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AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Aſſembled in PARLIAMENT. For ſecuring of all thoſe that ſhall ad­vance two hundred thouſand pounds for the Service of England and Ireland.

With the Names of the Truſtees and Trea­ſurers for the raiſing of the ſame.

Die Jovis 13. Maii, 1647.

ORdered by the Lords Aſſembled in Parliament, That this Ordinance for the two hundred thou­ſand pounds, be forthwith printed and publiſhed.

Jo. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

London Printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the old Bayley, 1647.


Die Jovis 13. Maii, 1647. AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Aſſembled in PARLIAMENT, For ſecuring of all thoſe that ſhall ad­vance two hundred thouſand pounds for the ſervice of this Kingdome, and of the Kingdome of Ireland.

THe Lords and Commons aſsembled in Parliament, intending to raiſe the ſumme of two hundred thouſand pounds, for the ſervice of this King­dome, and of the Kingdome of Ire­land; for the incouragement of ſuch as ſhall advance any ſumme for and to­wards the ſame; Do hereby Ordaine and Declare, That2 every perſon who hath advanced any Moneys, Plate, or Horſes, with their Furniture and Armes, upon the Pub­like Faith, or Propoſitions; or that hath lent any ſumme of Moneys upon the Ordinance of the 18. of Auguſt, 1643. Intituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Aſ­ſembled in Parliament, for the ſpeedy raiſing of Moneys within the City of London, and Liberties thereof, for the reliefe and maintenance of the Armies raiſed, and to be rai­ſed, for the neceſſary defence of the City, and Liberties afore­ſaid, raiſed according to the Proportions of fifty Subſidies; or that hath lent any ſumme of Moneys upon the Expe­dition into Kent, upon the Commotion there, for which the City Seale ſtands yet ingaged; or that hath lent any Moneys towards the Loane of 30000. l. in or about No­vember, 1642. or of 40000. l. in or about Aprill, 1643. or of 23000. l. in or about May, 1643. which are not al­ready repayed; the which ſaid ſeverall ſummes were ad­vanced upon the preſſing neceſſities of England and Ire­land; Or that hath lent any ſumme or ſummes of money towards the rayſing of the 50000. l. borrowed for the ſervice of Ireland, in or about November, 1641. Or that hath lent any ſumme or ſummes of Money in the yeare 1641. (which are yet unpaid) upon the ſecurity of the Act of Parliament, for the ſpeedy raiſing of Moneys for disbanding the Armies, and ſetling the peace of the two Kingdomes of England and Scotland; That ſuch perſon may for every ſumme of Money he ſhall further lend for the advancement of the ſaid 200000. l. be ſe­cured a like ſumme more, to be paid out of the Grand Excize, in courſe, and out of the moyety of all Compo­ſitions made, or to be made with Delinquents, accord­ing3 to the Orders, Ordinances, or Inſtructions, of one or both Houſes of Parliament already made, for com­pounding with Delinquents at Gold-ſmiths Hall, after the ingagements already charged upon the ſaid Compo­ſitions are ſatisfied, and out of the remainder of the proceed of the Biſhops Lands, after they ſhall be cleere of the preſent ingagements; and out of the proceed of the Eſtates and ſale of the Lands of Papiſts (except Advowſons and Impropriations) which have beene in Armes againſt the Parliament, which ſhall firſt happen; together with all the Intereſt due thereupon, after the rate of 8. l. per cent. per annum, to be paid every ſix Moneths, out of the Receipt of the Excize, till Prin­cipall and Intereſt be fully diſcharged. (As for Example) if there be owing to any perſon 100. l. Principall, which with Intereſt due thereupon for three yeares paſt, will make 124. l. he adventuring 124. l. more may be ſecured for the whole 248. l. as aforeſaid, and ſo pro­portionably for a greater or leſser ſumme, and accor­ding to the Intereſt due thereupon. Provided alwaies that the Committee at Gold-ſmiths Hall ſhall have po­wer to compound with Delinquents for Impropriati­ons, according to ſuch Orders and Inſtructions, as they have, or ſhall receive from both or either Houſe of Par­liament, for the benefit and advancement of the Miniſtry. Provided alſo, that the juſt debts of every Papiſt who hath been in Armes againſt the Parliament, made before the firſt of Aprill 1642. be paid, allowed, or deducted; as alſo that all former ingagements concerning the Lands, or eſtates of any ſuch Papiſt, made by both, or either Houſe of Parliament, ſhall be excepted out of the ſecurity; and4 the ſaid Lords and Commons doe hereby Ordaine and Declare, That Sir John Wollaſton Knight, and Alderman, and the other Truſtees for the ſale of Biſhops Lands, ap­pointed by an Ordinance of Parliament, intituled, An Or­dinance of the Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament for the leſſening the number of the Truſtees for the ſale of Biſhops Lands, and the Survivor or Survivors of them; and the Heires of the Survivours of them ſhall ſtand, and be ſeized of all and ſingular Counties Palatine, Honours, Mannours, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, and other the premiſes ſetled and veſted in them, their Heires, and Aſſignes in, and by the ſaid Ordinance of Parliament laſt before mentioned, excepting as is therein excepted, and ſhall take and receive all the Rents, Revenues, Iſ­ſues, and profits hereafter due and payable for the Premi­ſes, or any part of them untill ſale ſhall be made of the ſame, to the uſes, intents, and purpoſes herein before mentioned and declared, after the former ſummes lent and ſecured, or which are to be ſatisfied and paid out of the ſame, according to an Ordinance of Parliament, da­ted the 16. of November, 1646. or any other Ordinance of Parliament ſince that time in that behalfe made; and that the ſaid Truſtees, or any five of them, and John Blackwell ſenior, of Moore-clack in the County of Surrey Eſquire, and the reſt of the Contractors in the ſaid laſt before mentioned Ordinance nominated, and appointed, and William Gibbs Alderman of the City of London, and the reſt of the ſaid Treaſurers in and by the ſame Ordi­nance nominated and appointed, and Henry Elſinge Eſquire, Clerke of the Houſe of Commons alſo nomina­ted and appointed therein to be Regiſter, or his Deputy,5 or Deputies, and Colonell Robert Manwairing, nomi­nated, and appointed by the ſame Ordinance to be Re­giſter Accomptant, and John Fowke, Alderman of the City of London thereby nominated, and appointed to be Comptroller, or his Deputy, or Deputies, ſhall continue in their ſaid ſeverall Truſts, Offices, and places, and ſhall hereby have power ſeverally and reſpectively to doe all other Acts and things as in and by the ſaid Ordinance of the 16. of November, 1646. or any other Ordinance, Declarations, or inſtructions of Parliament ſince that time in that behalfe made, they, every or any of them reſpectively are authorized, directed and appointed, ex­cepting what is otherwiſe directed in and by this preſent Ordinance, untill ſale ſhall be made of the Premiſſes to the uſes, intents, and purpoſes herein before mentioned and declared. And the ſaid Lords and Commons doe hereby conſtitute and appoint James Bunce, Alderman of the City of London, and Richard Glyde, and Lievtenant Colonell Lawrence Bromfield, Citizens of London, to be Treaſurers for the receiving, iſſuing, and paying out of the ſaid two hundred thouſand pounds hereby intended to be borrowed; which ſaid ſervice of theirs is to be by them performed at Weavers Hall, or any other place where the ſaid Treaſurers, or the major part of them ſhall from time to time thinke fit within the City of Lon­don; And likewiſe they the ſaid Treaſurers, or any of them are hereby authorized from time to time to de­mand, and receive all ſuch ſumme and ſummes of mo­ney as ſhall be due, and payable out of all, or any the ſeverall ſecurities before named from the hands of the Treaſurers, which are or ſhall be appointed in or for any6 the Receipts given for ſecurity as aforeſaid; And the ſaid Treaſurers, or any of them hereby nominated are like­wiſe authorized, and appointed to take and receive the ſubſcriptions of every Perſon or Perſons, Bodies Poli­tique or Corporate, that ſhall ſubſcribe any ſumme or ſummes of money, for and towards the raiſing of the ſaid two hundred thouſand pounds intended to be lent: And the ſaid Lords and Commons doe in like manner hereby conſtitute, and appoint Colonell Robert Manwai­ring to be Regiſter Accomptant of all and ſingular the Ac­compts and Regiſtries, and to doe and execute all Acts and things concerning all and ſingular the Premiſſes men­tioned, and contained in this preſent Ordinance, as fully and ample, and in ſuch manner and forme as is formerly ordained and appointed by the Ordinance made Novem­ber 16. Anno Domini 1646. for the ſale of Biſhops Lands, or any other Ordinance ſince made in that behalfe for, or concerning any thing mentioned, or contained in the ſaid former Ordinances: And the ſaid Regiſter Accomp­tant ſhall receive, and allow all Tickets and Receipts of Money, Plate, Horſe, or Armes, with their furniture voluntarily lent upon the Publique Faith, by vertue of any Ordinance, Declaration, or Inſtructions from both Houſes of Parliament; which Acquittances and Re­ceipts ſhall ſtand good, and be effectuall to all intents and purpoſes, ſo as the Parties which ſhall tender the ſaid Receipts doe within 3. moneths then next enſuing bring, or ſend to the ſaid Regiſter a certificate from two or more of the Committee, Deputy Lievtenants, or Juſtices of the Peace of the reſpective Counties, teſtifying that the name ſubſcribed to the Tickets or Receipts, was the7 proper Treaſurer, Collector, Receiver, Deputy Lieu­tenant, Committee or Committees appointed by ver­tue of any Ordinance or Inſtructions of Parliament, for the Receipts aforeſaid, provided alwayes that in caſe ſuch Receipts, and Certificates, ſhould not prove good, and effectuall according to the intent of this preſent Ordinance, yet the ſecurity now given by this Ordi­nance to any perſon or perſons whatſoever, who ſhall now lend, or disburſe any ſum or ſums of money, ac­cording to this Ordinance ſhall ſtand good, and be ef­fectuall to all intents and purpoſes for the Money ſo lent and disburſed, according to the ſaid Ordinance. And it is further Ordained that the ſaid Colonell Mon­waring, ſhall have an additionall ſalary of one hundred pounds over and above his former ſalary of two hun­dred pounds per ann. till both Houſes of Parliament ſhal take further Order, to be paid out of the Rents, and proceed of the Biſhops Lands by the Treaſurers there­of, for the time being on the 25th day of March, and the 29 of September by even and equall portions, and for ſuch Clerks or under Officers as ſhall be imployed in and about the premiſes, the ſame ſhall be approved of by the ſaid Treaſurers, and receive ſuch reaſonable ſalary for their ſervice as the ſaid Treaſurers, ſhall from time to time thinke fit to allow. And in caſe where the ſeverall ſummes of Money which have beene advanced by the Inhabitants of divers Wards and Pre­cincts of the City of London, and other Counties, Cities and Townes corporate upon any the Ordinances, or Acts of Parliament hereby ſecured, have been brought in to the Treaſurers appointed by thoſe Ordinances, and Acts in one groſſe ſum, and a Receipt given by the ſaid Treaſurers for the ſame in groſſe unto the Col­lector,8 and bringer in thereof, only without giving any particular Receipts unto the ſeverall and particular Advancers and Lenders thereof, by reaſon whereof and becauſe divers of the ſaid Collectors are ſince de­ceaſed, and others departed out of the City of Lon­don, the ſeverall advancers of the ſaid ſums of mo­ny, will be deprived of the benefit intended them by this preſent Ordinance; It is hereby ordained, and de­clared by the ſaid Lords and Commons, that the ſaid Regiſter Accomptant hereby nominated, and appoint­ed is and ſhall be authorized, where it ſhall appeare to him by the particular given in to the Treaſurers appoin­ted to receive the ſeverall ſummes of Money advanced upon any the ordinances, or Acts of Parliament here­by ſecured by any of the Collectors, who tooke ſuch generall Receipt for the groſſe ſumme by him or them brought in for their ſeverall Wards, or Precincts, that ſuch ſum of Money was at that time advanced, and lent by any particular Inhabitant of the ſaid Ward or Precinct to aſcertaine the principall and intereſt ther­of, and to give him or them their Excecutors or Ad­miniſtrators clayming the ſame, ſuch receipt for the ſame as if he, or they had produced the particular Re­ceipts, or Certificats of the ſeverall Collectors thereof; And that theſe the ſaid Regiſter Accomptants Re­ceipts ſhall be a good and ſufficient ground to ſuch per­ſons, to whom the ſame ſhall be ſo given their Exe­cutors, Adminiſtrators, and Aſſignes to require the ſum and ſummes of money therein mentioned; And that it ſhall and may be lawfull to and for every per­ſon or perſons to whom any money is owing upon the Publique Faith, or otherwiſe according to the parti­culars9 before mentioned in this preſent Ordinance to grant, and aſſigne his or their ſaid Debts, or any part thereof to any other perſon or perſons whatſoever; And further that it ſhall and may be lawfull for every perſon and perſons, bodies politique or corporate, who ſhall have any monies due to him or them by ver­tue of this preſent Ordinance, to grant and aſſigne the ſame unto any perſon or perſons whatſoever; And the ſame grant or aſſignment ſhall be good and effectu­all to all intents and purpoſes whatſoever; and allow­ed of by all perſon and perſons whatſoever, to whom it ſhall appertaine to make any allowance thereof, as if he or they had lent the ſame themſelves, and that every Lender of any money upon this Ordinance ſhall have all benefits and advantages whatſoever, for and concerning any monies due by this preſent Ordi­nance in courſe, after the former ingagement ſatis­fyed and diſcharged as fully and amply to all intents and purpoſes reſpectively, as they who have former­ly lent any money upon the former Ordinance for ſale of Biſhops Lands, made November the 16. Anno Domini 1646. ought to have by vertue of the ſaid Or­dinance or any other Ordinances ſince made in that behalfe; And if any perſon or perſons ſhall witting­ly or willingly produce any falſe or forged Acquit­ance, or Certificate to the ſaid Regiſter Accomptant, thereby to defraud the Common-Wealth, the perſon or perſons ſo offending ſhall looſe and forfeit his money lent, towards the Rayſing of this two hundred thouſand pounds, or any way due to him upon any the Ordi­nances or Acts of Parliament, hereby ſecured or aſſigned unto him as aforeſaid, the benefit whereof ſhall be for the uſe and benefit of the Common-Wealth.

10And be it further ordained by the authority aforeſaid, that every perſon who ſhall have his ticket allow­ed of and entred by the Regiſter Accomptant, and not bring in the money which upon that ticket he is requi­red to doe, by this ordinance within eight daies after ſuch entry unto the Treaſurers hereby appointed for the receipt of the ſame, ſhall looſe, and forfeite the mo­ny that ſhall be due unto him upon any the ordinances, or acts of Parliament hereby ſecured, unleſſe he ſhall ſhew unto the ſaid Treaſurers, or any two of them, ſome reaſonable cauſe to be by them allowed; And be it further ordained that the ſaid Treaſurers hereby conſtituted and appointed for the receiving and iſſuing out of the ſaid money, ſhall not iſſue or pay out any of the ſaid two hundred thouſand pounds, to be borrowed for the uſe of the Common-wealth as aforeſaid, but by Ordinance of both Houſes of Parliament, which Ordi­dinance with the receipt of the party or parties to whom the money is appointed to be paid, ſhall be a good and ſufficient diſcharge to the ſaid Treaſurers, their heires, executors, and adminiſtrators; And the ſaid Treaſurers ſhall not diſpoſe, disburſe, or pay any other ſumme or ſummes of money that ſhall come to their treaſury, or be paid unto them by vertue of this Ordi­nance, but onely for neceſſary charges, and as is further and particularly directed by this preſent Ordinance. And be it further ordained by the authority aforeſaid, that the ſaid Treaſurers ſhall receive all ſums of money due, and payable out of any the ſecurities hereby enga­ged as aforeſaid, from the hands of the Treaſurers there already appointed, or who hereafter ſhall be appoin­ted, and as they receive the ſame, deducting charges and allowances, ſhall againe pay out and divide ſuch monies11 to the Lenders by one fourth part of their whole debt, that ſhall be owing to them in courſe, as they did pay their money with intereſt then due, and ſo from time to time till the whole be paid; Provided alwaies that it ſhall and may be lawfull for every Lender or Lenders, who ſhall become a purchaſer of any part of the Biſhops lands after the former engagements, by the Ordinance of the ſixteenth of November, 1646. or any other ordi­nance ſince that time in that behalfe made fully ſatisfied and diſcharged, or of the lands, or eſtates of any Papiſts in armes to defalke, or retaine any moneys that ſhall be due unto him by vertue of this preſent Ordinance, upon every purchaſe that he or they ſhall ſo make, if the ſum by him lent ſhall not exceede the value of the purchaſe, or ſo much thereof as the ſame ſhall amount unto, which ſhall be accordingly allowed by the ſaid Treaſurers for the ſale of Biſhops Lands, and ſuch as ſhall be appoin­ted for the ſale of the lands of Papiſts in armes as afore­ſaid. And be it further ordained, that the ſaid Treaſu­rers ſhall keep true and perfect accompts of all receipts, disburſements, and payments, and ſhall give their ac­compts to the Committee for taking the accompts of the whole Kingdome for the time being, who are here­by required to take the ſame every ſix moneths, and thereupon to give juſt diſcharges to the ſaid Treaſurers; and after ſuch diſcharges the ſaid Treaſurers, their heires, executors, and adminiſtrators, ſhall not be fur­ther queſtioned for or concerning any of the matters for which they have had and received ſuch diſcharges; And further the ſaid Treaſurers ſhall have deducted and paid unto them the ſumme of one penny in the pound, for all ſuch monies onely as by them ſhall be received of the advancers of the ſaid two hundred thou­ſand13 pounds, or ſo much thereof as ſhall be raiſed by vertue of this Ordinance, and not for any other ſumme of monies which ſhall come to their hands, by vertue of any of the ſecurities before mentioned, which are to be paid, and divided as aforeſaid to the Lenders. And be it further Ordained by the authority aforeſaid, that the Commiſſioners of the Exciſe for the time be­ing, are hereby charged and required, upon demand of the ſaid Treaſurers, or any two of them delivering in writeing what ſumme or ſummes of money are due and payable, to any perſon or perſons, bodies politique or corporate, by vertue of this preſent Ordinance, for intereſt after the rate of 8. per cent. which writeing the ſaid Treaſurers are hereby required, and autho­rized to make accordingly, to pay every ſix Moneths unto the ſaid Treaſurers all and every ſumme and ſums of money due for intereſt a aforeſaid during the time that the principall hereby ſecured or any part thereof ſhall remaine unpaid, and the receipt and receipts of the ſaid Treaſurers, or any two of them from time to time, ſhall be a ſufficient diſcharge unto the ſaid Commiſſio­ners of Exciſe, and every of them in this behalfe; And when this preſent Ordinance and the ſeverall ſumme and ſummes of money thereby ſecured, ſhall come to its due courſe upon any the receipts hereby engaged, and as is herein before Ordained and provided; It is fur­ther ordered by authority aforeſaid, that the Commiſſi­oners of the Exciſe for the time being, the Treaſurers for the ſale of Biſhops Lands for the time being; the Treaſurers for Compoſitions of Delinquents Eſtates for the time being, and ſuch Treaſurers as ſhall hereaf­ter be appointed for the ſale of the Lands and eſtates of Papiſts in Armes, ſhall reſpectively from time to time14 pay unto the Treaſurers hereby appointed to that pur­poſe, all and every ſumme and ſummes of money ariſing out of their ſeverall Receipts and due, and payable out of all and any their receipts by vertue of this preſent Ordinance, for and towards the payment of the ſeverall ſumme and ſummes of money thereby ſecured as afore­ſaid, and the receipt, and receipts of the ſaid Treaſu­rers hereby named, or any two of them ſhall be from time to time a ſufficient diſcharge unto the ſaid Com­miſſioners of Exciſe, and the Treaſurers of the ſeverall receipts, and every of them reſpectively for all ſumme and ſummes of money unto them paid in purſuance of this preſent Ordinance; And it is further ordained, and and declared by the ſaid Lords and Commons in Parlia­ment Aſſembled, that no Aſſignement made by one or both Houſes of Parliament, or by authority of the ſame upon the receipts of the grand Exciſe, or upon the ſale of Biſhops Lands, or upon the ſaid moytie of the Com­poſitions of Delinquents Eſtates, or upon the ſale of the Lands and Eſtates of Papiſts in Armes after the ſeventh of this inſtant May ſhall precede this preſent Ordinance, whereof the Commiſſioners of the Exciſe, and ſeverall Treaſurers of the reſpective Receipts before named are to take notice accordingly: And it is hereby ordained and declared by the authority aforeſaid, that the Exciſe and new impoſt upon commodities mentioned in the Ordinance of the 11. of September, 1643. or any Ordi­nance or Ordinances of this preſent Parliament, made in explanation, and continuance thereof, ſhall be conti­nued, taken and put in due execution, untill ſuch time as all ſummes of money payable by vertue of this pre­ſent Ordinance ſhall be paid and ſatisfied, and the pay­ments of the ſaid moneys, to be due and payable, by15 vertue of this preſent Ordinance ſhall not be debarred put by, or deferred from being paid out of the ſaid Ex­ciſe, ſale of Biſhops Lands the moity of Compoſitions at Goldſmiths Hall, and ſale of Lands, and Eſtates of Pa­piſts in Armes as aforeſaid by any order, or orders, Or­dinance, or Ordinances of one or both Houſes of Parlia­ment, or by any authority derived from them or either of them, or otherwiſe by the payment of any other or further ſumme, or ſummes of money then the ſaid ſeve­rall Receipts and ſecurities were, or are charged with­all upon the ſaid ſeventh of this inſtant May 1647. And laſtly it is further ordained by the authority aforeſaid that the ſaid firſt recited Ordinance, and this preſent Ordinance, and every Article, Clauſe and thing therein contained ſhall be pleadable, and may be given in evi­dence in any of His Majeſties Courts of Juſtice, or other Courts, and the Judges of all the ſaid Courts, are re­quired to allow and admit thereof accordingly

Provided alwayes, that all ſuch ſummes of money as ſhall be lent by any perſon or perſons toward the ad­vancement of the aforeſaid ſumme of two hundred thouſand pounds ſhall be ſecured as is aforeſaid, al­though the full ſum of two hundred thouſand pounds, ſhall not be advanced as is intended.

Provided nevertheleſſe, and it is hereby declared, that ſuch further fine or fines as ſhall be hereafter impo­ſed upon any perſon or perſons, for, or by reaſon of his or their omiſſion or under valuation, of any the lands or other eſtates in the ſeverall particulars, where­upon he or they already have or ſhal compound, is not nor ſhall be taken, or deemed to be any part of the ſecu­rity by this Ordinance granted.


About this transcription

TextAn ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For securing of all those that shall advance two hundred thousand pounds for the service of England and Ireland. With the names of the trustees and treasurers for the raising of the same. Die Jovis 13 Maii, 1647. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that this ordinance for the two hundred thousand pounds, be forthwith printed and published. Jo. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.
AuthorEngland and Wales..
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationAn ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For securing of all those that shall advance two hundred thousand pounds for the service of England and Ireland. With the names of the trustees and treasurers for the raising of the same. Die Jovis 13 Maii, 1647. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that this ordinance for the two hundred thousand pounds, be forthwith printed and published. Jo. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. Laws, etc. England and Wales., England and Wales. Parliament.. [2], 15 [i.e. 14] p. Printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the old Bayley.,London :1647.. (Page number 12 is omitted in page numbering.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • England and Wales. -- Army -- Appropiations and expenditures -- Early works to 1800.
  • Debts, Public -- Law and legislation -- England -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Finance -- Early works to 1800.

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Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford.

Editorial principles

EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( The general aim of EEBO-TCP is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic English-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in EEBO.

EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative (

The EEBO-TCP project was divided into two phases. The 25,363 texts created during Phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 January 2015. Anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source.

Users should be aware of the process of creating the TCP texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data.

Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). If an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in NCBEL, then their works are eligible for inclusion. Selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so.

Image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. Quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in Oxford and Michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet QA standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. After proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. Any remaining illegibles were encoded as <gap>s. Understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of TCP data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor.

The texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the TEI in Libraries guidelines.

Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements).

Keying and markup guidelines are available at the Text Creation Partnership web site.

Publication information

  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2011-12 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A83131
  • STC Wing E1922
  • STC Thomason E386_18
  • STC ESTC R201487
  • EEBO-CITATION 99861992
  • PROQUEST 99861992
  • VID 114139

This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. Searching, reading, printing, or downloading EEBO-TCP texts is reserved for the authorized users of these project partner institutions. Permission must be granted for subsequent distribution, in print or electronically, of this EEBO-TCP Phase II text, in whole or in part.