WHereas it appears, That the King (ſeduced by wicked Councell) intends to make Warre againſt His Parliament, and in purſuance therof, under pretence of a Guard for His Perſon, hath actually begun to leavy Forces both of Horſe & Foot, and ſent out Summons throughout the County of York, for the calling together of greater numbers, and ſome illaffected Perſons have been employed in other parts to raiſe Troops, under the colour of His Majeſties Service, making large offers of reward and preferment to ſuch as will come in; And that His Majeſty doth with a high and forcible hand protect and Keep away Delinquents, not permitting them to make their appearance, to anſwer ſuch affronts and injuries as have been by them offered unto the Parliament; and thoſe Meſſengers which have been ſent from the Houſes for them, have been abuſed, beaten, and impriſoned; ſo as the Orders of Parliament, which is the highest Court of Iuſtice in this Kingdom are not obeyed, and the Authoritie of it is altogether ſ•orned and vilified; and ſuch perſons as ſtand well affected to it, & declare themſelves ſenſible of theſe publick calamities, and of the violations of the Priviledges of Parliament, and common Liberty of the4 Subject, are bafled and injured by ſeverall ſorts of malignant men who are about the King, ſome whereof, under the name of Cavaliers, without having reſpect to the Laws of the Land, or any fear, either of God or man, are ready to commit all manner of outrage and violence, which muſt needs tend to the diſſolution of this Government, the deſtroying of our Religion, Laws, and Liberty, and Propriety, all which will be expoſed to the malice and violence of ſuch deſperate perſons as muſt be employed in ſo horrid and unnaturall an act, as the overthrowing of a Parliament by farce, which is the ſupport and preſervation of them: All which being duly conſidered by the Lords and Commons, and how great an Obligation lies upon them in Honour, Conſcience, and Duty, according to the high truſt repoſed in them, to uſe all poſsible means in ſuch caſes, for the timely prevention of ſo great & irrecoverable evills, they have thought fit to publiſh their ſence and apprehenſion of this imminent danger, thereby to excite all well affected perſons to contribute their beſt aſsiſtance, according to their ſolemn Vow and Proteſtation, to the Preparations neceſſary for the oppoſing and ſuppreſsing òf the trayterous attempts of theſe wicked and malignant Councellors, who ſeek to engage the King in ſo dangerous and deſtructive an enterpriſe, and the whole Kingdom in a civill Warre and deſtroy the Priledges and Being of Parliaments; This recourſe to the good affections of thoſe that tender their Religion, and juſt Liberties, and the Enjoyment of the bleſſed fruits of this preſent Parliament, which were almoſt ready to be reaped, and are now as ready to be ruined by thoſe wicked hands; being the onely remedy left them, under God, and without which they are no longer able to preſerve themſelves, or thoſe by whom they are entruſted.
51. They the ſaid Lords and Commons doe Declare, That whoſoever ſhall bring in any proportion of ready Money, or Plate, or ſhall underwrite to furniſh and maintain any number of Horſe, Horſemen, and Arms, for the preſervation of the publike Peace, and for the defence of the King, and both Houſes of Parliament from force and violence, and to uphold the Power and Priviledges of Parliament, according to his Proteſtation, it ſhall be held a good and acceptable ſervice to the Common wealth, and a teſtimony of his good affection to the Proteſtant Religion, the Laws, Liberties, and Peace of this Kingdom, and to the Parliament, and Priviledges thereof.
And becauſe a conſiderable ayd cannot be raiſed by few hands, and the condition of all mens eſtates and occaſions, is not alwayes proportionable to their Affection; The Lords and Commons doe Declare, That no mans Affection ſhall be meaſured according to the proportion of his offer, ſo that he expreſſe his good will to this ſervice in any proportion whatſoever.
2. And it is further Declared by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That whoſoever ſhall bring in any Money or Plate, or ſhall furniſh and maintain any Horſe, Horſemen, and Arms for the purpoſes aforeſaid, ſhall have their Money re-paid, with the Intereſt, according to Eight pounds per cent. and the full value of their Plate, with conſideration for the faſhion, not exceeding one ſhilling per ounce, and ſhall have full recompence for all their charge, in finding, furniſhing, and maintaining of Horſe, Horiemen,6 and Arms; and for this both Houſes of Parliament doingage the publike Faith.
3. And it is Ordained, That Sir John Wallaſton, Knight and Alderman, Alderman Touſe, Alderman Warner, and Alderman Andrews, ſhall be the Treaſurers to receive all ſuch Money, and Plate, as ſhall be brought in for the purpoſes aforeſaid. And that the Acquitrances of them, or any two of them, for the Receit of the ſame ſhall be a ſufficient ground for the Party ſo lending Money or Plate, to demand the ſame again with the Intereſt, and likewiſe conſideration for the faſhion of the Plate.
4. It is Ordered, That ſhall be Commiſſaries to value the Horſe and Arms that ſhall be furniſhed for this ſervice; and that a ſignification under the hands of them, or any two of them of ſuch values of the Horſe and Arms, and of the time when they were firſt brought in, ſhall be a Warrant to demand ſatisfaction according to the ſaid values, and they ſhall keep an account of the time, from the firſt Inrolment of any ſuch Horſe and Horſemen, That ſuch as find and maintain them, may be re-paid according to the rate of 2. s. 6. d. perdiem, for ſo long time as they have maintained them in this ſervice; And the Commiſſaries are to attend at Guildhall, for the receiving and inrolling of ſuch numbers of Horſe as ſhall be brought in.
5. It is Ordered, That whoſoever ſhall bring in7 Money, or Plate, or ſhall provide and maintain Horſe, Horſemen, and Arms for this ſervice, ſhall do according to their duty therein. And the Lords and Commons doe ingage the Power and Authoritie of Parliament, to ſave them harmleſſe from all prejudice and inconvenience that may befall them by occaſion thereof.
6. It is Ordered, That the Members of either Houſe who are preſent, ſhall be deſired to Declare in their Houſes reſpectively, what Money, or Plate they will bring in, or what Horſe, Horſemen, and Arms they will finde and maintain.
7. It is deſired, That all ſuch as have their reſidence in or about London, or within 80 miles, will bring in their Money, Plate, or Horſe, within a fortnight after notice; and they that dwell farther off, within three weeks.
8. And becauſe every Perſon may not be provided with preſent Money, or with Horſe, or not have his Plate with him, which he means to bring in, and yet reſolves to contribute his part within the time limited, and that it is neceſſary it ſhould be preſently known what the proviſion will be, for the effecting of this great and important ſervice; It is Ordered, That the Committees of either Houſe, appointed for that purpoſe reſpectively, ſhall receive the ſubſcriptions of ſuch Members of each Houſe, as have not declared themſelves in the Houſe, or are abſent8 upon the publike ſervice, or for their private occaſions. 2. That the Committee of London intruſted with the Militia, ſhall receive the ſubſcriptions in London and Middleſex. 3. That ſome Perſons nominated by the Knights and Burgeſſes of each Countie, and approved by both Houſes, ſhall be appointed to receive the ſubſcriptions in the ſeverall Counties.
9. And laſtly, it is Declared, That whatſoever is brought in, ſhall not at all be imployed upon any other occaſion, then to the purpoſes aforeſaid; which are to maintain the Proteſtant Religion, the Kings Authority, and His Perſon, in His Royall Dignity, the free courſe of Juſtice, the Laws of the Land, the Peace of the Kingdom, and the Priviledge of Parliament, againſt any force which ſhall oppoſe them. And this by the direction of both Houſes of Parliament.
Die Jovis 2d. Junii, 1642.
IT is this day Ordered by the Commons now aſſembled in Parliament, That the ſeverall Members of this Houſe, do forthwith give their Attendance upon the publique Service of this Commonwealth with which they are entruſted by their Countreys. And the Sheriffs of the ſeverall Counties of this Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales are required to give Notice of this Order unto all ſuch Members of the Houſe of Commons as are within their reſpective Counties; and ſpeedily to make return of ſuch their doings, unto the Speaker of that Houſe: And all ſuch as ſhall not make their perſonall appearance by the ſixteenth day of this inſtant June, in the Houſe of Commons, ſhall each one forfeit one hundred pounds, to be diſpoſed of to the Wars in Ireland, and undergo ſuch further cenſure and puniſhment as the ſaid Houſe ſhall think fit for ſo great neglect of their duty in a time that ſo neceſſarily requires their aſſiſtance.
Provided alwayes, That all ſuch as are ſpecially imployed by this Houſe, are to remain in ſuch imployments, untill they ſhall have particular directions for their return.
Ordered that it be forthwith Printed.