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A DECLARATION OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Aſſembled in Parliament.

Shewing the preſent Deſigne now on foot (by vertue of a pretended Commiſſion from His Majeſty) for a Ceſſation of Armes, or Treaty of Peace with the Rebels in Ireland, now they are brought to ſuch a low condition, that they are inforced to devoure and eate one another in ſome parts of that Kingdome

And by what popiſh Inſtruments and Miniſters in their councels at the Court, the ſaid deſigne is and hath been carried on; Perſons of great truſt, eminent for their affection to religion, and hatred of the Rebels being diſplaced, and men popiſhly addicted put in their Offices.

All ſerving for the better introduction of Popery, and extirpation of the true Proteſtant religion, in that and other of His Majeſties Dominions.

ORdered by the Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament, that this Declaration ſhall be forthwith printed & publiſhed.

J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

LONDON, Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old-baily, Octob. 2. 1643.


A DECLARATION OF THE Lords and Commons Aſſembled in Parliament.

AS it is evident to all the world that this late horrid rebellion of the Papiſts in Ireland did, with­out any colour or pretext of pro­vocation profeſſedly and boldly ayme at the deſtruction of the Pro­teſtant Religion, the rejecting of the Lawes of England, and the extirpation of the Brittiſh Inhabitants out of that Kingdome: So it is no leſſe manifeſt, that this Par­liament of England (to whom His Majeſty hath left the mannaging of the Warre againſt thoſe Rebels) hath taken the troubles of Ireland to heart with that reſentment and compaſſion as may evi­dence their zeale to Religion, their love to their diſtreſt Countrey-men, and brethren there, in theſe2 times, when the like Ieſuiticall practices have caſt England into woefull diſtractions and an unnaturall warre, not withſtanding which the reducing of Ire­land hath ſtill béene a chiefe part of the care of this Parliament; And God hath béene pleaſed to bleſſe our endeavours with ſuch ſucceſſe as that thoſe fu­rious bloud-thirſty Papiſts have beene ſtopped in the carriere of their cruelty, ſome part of the Pro­teſtant Blood which at firſt was ſpilt like Water upon the ground, hath beene revenged, their maſſa­cres, burnings, and famiſhings, have by a Divine retaliation beene repayd into their boſome; And the Proteſtant party hath beene erected to that condi­tion of ſtrength and hope, that their enemies are conſtrained, (diſtruſting their Forces) to have re­courſe to their craft and policies; And therefore by their ſubtill Agents at Court, and their active inſtruments elſewhere have beene endeavouring now of a long time to make our Armes in Ireland diſ­affected to the Parliament, what by occaſion of their wants not ſo readily ſupplyed as their need requi­red, what by amuſing them with theſe unhappy differences fallen in here betwéene King and peo­ple, labouring by that meanes to divide thoſe For­ces into factions, to the end the maine worke they have in hand might be neglected, which is the proſe­cuting of the Warre againſt the Rebels, ſo farre brought low in ſome parts of Ireland, that if they can be deprived of the benefit of this Harveſt, they are not likely to ſée the next Summer. And there­fore the Rebels finding that notwithſtanding the diſtractions here occaſioning the ſlowneſſe and ſcarce­neſſe3 of ſupplies, yet they themſelves are in a farre worſe condition, being in want of moſt things ne­ceſſary, not onely for the maintaining of a warre, but even of life, the judgement of God being re­markable upon them in this, that as their bloody and treacherous Religion made them inhumanely cruell in ſhedding the Proteſtants blood, ſo now the famine amongſt many of them hath made them unnaturally and Caniball-like eate and féede one upon another: Therefore that they may have time to expect from their friends abroad new ſupplies both of victuall and Amunition, and may without mo­leſtation reape the fruit of this Harveſt, they have laboured a Treaty for a Ceſſation, which Project of theirs doth no leſſe ayme at the overthrow of the remainder of the Proteſtants in that Kingdome, then their treacherous taking of Armes at firſt did intend the deſtruction of them all; for their Ceſſation and Hoſtility, their War and peace are alike to be eſteemed of, and with thoſe that neither in peace nor war kéepe any faith, it is beſt to be in perpetuall defiance: Therefore the Lords and Commons in Parliament aſſembled, according to their continued care of that Kingdome of Ireland, doe in a ſpeciall manner take into their conſideration the condition thereof, upon this occaſion of an intended Ceſſation, and ſo much the rather becauſe it is feared that the Proteſtant forces through want of proviſions for their Armyes may at laſt, it not relieved, be perſwaded to admit of this courſe, in hope thereby to procure ſome means for their ſubſiſting; as alſo becauſe there is too much ground to ſuſpect, that if this Ceſſation ſhould bee agreed4 unto, they might have opportunity to ioyne with the Popiſh party here for their greater ſtrengthning: And though it were to have no influence upon this Kingdome, yet the evill Conſequences of it are ſo many and pernitious to Ireland, that this Parlia­ment ſhould betray the truſt repoſed in them, if they did not declare againſt this Ceſſation, and uſe all meanes in time to make it prove abortive. And there­fore they deſire that it may be obſerved and taken notice of:

Firſt, from whence the counſell and deſigne of this Ceſſation ariſeth, even from the Rebels and Pa­piſts themſelves for their owne preſervation; for ſoone after they had miſſed of their intent, to make themſelves abſolute Maſters of that Kingdome of Ireland by their treacherous ſurpriſes; and ſeeing that this Kingdome did with moſt Chriſtian and ge­nerous reſolutions, undertake the charges of the Warre for the reliefe and recovery of Ireland; Pro­poſitions were brought over from the Rebels by the Lords Dillon and Taſe, at which time they were intercepted and reſtrained by Order of the Houſe of Commons. After that, they had the boldneſſe, even while their hands were ſtill imbrued in the Prote­ſtants blood, to petition His Majeſtie that their de­mands might be heard, and for this purpoſe they ob­tained a Commiſſion to be ſent over into Ireland to divers perſons of qualitie (whereof ſome were Papiſts) to heare, receive, and tranſmit to His Ma­jeſtie their Demands, which was done accordingly: and one Maſter Burke, a notorious pragmatick Iriſh Papiſt, was the chiefe Sollicitor in this bu­ſineſſe. 5After this, the juſt revenging God giving daily ſucceſſe to handfuls of the Proteſtant Forces againſt their great numbers; ſo that by a wonder­full bleſſing from Heaven they were in moſt parts put to the worſt; Then did they begin to ſet on foot an Overture for a ceſſation of Armes; concerning which, what going and comming hath beene be­twéen the Court and the Rebels is very well known; and what Meetings and Treaties have beene held about it in Ireland by warrant of his Maieſties am­ple Commiſſion ſent to that effect; and what recep­tion and countenance moſt pragmatick Papiſts ne­gotiating the buſineſſe have found at Court, and that thoſe of the State in Dublin, who had ſo much Religion and Honeſty as to diſſwade the Ceſſation, were firſt diſcountenanced, and at laſt put out of their places and reſtrained to priſon, as Sir Wil. Parſons one of the Lords Iuſtices there, Sir John Temple Maſter of the Rolls, Sir Adam Loftus Vice-Trea­ſurer of Ireland, and Treaſurer at Wars, and Sir Robert Merideth one alſo of the Councell Table.

Secondly, the Lords and Commons deſire it may be obſerved, That during all theſe Paſſages and Negotiations, the Houſes of Parliament were never acquainted by the State of Ireland with the Treaty of a Ceſſation, much leſſe was their Advice or Councell demanded, notwithſtanding that the care and managing of the War was devolved on them, both by Act of Parliament, and by His Maieſties Commiſſion under the great Seale, To adviſe, or­der, and diſpoſe of all things concerning the go­vernment6 and defence of that Kingdome. But the wants of the Army were often repreſented and com­plained of, whereby with much craft a ground was preparing for the pretext, wherewith now they would cover the Counſels of this Ceſſation, as if nothing had drawne it on, but the extreame wants of their Armies; whereas it is evident, That the reports of ſuch a Treaty have been (in a great part) the cauſe of their wants, for thereby the Adventurers were diſ-heartened, Contributions were ſtopped, and by the admittance to Court of the Negotiators of this Ceſſation, their wicked counſels have had that influence, as to procure the intercepting of much pro­viſions which were ſent for Ireland, ſo that Ships going for Ireland with Victuals, and others com­ming from thence with Commodities to exchange for Victuals hade beene taken, not onely by Dunkirkers having his Maieſties Warrant, but alſo by Eng­liſh Ships commanded by Sir John Pennigton un­der his Maieſtie. Mr. Davis his ſhips, and others.And moreover, the Parliament Meſſengers ſent into ſeverall Counties with the Ordinance of Ianuary laſt for Loanes and Contri­butions, have beene taken and impriſoned, their Mo­ney taken from them, and not one peny either Loane or Contribution hath beene ſuffered to bee ſent in for Ireland from thoſe Counties which were under the power of the Kings Army, while in the meane time the Houſes of Parliament by their Ordinances, De­clarations, and Solicitations to the City of Lon­don, and the Counties free from the terrour of the Kings Forces, were ſtill procuring not contemptible aide and releefe for the diſtreſſes of Ireland.

73. As the Lords and Commons have reaſon to Declare againſt this Plot and deſigne of a Ceſſati­on of Armes, as being treated and carried on with­out their advice ſo alſo becauſe of the great preju­dice which will thereby redound to the Proteſtant Religion, and the encouragement and advancement which it will give to the practice of Popery, when theſe〈…〉Papiſts ſhall by this agreement, continue and ſet up with more freedome their Ido­latrous Worſhip, their Popiſh Superſtitions, and Romiſh abominations in all the places of their com­mand to the diſhonouring of God, the grieving of all true Proteſtant hearts, the diſpoſing of the lawes, of the Crowne of England, and to the provoking of the wrath of a iealous God; as if both Kingdomes had not ſmarted enough already, for this ſin of too much•••niving at, and tolerating of Antichriſtian Idolatry, under pretext of civill contracts and poli­tike agreements.

4. In the fourth place they deſire it may be ob­ſerved that this Ceſſation will prove diſhonourable to theublike Faith of this Kingdome, it will elude and make null the Acts and Ordinances of Parlia­ment, made for the forfeiting of the Rebels Lands; at the paſſing of which Acts, it was, repreſented, that ſuch a courſe would drive the Rebells to de­ſpaire, and it proves ſo, but otherwayes then was meant, for deſpairing of their force and courage, they goe about to overcome vs with their craft.

5. Laſtly, what ſhall become of the many poore ex­iled Proteſtants, turned out of their Eſtates by this Rebellion, who muſt now continue begging their8 bread while the Rebells ſhall injoy their Lands and houſes? and who ſhall ſecure the reſt of the Prote­ſtants, that either by their owne courage, induſtry, and great charges, have kept their poſſeſſions, or by the ſucceſſe of our Armies have beene reſtored? Can there be any aſſurance gotten from a perfidious Enemy, of a Ceſſation from Treachery and breach of agreement, when they ſhall ſee a fit time and op­portunity? Theſe and many other Conſiderations being well weighed, it will appeare evidently that this deſigne of a Ceſſation is a deepe Plot layd by the Rebells, and really invented for their owne ſafe­ty, and falſly pretended to be for the benefit of our Armies.

And whereas the Lords and Commons, have no certaine Information that the Treaty is concluded, but are informed by ſeverall Letters that all the Proteſtants, as well Inhabitants as Souldiers in that Kingdome, are reſolved to withſtand that pro­ceeding, and to adventure on the greateſt extremities rather then have any ſort of Peace with that gene­ration, who have ſo cruelly in time of Peace mur­dered many thouſands of our Country men, and la­boured to extirpate the Proteſtant Religion from a­mongſt them; So they do beleeve, that theſe rumors of a Ceſſation were firſt contrived by the Enemies of our Religion and peace, and by their practiſes: The Treaty was carried on with much ſubtility and ſolicitation, thereby to ſtop the ſending of ſup­plies from thence to our Armies, and for the cooling of the affections of thoſe who have already ſhewed their Zeale to the Wealof Ireland: And therefore9 the onely meanes to defeate this their policy, & pre­vent the evills intended by it, is to ſettle a courſe wherby the Armies of Ireland may be at leaſt fenced againſt hunger and cold: For which purpoſe it is deſired, that all thoſe who are wel-affected to the Proteſtant Religion, either in that or this Kingdom, and all thoſe who by their adventures already made, have embarked their particular intereſts with the publike of that Kingdome, and doe deſire a good re­turne of their engagements, would joyne their en­deavours, for obviating of that neceſſity, which may be made a ſtrong argument to inforce a deſtructive Ceſſation of Armes, & that they would not through too much ſuſpition and jealouſie of it forbeare the providing of ſupplies, and ſo occaſion that inconveni­ence which they ought by all meanes to prevent, for by ſo doing, they will loſe all their former paines and charges; and the withholding of proviſions now will gaine credit to that calumnie layd againſt this Kingdome, of neglecting the Armies of Ire­land, and by the continuing of ſupplies, theſe Forces will be encouraged to continue the Warre, and ſo crowne both their worke and ours. And laſtly, the Rebels ſeeing aſſiſtance againſt them ſtill flowing from hence, muſt needs be out of hope of proſecuting or concluding this their deſigne. The cry of much Proteſtant blood, the great indigency of many rui­ned Families, the danger of our Religion almoſt ex­iled out of that Kingdome, calls for this laſt Act of Piety, Charity, Iuſtice, and Policy from us, which being reſolved on, Letters are to be diſpatched to the ſeverall parts of that Kingdome, to encourage10 the Commanders & Souldiers upon the aforeſaid reaſons and aſſurances, that they may not hearken to ſuch an unjuſt and deceitfull counſell, and as〈◊〉their proſecuting of the Warre, through Gods bleſ­ſing they have ſucceſſefully reſiſted the Rebels cruel­ly, ſo they may upon this occaſion beware they be not over-reached by their craft.

All which the Lords and Commons doe earneſt­ly deſire, may be ſeriouſly taken to heart by all the Kingdome, and that from thoſe other encourage­ments mentioned at large in the Ordinance of the 14 of July laſt and ſuch as now are offered, a〈◊〉may be taken whereby ſuch a conſtant weekly•••tribution may be ſetled as will ſupply to the Armies in Ireland, the meere neceſſities of nature, which may be more punctually and ſeaſonably tranſmitted unto the ſeverall parts of that Kingdome, ac­cording to their reſpective wants, that ſo the benefit and honour of ſo pious a worke happily begun, and ſucceſſefully hitherto carried on, may not be loſt when ſo little remaines to be done; and that the fading of a Kingdome, the re-eſtabliſhing of ſo many Prote­ſtant Churches, the re-poſſeſſing of ſo many thou­ſand Chriſtians into their Eſtates, may not be deſer­ted and let fall to the ground, for a little more paines and coſt.


About this transcription

TextA declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Shewing the present designe now on foot (by vertue of a pretended commission from His Majesty) for a cessation of armes, or treaty of peace with the rebels in Ireland, now they are brought to such a low condition, that they are inforced to devoure and eate one another in some parts of that kingdome And by what popish instruments and ministers in their councels at the court, the said designe is and hath been carried on; persons of great trust, eminent for their affection to religion, and hatred of the rebels being displaced, and men popishly addicted put in their offices. All serving for the better introduction of popery, and extirpation of the true Protestant religion, in that and other of His Majesties dominions. Die Sabbathi 30. Septemb. 1643. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall be forthwith printed & published. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.
AuthorEngland and Wales. Parliament..
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Shewing the present designe now on foot (by vertue of a pretended commission from His Majesty) for a cessation of armes, or treaty of peace with the rebels in Ireland, now they are brought to such a low condition, that they are inforced to devoure and eate one another in some parts of that kingdome And by what popish instruments and ministers in their councels at the court, the said designe is and hath been carried on; persons of great trust, eminent for their affection to religion, and hatred of the rebels being displaced, and men popishly addicted put in their offices. All serving for the better introduction of popery, and extirpation of the true Protestant religion, in that and other of His Majesties dominions. Die Sabbathi 30. Septemb. 1643. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall be forthwith printed & published. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. England and Wales. Parliament.. [2], 10 p. Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old-baily,London :Octob. 2. 1643.. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Ireland -- History -- Rebellion of 1641 -- Early works to 1800.

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