NEW PROPOSITION Propounded to the City of LONDON By the LORDS and COMMONS, Concerning the raiſing ſpeedy Ayd for the reliefe of HVLL.
VVhereunto is annexed the Parliaments Reſolution concerning Sir JOHN HOTHAM, and all thoſe that are faithfull to the Commands of the PARLIAMENT.
Ordered that this be Printed, and publiſhed.
Whereunto is annexed, His MAIESTIES Declaration to the Parliament concerning Peace or Warre with Hull.
LONDON, Printed by T. F. for F. S. July, 15. 1642.
HIs Majeſty having an intent to beſiege Sir John Hotham, a Member of the Houſe of Commons, and by their appointment Governor of his Majeſties Towne of Hull, and to that end having ſummoned all the Gentlemen Freeholders and others that had underwrit for Horſe for His Majeſties ſervice, giving them command to march towards Hull, there to attend His Majeſties further pleaſure.
Sir Iohn Hotham having intelligence of his Majeſties intention, thought it neceſſary to uſe the beſt prevention that he could to ſecure the Towne from being taken,2 knowing how diſadvantagious the loſſe thereof would prove to the proceedings of Parliament, and the Peace of the Kingdome, and that hee might altogether be left deſtitute of meanes to proſecute his Service begun, hee ſent out a a party of his men, with command that they ſhould fetch in all the Cattell and Sheepe, that they could find within foure Miles of the ſaid Towne, which being accordingly performed, he gave order that the ſluces ſhould be drawne up, and that they ſhould drowne the Medowes 3. miles round, to prevent the Kings Forces of marching too neare, he being not able to vie for the preſent with ſo great a power.
His Majeſty having received intelligence of what Sir John Hotham had done, drew his Forces to Beverley, and from thence ſurrounded them at foure Miles diſtance, ſtopping all paſſages either to or from Hull withall cutting of all meanes of reliefe either by Sea or Land, taking away the Springs of freſh water, by that meanes to ſtarve3 them up, nevertheleſſe Sir Iohn Hotham ſent private intelligence to the Parliament, certifying what hee had done, and in what eſtate himſelfe and the Towne was, which the Lords and Commons taking into conſideration, thought it neceſſary to declare their reſolution to the world, as followes.
Whereas Sir John Hotham hath been forced for the prevention of the ſudden ſurpriſall and deſtruction of the Town of Hull, to let in ſome Tydes from Humber, upon the grounds adjoyning to the ſaid Towne.
They have therefore promiſed and aſſured all perſons whatſoever that are owners or Farmers of the ſaid grounds, which are impayred by this overflowing of the Water, full and ample ſatisfaction for any loſſe they ſhall ſuſtaine.
Likewiſe, they doe promiſe to ſecond and ſave harmeleſse all ſuch perſons as ſhall either by Sea or Land furniſh them with any proviſion of Victuall, Beere, or any other thing, and alſo make good payment for4 the ſame, alſo that all perſons of the ſaid Towne, as ſtand well affected to the ſervice and ſtand cloſe in their fidelity and aſſiſtance to the Governour thereof, they doe hereby aſſure them that they are reſolved that they ſhall receive encouragement and protection from them, anſwerable to ſuch a ſervice.
Likewiſe, they for the ſpeedy reliefe of the ſaid Towne have uſed their utmoſt endeavour to raiſe ſupplyes of men and Arms, as may appeare by their Propoſitions to the City of London.
1. That the Propoſitions ſhould be tendered to the Common Councell of London, that they would conſider of a way, for the ſpeedy raiſing of 10000 men within the City.
2. That the ſaid men ſhould be forth with liſted to Officers, trained and entered into pay.
3. That they ſhall march into any part of this Kingdome by the direction and Authority of Parliament.
54. That if the Citizens of London ſhall find any Armes towards the ſetting forth of theſe men, if any Armes be loſt or ſpoyled, they ſhall be made good unto them.
5. That ſeeing there is ſuch preparation with the King in the North, they deſire that theſe Propoſitions may be put in execution withfn foure dayes.
BY Our former Declarations, and this Our Proclamation (which We heerewith ſend you) you and all Our good Subjects may ſee the juſt grounds of our preſent lourney towards Our Towne of Hull. Before Wee ſhall uſe force to reduce that place to its due Obedience, Wee have thought fit once more to require you, that it may be forthwith delivered up to us, (the buſineſſe being of that nature that it can admit no6 delay) Wherein if you ſhall conforme your ſelves, we ſhall then be willing to admit ſuch addreſſes from you, and returne ſuch Propoſitions to you, as may be proper to ſettle the Peace of this Kingdome, and compoſe the preſent diſtractions. Doe your dutie herein, and be aſſured from Us in the word of a King, that nothing ſhall be wanting on Our part that may prevent the Calamities which threaten this Nation, and may render Our People truly happy. If this our gracious Meſſage ſhall be declined, GOD and all good men judge betwixt Us. We ſhall expect to receive ſatisfaction herein by your Anſwers to be preſented to Us at Beverley upon Friday being the fifteenth day of this preſent Iuly, 1642.
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