AN ORDINANCE OF THE Lords and Commons Aſſembled in PARLIAMENT, For the maintaining of the Forces of the ſeven aſſociated Counties under the Command of EDWARD Earl of MANCHESTER.
By a Weekly payment upon the ſaid aſſociated Counties; to begin the firſt day of September, and to continue for foure Moneths next enſuing.
ORdered by the Commons in Parliament, That this Ordinance be forthwith printed & publiſhed.
LONDON: Printed for Edward Husbands.
WHereas the Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Eſſex, Lincoln, and other Counties with them Aſſociated, out of their loyall reſpect to His Majeſtie, their pious diſpoſition to the peace and happineſſe of this Kingdome; in obedience to the Orders of Parliament, have raiſed and maintained to the number of Fourteen thouſand Horſe, Foot, and Dragoones, or thereabouts, and with them have done many great ſervices againſt the Common Enemie, tending much to the ſafetie of the Kingdome; And have alſo bought many Armes and Ammunition, and muſt buy more, whereby to furniſh themſelves with a traine of Artillerie; and have been, and muſt be at great charges in maintaining and recruiting the ſaid Forces, and in keeping ſeverall Garriſons, making and erecting of Fortifications, Magazines, Courts of Guards, and other things requiſite and neceſſary for the defence and ſafetie of the ſaid aſſociation againſt the incurſions of the Enemie: By all which meanes the ſaid Aſſociation is become much indebted, and without the ſpeedy raiſing of large and conſiderable3 ſums of money proportionable to their vaſt expences, cannot long ſubſiſt in a condition to keep themſelves from ruine, and to advance the publique ſafetie. It is thereupon Ordained by the Lords & Commons in Parliament aſſembled, and by authoritie of the ſame, That for the intents & purpoſes aforeſaid, the ſeverall weekly ſums of money hereafter in this Ordinance mentioned, ſhall be charged, rated, taxed and levied upon the ſeverall Counties, according to the proportions herein expreſſed; The ſame to be paid in weekly to the ſeverall Collectors, & by them to the Treaſurer or Treaſurers appointed by this Ordinance for the receiving hereof. That is to ſay,
Vpon the County of Eſſex, the weekly ſum of one thouſand ſixe hundred eighty ſeven pounds ten ſhillings.
Vpon the County of Suffolk, the weekly ſum of one thouſand eight hundred ſeventy five pounds.
Vpon the County of Norfolk and City of Norwich, the weekly ſum of one thouſand eight hundred ſeventy five pounds.
Vpon the County of Hertford, the weekly ſum of ſixe hundred ſeventy five pounds.
Vpon the County of Cambridge, the weekly4 ſum of five hundred ſixty two pounds ten ſhillings.
Vpon the County of Huntington, the weekly ſum of three hundred and thirty pounds.
Vpon the County of Lincolne and City of Lincoln, the weekly ſum of one thouſand two hundred eighteen pounds fifteen ſhillings.
Vpon the Iſle of Ely, the weekly ſum of two hundred twenty one pounds five ſhillings.
And the ſaid weekly Payments are to begin from the firſt day of September, in the year of our Lord 1644. and ſo to continue weekly for four moneths next enſuing from the ſaid firſt of September.
And be it further ordained, that every perſō or perſons that were to be aſſeſſed or taxed by any former Ordinance of Parliament, ſhall be aſſeſſed and taxed by this Ordinance, and ſhall be liable to as great forfeitures & penalties for not paying of the ſum or ſums to be aſſeſſed, as they ſhould have been, if the ſame had been aſſeſſed by vertue of the laſt Ordinance for the weekly payment for the ſaid Aſſociation, made the 20. of September laſt: And the ſeverall reſpective Deputy Lieutenants and Committees named and truſted within the ſaid Aſſociation or any part thereof, by the ſaid recited Ordinance,5 to take care for the aſſeſſing, collecting or levying of any monies, are named & truſted by this Ordinance, and have as full power and authority given by this Ordinance, to nominate and appoint Collectors and Aſſeſſors, and to diſtraine, fine and impriſon, or ſequeſter, as they or any of them had by vertue of the ſaid recited Ordinance, in all or any part of the ſaid aſſociated Counties.
And the ſeverall Collectors ſhall pay the ſeverall ſums by them collected, at the place or ſeverall places where the Earl of Mancheſter and the Committee for the Aſſociation attending the ſaid Earl, ſhall appoint to the Treaſurer or Treaſurers, to be by them named; which Treaſurer or Treaſurers are to iſſue out the monies received for the purpoſes aforementioned, according to the Warrants or directions of the ſaid Earl of Mancheſter, & of any two of the ſaid Committees for the ſaid Aſſociation, which ſhall be appointed thereunto by the ſaid Earl, and a ful Committee conſiſting of one for every County at the leaſt, and of the Commiſſary Generall for the time being of the ſaid Earl of Mancheſter; And that no monies be iſſued out without order under the hand of the ſaid Earl, ſuch two of the ſaid Committees, and6 the ſaid Commiſſary Generall, nor yet without the privitie of the whole Committee attending the ſaid Earl.
And the ſaid Lords & Commons doe further ordain, that all monies collected and not diſpoſed of, or to be collected upon the fifth & twentieth part of mens eſtates, or of the laſt four months pay; and all the monies or other benefit ariſing by vertue of any Ordinance for the third part of the Sequeſtration ſetled upon the Earl of Mancheſter, ſhalbe paid unto the Treaſurers appointed as aforeſaid, and from thence to iſſue out again for ye intents and purpoſes aforementioned; and the ſaid Earl and Committee for the ſaid aſſociation have thereby power given them to call all Collectors, Treaſurers, or others that have or are thought to have any of the ſaid monies in their hands, to an accompt, and to cauſe the ſaid money in their hands to be paid unto the Treaſurers appointed by the former Ordinances.
And if any Collectors, Treaſurers, or others ſhall refuſe to accompt or to pay in the monies wherewith they are charged: then the ſaid Earl & committee ſhal fine them double the ſum charged upon them, which if it be not paid within ſix days after the ſum is ſet, and notice thereof left at his or their dwelling houſe: it ſhalbe lawfull to diſtrein for the ſame: & if there be not ſufficient diſtreſſe wherewith to ſatisfie, then the ſaid Earl and Committee may impriſon the offender herein; & ſequeſter his eſtate, untill the money charged & fine ſet be leavied and paid.
And it is further Ordayned, that four pence in the pound ſhall be allowed for every ſum of money which ſhall be Collected, and paid to the ſaid Treaſurer, whereof two pence ſhall be for the Collectors, and two pence for the Treaſurer: And the ſaid Treaſurer ſhall keep a Regiſter book, of the ſeverall ſums received and paid by them, and ſhall render an account thereof, unto the ſaid Earl and Committee, once every moneth at leaſt.
And be it further Ordayned, that three Commiſſioners hereafter to be nominated and appointed, to reſide in the Army, ſhall take ſpeciall care that they keep conſtant correſpondency with the two Houſes of Parliament, and with the Committee of the Members of the Houſe of Commons, appointed for the Aſſociated Counties; and that they take ſuch courſe that no Commander or Officer ſhall receive any pay, but ſuch as duely attend their charge: And it is deſired, that the ſaid Earl of Mancheſter do admit to his Counſell for the purpoſes aforeſaid, the ſaid Commiſſioners reſiding in his Army, to adviſe with them, and arme them with power to view and examine the Muſters of the ſaid Army; and to take ſuch courſe as ſhall be thought moſt fit for the preventing of dead payments, falſe Muſters, free quartering without warrants, Plundering, Seizing of Horſes or Armes, or for the avoyding of any other miſdemeanor, which may turn to the prejudice of the Common wealth. And that the ſaid Commiſſioners, ſhall once in a moneth, certifie the ſtate of the Army, and give an accompt of their proceedings unto the Parliament, or to the aforeſaid Committee, for the Aſſociated Counties, and likewiſe certify what further inſtructions ſhalbe agreed upon by the Counſell of Warre, touching the ſame, and the aforeſaid Commiſſioners ſhalbe nominated and appointed, by the Committee for the aſſociated Counties ſitting at Cambridge, or the major part of them out of their own number.
And be it Laſtly Ordained, that the ſaid Earl, Deputy Lieutenants, Committees, collectors, aſſeſſors, and every one of them, & every other perſon, that ſhall be ayding and aſſiſting to them, or any of them, in doing any thing by vertue of this Ordinance, ſhalbe defended and ſaved harmleſſe therein by authority of both Houſes of Parliament.
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