AN ORDINANCE OF THE Lords & Commons Aſſembled in PARLIAMENT, FOR Raiſing Moneys to be imployed for the maintenance of the Forces under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight.
ORdered by the Commons aſſembled in Parliament, That this Ordinance be forthwith Printed and Publiſhed.
London, Printed for Edward Huſband, Printer to the Honorable Houſe of Commons. March 23. 1647.
THe Lords and Commons in Parliament aſſembled, for the due paying of ſuch Forces under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight (as the great and many dangers and diſtempers do require to be kept up within this Kingdom for the preſent) and to the end that the Subjects in this Kingdom may not be impoveriſhed by F••e quarter, but that all Officers and Soldiers may juſtly and duly pay and diſcharge their Quarters, Do Order and Ordain, and be it therefore Ordered and Ordained by the ſaid Lords and Commons in Parliament aſſembled, and by Authority of the ſame, That the ſum of Sixty4 thouſand pounds per menſem, by the ſeveral ſums of Money hereafter mentioned, ſhall be Monethly (according to the ordinary computation) Taxed, Collected, Leavied, and Paid for the purpoſes aforeſaid, from the Twenty fifth day of March, 1648. until the Nine and twentieth day of September thence next following, in ſuch maner and form as is Mentioned, Expreſſed, and Declared in an Ordinance of Parliament of the Three and twentieth of June, 1647. Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament, for the Raiſing of Moneys to be imployed towards the Maintenance of Forces within this Kingdom, under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight.
VIZ. VPon the county of Bedford, the monethly ſum of ſix hundred ſeventy three pounds thirteen ſhillings, eleven pence three farthings.
Upon the county of Berks, the monethly ſum of ſix hundred eighty three pounds, fifteen ſhillings and nine pence.
Upon the county of Buckingham, the monethly ſum of eight hundred fifteen pounds, eight ſhillings.
Upon the county of Cambridge, the monethly ſum of One thouſand four hundred ſixty two pounds, ſixteen ſhillings ſix pence farthing.
Upon the Iſle of Ely, the monethly ſum of Four hundred ninety pounds, eighteen ſhillings one half peny.
5Upon the county of Cheſter, the monethly ſum of Three hundred forty five pounds, four ſhillings eleven pence farthing.
Upon the city and county of Cheſter, the monethly ſum of Thirty nine pounds, thirteen ſhillings and eleven pence.
Upon the county of Comwal, the monethly ſum of One thouſand two hundred twenty eight pounds, five ſhillings ſix pence farthing.
Upon the county of Cumberland, the monethly ſum of Seventy ſeven pounds, one peny three farthings.
Upon the county of Derby, the monethly ſum of Three hundred forty two pounds, nine ſhillings four pence.
Upon the county of Devon, the monethly ſum of Three thouſand five hundred twenty ſeven pounds, ſix ſhillings peny half peny.
Upon the city and county of Exon, the monethly ſuch of One hundred twenty ſeven pounds, nine ſhillings two pence farthing.
Upon the county of Dorſet, the monethly ſum of Nine hundred thirty five pounds, ten ſhillings ten pence three farthings.
Upon the town and county of Pool, the monethly ſum of nine pounds ſixteen ſhillings, ſeven pence half peny.
Upon the county of Durham, the monethly ſum of One hundred fifty nine pounds, two ſhillings.
Upon the county of York, and the city and county of York, the monethly ſum of Two thouſand6 two hundred ſixty pounds, nineteen ſhillings two pence.
Upon the town and county of Kingſton upon Hull, the monethly ſum of Fifty pounds, eighteen ſhillings nine pence.
Upon the county of Eſſex, the monethly ſum of Four thouſand five hundred forty ſeven pounds, nine ſhillings five pence.
Upon the county of Gloceſter, the monethly ſum of One thouſand two hundred twelve pounds, three ſhillings ſix pence three farthings.
Upon the city and county of Gloceſter, the monethly ſum of One hundred thirty four pounds, thirteen ſhillings nine pence.
Upon the county of Hereford, the monethly ſum of Eight hundred ſixty eight pounds, two ſhillings three pence.
Upon the county of Hertford, the monethly ſum of One thouſand ſix hundred thirty eight pounds, fifteen ſhillings five pence three farthings.
Upon the county of Huntington, the monethly ſum of Six hundred eighty ſeven pounds, three ſhillings five pence three farthings.
Upon the county of Kent, with the city and county of Canterbury, and the cinque ports within the county of Kent, the monethly ſum of Four thouſand ſeven hundred ſixty three pounds, one ſhilling one peny.
Upon〈◊〉county of Lancaſter, the monethly〈◊◊◊〉hundred twenty nine pounds, three〈…〉p•nce.
Upon the county of Leiceſter, the monethly7 ſum of Four hundred ſixty ſeven pounds, nine ſhillings ten pence half peny.
Upon the county of Lincoln (and the City and county of Lincoln) the monethly ſum of One thouſand ſix hundred thirty eight pounds, one ſhilling half peny.
Upon the city of London, the monethly ſum of Three thouſand nine hundred and ſeven pounds, nineteen ſhillings and two pence three farthings.
Upon the county of Middleſex, City and Liberty of Weſtminſter, the monethly ſum of One thouſand five hundred twenty one pounds, ſeventeen ſhillings nine pence.
Upon the county of Monmouth, the monethly ſum of One hundred ninety two pounds, nineteen ſhillings and one peny.
Upon the county of Northampton, the monethly ſum of Five hundred ninety one pounds, eleven ſhillings eleven pence farthing.
Upon the county of Notingham, the monethly ſum of Three hundred fifty three pounds, nineteen ſhillings three pence.
Upon the town and county of Notingham, the monethly ſum of Eleven pounds, fourteen ſhillings ſix pence three farthings.
Upon the county of Norfolk, the monethly ſum of Four thouſand ſeven hundred ſixty three pounds, one ſhilling one peny.
Upon the city and county of Norwich, the monethly ſum of Two hundred forty ſix pounds,〈◊〉ſhillings five pence three farthings.
Upon the county of Northumberland, the8 monethly ſum of One hundred pounds, ſixteen ſhillings ten pence three farthings.
Upon the Town of Newcaſtle, the monethly ſum of Twenty nine pounds, ſeventeen ſhillings.
Upon the county of Oxon, the monethly ſum of ſeven hundred ſeventy nine pounds, thirteen ſhillings eleven pence three farthings.
Upon the county of Rutland, the monethly ſum of One hundred twenty eight pounds, one ſhilling and one farthing.
Upon the county of Salop, the monethly ſum of Five hundred fifty three pounds, nineteen ſhillings nine pence three farthings.
Upon the county of Stafford, and upon the city and county of the city of Litchfield, the monethly ſum of Four hundred ſixty five pounds, ten ſhillings three farthings.
Upon the county of Somerſet, the monethly ſum of Two thouſand and fifty pounds, eleven ſhillings and five pence.
Upon the city and county of Briſtol, the monethly ſum of One hundred and twelve pounds, twelve ſhillings ten pence half peny.
Upon the county of Southampton, the monethly ſum of One thouſand five hundred and fourteen pounds, four ſhillings five pence farthing.
Upon the town and county of Southampton, the monethly ſum of Sixty two pounds, eight ſhillings one farthing.
Upon the Iſle of Wight, the monethly ſum of Two hundred and eight pounds, two ſhillings ſix pence farthing.
9Vpon the county of Suffolk, the monethly ſum of Four thouſand ſeven hundred ſixty three pounds, one ſhilling and a peny.
Vpon the county of Surrey, with the Borough of Southwark, the monethly ſum of One thouſand three hundred forty ſeven pounds eight ſhillings.
Vpon the County of Suſſex, and the ports within the county of Suſſex, the monethly ſum of Two thouſand ſix hundred forty ſix pounds, two ſhillings nine pence three farthings:
Vpon the county of Warwick, the monethly ſum of Six hundred twenty one pounds, three ſhillings ſix pence farthing.
Vpon the city and county of Coventry, the monethly ſum of Seventy nine pounds, nineteen ſhillings.
Vpon the county of Worceſter, and upon the city and county of Worceſter, the monethly ſum of Seven hundred forty eight pounds, three ſhillings ſeven pence farthing.
Upon the county of Wilts, the monethly ſum of One thouſand four hundred twenty one pounds, eighteen ſhillings and nine pence farthing.
Upon the county of Weſtmerland, the monethly ſum of Sixty ſix pounds, nine ſhillings two pence half peny.
Vpon the Iſle of Angleſey, the monethly ſum of Fifty pounds, ſeventeen ſhillings and ten pence.
Vpon the county of Brecknock, the monethly ſum of One hundred and three pounds, ſix ſhillings and eleven pence.
10Vpon the county of Cardigan, the monethly ſum of One hundred twenty two pounds, nine ſhillings ten pence three farthings.
Vpon the county of Carmarthen, the monethly ſum of One hundred pounds, fifteen ſhillings ſix pence.
Vpon the county of Carnarvan, the monethly ſum of Forty two pounds, ſix ſhillings five pence three farthings.
Vpon the county of Denbigh, the monethly ſum of Fifty four pounds, ſix ſhillings ten pence half peny.
Vpon the county of Flint, the monethly ſum of Thirty three pounds, ſix ſhillings four pence half peny.
Vpon the county of Glamorgan, the monethly ſum of One hundred thirty one pounds, fifteen ſhillings ten pence.
Vpon the county of Merioneth, the monethly ſum of thirty one pounds eleven ſhillings ſix pence.
Vpon the county of Montgomery, the monethly ſum of One hundr•d twenty three pounds, two ſhillings eight pence farthing.
Vpon the county of Pembrook, the monethly ſum of One hundred ſixteen pounds, four ſhillings ſeven pence farthing.
Vpon the county of Radnor, the monethly ſum of Seventy three pounds, two ſhillings ſeven pence haf peny.
Vpon the town of Haverford. Weſt, the monethly ſum of ten pounds, two ſhillings ſix pence three farthings.
11And that the ſaid ſeveral ſums of Money may be duly Taxed, Leavied and Paid as is directed, Be it further Ordained by the Authority aforeſaid, That the Perſons named in an Ordinance of Parliament, Dated the ſixteenth day of February, 1647. Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament, for raiſing Twenty thouſand pounds a Moneth for the Relief of Ireland; And the perſons hereafter named, ſhall be Commiſſioners for the ſeveral and reſpective Counties, Cities and Places in the ſaid Ordinance mentioned and expreſſed, to put this Ordinance in execution in the ſaid ſeveral and reſpective Counties, Cities and Places, for which they are thereby reſpectively appointed Commiſſioners: And it is further Ordained, That the ſaid reſpective Commiſſioners, in the ſaid ſeveral and reſpective Counties, Cities and Places, or any three or more of them, ſhall and may, for the more effectual proceeding in the ſaid Service, uſe, exerciſe, and put in execution, all and every the Powers and Authorities, given limited or appointed by and in an Ordinance of the three and twentieth of June, 1647. Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament, For the raiſing of moneys to be imployed towards the maintenance of Forces within this Kingdom, under the command of Sir Thomas Fairfax Knight, and for the ſpeedy tranſporting of and paying the Forces for carrying on the War in Ireland; and one other Ordinance of the four and twentieth of December, 1647. Entituled An Ordinance for the ſeveral Commiſsioners in the reſpective Counties, to make a Collector12 for the monethly Aſſeſſment of Threeſcore thouſand pounds. And it is further Ordered, That the perſons hereafter named ſhall be Commiſsioners added to the Commiſsoners mentioned as aforeſaid.
Provided, That the proportions of Rates ſet upon the ſeveral counties in this Ordinance expreſſed, ſhall not be drawn into preſident for the time to come. Any thing in this Ordinance to the contrary notwithſtanding.
Provided, That the Town of Lyn in Norfolk pay no more then according to that proportion which the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Eaſtern Aſſociation ordered that Town ſhould pay, as by their Order of the twentieth of November, 1645. appeareth.
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