Die Sabbathi 12. Octob. 1644.
II is Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament aſſembled, That Wil. Lord Fitzwilliams, Sir John Dryden, Sir Chriſtopher Yelverton, Sir Gilbert Pyckering Baronets; Zouch Tate, John Crew, Richard Knightley Eſquires, Members of the Houſe of Commons; Sir Rowland St John Knight of the Bath, Sir Edward Nicolls. Sir John Norwich Baronets; Sir Humphrey Orme, Sir Richard Samwell Knights; Richard Knightley of Fawzley, Robert Mildemay, Edward Harby, Edward Only, John Cartwright, Philip Holman, Richard Samwell, Edward Farmer, John Wirley, Edward Shugborough, Edward Hanbury, William Liſle, Thomas Elmes, John Cleypoole, Francis Quarles, John Norton, John Breton, and John Thorneton Eſquires, and the Major of the Town of Northampton for the time being, or any three or more of them, reſiding in the Towne of Northampton, for the furniſhing of Armes and Ammunition, making Fortifications, and payment of the Garriſons, Officers, and Souldiers, and other publike neceſſary Charges for the defence and preſervation of the ſaid County from Plunder and Ruine, ſhall or may from time to time, during the ſpace of ſixe moneths, to commence from the ninth day of September 1644. raiſe in the ſaid County ſuch ſummes of Money as ſhall be by them, or any three or more of them thought neceſſary for the uſes aforeſaid, the ſame to be rated and aſſeſſed in like ſort as was the foure hundred thouſand pounds granted by Act this preſent Parliament, not exceeding the ſumme of ſix hundred pounds a week. And for the better levying of the2 ſaid ſummes of Money, the ſaid Committee, or any three or more of them then reſiding in the Towne of Northampton, ſhall or may nominate and appoint Treaſurers, Collectors, and Aſſeſſors in the ſaid County, for Aſſeſſing, Receiving, and Collecting the ſaid ſums of Money, and ſhall and may grant Warrants under their hands to any Conſtable or other perſon or perſons, as well Souldiers, when need ſhall require, as others, to raiſe and levie the ſaid ſums ſo to be Aſſeſſed and Taxed as aforeſaid, upon all ſuch perſons upon whom any ſuch ſummes ſhall be ſo aſſeſſed and ſet, that doe refuſe or neglect to pay the ſame by way of diſtreſſe and ſale of the Goods of the perſons ſo aſſeſſed and refuſing, and two pence for every ſhilling that ſhall not be paid upon demand, to beare the charge of thoſe that diſtraine: And in caſe any oppoſition be made, or no Diſtreſſe can be found, the ſaid Committee, or any three or more of them reſiding in Northampton as aforeſaid, ſhall or may commit ſuch perſon or perſons refuſing to pay, or not having a ſufficient Diſtreſſe to be found as aforeſaid, to ſome common Goale within the ſaid County, there to remaine untill payment made of ſuch ſumme and ſummes of Money as aforeſaid, for which ſummes ſo to be raiſed, the ſaid Committee ſhall be accomptable to both Houſes of Parliament, or ſuch as they have appointed, and to none elſe. And if any ſhall refuſe or neglect the execution of ſuch Warrants as ſhall be directed to them by vertue of this Ordinance, it ſhall be lawfull for the ſaid Committee reſiding as aforeſaid, or any three of them, to puniſh ſuch perſon refuſing or neglecting by Fine, not exceeding five pounds to be levied as aforeſaid. Provided, that where it ſhall appeare to the ſaid Committee, or any two of them reſiding as aforeſaid, That any perſon hath beene over-rated to the Tax upon the Bill of 400000 li. an abatement may be made in the Tax of ſuch perſon by the ſaid Committee, or any two of them reſiding as aforeſaid, according to their diſcretions. Provided alſo, that this preſent Ordinance ſhall be no hinderance to Taxes made by any former Ordinance.