A DECLARATION TO All His Majeſties loving Subjects, touching Brokers Uſurers, Scrivenors, and Solicitors; For, and in behalf of all Shoo-makers, Weavers Butchers, Victuallers, Chandlers, Drapers, Clothworkers, Taylors, Wire-drawers, Gold Smiths, and Silver-Smiths.
AMongſt the reſt of His Sacred Majeſties many Illuſtrious Titles, which like fair and beautiful Flowers, do adorn & bedeck His Royal Crown, there's•one exc•eds and excels all the reſt, aſwell in Vertue as in Beauty,2 and that is His Title of Defender of the Faith, &c. And, indeed, as that Title is his Majeſties Honour, ſo the Truth of it is His Subjects Happineſſe. For, neith•r the higheſt Prov•c tions, nor the ſtrongeſt Tempt•tions that ever Prince met withall, hath been able to ſlake his•ictorious Faith, nor abate his holy Zeal: Witneſſe his Gracious Majeſties firſt Act, after his Return•o the Exerciſe of his Regal Power, in his early and timely ſuppreſſing Prophaneneſſe and diſcountenancing debaucht perſons, who know not how to expreſſe their Thankfulneſſe unto GOD for Mercies, but by a ſinful drinking them away; a practiſe his Majeſties Soul a•hors.
Theſe his eminent Vertues, and excellent Qualifications that God hath beſtowed upon Him, to make him every way wo•thy and fit for Government, invit•d the Parliament, with joyful•earts, to make their humble Addreſſes to his Majeſty for his Royall Aſſent to ſeveral Bills; Amongſt whi•h, the Bill intituled, An Act to prevent the taking of exceſſive Uſu•y, was by his Maj•ſty ſigned, to the great contentment of all Loyal and Faithful Subjects.
The reſtraining men of avaritious minds whoſe Conſciences are as large as their Bags, will be a great eaſe to the People, and an inablement to3 the Merchants the better to go on with their Trades. They are the laborious Bees that bring in Honey into his Majeſties Hive; and Uſurers are the lazie, idle Dron•s,•hat rob this precious Hive of the honey.
For preventing all ſuch Abuſes for the Future, It is Enacted by the Kings moſt Excellent Majeſty, and the Lords and Commons in this preſent Parliament Aſſembled, That no per•on or perſons whatſoever, from and after the 29th day of September, 1660. upon any Contract, ſhall from and after the ſaid Day, take directly o•indi•ectly for Loane of any Mo•ies, Wares, Merchandiſe, or o•her Commodities whatſoever, above the value o•ſix pounds for the Forbearance of one hundred pounds for a year, and ſo after that Rate for a greater or leſſer ſum or for a longer or ſhorter time. And that all Bonds, Contracts, and Aſſ•r•nc•'s whatſoever, made after the time afore•aid, for payment of any Principall or Money to be lent or covenan•ed to be perſonmed upon or for any Uſury.
4Whereupon or whereby there ſhall be reſerved or taken above the rate of ſix pounds in the hundred as aforeſa•d ſhall be utterly void.
And all perſons what•oever, who ſhall after the 29 day of September, are hereby deſired to take notice, That if any perſon or perſons ſhall take, accept, and receive, by way or means of any corrupt Bargain, Loan, Exchange, Shift, or Intereſt of any Wares or Merchandiſe whatſoever, or by any deceitful way, or conveyance, for the forbearing or giving day of payment for one whole year, of and for their Money, or other thing, above the ſum of ſix pounds for the forbearing of one hundred pounds for a year, and ſo after that Rate for a greater or leſſer ſum, or for a longer and ſhorter Terme, ſhall forfeit & loſe for every ſuch Offence, the treble value of the Monies, Wares, Merchandiſe, and other things ſo lent, bargained, ſold, exchanged, or ſhifted. And all Scrivenors, Brokers, Solicitors, Drivers of Bargains for Contra•ts, who ſhall after the ſaid 39. day of September, take or receive, directly or indirectly, any Sum or Sums of Money, or other Reward or Thing for Brokage, Soliciting, Driving, or procuring the Loan, or forbearing of any Sum or Sums of Money, over and above the Rate or value of five ſhillings for the Loane, or forbearing of one hundred pounds for5 a year, and ſo rateably, or above twelve pence for making or renewing of the Bond or Bill for the Loane, or for forbearing thereof, or for any Counterbond or Bill concerning the ſame, ſhalll Forfeit for every ſuch Offence twenty pounds, and have impriſonment for half a year: The one moyety of all which Forfeitures to be to the King our Soveraign Lord, His Heirs and Succeſſors; And the other moiety to the perſons that ſhall ſue for the ſame, in the ſame County where the ſeveral Offences are committed, and not elſewhere.