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At a General Court of the Adventurers for the General Ioynt-Stock to the Eaſt-Indies, Holden at the Eaſt-India-Houſe.November the 16th. Day, 1693.

Whereas Their Sacred Majeſties, King WILLIAM and Queen MARY, by Their Royal Charter under the Great Seal of England, bearing Date the Seventh Day of October, now laſt paſt, have been Graciouſly pleaſed to Confirm and Eſtabliſh the Preſent Eaſt-India Company under the〈…〉

〈…〉Lords of Their Majeſties Moſt Honourable Privy Council, have by another Charter under the Great Seal of England, bearing Date the Eleventh Day of this Inſtant November, been likewiſe Graciouſly pleaſed, to Ordain, Lawful Money of England, ſhall, and may be added to the General Joynt-Stock of the ſaid Company, by the New Sub­ſcriptions of ſuch Perſons, who ſhall be minded to Adventure any Share in the ſaid General Joynt-Stock; And that a Book or Books for the ſaid New Subſcriptions, ſhall be provided by the ſaid Governour and Company, within Six Dayes after the Date of the ſaid laſt recited Charter, which are to lye open every Day in the Week, (Sundays excepted) At the Eaſt-India-Houſe in Leadenhall-Street, London; from the Hour of Eight, to the Hour of Twelve in the Morning, and from the Hour of Two, to the Hour of Six in the Afternoon, until the Tenth Day of January next Incluſive; In which ſaid Book or Books, It ſhall, and may be Lawful, to and for any Perſon or Perſons whatſoever, being Natural Born Subjects of this Their Ma­jeſties Realm, or Perſons Naturalized or Indenized, to Pay and Subſcribe, on or before the ſaid Tenth Day of January now next enſuing, ſuch Sum or Sums of Money, to be added to the ſaid Joynt Stock, as they ſhall think fit to Adventure in the ſaid Trade, ſo as no one Perſon ſhall Subſcribe more than Ten Thouſand Pounds: And that in caſe the ſaid New Subſcrip­tions ſhall exceed the Sum of Seven Hundred Forty Four Thouſand Pounds, The Governour, Deputy, and Court of Committees ſhall Leſſen and Reduce the ſaid New Subſcriptions, to the ſaid Sum of Seven Hundred Forty Four Thouſand Pounds Rata pro Rata, and in proportion to the Reſpective Sums ſo newly Subſcribed; And that every Perſon ſo Subſcribing, ſhall at the time of their Subſcriptions make Oath, That the Moneys by him or her Subſcribed, is his, or her own Proper Money, and Subſcribed for their own Uſe, and not in truſt for any other Perſon whatſoever: And that every Perſon at the time of their Subſcriptions, ſhall Actually and Bona Fide pay down to the Committees of the Treaſury for the ſaid Com­pany or their Caſhire, one Entire Third part of the Sum of Money, by each of them Reſpectively ſo Subſcribed, and the Remainder thereof on or before the Tenth Day of January now next coming.

NOW in Conformity to the ſaid laſt Recited Charter, It is hereby order'd by this General Court, That the Ac­comptant-General do forthwith provide one or more Book or Books made of Vellum, for taking of the ſaid New Subſcriptions for Seven Hundred Forty Four Thouſand Pounds, That the ſame may be laid open, as is Directed by the ſaid laſt men­tioned Charter: Wherein any Perſon or Perſons qualified as aforeſaid, may Subſcribe ſuch Sum and Sums of Money as they ſhall think fit; not exceeding in the whole the Sum of Ten Thouſand Pounds, according to the Direction of the ſaid Charter.

And for the better Encouragement of the ſaid New Subſcriptions, and bringing in of the Sums of Money ſo to be Subſcribed, This Court think fit to Declare and Agree, That for every Hundred Pound of the ſaid Additional Stock, that ſhall be Subſcri­bed and Paid in, on or before the 10th. Day of January next, Every Perſon ſo Subſcribing, and Paying in the ſame, ſhall have Credit in the Companies Books for a Hundred Pound Stock, and ſo proportionably for anyother Sum.

And in caſe any Perſon ſhall Subſcribe any Sum of Money, as before is Directed, and pay in the One Third Part, or any greater Part of ſuch his or her Subſcription, on or before the Tenth of December next, Every ſuch Perſon and Perſons ſo Subſcribing and Paying in as aforeſaid, ſhall have Ten per Cent. allow'd for Prompt Payment of the Moneys by them ſo paid in.

Any Perſon or Perſons Subſcribing any Sum of Money as before is Directed, and Paying in One Third, or any greater Part of ſuch their Subſcription, on or before the Twentieth of the ſaid Month of December, ſhall have Six per Cent. allow'd or Prompt Payment of the Moneys ſo paid in.

Any Perſon or Perſons Subſcribing any Sum of Money as before is Directed, and Paying in One Third, or any greater Part of ſuch their Subſcriptions, on or before the One and Thirtieth of the ſaid Month of December, ſhall have Four per Cent. allow'd for Prompt Payment of the Moneys ſo paid in.

Any Perſon or Perſons Subſcribing any Sum of Money as before is Directed; and Paying in One Third, or any greater part of ſuch their Subſcriptions, on or before the Tenth of January, ſhall have Three per Cent. allow'd for the Moneys ſo paid in.

Which ſaid ſeveral Allowances of Ten per Cent. Six per Cent. Four per Cent. and Three per Cent. to be made to the ſeveral Perſons Subſcribing and Paying in their Money, on or before the ſeveral Days and Times before mention'd, ſhall be paid to them, and every of them by the Governour and Company, on or before the laſt Day of February next: In Proportion to the ſeveral Sums of Money, for which the Reſpective Subſcribers ſhall have Credit in the Companies Books, upon the Reduction of the whole Subſcriptions, in Caſe they ſhall exceed the Sum of Seven Hundred Forty Four Thouſand Pounds, Purſuant to the Charter afore-mention'd.

On ſerious Conſideration had of the Propoſals before-mention'd, made by the ſaid General Court, We whoſe Names are Subſcribed, do by theſe Preſents Conſent and Agree thereunto, And do Promiſe and Oblige Our Selves, and Our Reſpective Executors, Adminiſtrators and Aſſigns to the ſaid Governour and Company, to pay, or cauſe to be paid unto the ſaid Go­vernour and Company, or to the Committees of the Treaſury, or their Caſhire, the ſeveral Sums of Money by us herein Subſcribed, at the Times before-limited by Their Majeſties ſaid Charter, to be added to the ſaid General Joynt-Stock; That is to ſay, the One Third Part thereof, at the Time of our Reſpective Subſcriptions, and the Remainder on or before the Tenth Day of January now next coming: And in Default of ſuch Payment, We do hereby Covenant and Agree with the ſaid Governour and Company, That it ſhall and may be Lawful for the ſaid Governour and Company, to Deduct and Retain for the Uſe of the Adventurers in the ſaid Joynt-Stock, after the Rate of Ten per Cent. of the Moneys by us ſo paid in, out of the firſt Dividents to be made, or upon the Sale or Alienation of the ſame, which ſhall firſt happen; And that we are to have no more Credit in the Companies Books, than what ſhall be ſo actually paid in by us, on or before the ſaid Tenth of January next.

About this transcription

TextAt a general court of the adventurers for the general joynt-stock to the East-Indies holden at the East-India-House. November the 16th. day, 1693.
AuthorEast India Company..
Extent Approx. 8 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 2 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A82360)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 132866)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2496:9)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationAt a general court of the adventurers for the general joynt-stock to the East-Indies holden at the East-India-House. November the 16th. day, 1693. East India Company.. 1 sheet ([1] p.) s.n.[London :1693]. (Copy filmed at UMI microfilm Early English Books 1641-1700 reel 2496 cut in two, with some loss of print.) (Reproduction of original in the Folger Shakespeare Library.)
  • East India Company -- Early works to 1800.
  • Broadsides -- England

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2014-11 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A82360
  • STC Wing E100kA
  • STC ESTC R224980
  • EEBO-CITATION 99897420
  • PROQUEST 99897420
  • VID 132866

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