay on the River, and ſeiz'd on all the Arms and Ammunition, and took all her Ord­nance, which they landed near Dedford, and planted them in two or three paſſages, placing their Guards both of horſe and foot; then they marcht to New-Croſs, & with Carts, harrows, and ſuch like materials blockt up the paſſages to ſtop the Parliaments horſe in their march, and placed two Drakes at a Court of Guard there; from thence they went to Dedford bridge, and did the like: the colours which their Enſignes bore were white and red. Their body of horſe5 and foot (which at this time conſiſted of about 800.) randezvouzed at Black-heath, where di­vers other of the country forces made their ap­pearance.

Alſo this evening divers Gentlemen and Eſquires went from this town over into Eſ­ſex, to know their reſolutions; but what an­ſwer they received, as yet J cannot hear; but they are aſsured from Surrey, that before Sunday morning, they will bring to their aſ­ſiſtance 5000, men compleatly armed. On Satterday about five of the clock in the af­ternoon came in five Companies more to Black-health with yellow Cullers, at whoſe approach the Body gave ſuch a ſhout, that they made the place to ring. Jt is confidently reported, that they expected to be about 16000 before Sunday at noon, and this Evening they took four Drakes out of another Ship which lay vpon the River over againſt Det­ford. This day likewiſe they put themſelves6 into a poſture of defence, and made choice of their Officers both Horſe and Foot, and it it is reported, that they intend to chuſe the Earl of Thanet Generall. On Satterday in the morning about three of the clocke, a par­ty of Horſe belonging to Col. Rich his Re­giment, fac'd the Guard at New Croſſe, where both parties fired at each other, but the Kentiſh horſe purſuing them, and retur­ning, met ſome of their own foot (who went over the fields, and thought to have engaged Col. Riches horſe) and had like to have falu upon them, but that they preſently gave them the word, God grant a happy uniting be­twixt both parties, and ſtop the further effuſion of bloud, which ſhall be the con­ſtant prayers of him, who remaines

Your obliged Friend, G. MALLOTT.

About this transcription

TextThe declaration and resolution of the knights, gentry, and free-holders of the county of Kent, now in armes for the defence and preservation of the Kings Majesties royall person, the priviledges of the subjects, and the laws and liberties of the free-born people of this nation. With their resolution touching the army; and all others that shall oppose them. And their randevouzing at Black-Heath, and their skirmish with a party of the generals horse, with the manner thereof, and their taking of divers pieces of ordnance, armes, and ammunition.
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe declaration and resolution of the knights, gentry, and free-holders of the county of Kent, now in armes for the defence and preservation of the Kings Majesties royall person, the priviledges of the subjects, and the laws and liberties of the free-born people of this nation. With their resolution touching the army; and all others that shall oppose them. And their randevouzing at Black-Heath, and their skirmish with a party of the generals horse, with the manner thereof, and their taking of divers pieces of ordnance, armes, and ammunition. [2], 6 p. Printed for R.W.,London :Anno Dom. 1648.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "May 29".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Royalists -- England -- Kent -- Early works to 1800.
  • Kent (England) -- History -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • STC Thomason E445_10
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