ALSO An ANSVVER from His Excellency Sir THOMAS FAIRFAX: TO Papers from the Kingdome of Scotland, Concerning the deſires of the Eſtates of Scotland, about their Commiſſioners with the Kings Majeſtie.
WITH The Reſolutions of the Souldiers of the Army; and their Reaſons therein.
⟨7ber 22⟩ LONDON, Printed for R. B. Anno Domini. 1647.
IN purſuance of the Commands I received for enquiring into the buſineſſe of the affront done to the Earle of Loutherdale, I ſent Order to Collonell Whaley, to make enquiry of it, and to return to me an account thereof, I have hereupon received from him a Narrative under his hand, of the occaſions, and whole carriage of that buſineſſe (ſo farre as his own knowledge or preſent Informations concerning it do extend,) which I have ſent you here incloſed, I deſire it may be imparted to both Houſes, for their preſent better ſatisfaction concerning that buſineſſe, and if this doe not amount to their full ſatisfaction therein, but that they think fit to have any further enquiry or Examination to be had about it, I ſhall upon further notice of their pleaſures therein give Order to Collonell Whaley accordingly, I remaine.
Towards the latter end of July laſt, when the King lay at Woburne, the Lord Louderdale came one morning about foure five of the Clock to the Court, loſt no time, but preſently made a repaire to His Majeſty with whom hee had much private communication. It was commonly reported and generally beleived that he had come poſt all the night before. But whether ſo or not, I know not, but this I know, that his early comming and haſty ſpeaking with His Majeſty at that Conjuncture of time, when that unparalled violence was committed upon the Parliament, and that treaſonable engagement for fetching the King to London, and preparations for a new Warre, were ſo violently proſecuted in the City, drove the Court into feares, and Souldiers into jealouſies, that his Lordſhip came to indeavour the perfecting at Court that deſigne, which was begun and proſecuted in the City and that which made them (as I conceive the more jealous of his intentions, was a common report, that his Lordſhip was a fomenter of the Cities Tumults, or correſponding with the Authours of them. And indeed I finde, that the Souldiers had long entertained harſh toughts of the Lord louderdale ever ſince his Relation, concerning His Majeſties going from Holdenby, made in the Painted Chamber ſo much to the prejudice and diſadvantage of the Army; and his undertaking there to ingage the whole Kingdom of Scotland, as one man againſt the Army; they were playn with him at New-Market, then minding him of it, and told him he had publikely declared himſelfe their enemy; therefore they could not but think he came to doe them, and the Kingdome ill Offices.
And had not my ſelfe and other Officers interpoſed,3 they had then at leaſt perſwaded him away from the Court, but at that time the Souldiers indured his ſtay, though with ſome regret; But his Lordſhips ſecond appearance at that time and manner as before relared, ſo kightened, (it ſeems their former jealouſies and exaſperated them into ſuch reſolutions, as that divers of them whoſe names I proteſt I know not, not ſo much as one for preſent) being of ſeverall Regiaments came about five of the Clock, next morning, to his Lordſhips Chamber doore, deſired to ſpeake with him, upon notice whereof, I haſtened to the Earl of Louderdales Lodgings, and the Earle of Denby with me: We found the Souldiers and the Lord Louderdale reaſoning very calmly together, his Lordſhip telling them he was a publike perſon, and they could offer him no affront, but it would reflect upon the Kingdome of Scotland, and tend to devide the two Nations, the Souldiers told him, they found he many times acted as a private perſon, as when in the painted Chamber hee undertooke for all Scotland to engage as one man againſt the Army, (which as they heard) he had no Commiſſion for from the State of Scotland, what they did was in Reference to the Lord Louderdale and not to the Scotiſh Nation: and had his Lordſhip ſhewed any Commiſſion, Paſſe, or Warrant, teſtifying his being ſent or imployed thither as a publique perſon from the States of Scotland, or their Commiſsioners, I conceive it might have ſatisfied.
The Earle of Denbigh endeavoured with all the Reaſons and arguments he could to perſwade them to let the Earle of Louderdale ſtay, and not meddle with4 him, and my ſelfe commanded ſome of them to their Guard, and the reſt to be gone.
But from commanding, (the diſcontent being very high) I was inforced, for the preſent to fall to perſwading, I confirmed what the Earle of Denbigh before had ſaid to them, that it might bee conſtrued as an injury to the State of Scotland, that it would be an offence to the Parliament of Englaad, and added that it was a contemning of the Generalls power, when they would not obey Commands, and would expoſe both themſelves, and me to danger, but all in vaine; for indeed that horrid violence, ſo lately done to the Parliament, and the forced flight of the Members of both Houſes (whereby that higheſt Authority of the kingdome ſeemed to be at a ſtand) as it put both the City and moſt parts of the Kingdome into a monſtrous vein of confuſion, and of diſtracted and licentious workings, and weakned (for preſent) the hands of all men in Authority under the Parliament, ſo it wanted not its influence of like nature upon the Army and Souldiery throughout the Kingdome, ſo as Officers could not (at that time) have the like command of their Souldiers, as formerly, nor as now again, ſince the Authority of the Parliament hath been vindicated, and both Houſes (through Gods bleſſing) reſtored to their Honour and Freedome:
For my owne part (as affaires then ſtood) I am confident the Lord Denbigh will witneſſe it for me? I did my utmoſt endeavours to have gotten the Souldiers away, I commanded, I perſwaded, but neither commands nor perſwaſions would prevaile, the Souldiers5 being unanimouſly reſolved his Lordſhip ſhould not ſtay at Court, nor ſpeak again with the King for that time.
And therefore they would not depart till his Lordſhip was ready and willing to take Coach.
When I ſaw I could not exerciſe my commanding power for the preſent in that matter, nor by it, nor by perſwaſion divert them from their Reſolutions: I deſired them at leaſt to be civill towards his Lordſhip, which they performed, not giving his Lordship an ill word, nor laying any hands upon him, Mr. Cheeſly his Lordſhips Secretary likewiſe ſeconded me, deſiring the Souldiers to be civill, and to give his Lordſhip leave to ſay his Prayers, the Souldiers anſwered with all their hearts, they would joyne with him; but his Lordſhip told them he had not the gift of prayer, he would not pray publikely, and preſently after went quietly to his Coach, the Souldiers attending him.
Thus have I given a true relation of the demeanour, and Carriage of that towards the Lord Loutherdale at VVoburne, for the confirmation whereof I referre my ſelf to the Earle of Denbigh, who was preſent all the while, and in teſtimony of the truth hereof, I have hereunto ſet my hand.
Reſolved upon the queſtion, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Aſſembled. That the Kings Majeſties Anſwer from Hampton-Court preſented to both Houſes Sep. 14. 1647. Is a denyall to the Propoſitions preſented to Him from both Kingdomes.
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