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A DECLARATION FROM THE NOBILITY OF THE KINGDOME OF SCOTLAND IN Behalfe of all the Commoners of that Nation; Wherein is declared their moſt Loyall Reſolution, con­cerning (their Dread Soveraigne) the Kings moſt Excellent Majeſty.

Together with their Deſires to both Houſes of PARLIAMENT, touching the preſervation of His Maje­ſties Royall Perſon, and reſtoring of Him to His juſt Rights and Priviledges.

Whereunto is annexed,

The Kings Majeſties laſt Meſſage, to His Subjects of ENGLAND touching the immediate proceedings of the Army, briefly intimating His Gracious Reſolution and Prote­ſtation touching the ſame. Signed, CHARLES REX.


Cilb. Mabbotr.

LONDON, Printed for E. NORTON, and are to be ſold neere〈…〉Royall Exchange in Cornhill. 1647.

A Declaration from the Nobility of the Kingdome of Scotland, concerning the preſervation of the Kings Majeſties Royall Perſon.

THE Kingdome of Scotland finding that their ſta­bility and happineſſe doth ſo much depend upon the ſafety and preſervation of his Maiesties Roy­all perſon; And being reſolved, that no alteration of affaires ſhall ever ſeparate them from that duty and al­legiance they owe unto him, nor from their conſtant Reſolu­tion to live in all loyalty and obedience under his Govern­ment, have often ſhewne their earneſt deſires, and contri­buted their utmoſt endeavours, towards the compoſure of theſe unhappy differences.

And the Houſes of Parliament having by their Votes of the 26. of October laſt intimated unto us their riſolutions to apply themſelves to his Maiesty, and that they are pre­paring Propoſitions to be tendered to Him.

We do deſire that they may be expedited, and communica­ted to us; that according to our many engagements, and re­lations, there maybe still a conjunction of Councels in thoſe things, that are for the common peace and joynt interests of both Kingdomes.

And for the better nſserting of them, and clearing His Maiesties doubts, and for the giving and receiving mu­tuall ſatisfaction: We do doſire (in the name of the Kingdom of Scotland) that there may be a ſpeedy and perſonall trea­ty with his Maieſty, as the beſt and readieſt meanes to ob­tain the joynt Deſires of both Kingdomes.

Theſe we conceive to be the moſt probable and effectuall meanei for attaining an happy peace, ſetling of Religion, reſtoring his Maieſty to his juſt Rights, and continuing and ſtrengthning a good underſtanding betwixt theſe king­domes, which are moſt earneſtly deſired by the Kingdome of Scotland.

By the appointment of the Commiſ­ſioners from he Kingdome of Scotland.
  • Lowden,
  • Lauderdaill,
  • Charles Erskin,
  • Hugh Kennedy,
  • Robert Buclay,

he Kings Majeſties Proteſtation to his Subjects of England, concerning the late proceedings of the Army touching his Royall Perſon.

LIberty being that which in all times hath been, but eſpecially now, is the common Theame, and de­ſire of all men. Common reaſon ſhewes that Kings leſſe then any ſhould indure captivity, and yet I call God and the world to witneſſe, with what patience I have endured a tedious reſtraint, which ſo long as I had any hopes that this ſort of my ſufferings might con­duce to the Peace of my Kingdome, or the hindering of more effuſion of bloud; I did willingly undergoe: Bus now finding by too certain proofes, that this my continued patience would not only turn to my perſo­nall ruine, but likewiſe be of much more prejudice than furtherance to the publique good.

I thought I was bound, as well by naturall as politi­call obligations to ſeek my ſafetp; by retiring my ſelf for ſome time from the publique view, both of my friends and enemins. And I appeale to all indifferent men, to judge if I have nor juſt cauſe to faee my ſelfe from the hands of thoſe who change their principles with their condition; and who are not aſhamed openly to intend the deſtruction of Nobility, by taking a­way their negative voice, and with whom the Ievellers doctrinis rather countenanced then puniſhed.

And as for their intentions to my perſon, their chan­ging and putting more ſtrict guards upon me, with the diſcharging moſt of all thoſe ſervants of mine, who formerly they willing admitted to wait upon me, doth ſufficiently declare: Nor would I have this my retire­ment miſ-interpreted, for I ſhall earneſtly and inceſ­ſantly endeavour the ſetling of a ſafe and well-grounded peace, where ever I am, or ſhall be; And that, as much as may be, without the effuſion of more. Chriſtian blood, for which how many times have I deſired, preſt to be heard, and yet no eare given to me.

And can any reaſonable men think that according to the ordinary courſe of affaires, there can be a ſetled peace without it; or that God will bleſſe thoſe who refuſe to heare their own King, ſurely not?

Nay I muſt further adde, That beſides what con­cernes my ſelfe, unleſſe all other chief intereſts have not only an hearing, but likewiſe juſt ſatisfaction gi­ven unto them, to wit, the Presbyterians, Independents, Army, thoſe who have adhered to me, even the Scots) I ſay there cannot (I ſpeak not of miracles, it being of my opinion, a ſinfull preſumption, in ſuch caſes to expect or truſt to them) be a ſafe or laſting peace.

Now as I cannot deny but that my perſonall ſecuri­ty is the urgent cauſe of this my retirement, ſo I take God to witneſſe that the publipue peace is no leſſe be­fore mine eyes; And I can find no better way to ex­preſſe this my profeſſion (I know not what a wiſer man may doe) then by deſiring and urging, that all chiefe intereſts may be heaad, to the end each may haue juſt ſatisfaction.

As for example; The Army: for the reſt; though ne­ceſsary, yet I ſuppoſe are not difficult to conient, ought, in my judgement, to enjoy the liberty of their Conſciences, have an Act of Oblivion, or Indempnity, which ſhould ex­tend to all the reſt of my Subjects, And that all their Ar­reares ſhould be ſpeedily and duely paid, which I will un­dertake to doe, ſo I may be heard, And that I be not hin­dered from uſing ſuch lawfull and honeſt meanes, as I ſhall chooſe.

To conclude, let me be heard with freedome, honour, and ſafety, and I ſhall inſtantly break through this cloud of re­tirement, and ſhew my ſelf really to be Pater Patriae.

CHARLES REX. For the Speaker of the Lords, pro tempore, to be commu­municatsd to the Lords and Commons in the Parliament of England at Weſtminſter, and the Commiſsionert of the Parliament of Scotland: And to all my other Subjects of what degree or calling ſoever. CHARLES RER.

THis day, being the fifteenth of this in­ſtant moneth, the generall Randezvouze began at Ware, and the reſt of the townes ad­jacent, where was a great appearance, both of Officers and Souldiers, the Generall is to bee there in perſon, and (as its ſaid) hath much to declare unto the ſouldiery, concerning the pre­ſent affaires of the Kingdome, and a ſpeedy compoſure of all differences, &c.

The diſſenting party of the Army that firſt revolted from the Generall, are encreaſed to a great number, and have entred into a mutuall Engagement each with other; which Engage­ment, each Officer and Souldier, throughout the reſpective Ragiments in the Army, wea­reth a Copy thereof in their hats, with this Motto prefixed thereon, Englands Freedome, Souldiers Rights.


About this transcription

TextA declaration from the nobility of the kingdome of Scotland in behalfe of all the commoners of that nation wherein is declared their most loyall resolution, concerning (their dread soveraigne) the Kings most Excellent Majesty. Together with their desires to both houses of Parliament, touching the preservation of His Majesties royall person, and restoring of him to his just rights and priviledges. Whereunto is annexed, the Kings Majesties last message, to his subjects of England touching the immediate proceedings of the army, briefly intimating his gracious resolution and protestation touching the same. Signed, Charles Rex. Imprimatur, Gilb. Mabbott.
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SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA declaration from the nobility of the kingdome of Scotland in behalfe of all the commoners of that nation wherein is declared their most loyall resolution, concerning (their dread soveraigne) the Kings most Excellent Majesty. Together with their desires to both houses of Parliament, touching the preservation of His Majesties royall person, and restoring of him to his just rights and priviledges. Whereunto is annexed, the Kings Majesties last message, to his subjects of England touching the immediate proceedings of the army, briefly intimating his gracious resolution and protestation touching the same. Signed, Charles Rex. Imprimatur, Gilb. Mabbott. 8 p. printed for E. Norton, and are to be sold neere the Royall Exchange in Cornhill,London :1647.. (Reproduction of original in the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles, California.)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Scotland -- History -- Charles I, 1625-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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