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To enable Sir THOMAS MIDDLETON Knight, Serjeant Major Generall for the ſixe Counties of North-Wales, to take ſubſcrip­tions for the raiſing of Forces, for reducing of the ſaid Counties to their due obedi­ence, and prevention of the Ac­ceſſe of Iriſh Forces into thoſe parts.

And further to enable the ſaid Sir Thomas to put in execution all former Ordinances made this preſent PARLIAMENT.

ORdered by the Commons in Parliament, that this Ordinance be forth with Printed and Publiſhed.

Hen. Elſynge Cler. Parl, Dom. Com.

London, Printed for Edward Husbands, Feb. 21. 1644.


An additionall Ordinance.

THe Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament, taking into their ſerious conſideration the preſent condition of the Counties of Salop and Cheſhire, and the dammage which may accrue to this Kingdome by the frequent lan­ding of Iriſh forces in the Counties of North-Wales, and joyning themſelves with ſuch Delinquents and Papiſts as are now in Armes in thoſe parts againſt the Parliament, and his Majeſties Soveraigne power and Authority therein reſiding, which tends to the ſubver­ſion of the ſundamentall conſtitution, Government and tranquility of this Realme, the Liberty and Priviled­ges of the Subjects and the Proteſtant Religion, with­in his Majeſties Dominions, have thought ſit that a timely courſe may be taken for prevention of the ac­ceſſe of any Iriſh forces into thoſe parts for the future, by the ſpedy reducing of the ſix Counties of North-Wales to their, due obedience to the Parliament.

For the effecting and compleating of which worke it is neceſſary that fiveteene hundred foote and three hundred horſe, be ſpeedily raiſed and levied with ſuffi­cient Armes, Ammunition, and money to pay them for ſix moneths next enſuing.

To which end and purpoſe, the ſaid Lords and Com­mons (being well aſured of the fidelity and reſolution of Sir Thomas Middleton Knight one of the members of the Houſe of Commons and Sergeant-Major gene­rall of the parliament forces for the ſaid ſix Counties of North-Wales) Have Ordained, and be it Ordained by2 the ſide Lords and Commons, that the ſaid Sir Tho. Middleton ſhall have, and hereby hath, full power and authority, to take the ſubſcriptions of all ſuch perſons as will voluntarily lend or contribute any ſumme or ſummes of money towards the raiſing and maintaining of the ſaid forces, buying of Armes and Ammunition, and••r other neceſſaries for the advancement of the ſaid ſrvice, upon ſuch tearmes and conditions as the ſeverall lenders ſhall agree, which ſummes of money ſo to be ſubſcribed or lent as aforeſaid, the ſaid Sir Tho­mas Middleton and his Aſſignes are hereby authorized to receive and imploy for the ſervice aforeſaid, and to give notes or acquittances for the ſeverall ſummes fore­ceived; which ſaid notes or acquittances ſhall be a ſuf­ficient ſpciallty & evidence for the ſeverall perſons, that ſhall lend or contribute any money as aforeſaid, to demand repayment thereof, with ſuch increaſe as ſhall be agreed upon, ſo as the ſame ſhall not exceed 81. percent. And for the better inabling of the ſaid Sir Tho­mas Middleton to make repayment of ſuch moneys as ſhall be lent for the purpoſes aforeſaid, and to per­forme ſuch conditions and agreements as the ſeverall ſubſcribers ſhall agree unto, and for the maintenance of the ſaid forces and advancement of the ſaid ſervice. Be it further ordained by the ſaid Lords and Com­mons, that the ſaid Sir Thomas Middleton ſhall have and hereby hath, full power and authority to put in execution, within the, ſeverall Counties of Flint, Den­bigh, Mountgomery, Merioneth, Carnarvan, and Angleſey, the ſeverall Ordinances of this preſent Parliament hereafter mentioned, that is to ſay, the Ordinances for ſequeſtration of Delinquents and Papiſts Eſtates,3 the Ordinances for the levying of moneys by way of exciſe or new impoſt, the Ordinance for the raiſing of money by taxing ſuch as have not at all contributo••or not according to their eſtates, the Ordinance for the weekely Aſſeſſments, and all other Ordinances made this preſent Parliament for advance of mo••y through the whole Kingdome and Dominion of Wales, for the ſervice of the King and Parliament, and for the more ſpeedy raiſing of money for the repayment of ſuch ſummes as ſhall be raiſedby ſubſcriptions as a­foreſaid. Be it alſo ordained by the ſaid Lords and Commons, that the ſaid Sir Thomas Middleton ſhall have and hereby hath, full power and authority to ſet, and let, the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, of Delinquents, which ſhall be ſeized and ſequeſtred within the ſaid ſix Counties of North-Wales, or any of them from yeare to yeare, or by leaſe, or leaſes, untill the ſaid moneyes ſo ſubſcribed and payed be ſatisfied and diſcharged, and the conditions and agreements with the ſeverall lenders fully performed; And in caſe the ſaid lenders, ſhall not receive full ſatisfaction of their principall money to be lent as aforeſaid wi••the intereſt thereof out of the Delinquents Eſtates, or otherwiſe before ſaid expreſſed, that then the〈◊〉lenders and every of them ſhall have the publ••e faith of the Kingdome for the payment of ſuch ſummes of mony as ſhall be due unto them, and whereas the ſaid Counties of North-Wales are wholy ſubjected to the power and Tyranny of the Commiſsioners of Ar­ray, by reaſon whereof no Commiſsioners have been named in any of the ſaid Counties, for the putting in2〈1 page duplicate〉3〈1 page duplicate〉4executiō of any of the ſaid Ordinances of Parliament

Be it alſo Ordained by the ſaid Lords and Cōmons that the ſaid Sir Thomas Middleton ſhal have, & hereby hath full power and Authority to name and appoint Commiſſioners, Treaſurers, Receivers, Collectors and Agents within the ſaid Counties of North-Wales, for the putting in execution of all and every the Ordinances of Parliament, before mentioned, and of all other Ordi­nances of Parliament, wherein no Commiſsioners are named for the ſaid Counties, which ſaid Cōmiſsioners and other perſons ſo to be named & appointed by the ſaid Sir Tho: Middleton, ſhal by vertue of this preſent Or­dinance, have as full power & Authority to put the ſaid reſpective Ordinances in execution, as if they were na­med by the two Houſes of Parliament, and their names incerted in the ſaid reſpective Ordinances. And be it al­ſo Ordained by the ſaid Lords & Commons that the ſeverall ſumms of money which ſhall be ſent or ad­vancement of the ſaid ſervice, and ſuch increaſe as ſhall be due for every reſpective ſumme ſo let, according to the true intent and meaning of this Ordinance, ſhall be ſatisfied and payed out of the firſt money that ſhall be raiſed within the ſaid Counties of North-Wales by ver­tue of the forementioned Ordinances, and of this pre­ſent Ordinance: And the ſaid Sir Tho: Middleton is here­by enabled and authoriſed to require & take accompts from time to time of the ſaid Commiſsioners, Treaſu­rers and other perſons, of their doings and proceedings therein, and to give ſuch fitting and reaſonable allow­ance unto ſuch perſons as ſhall bee employed in the execution of the Ordinances aforeſaid, and of this pre­ſent Ordinance, or any of them, for their pains and char­ges5 therein, as the ſaid Sir Tho: Middleton ſhall thinke ſit, provided, that ſuch allowance ſhall not exceed the reſpective rates allowed in the City of London and o­ther parts of the Kingdome; for the putting of the ſaid Ordinances in execution. And be it further Ordained that the rents and profits of the Waterworke brought to London by Sir Hugh Middleton Baronet deceaſed, be­longing to his Majeſty, or to any delinquent, ſhall from time to time be paid unto the ſaid Sir Tho: Middleton to bee employed in the ſaid ſervice, and that Delin­quents perſonall eſtates within the Cities of London and Weſtminſter; and the Suburbs thereof, not yet ſe­queſtred nor diſcovered, and which ſhall be diſcovered by the ſaid Sir Tho: Middleton, within one moneth next after the publiſhing of this Ordinance in print, ſhall be allowed unto the ſaid Sir Tho: Middleton for the ad­vancement of the ſaid ſervice, provided alwayes that the ſaid concealed Eſtates doe not exceed the ſumme of 3000 pounds: And that the ſaid Sir Tho: Middleton doe not poſſeſſe himſelfe thereof before hee acquaint the Committee of Lords and Commons for Seque­ſtrations therewith, to the end they may judge of the delinquencie of the perſon before his eſtate be ſequen­ſtred and taken away.

And the ſaid Sir Tho: Middleton is hereby authoriſed to adminiſter the ſeverall Oathes ſpecified in the fore­ſaid Ordinances unto ſuch Commiſsioners and per­ſons, as by the true meaning of the ſaid ordinances, of theſe preſents or any of them) ought to take the ſame. And be it further Ordained, That whatſoever the ſaid Sir Tho: Middleton, or any other perſon ſhall doe or6 cauſe to be done in perſuance to this or any other the ſaid Ordinances of Parliament, within the ſaid Coun­ties of North-Wales; the ſame is ratified & confirmed by the power and authority of Parliament: And that the ſaid Sir Tho: Middleton ſhall render an accompt of all his doings and proceedings in the ſaid ſervice, to the two Houſes of Parliament: And that he, the ſaid Sir Tho: Middleton and all other perſons whatſoever, imployed in the execution of the ſaid Ordinances; or any of them, ſhal be ſaved and kept harmeleſſe in their perſons and Eſtates, for their doings and proceedings in the premiſes by the power and authority of Parli­ament.


ORdered by the Commons Aſſembled in Parlia­ment that this Ordinance be forthwith Prin­ted and Publiſhed.

Hen. Elſynge. Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

About this transcription

TextAn additional ordinanace of the Lords and Commons in Parliament: to enable Sir Thomas Middleton knight, serjeant major generall for the sixe counties of North-Wales, to take subscriptions for the raising of forces, for reducing of the said counties to their due obedience, and prevention of the accesse of Irish forces into those parts. And further to enable the said Sir Thomas to put in execution all former ordinances made this present Parliament. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsynge Cler. Parl, Dom. Com.
AuthorEngland and Wales. Parliament..
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationAn additional ordinanace of the Lords and Commons in Parliament: to enable Sir Thomas Middleton knight, serjeant major generall for the sixe counties of North-Wales, to take subscriptions for the raising of forces, for reducing of the said counties to their due obedience, and prevention of the accesse of Irish forces into those parts. And further to enable the said Sir Thomas to put in execution all former ordinances made this present Parliament. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsynge Cler. Parl, Dom. Com. England and Wales. Parliament.. [2], 6 p. printed for Edward Husbands,London :Feb. 21, 1644.. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Middleton, Thomas, -- Sir, 1586-1666 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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