AN ACT For bringing in the Revenue of Delinquents, and Popiſh Recuſants.
BE it Enacted by this preſent Parliament, and the Authority of the ſame, That all and every perſon and perſons, employed the two and twentieth day of April, laſt paſt, as Receivers General of the Publique Revenue ariſing out of the Eſtates of Delinquents and Popiſh Recuſants, ſhall and are hereby ratified and confirmed in the ſeveral Offices of Receivers General, to exerciſe the ſame within the reſpective Counties, Limits, and Places wherein they were ſo employed as Receivers, the ſaid two and twentieth day of April, one thouſand ſix hundred fifty nine, until further Order ſhall be taken by the Parliament or Council of State, and the ſaid Receivers are hereby impowered enabled, and required, within their reſpective Counties, Limits, and Diviſions, to Collect, Gather, Receive, Demand, and Levie, as well the Arrears of the ſaid Publique Revenues ariſing out of the Eſtates of Delinquents and Popiſh Recuſants already incurred, as alſo the ſaid growing Revenues; And all other Rents, Revenues, Duties, ſum and ſums of Money, which4 to them, have or ſhall from time to time reſpectively be given in charge by the reſpective Auditors of the Exchequer. And it is hereby Enacted, That they the ſaid Receivers, for the better getting in, and Levying the ſaid Duties and Revenues, are and ſhall be enabled and impowred to diſtrein for the ſame within their reſpective Limits and Counties, and to uſe all other lawful means and wayes for the getting the ſame in, as fully to all intents and purpoſes as any Receivers of the Revenue of the late King were enabled to do by any Law, Statute, or uſage of this Common-wealth. And the Auditors before whom the ſaid Revenue was in charge the ſaid two and twentieth day of April, One thouſand ſix hundred fifty nine laſt paſt, or at any time ſince, are hereby authorized and required to proceed in the execution of their ſeveral Offices, till the Parliament or Council of State ſhall take further Order therein.