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FOR The ſafety and defence of the King­dom of England, and Dominion of WALES.

AS It was commanded by both the ſaid Houſes to be ingroſſed, according to the alterations and amendments; the ſame having been firſt reſolved upon the Queſtion by both the ſaid Houſes, to paſſe: On Saturday, the 5th of this preſent March, and ſo to be printed.

Jo. Browne, Cler. Parl.

London, Printed for Ioſeph Hunſcott. 1641.


AN ORDINANCE OF The Lords and Commons in Parlia­ment for the ſafety and defence of the Kingdom of ENGLAND, and Dominion of WALES.

WHereas there hath been of late a moſt dangerous and deſperate deſign upon the Houſe of Commons, Which we have juſt cauſe to beleeve to be an effect of the bloudy Councells of Papiſts, and other ill affected Perſons, who have already raiſed a rebellion in the Kingdom of Ireland. And by reaſon of many diſcoveries, we cannot but fear they will proceed, not only to ſtirre up the like4 rebellion and inſurrections in this Kingdom of England, but alſo to back them with Forces from abroad.

For the ſafety therefore of his Majeſties Per­ſon, the Parliament and Kingdom, in this time of imminent danger,

It is Ordained by the Lords and Commons now in Parliament aſſembled, That Henry, Earl of Holland, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Berks: Oliver, Earl of Bullingbrooke, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Bedford: William, Lord Paget, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Buckingham: Dudly, Lord North, ſhall be Liev­tenant of the County of Cambridge, and the Iſle of Ely: James, Lord Strange, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Cheſter, and the County of the City of Cheſter: Iohn, Lord Roberts, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Cornwall: Willi­am, Lord Gray, of Warke, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Cumberland: Iohn, Earl of Rut­land, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Der­by: William, Earl of Bedford, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Devon, and the County of the City of Exceter: Sir Iohn Banks, Knight, Lord5 Chief Juſtice of the Common-Pleas, ſhall be Liev­tenant of the Iſle of Purbeck, and Conſtable of Corff Caſtle, in the County of Dorſet: William, Earl of Salisbury, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Dorſet, and the County and Town of Pool: Sir Henry Vane Senior, ſhall be Lievte­nant of the County Palatine of Durham: Robert, Earl of Warwick, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Eſſex: George, Lord Chandoys, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Glouceſter, and the County of the City of Glouceſter: Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Mountgomery, ſhall be Lievte­nant of the County of Southampton, the Towne and County of Southampton, and the Iſle of Weight: William Earle of Salisbury ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Hertford: Francis Lord Dacres ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Hereford: Edward Lord Kimbolton ſhall bee Lievtenant of the County of Huntington: Robert Earl of Leiceſter, Lord Lievtenant of IRELAND, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Kent, and the City and County of Canterbury: Philip, Lord Wharton, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Lancaſter: Henry, Earl of Stamford, ſhall be6 Lievtenant of the County of Leiceſter: Theophilus, Earl of Lincoln, ſhall be Lievtenant of the Ports Kſlaven, and Holland, within the County of Lincoln, and for the County of the City of Lincoln: Francis, Lord Willoughby of Parham, ſhall be Lievtenant of the Parts of Lindſey, within the County of Lincoln: Henry, Earl of Holland ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Middleſex: Hen­ry, Lord Spencer ſhall be Lievtenant of the Coun­ty of Northampton: Iohn, Earl of Clare, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Nottingham, and the Town and County of Nottingham: Al­gernoon, Earl of Northumberland, Lord high Ad­mirall of England, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Northumberland, and Town and County of Newcaſtle upon Tyne, and Port of Barwick: Robert, Earl of Warwick ſhall be Liev­tenant of the County of Norfolk, and the Coun­ty and City of Norwich: William, Lord Viſcount Say and Seal ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Oxford: David, Earl of Exon ſhall be Lievte­nant of the County of Rutland: Edward, Lord Littleton, Lord Keeper of the great Seal of Eng­land, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Salop:7 William, Marqueſſe of Hertford ſhall be Lievte­nant of the County of Somerſet: Robert, Earl of Eſſex, Lord Chamberlain of his Majeſties Houſ­hold, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Staf­ford, and the County of the City of Lichfield: Iames, Earl of Suffolk ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Suffolk: Charles, Earl of Nottingham ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Surrey: Al­gernoon, Earl of Northumberland, Lord high Ad­mirall of ENGLAND, ſhall be Liev­tenant of the County of Suſſex: Robert, Lord Brook, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of War­wick, and of the City and County of Coventry: Henry, Earl of Cumberland ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Weſtmerland: Philip, Earl of Pem­broke and Mountgomery, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Wilts: Edward, Lord Howard of Eſcrigg, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Worceſter, and the County of the City of Worce­ſter: Denzell Hollis, Eſquire, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County and City of Briſtoll: Robert, Earl of Eſſex ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of York, the County of the City of York, and the Town and County of Kingſton upon Hull: Phi­lip,8 Lord Herbert ſhall be Lievtenant of the Coun­tie of Monmouth: Algernoon, Earl of Northumber­land ſhall be Lievtenant of the Iſle of Angleſey: Philip, Lord Herbert ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Brecknock: Richard, Earl of Carbery in the Kingdom of Ireland, ſhall be Lievtenant of the County of Cardigan: Richard, Earl of Car­bery in the Kingdom of Ireland, ſhall be Lievte­nant of the Countie of Carmarthen, and the County of the Burrough of Carmarthen: Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Mountgomery ſhall be Liev­tenant of the County of Carnarvon: Baſill, Lord Newenham ſhall be Lievtenant of the Countie of Denbigh: Baſill, Lord Newenham ſhall be Liev­tenant of the Countie of Flints: Philip, Lord Her­bert ſhall be Lievtenant of the Countie of Glamor­gan: Robert, Earl of Eſſex ſhall be Lievtenant of the Countie of Mountgomery: Philip, Earl of Pem­broke and Mountgomery, ſhall be Lievtenant of the Countie of Merioneth: Edward, Lord Littleton, Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England, ſhall be Lievtenant of the Countie of Radnor: Alger­noon, Earl of Northumberland, ſhall be Lievtenant of the Countie of Pembroke, and the Town and Countie of Haverford Weſt.

9And ſhall ſeverally and reſpectively have power to aſſemble and call together, all and ſingular his Majeſties ſubjects within the ſaid ſeverall and re­ſpective Counties and places, as well within li­berties as without, that are meet and fit for the Warres, and them to traine, exerciſe, and put in readineſſe, and them after their abilities and fa­culties well and ſufficiently from time to time, to cauſe to be arrayed and weaponed; and to take the Muſter of them in places moſt fit for that pur­poſe. And the aforeſaid Henry Earle of Holland, Oliver Earle of Bullingbrooke, William Lord Paget, Dudley Lord North, James Lord Strange, Iohn Lord Roberts, William Lord Gray of Warke, John Earle of Rutland, William Earle of Bedford, Sir Iohn Banks Lord chiefe Iuſtice of the Common Pleas, Willi­am Earle of Salisbury, Sir Henry Vane Senior, Ro­bert Earle of Warwick, George Lord Chandoys, Phi­lip Earle of Pembrooke and Mountgomery, Francis Lord Dacres, Edward Lord Kymbolton, Robert Earle of Leiceſter, Philip Lord Wharton, Henry Earle of Stamford, Theophilas Earle of Lincolne, Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, Henry Lord Spencer, John Earle of Clare, Algernoone Earle of Northumberland, William Lord Viſcount Say and Seale, David Earle of Oxon, Edward Lord Littleton Lord Keeper of10 the great Seale of England, William Marqueſſe of Hertford, Robert Earle of Eſſex, Iames Earle of Suffolk, Charles Earle of Nottingham, Robert Lord Brooke, Henry Earle of Cumberland, Edward Lord Howard of Eſtrich, Denzill Hollis Eſquire, Philip Lord Herbert, Richard Earle of Corbery and Ba­zill, Lord Newenham, ſhall ſeverally and reſpe­ctively have Power within the ſeverall and re­ſpective Counties and Places aforeſaid, to nomi­nate and appoint ſuch Perſons of Qualitie, as to them ſhall ſeeme meet to be their Deputy-Lieu­tenants, to be approved of by both Houſes of Parliament.

And that any one or more of the ſaid Depu­ties ſo aſſigned and approved of in the abſence, or by the Command of the ſaid Henry Earle of Holland, Oliver Earle of Bullingbrooke, William Lord Paget, Dudley Lord North, Iames Lord Strange, Iohn Lord Roberts, William Lord Gray of Warke, Iohn Earle of Rutland, William Earle of Bedford, Sir Iohn Banks Knight, Lord chiefe Iuſtice of the Com­mon Pleas, William Earle of Salisbury, Sir Henry Vane Senior, Robert Earle of Warwick, George Lord Chamdoys, Philip Earle of Pembrooke and Mount­gomery, Francis Lord Dacres, Edward Lord Kym­bolton, Robert Earle of Leiceſter, Philip Lord Whar­ton,11 Henry Earle of Stamfort, Theophilus Earle of Lincole, Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, Hen­ry Lord Spencer, Iohn Earl of Clare, Algernoun Earl of Northumberland, William Lord Viſcount Say and Seale, David Earl of Exon. Edward Lord Littleton, Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England, William Marqueſſe of Hertford, Robert Earl of Eſſex, James Earl of Suffolke, Charles Earl of Nottingham, Robert Lord Brok, Henry Earl of Cumberland, Edward Lord Howard of Effingham, Denzil Hollis Eſquire, Philip Lord Herbert, Richard Earl of Corbery in the Kingdom of Ireland, and Bazill Lord Newenham, ſhall have power and Authoritie to do and exe­cute within the ſaid ſeverall and reſpective Coun­ties and Places to them aſſigned as aforeſaid; all ſuch Powers and Authorities before in this pre­ſent Ordinance contained. And the aforeſaid Henry Earl of Holland, Oliver Earl of Bullingbrook, William Lord Paget, Dudley Lord North, Iames Lord Strange, Iohn Lord Roberts, William Lord Gray of Warke, Iohn Earl of Rutland, William Earl of Bedford, Sir John Banks Knight, William Earl of Salisbury, Sir Henry Pane Senior, Robert Earl of Warwick, George Lord Chandoys, Philp Earl of Pembroke and Moungomery, Francis Lord Dares, Edward Lord Kymbolton, Robert Earl of Leiceſter,12 Philip Lord Wharton, Henry Earl of Stamford, Theo­philus Earl of Lincolne, Francis Lord Willoughbie of Parham, Henry Lord Spencer, Iohn Earl of Clare, Al­gernoone Earl of Northumberland, William Lord Viſ­count Say and Seale, David Earl of Exeter, Edward Lord Littleton, Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England, William Lord Marqueſſe of Hertford, Ro­bert Earl of Eſſex, Iames Earl of Suffolke, Charles Earl of Nottingham, Robert Lord Brook, Henry Earl of Cumberland, Edward Lord Howard of Eſtrich, Denzill Hollis Eſquire, Philip Lord Herbert, Ri­chard Earl of Corbery and Bazill, Lord Newenham, ſhall have power to make Collonels, and Cap­tains, and other Officers, and to remove out of their Places, and make others from time to time, as they ſhall thinke fit for that purpoſe. And the ſaid Henry Earle of Holland, Oliver Earle of Bul­lingbrooke, William Lord Paget, Dudley Lord North, James Lord Strange, Iohn Lord Roberts, William Lord Gray of VVarke, Iohn Earl of Rutland, William Earle of Bedford, Sir John Banks, Knight, Lord chiefe Iuſtice of the Commons Pleas, William Earle of Salisbury, Sir Henry Vane Senior, Robert Earle of Warwicke, George Lord Chandoys, Philip Earle of Pembrooke, Francis Lord Dacres, Edward Lord Kymbolton, Robert Earle of Leiceſter, Philip13 Lord Wharton, Henry Earle of Stamford, Theophilus Earle of Lincolne, Francis Lord VVilloughby of Par­ham, Henry Lord Spencer, John Earle of Clare, Al­gernoone Earle of Northumberland, VVilliam Lord Viſcount Say and Seale, David Earle of Oxon, Ed­ward Lord Littleton, Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England, VVilliam Marqueſſe of Hertford, Ro­bert Earle of Eſſex, Iames Earle of Suffolke, Charles Earle of Nottingham, Robert Lond Brooke, Henry Earle of Cumberland, Edward Lord Howard of E­ſtrich, Denzill Hollis Eſquire, Philip Lord Herbert, Richard Earle of Corbery and Bazill, Lord Newen­ham, their Deputy or Deputies in their abſence, or by their Command, ſhall have power to lead, Conduct, and Imploy the perſons aforeſaid, ar­rayed, and weaponed for the ſuppreſſion of all Rebellions, Inſurrections, and Invaſions that may happen within the ſeverall and reſpective Counties and Places. And ſhall have further power and authoritie, to lead, conduct, and im­ploy the Perſons aforeſaid, arrayed and weapon­ed, as well within their ſaid ſeverall and reſpe­ctive Counties and Places, as within any other part of this Realm of England, or Dominion of Wales, for the ſuppreſſion of all Rebellions, In­ſurrections, and Invaſions that may happen ac­cording14 as they from time to time ſhall receive directions from the Lords and Commons aſſem­bled in Parliament.

And be it further ordained, That Sir Iohn Gaire, Sir Iacob Garret, Knights, and Aldermen, Thomas Atkin Alderman, Sir John Wallaſton Knight and Alderman, Iohn Warner, Iohn Towes Aldermen, Sergeant Major, Generall Skippon, or any three or more of them, together with Randolph Manwa­ring, William Gibs, Iohn Fowke, Iames Bunce, Fran­cis Peck, Samuel Warner, James Ruſſell, Nathaneel Wright, William Barkley, Alexander Norington, Stephen Eſtwick, Owen Rowe, Citizens of London, or any ſix or more of them, ſhall have ſuch Power and Authoritie within the City of London and the Liberties thereof, as any of the Lieutenants before named, are authoriſed to have by this Or­dinance within their ſaid ſeverall and reſpective Counties (the nomination and appointment of Deputy Lieutenants onely excepted.) And it is further ordained, that ſuch Perſons as ſhall not obey in any of the Premiſſes, ſhall anſwer their neglect and contempt as the Lords and Com­mons in a Parliamentarie way and not otherwiſe, nor elſewhere. And that every the Powers grant­ed15 as aforeſaid, ſhall continue, untill it ſhall bee otherwiſe ordered or declared by both Houſes of Parliament, and no longer.


About this transcription

TextAn ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament. For the safety and defence of the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales. As it was commanded by both the said houses to be ingrossed, according to the alterations and amendments; the same having been first resolved upon the question by both the said houses, to passe: on Saturday, the 5th of this present March, and so to be printed. Jo. Browne, Cler. Parl.
AuthorEngland and Wales. Parliament..
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationAn ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament. For the safety and defence of the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales. As it was commanded by both the said houses to be ingrossed, according to the alterations and amendments; the same having been first resolved upon the question by both the said houses, to passe: on Saturday, the 5th of this present March, and so to be printed. Jo. Browne, Cler. Parl. England and Wales. Parliament.. 15, [1] p. Printed for Ioseph Hunscott,London :1641. [i.e. 1642]. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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