AN ACT For quiet Enjoying of Sequeſtred Parſonages AND VICARIDGES By the preſent Incumbent.
BE it Enacted by His Highneſs the Lord Protector and this preſent Parliament, That every perſon who hath been, or ſhall before the Firſt day of July, One thouſand ſix hundred fifty ſeven, be ſetled by the Parliament, or any authority derived from them, or by His Highneſs the Lord Protector, or the Lords Commiſſioners of the Great Seal, in any Parſonage or Vicaridge, Preſentative or Donative, or Hoſpital within this Commonwealth, heretofore ſequeſtred by Parliament, or any Authority derived from them, and ſhall on the Firſt day of July aforeſaid, be in the poſſeſſion thereof, the Sequeſtred or Ejected Miniſter being then living, ſuch and no2 other perſon ſhall be, and is hereby adjudged and deemed the lawful Incumbent to all intents and purpoſes, and ſhall and may have, retain and poſſeſs, ſue for, and recover all Tythes, and other Profits and Advantages whatſoever thereunto belonging, as if he had been legally inſtituted and inducted, Any Law or Statute to the contrary in any wiſe notwithſtanding.
And it is further Enacted by the Authority aforeſaid, That upon the Death, Reſignation or Removal of the Miniſter, formerly ſetled as aforeſaid, and now adjudged the Incumbent, It ſhall be lawful for the Patron (being neither Delinquent nor Papiſt) to preſent to ſuch Living, as if the Incumbent formerly ſequeſtred had been dead.
Provided always, and be it further Enacted by the Authority aforeſaid, That where the Sequeſtred or Ejected Miniſter is not ſeized of to his own uſe, or others in truſt for him or his wife, of the Real Eſtate of Thirty pounds per Annum, or poſſeſſed of a Perſonal Eſtate to the value of Five hundred pounds, the Commiſſioners that are or ſhall be appointed for the Ejection of Scandalous, Ignorant and Inſufficient Miniſters and Schoolmaſters, or any Five of them, ſhall within their Limits make unto the Sequeſtred Miniſter during his life, Allowance out of the Profits of the ſaid Parſonage or Vicaridge, not exceeding a fifth part of the Profits thereof; And the ſaid Commiſſioners or any five of them, are hereby impowered and required to ſequeſter for the uſe of (and cauſe to be paid over to) the ſaid Sequeſtred Miniſter the ſaid Allowance, with3 ſuch Arrears thereof, as the ſaid Commiſſioners ſhall think fit, in caſe the Incumbent ſhall refuſe to pay the ſame.
Provided, That no Ejected or Sequeſtred Miniſter ſhall have or receive any Benefit or Advantage by vertue of this Act, that reſides and remains in the pariſh or place out of which he is ejected or ſequeſtred, during ſuch reſidence, Any thing before in this Act, or any other matter or thing to the contrary hereof notwithſtanding.
Provided always, That nothing in this Act ſhall extend to the charging any perſon hereby made and conſtituted Incumbent in Law, with the Payment of Firſt-fruits, until the death of the ſaid perſon ejected or ſequeſtred from any ſuch Parſonage or Vicaridge as aforeſaid, at which time he ſhall be lyable to pay the ſame.
Provided alſo, and it is hereby declared, That where any part of the Tythes or other Profits have been taken away by any of the Authorities aforeſaid, from any Parſonage of Vicaridge, Preſentative or Donative, and ſetled upon any Chappel or other place, for the increaſe of Maintenance of ſuch place, nothing contained in this Act ſhall extend to the taking away ſuch Augmentations from ſuch places, but they are hereby confirmed and ſetled as aforeſaid, during the life of the perſon hereby adjudged the Incumbent.
Provided always, That this Act or any thing therein contained, ſhall not extend to give or confirm unto Anthony Lapthorn the preſent Miniſter of Sedgfield in the County of Durham, any Right or Title to the Profits of the ſaid4 Rectory of Sedgfield, ſave onely to ſo much thereof as ſhall amount unto the ſum of Two hundred pounds per Annum, allowed unto him out of the Profits of the ſaid Rectory by the Committee of the late Parliament for Plundred Miniſters, Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wiſe notwithſtanding.
Provided always, and be it Enacted by the Authority aforeſaid, That it ſhall and may be lawful to and for any Patron or perſon, having Right of Preſentation, and not being a Papiſt or Delinquent, to preſent unto any Church or Chappel where the Incumbent hath been a Delinquent and ſequeſtred, and in which any Miniſter hath been placed by Authority of Parliament, that is ſince deceaſed, and ſuch Church or Chappel not ſupplied or preſented unto before the Seventeenth day of June, One thouſand ſix hundred fifty ſeven, Any thing in this Act, or any other matter or thing to the contrary hereof notwithſtanding.