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Likewiſe, a Letter from Sir John Hotham to the Houſe of Commons, concerning a dange­rous Plot againſt the Town of Hull, and how it was diſcovered.

With the Names of thoſe Lords that came to the King from the Parliament.

Alſo his Majeſties Proclamation to the Sheriffes of ſeverall Counties.

London, Printed for I. T. June 3. 1642

A Letter ſent from the Committees at York, to the Houſe of Parliament, datedthe 25 of May, 1642.

WHerein they declred, That betweene one or two hundred Horſe appeared before his Majeſty on Thurſday laſt, being the 27 of May; out of which he choſe fifty to attend his Per­ſon, and diſmiſſed the reſt. There alſo appeared ſix hundred Foot, but they were all of Sir Robert Strick­lands Regiment: they likewiſe were diſmiſſed.

In the Letter ſent from the Committee, there was a Paper from the High Sheriffe of Yorke, wherein he ſhewed, That he had received a Warrant and Charge from His Majeſty, to forbeare the putting in Execu­tion the Order of Parliament concerning the Mili­tia; and that he returned this anſwer, That to the beſt that poſſibly he could, he would apply himſelfe to do faithfull ſervice, according to his Oath, both to King and Parliament.

The King hath appointed, That on Fryday next, Horſe and Foot appeare again before Him.

Captain Dunkin, was reported in the Houſe to be at York, a very ſtirring Man in all the matters of the King, concerning the Parliament.

May the 26. a Report was made to the Houſe, That the Lord Keeper was ſuddenly gone away from London, and that it was thought to York to the King, and that he carried the broad Seale with him. There­upon, the Houſe appointed Meſſengers to goe in Poſt after him, and if they could overtake him, to bring him back again.

There was alſo another report made from Sir John Hotham, that the Ships wherein the Ordinance and Ammunition that was brought out of the Tower of London to Hull, was Shipped; were vnder ſaile and gone out of the River; withall, that Sir John Hotham deſired that more Committees might be ſent to Hull, becauſe thoſe that were there laſt being gone, the whole burthen lay upon him only and his Sonne? which was too heavy for them to beare. That alſo he deſired 6. Canoneers, & one Engineere to be ſent that if ſo be the Caſtle ſhould be beſeiged, they might have ſome that had skill to uſe the Ordinance that are there, that they might the better defend the place; al­ſo he deſired Money to pay the Souldiers that were there, and that allowance might be given for keeping Horſes to ſend out for Scouts from time to time, and in particular he deſired Sir John Meldron by name to be ſent thither as a Committee.

May the 26. a Letter came from Yorke, dated the 24. of May, which did ſignifie that the meeting of that County appointed by his Majeſtie, is put off till the third of June, and the Meſſenger who brought the letter from the Committees who came from York hither in 24. houres, relates a dangerous Plot againſt Hull, which was this; one that got into the Towne ha­ving put himſelfe into the Habit of a Souldier, did ſolicite divers Souldiers to ſtand for the King, and promiſed them, that they ſhould have ſuch and ſuch rewards: and in particular he ſignified, that on the 27 of May, two Lords would be at the back­ſide of the Towne with ſome Souldiers, ready to en­ter at a Poſtern gate, if it might be opened unto them: he prevailed with many, but before the time came, the Plot was diſcovered, and ſo diſppointed.

The ſame Meſſenger declared, That he met the Lord Keeper at York on Tueſday night, and that ſun­dry other Lords were come to the King; as namely, the Earle of Salisbury, the Earle of Northampton, the Earle of Southamhton, the Earle of Davonſhire, the Lord of Dover, the Lord Coventry, the Lord Capell, and others.

There was a Relation made to the Houſe, that Sir Thomas Littleton, had ſent three pieces of Ordinance to his Houſe; which paſſing by Alisbury at the time of the Faſt, were notwithſtanding, there ſtaied by the Conſtable, and the Cart that brought them ſent a­way, the Ordinance being there detained. And an Order was made, to prevent Ammunition from go­ing to York.

Another Letter from Sir John Hotham was read, which punctually declared the Plot againſt Hull, which was thus, one Becket, whoſe Daughter was married to Foots a Souldier, ſent for the ſaid Foots his Sonne in Law, and offered him a very large re­ward, if ſo be be would betray Hull: Foots diſcovered the matter to Sir John Hotham, who adviſed him to hearken unto Becket, and ſo he did, accepting the con­ditions; but propounding means for the performance thereof, he giving him ſatisfaction thereabouts; Foots willed him, to declare what it was that he expected from him? Becket anſwered, to let in ſome Lords with their Troups at a back dore, which particular project Foots Related to Sir John Hotham.

Sir John Hotham wrote to His Majeſty a Letter, wherein he gave him notice of the ſeverall particu­lars, and that it was diſcovered, and humbly intreated His Majeſty, that care might be taken thereabouts, leaſt dammage and diſhonour might accrue to His Majeſty.

The Letter which Beckett ſent to Foots is ſent to the Parliament, who have ſent for the ſaid Beckett as a Delinquent.

A Letter from the Major of Beverly to Sir Iohn Hotham was read, which certifieth the care and dili­gence of the Major in maintainning a Watch, and thereby they obſerved ſundry comeing in at unſeaſon­able houres, and amongſt others ſome Recuſants.

Sir William Strickeland, is one of the new Com­mittees appointed to goe to Hull, and Inſtructions for the Committees were ſent with him. A Letter was ſent to the Speaker from Sir Frincis Worthley and o­thers, which the Speaker makeing knowne to the Houſe, and asking whether he ſhould reade it, it was refuſed by the whole Houſe to be read, becauſe they were Delinquents. Committees alſo were ſent to Lincolneſhire with Inſtructions to looke well to that County.

An information was brought to the Houſe of Com­mons of 2. Cart-loads of great Saddles that were car­ried to the Water-ſide to be Shipped for Yorke.


OVr will and pleaſure is, That the Miniſters, Freeholders, Farmers, and ſubſtantiall Co­py-holders of this our county of YORK, doe Aſſemble and meete together at HEWORTH MOOR, neer Our City of YORK, upon Friday in Whitſon week according to former ſummons by nine of the clock in the Morning. For that we are informed there are divers Fayrs to be keep in this Our County the day following, at which time many of them may have neceſſary occaſions to be ab­ſent: and therefore, out of Our tender­neſſe and care of Our good Subjects, We have thought fit to give this early notice, to the end the ſaid Inhabitants may be put to as little prejudice as may be. And this Our pleaſure We require to be forth with Printed, And Copies thereof to be ſpeedily publiſhed and diſ­perſed by the SHERIFF of this County: For which this ſhall be ſufficient War­rant.


About this transcription

TextA declartion [sic] of the heads of severall letters, sent from the committee at York, unto the House of Parliament: relating all the chiefe passages and proceedings at York and Hull, the last weeke. Likewise, a letter from Sir John Hotham to the House of Commons, concerning a dangerous plot against the town of Hull, and how it was discovered. With the names of those lords that came to the King from the Parliament. Also His Majesties proclamation to the sheriffes of severall counties.
AuthorHotham, John, Sir, d. 1645 Jan. 2., ; England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I)., ; England and Wales. Parliament..
Extent Approx. 8 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A82164)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 156725)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 26:E149[17])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA declartion [sic] of the heads of severall letters, sent from the committee at York, unto the House of Parliament: relating all the chiefe passages and proceedings at York and Hull, the last weeke. Likewise, a letter from Sir John Hotham to the House of Commons, concerning a dangerous plot against the town of Hull, and how it was discovered. With the names of those lords that came to the King from the Parliament. Also His Majesties proclamation to the sheriffes of severall counties. Hotham, John, Sir, d. 1645 Jan. 2., England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I)., England and Wales. Parliament.. [8] p. Printed for I.T.,London :June 3. 1642.. (Signatures: A⁴.) (Variant: with title page and A3v partly in a different setting, and A4 in a completely different setting. On the title page, the words "With the names .. counties." are replaced with "With two orders made by both Houses of Parliament: June 2. 1642. H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D.C.". A4 bears the two orders of Parliament rather than the King's proclamation.)
  • York (England) -- History -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800.
  • Hull (England) -- History -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2011-04 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A82164
  • STC Wing D686
  • STC Thomason E149_17
  • STC ESTC R1004
  • EEBO-CITATION 99858789
  • PROQUEST 99858789
  • VID 156725

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