A DECLARATION OF THE Kings Maieſties Army IN THE NORTH OF ENGLAND: CONCERNING, Their preſent Deſigne and Engagement for the King, and the re-inveſting of him in his Royall Throane.
WITH, Their Reſolution touching the late buſineſſe in Wales, And the burning of Commiſſions in the North.
TOGETHER, With the proceedings of Major Generall Laughorne, and the Proteſtation of the Brittiſh Forces in Wales.
LONDON, Printed for R. W. MDCXLVIII.
SInce the laſt of the ninth of this inſtant, we have received exceeding good newes from Wales, that the diſmall Cloud is now diſſolved, and the inſolent Enemy, almoſt quit vanquiſhed: for by a poſt from thence, to Major Gen. Lambert, our Governour) it was advertiſed, that the Parliments Party wounded by Collonell Horton, hath given a great Defeat to the Enemy, and routed, and ſcattered moſt of them; inſomuch, that he is become Maſter of the greateſt part of the Principality of Wal•s; newes did not a little elevate, and ſtirre up the hearts of the well affected, in theſe parts, who rejoyced2 and tryumphed at the tydings thereof, looking upon it to bee a thing of great conſequence and high concernement; and indeed ſo it was; for it was the chiefeſt originall of the now preſent diſtractions in the North of England, and the maine courſe of moving them thereunto: but the great ſticklers there, do now endeavour to make inviſible their former late actions and poceedings; for by intelligence from thoſe parts (as alſo the conformation of ſeveral parts) we are advertiſed, that Col: Grey (formerly a great Commander in the Kings Army) upon the receipt of theſe heavy tidings from Wales, changed his reſolution from being Lieu: Gen: ſo Sir Marmaduke Langdale, of the five Northerne Counties, and utterly diſſerted that deſigne and ſervice, proteſting againſt the ſame, We heare alſo, that one Lieu: Col: Foggin, hath declared againſt the Deſigned and Engagement of Langdale, Glemham, Tildſley, and Muſgrave, notwithſtanding the Commiſſion lately given him by ſir Marma: Langdale, the deſigne Generall (by the Prince) and it is ſaid, that in defiance to to Lengdale, hee tooke the Commiſſion, (in the preſence of divers Northerne Gentelmen,) and threw it into the fire, ſaying, that if he had Langdale there, he would quell his fiery ſpirits, and uſe his utmoſt endeavours for the ſuppreſſing of his inſolent carriage, both toward King, Parliament, and Kingdome. Sir, this is all for the preſent,
TO that we will uſe our beſt Endeavours to bring the King to a perſonall Treaty with his Parl. with Freedom, Honour, and Safety; and that we will endeavour to ſettle the juſt Prerogative of the King, Priviledges of Parliament, Lawes of the Land, and liberties of the peope, may be all maintained and preſerved in their proper bounds; and the Proteſtant Religion, as it ſtands eſtabliſhed by the Law of the Land, reſtored throughout the Kingdom, with ſuch regard to be had of tender Conſciences, as ſhall be allowed by Act of Parliament.
YOu that will either give conſent to this Declaration, and joyne with us in effecting it; or if you ſhall not think fit ſo to do, then not to reveale or prejudice our Oath: and if you do conſent to it, then to joyne with us in Councel, not & to4 reveale our Secrets to any ſo long as they are Secrets, but to thoſe whom you think fit to reveale them to for the furthering of the buſineſse, and thoſe to be ſuch as you do believe to be well-affected to us, and will not betray or reveale our Secrets.
I Deſire you would let me know by what power you firſt came, and ſtill remain in theſe Counties of my Aſſociation, being Commiſſioned, Commander in chiefe of theſe parts, by an Ordinance of Parliament and upon what grounds the Injury of ſeizing on ſome of my Troop was5 offered, and the taking of the whole attempted, without ſatisfaction rendred them in point of pay, according to the Inſtructions of Parliament to the Commiſſioners for Disbanding ſuch Supernumeraries: I ſhould gladly be ſatisfyed in theſe particulars, otherwiſe your perſeverance in theſe Affronts to my ſelfe, and the Souldiery, and the Countrey, will not be without ſome difficulty. Sir, if you pleaſe to withdraw your forces out of this County, it may be a ſpeciall meanes to prevent ſeverall inconveniences, beſides the neceſſary Reſolutions which otherwiſe muſt be forced upon,
J Cannot be ignorant how the ſole Command of theſe Aſſociated Counties was conferred upon me by Ordinance of Parliament, nor of the injuries and affronts put upon my men, in ſtead of6 receiving their pay allowed them by the Parliament, and agreed upon by ſome of your ſelves. Truly, J was very confident my paſt ſervice for your Countrey, had merited much better of you, then that ſuch miſcarriages ſhould happen in my abſence, and to your knowledge unrighted: However, if you pleaſe to appeare with your Countrey, and to continue your endeavours in prevention of the ſlavery threatned it, you ſhall not faile of the moſt effectual aſsiſtance ſhall lie in the power of,
SInce my laſt, concerning the proceedings in Wales Sir Marmaduke Langdale, and the reſt of the Commanders in the North, who now acts (under a pretence) for the King, ſince the receipt of the ſaid tydings from Wales, have declared, that they will live and dye for the King, & uſe their utmoſt endeavours for the re-inthroning of him, and reſtoring of him to his rights and priveledges, with diverſe other circumſtances to this effect, and the better to accompliſh their deſignes, have ſummoned in the Countries adjacent; declaring that the late rumor, touching the buſineſſe of Wales is falſe, and that it is only raiſed for the obſtructing of the preſent proceedings of the Kings Army in thoſe parts.
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