A DECLARATION OF The Princes Navie, CONCERNING The Parliament of England and the Army; and their Remonſtrance and Reſoluti•n delivered to prince Rupert; with the particulars of a great and bloudy fight at Sea, and prince Maurice his Letter to the prince of Wales.
Alſo, the Queens Majeſties Meſſage to the Prince at the Hague, concerning the preſent tranſaction of Affaires, in relation to England, Scotland, and Ireland.
Imprinted at London, for G. Wharton, May 1. 1649.
UPon the 26. of this inſtant, here arrived〈◊〉Meſſenger from Prince Maurice, wi••a Letter to the Prince of Wales, where〈◊〉he gives an account to his Highneſſe〈◊〉the preſent tranſactions at Sea, purpo•ting, That without a ſpeedy ſupply of Monies, and•ther Neceſſaries appertaining thereunto, for acco•modation2 of the Mariners, a great diſtraction would ſuddenly break forth amongſt them new Coles being already kindling, which are ready to break forth in a viſible flame.
For we hear, that they mutiny exceedingly, and have declared, That they will not engage againſt the Parliaments Navy without aſſurance both of preſent and future ſatisfaction; inſomuch, that many of them have undantedly remonſtrated to Prince Rupert, and other ſuperiour Officers, that they will rather die and ſuffer martyrdome, then be enſlaved and ruled by a uſurping power and arbytrary Government.
This ſtrange allarum ſoundeth in the eares of many like a terrible eccho, and puts a great demur to the proceedings at Court, many of the Grandees declining Engagement; eſpecially ſince the receipt of the Intelligence, that the parliaments Navy are put forth to Sea who are joyntly reſolved to hazard the encounter, and to bring them to obedience and ſubjection, who have perfidiouſly deſerted, and betrayed the truſt repoſed in them.
And by an Expreſſe from Helver-ſluce it is further intimated, that upon the lanching forth of the parliaments ſhips to the Ocean, they ſoon eſpyed a Squadron of the princes Fleet, all under ſayl, being about ſixteen in number, who making towards them, and comming within ſhot, gave them a broad ſide, which by reaſon of a ſecond Volley from the aſſaulted, a hot conflict began, being diſputed with great reſoluteneſſe and gallantry on both ſides, the Victory ſeeming a long while doubtfull, but at laſt it fell to the parliamenteers, who ſunk one of their Combitants, chaſed the reſt many3 leagues, and are now become Maſters of a great part of the Britiſh Seas.
This is reported here with great confidence, and it is verily believed, the reſt will not ſtand a fight, divers of them fearing, that they ſhall be made exemplary, if ever they be taken. Col. Popham one of the parliaments Admirals, hath cleered the Weſtern Coaſt neere the Iſle of Portland, and forced many to fly before him. The other two Admirals, Col. Blague, and Col. Deane, are upon the ſame motion on the South weſt point.
Postſcript,Hague27. Aprill, 1649.
Since the writing of my laſt, the two extraordinary Embaſſadours from Sweden and Denmark have had audience with the titufar King of Scotland, repreſenting the perſonall appearance of their Maſters, and promiſing him aſſiſtance for the obtaining of his Birthright. But truly we cannot diſcerne any viſible Force as yet in Armes, and the Princes Propoſitions to the old Souldiers of the United Provinces are much ſlighted and rejected, having unanimouſly declared, that they will not any wayes intermeddle with the affairs of England, in relation to the erecting and ſetting up of Monarchy or any other Government whatſoever. Here is a great demur hapned, at Court, by reaſon of the Parliaments Navy putting forth to Sea, which cauſeth many who at firſt ſeemed very forward to promote the Royall Deſign, to deſert any further Engagement, taking a preſident by the late headleſſe members, who acted againſt the Commonwealth of England.
Hague27. Aprill 1649.
THe Queen of England is much perplexed and ſore troubled in mind, the Fountain and Riſe whereof, taking its firſt derivation from the preſent ſtreams or head of the Royal Off-ſp•ing at the Hague; for having ſent a Letter to her Sonne Prince Charles, to adviſe him to a Treaty with her Maieſty, and to meet her at Amians in France, but hearing that his affections had taken Center another way, and that he could not meet her there, ſhe reſolved n•t to m•ke any further addreſſe unto him, but returned backe•o Paris, condoling much the loſſe of her late endeared Soveraign, and the preſent proceedings of the Prince, in reference to the work in hand touching his reſtauration: And after ſome few dayes ſpent in ſerious meditations, watering her Princely bed with teares of ſorrow, ſhe deſired a conference with Mr. He••y Jermin, at which ſhe declared, That ſhe had received ſeverall Dictates in a Dream, and that ma•y things were revealed to her thereby, by Apparitions and Viſions, to wit;
Firſt, that if her Son Prince Charles did any wayes alienate his affections from going to Ireland, and caſt himſelf upon the Kingdom of Scotland, He was a loſt Prince, and that they would ſerve him as they had done his Father, to ſell him for a ſum of money, and ſo deprive him of all Earthly felicity, which might abundantly flow from his three Crownes and Kingdomes.
Secondly, That if his vigilancy were not perſpicuous to thoſe in power, in playing of his Game at Sea, that his Deſigne would be ſoone fruſtrated, and all5 hopes of reſtauration wholly expiated, &c. Having dictated unto him theſe propheticall expreſſions, Her Majeſty deſired, that they might be forthwith communicated unto his Highneſſe, which was aſſerted to, and a meſſenger immediatly diſpatched from thence to the Hague:
A Yorkſhire Gentlewoman coming out of Cleveland, to preſent ſome things to the Houſe of Commons, delivered a paper to Lieut. Gen. Crumwell, containing matters which ſhe ſaith ſhe had in command from God in a Viſion, viz. 1. That the Parliament reform the Clergy, & only ſettle ſuch Miniſters as promote holineſſe and the glory of God. 2 To make the Laws of the Land plain and juſt, grounded upon the Word of God. 3 To make ſpeedy and effectuall proviſion for the poor. 4 That differences be compoſed at home, before the breaking out of further diſtractions abroad. Theſe things ſhe ſaith that ſhe being as dead for a time were revealed to her by God, ſhe beholding the glory of Heaven and the Alm•ghty Jehovah.
Sir, Our dependance here is, what his gracious Majeſty will do, all deſire his comming hither, but the profeſſed downright Royaliſts would have him come w••h a force for there inſtituting him in his Right; the other party, ſuch as reall for Presbytery, would alſo have him come with a new heart. Wee hear that the vulgar ſort of people do cry him up exceedingly; an•ſay they•u•t and will have〈◊〉King though it coſt them never ſo much: here are…ly riſings in ſeverall parts of the Country the Marqueſſe of Hunt•••s Son is again in arms with 2000. Gourdons to revenge his Fathers death, they have declared for Charles the ſecond,6 and have ſet forth their Invitation, for all perſons to come in to their aſſiſtance. Col. Car, and divers other Engliſh Officers, are likewiſe very active in raiſing of Forces, and have ſent Letters of invitation into Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmerland, for others to come to them, promiſing great matters of preferment, but it is more then they are able to performe, for the well affected party are both vigilant & active in ſuppreſſing of them.
The Committee of Eſtates ſit daily in conſultation, and are exceedingly diſcontented at their new Kings refuſall to grant their deſires, and reject a complyance with them; whereupon many of them have declared their aſſent for a meſſage to be ſent to the parliament of England, in reference to a Treaty, touching prince Charles; but many of the great Ones are divided in that particular, and the Commoners cannot indure to heare of the ſubverſion of Monarchy.
Berwick27 April, 1649.
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