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THE DECLARATION OF DIVERS WELL-AFFECTED IN­habitants of the Cities of London and Weſtmin­ſter, Borrough of Southwark, Tower Ham­blets, and parts adjacent.

SHEWING THEIR RESOLVTIONS TO joyn with the Army under the Command of his Excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax; for the e­ſtablishing of a ſafe and Well-grounded Peace, with the juſt Rights and Pri­viledges of the Subject.

[printer's or publisher's device

Decemb: 18 LONDON, Printed for R. Baliffe, neer Temple Barre. 1648.


THE DECLARATION OF DIVERS WELL-AFFECTED INHA­bitants of the Cities of London and Weſtminſter, Borrough of Southward, Tower Hamblets, and parts adjacent.

THe apprehenſion of the ſadneſs of theſe times (we conceive) may juſtly put us upon doing ſomthing for our own and Poſterities happi­neſſe hereafter: eſpecially conſidering that they who should have been the means of our welfare were the chief inſtruments of our woe.

The Parliament at their firſt ſitting promiſed us fair, and therefore it was that we aided them to keep their power ſo long as they did: but now to our ſorrows we find fair promiſes to be but their ladder to climb to great­neſſe with. We all know, they are but the publick ſer­vants, imployed by the People (their Maſters) for the re­gulation of ſuch abuſes as by the age of Time are crept into the Common wealth; and yet inſteed thereof they have rather ſought to bring in new Corruptions, than ex­pel old ones: And that they might the better effect it, they Voted and kept a Treaty with the King, that thereby themſelves might have ſate in an everlaſting warm feat, and haveing had C. R. to their Papers, would the better have2 bound the Peoples hands behind them, that ſo they might have been wholy uncapable of acting any thing contrary to their greatneſſe.

But yet leſt this deſigne should not take if the preſent Army on foot kept up, They Voted the Armies disband­ing, before they had done the work that they raiſed them for: But the Army being more wiſe, and ſeeing their Plot, refuſed disbanding till things were better ſetled, and them­ſelves in a capacity of freedom and ſafety for what they have done, and (as they juſtly may) ſtand upon the bargain they made with the Parliament, viz. Not only to indemp­nifie them for what they have done, or granting an Act of Oblivion; but alſo to ſettle the Kingdom and People in a well grounded Peace for preſent, and eſtablish a way for their defence, againſt all Tyrants and Tyrannie for future.

It is eaſy to be beleev'd that if the King had prevailed he would have made good his promiſes to his Cavileers; for experience tells us how his Souldiers when they got the upper hand over any place, cram'd their Snap-ſacks with plunder, and put good clothes on their backs, (though contrary to Articles of Surrender.) When as our Party when they have conquered, have not been ſuffered to ſpeak the Truth concerning the Kings illegal proceedings, without venturing their lives to the Oath of a ſingle Ca­vileer: the Laws of the Land, and malignancy of the Judges, frequently taking place againſt them, in ſuch caſes.

Theſe things we ſee, and conſidering the heavy burthen the Kingdom lies under, by Exciſe, Taxes, Tythes, Free-Quarter, &c. We cannot but declare,

1. To joyn with the Army in their juſt proceedings a­gainſt3 all unjuſt perſons whatſoever, who have betrayed the truſt repoſed in them, and invited in the Scots, and rai­ſed other forces againſt the Kingdom.

2. That this Parliament be diſſolved, before the laſt day of April next, 1649. And that a conſtant ſucceſſion of Parli­aments be ſetled, to be choſen of courſe by the people, at a fixed day every year or two as shall be thought fit: and they be made accomptable of their Stewardship, to the next ſucceeding Parliament.

3. That all Statutes, Laws, and Acts of Parliament run only in the Name of the Commons of England aſſembled in Parliament.

4. That no perſon that hath had a hand in the firſt or ſe­cond war, be choſen, or have a Voice in the choice of any Parliament Member, or other Officer of the State what­ſoever.

5. That no Parliament Magiſtrate, or other perſon whatſoever, have power to make or execute any compul­ſive Law, touching matters of Conſcience and Religion; but that all civil people ſubject themſelves to the Laws of the Common wealth, though of ſeveral opinions, (not be­ing deſtructive to the State) be protected from all violence and injury.

6. That none be forced to pay Tythes; but that a more conſcionable maintainance for the publick Miniſtry be provided.

47. That Exciſe upon all In-land commoditie be taken off; and that no Taxes or Ceſments be levied upon the People, but by the old way of Subſidies.

8. That all Monopolies yet remaining, be forthwith abolished.

9. That all Parliament Members, Committees, Exciſe men, Sequeſtrators &c. be called to accompt for the mo­nies of the State.

10. That all deſtitute Widdows, and poor Orphans, which have loſt their Husbands and Parents,, and all Soul­diers that have loſt their limbs in the Parliaments ſervice, be comfortably relieved, by way of conſtant ſtipend, and the children put to Trades.

11. That publick work-houſes be erected, for preven­tion of beggars, vagabonds, and idle perſons.

12. That a Trade of fishing upon the English coaſts be ſetled by the State, for the good of the Common wealth.

13. That encouragement and protection be given to ſuch as shall proſecute any Lawfull Charge or Impeach­ment of Treaſon or other Crime againſt any Member in Parliament; and that the Members in Parliament, with­out reſpect of Perſons, be diſ-robed of their Protection, and left lyable to the Law.

514. That the cruelties and extortion of Goalers be ſeverely provided againſt; and that for future no fees bee exacted from Priſoners: but that fitting accommodate­on both for lodging and dyet for them, and a ſuffici­ent competency of livelihood for Goalers at the publick coſt be provided.

15. That no man be kept in Priſon above a mo­neth; but in that ſpace to be brought to a Tryall, by a lawfull Jury of his equals; or elſe to be diſcharged of courſe.

16. That no man bee impreſſed to ſerve in the Warres.

17. That our Laws bee few and plain, free from all ambiguous meanings, and all in the English Tongue; and to bee digeſted and Printed in a Vol­lume; and one to bee provided to bee kept in every Church throughout the Land; and to be read over at ſeveral appointed Times and Seaſons, in open Con­gregation.

18. That all perſons ſtand alike lyable to the Lawes of the Land, in all caſes, both criminal and civil: and that all protections by any pretended Priviledge or Pre­rogative whatſoever, be declared Void, and of none effect.

We having conſidered theſe things, cannot conceive6 our ſelves in ſafetie unleſſe theſe or ſuch like Lawes be eſtablished, for a certain unalterable Government, for the Nation to be regulated by. And therefore we do reſolve with our utmoſt vigor and force to oppoſe all ſuch perſons whatſoever that shall go about to hinder theſe our juſt undertakings; they being ſo reaſonable that (we know) no rational man (that hath but one drop of En­glish bloud running in his veins) will bee againſt them.


About this transcription

TextThe declaration of divers well-affected inhabitants of the cities of London and Westminster, borrough of Southwark, Tower Hamblets, and parts adjacent. Shewing their resolutions to joyn with the Army under the command of his Excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax; for the establishing of a safe and well-grounded peace, with the just rights and priviledges of the subject.
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A82099)

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About the source text

Bibliographic informationThe declaration of divers well-affected inhabitants of the cities of London and Westminster, borrough of Southwark, Tower Hamblets, and parts adjacent. Shewing their resolutions to joyn with the Army under the command of his Excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax; for the establishing of a safe and well-grounded peace, with the just rights and priviledges of the subject. [2], 6 p. Printed for R. Baliffe, neer Temple Barre,London :1648.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Decemb: 18".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A82099
  • STC Wing D608
  • STC Thomason E476_31
  • STC ESTC R205516
  • EEBO-CITATION 99864874
  • PROQUEST 99864874
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