Die Sabbathi 1. Maii. 1647. An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Aſſembled in Parliament, for the Viſitation and Reformation of the Univerſity of Oxford, and the ſeverall Colledges and Halls therein.
FOr the better regulating and Reformation of the Univerſity of Oxford, and the ſeverall Colledges and Halls in the ſame; and for the due correction of offences, abuſes, and diſorders, eſpecially of late time committed there: Be it Ordained by the Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parliament, and by the Authority of the ſame, That Sir Nathaniel Brent, Maſter Edward Corbet, Maſter John Pulipeton, of the middle Temple, Maſter Henry Wilkinſon, Maſter William Prynne of Lincolnes Inne, Maſter William Typing, Sir William Cobb, Maſter George Greenwood, Dector John Wilkinſon, Maſter Edward Reynolds, Maſter Robert Harris, Maſter Francis Cheynell, Maſter John Packer, Maſter John2 Wilkinſon, Maſter John Mills, Maſter Chriſtopher Rogers, Maſter William Cope, Maſter Bartholomew Hall of the middle Temple, Maſter Thomas Knight of Lincolnes Inne, Maſter John Heling of Crayes Inne, William Draper, Gabriel Beck of Lincolnes Inne, John Cartwright, and Samuel Dunch Eſquires, ſhall be, and they and every of them, are hereby appointed to be Viſitours of the ſaid Univerſity, and of all and every the ſaid Colledges and Halls, And of all and every the Maſters, Schollers, Fellowes, Members, and Officers of the ſaid Univerſity, and of the ſaid Colledges and Halls, and every of them reſpectively. And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforeſaid, That the ſaid Viſitors, or any five of them, may and ſhall viſite the ſaid Univerſity, Colledges, Halls, Maſters, Schollers, Fellowes, Members, and Officers; and inquire of, and heare and determine all and every crimes, offences, abuſes, diſorders, and all other matters whatſoever, which by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, or by the Cuſtomes or Statutes rightly eſtabliſhed of the ſaid Univerſity, or by the ſeverall Statutes of the ſaid Colledges or Halls, or any of them reſpectively, may lawfully be inquired of, and heard, and determined in the courſe and way of Viſitation of the ſaid Univerſity, or of the ſaid Colledges, Halls, Maſters, Schollers, Fellowes, Members, and Officers, or of any of them reſpectively: And that they may and ſhall therein proceed to all intents and purpoſes, as and according as by the ſaid Lawes, Statutes, and Cuſtomes, or by any of them, any other Vifitors, by any Authority whatſoever appointed, might proceed reſpectively. And be it alſo further Ordained by the Authority aforeſaid, That the ſaid Viſitors, or any five of them, may inquire by Oath viva voce, to be taken before them reſpectively,3 of and concerning all the Maſter, Schollers, Fellowes, and Officers of the reſpective foundations of all and every the ſaid Halls and Colledges, and of all and every the Officers belonging to them, or to the ſaid Univerſity, concerning thoſe that neglect to take the Solemne League and Covenant, and the Negative Oath being tendred to them, by ſuch as are authorized thereunto by Parliament; and likewiſe concerning thoſe that oppoſe the execution of the Ordinances of Parliament concerning the Diſcipline and Directory, or ſhall not promote and cauſe the ſame to be put in execution, according to their ſeverall places and callings; And likewiſe concerning thoſe that ſhall teach or write againſt any point of Doctrine, the ignorance whereof doth exclude from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. And be it alſo further Ordained by the Authority aforeſaid, That the ſaid Viſitors, or any five of them, may and ſhall inquire upon Oath, viva voce, to be taken before them reſpectively, of all and every the Maſters, Schollers, Fellowes, and Officers, of the reſpective Foundations, of and concerning all and every the ſaid Halls and Colledges, and of all and every the Officers belonging to any of them, or to the ſaid Univerſity, that have taken up or been in Armes againſt the Parliament, or againſt any Forces raiſed by Authority thereof, or that have been active in aſſiſting or incouraging the Forces raiſed againſt the parliament; and may and ſhall call all and every ſuch perſon and Witneſſes concerning the ſame before them reſpectively; and the ſame Witneſſes, and any Witneſſe or Witneſſes to be produced by the Party accuſed of, or charged with any ſuch offences put to their Oaths Viva voce concerning the Premiſſes, and that they, or any five2〈1 page duplicate〉3〈1 page duplicate〉4of them ſhall from time to time certifie to the Committee of Lords and Commons, hereafter in this Ordinance appointed, what Maſters, Schollers, Fellowes, Members, or Officers as aforeſaid they find to have committed any of the ſaid offences, and in what manner, and the eſpeciall quality and condition of the offenders; That ſo ſuch further proceedings may be thereupon had, as to the ſaid Committee of Lords and Commons ſhall be thought meet. And be it ordained by the authority aforeſaid, That the ſaid Viſitors ſhall have power, and are hereby authorized to Examine, and conſider of all ſuch Oathes as are enjoyned by the Statutes of the ſaid Univerſity, or of all or any of the reſpective Colledges and Halls in them, as are not fit to be taken, and to preſent their Opinions concerning the ſame to the Committee of Lords and Commons in this Ordinance named, to the end that ſuch courſe may be therein taken as may be agreeable to the intended Reformation of the ſaid Univerſity; Provided alwaies, and it is further Ordained, That if any of the ſaid Muſters, Schollers, Fellowes, Members, or Officers, ſhall finde themſelves grieved in, or upon any Sentence definitive given by the ſaid Viſitors, or any of them as aforeſaid, that then it ſhall and may be lawfull to and for the Party ſo grieved, ſummarily by repreſenting his Caſe, to appeale and ſeeke remedy and redreſſe thereupon before the ſaid Committee of Lords and Commons, who are hereby authorized findly to heare and determine every ſuch Caſe ſo brought to them by appeale, according as to Juſtice ſhall appertaine. And it is further Ordained by the authority aforeſaid; That Algernon Earle of Northumberland, Henry Earle of Kent, John Earle of Rutland, Philip Earle of Pembrooke and Mountgomery, Theophilus Earle of Lincolne, Charles5 Earle of Notringham, James Earle of Suſtolk, William Earle of Salisbury, Robert Earle of Warwick, Bazil Earle of Denbigh, James Earle of Middleſex, Edward Earle of Mancheſter, Edmund Earle of Mulgrave, Henry Earle of Stamford, Walter Lord Viſcount Hereford, William Lord Viſcount Say and Seale, Charles Lord De la Warre, George Lord Berkley, Philip Lord Wharton, Francis Lord Willoughby, Dudley Lord North, John Lord Huaſden, William Lord Grey of Warke, Iohn Lord Roberts, Edward Lord Howard of Eſcr. Tho. Lord Bruce, Members of the Houſe of Peeres. And Sir Chriſtopher Yelverton, Sir Iohn Danvers, Mr. Iohn Selden, Mr. _____Weſt, Mr. Francis Rous, Mr. Iohn Crew, Sir William Lewes, Mr. Bulſtrode Whitlocke, Sir Thomas Witherington, Mr. _____Poole, Sir Peter Wentworth, Colonell_____Leigh, Mr. Nathaniel Fiennes, Mr. Walter Long, Sir Philip Stapleton, Mr. William Wheeler, Mr. _____Swinfen, Mr. Samuel Broune, Mr. Nicholas Love, Sir Willam Brereton, Thomas Lord Wenman, Iames Fiennes Eſq William Lenthall, Eſq Speaker of the Houſe of Commons, Denzell Holles Eſq and Sir Robert Harley Knight of the Bath, Humphrey Sallaway Eſq Mr. Liſle, Mr. Iohn Lenthall, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Mr. Scot, Sir Thomas Wroth, Mr. Doyly, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Tate, Mr. Bond, Mr. Aſhurſt, Mr. Bulckley, Mr. Kirle, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Martin, Sir Iohn Burgoyne, Sir Themas Dacres, Mr. Nicell, Sir Iohn Maynard, Mr. Geurden, Mr. Grimſton, Doctor Bond, Mr. Morley, Mr. Green, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Grove, and Mr. Knightly, Members of the Houſe of Commons, and every five of them ſhall be, and are hereby authorized to be a ſtanding Committee, and to fit at ſuch time and place as they reſpectively ſhall appoint, to receive upon appeale as aſoreſaid ſuch matters as ſhall be ſo brought and repreſented to them: and thereupon ſummarily6 to proceed according as the juſtice of the Caſe requires, and alſo to receive ſuch matters as ſhall be as aforeſaid certified to them; and thereupon to proceed and determine, according as they ſhall finde the quality and condition of the Caſes and Perſons ſo certified to them reſpectively. Provided alſo, that nothing contained in this Ordinance ſhall take away the right and authority of the Chancellor for the time being.