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TWO ORDINANCES OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Aſſembled in PARLIAMENT, One For the conſtant Recruiting, maintain­ing, and Regulating of the Forces of the ſeven Aſſociated Counties, under the Command of EDWARD Earle of MANCHESTER.

The other, For the Regulating the Vniverſity of Cambridge, and for removing of Scandalous Miniſters in the ſeven Aſſociated Counties.

ORdered by the Lords aſsembled in Parliament, that theſe Ordinances ſhall be forthwith Printed and pub­liſhed.

J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

LONDON, Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old-Baily, Jan. 24. 1643.


An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons aſsembled in Parliament, for the Recruiting, maintein­ing, and Regulating of the Forces of the ſeven Aſſociated Counties, under the command of Edward Earle of Mancheſter.

WHereas the Counties of Norffolk, Suffolk, Eſſex, and the other Aſſociated Counties, out of their loyall reſpect to his Majeſty, their pious diſpo­ſition to the peace & happines of this Kingdom, in obedience to the orders of Parliament, have rayſed & mainteined, to the number of foureteen thouſand Horſe, Foot, and Dragoons, or thereabouts, And with them, within five months laſt paſt, have done many ſervices againſt the common Enemy, tending much to the ſafety of the King­dom, & intend to rayſe a far more conſiderable Force, both of Horſe and Foot; And have alſo bought many Armes and Ammunition, and muſt buy more, whereby to furniſh them­ſelves with a Traine of Artillery, and have beene, and muſt be at great charges in maintaining and Recruiting the ſaid Forces, and in keeping ſeverall Garriſons, making and erecting of Fortifications, Magazines, courts of Guard, and other things requiſite and neceſſary, for the defence and ſafety of the ſaid Aſſociation, againſt the Incurſions of the Enemy. By all which meanes, the ſaid Aſſociation is be­come much indebted, and without the ſpeedy rayſing of large and conſiderable ſummes of Money, proportionable to their baſt expences, cannot long ſubſiſt in a condition to keepe themſelve from Ruine, and to advance the Publique ſafety.

2It is thereupon Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament aſſembled, and by Authority of the ſame, That for the intents and purpoſes aforeſaid, the ſeverall weekely ſummes of Money, hereafter in this Ordinance mentioned, ſhall be Charged, Rated, Taxed, and Levyed upon the ſeverall Counties, according to the Proportions herein expreſſed, the ſame to be payd in weekly to the ſeveral Collectors, and by them to the Treaſurer or Treaſurers appoynted by this Ordinance for the receiving hereof, That is to ſay, upon the County of Eſſex, the weekely ſumme of one thouſand ſix hundged eighty ſeven pounds ten ſhillings, upon the County of Suffolke, the weekely ſumme of one thouſand eight hundred ſeventy five pounds, upon the Coun­ty of Norffolke, and City of Norwich, the weekely ſumme of one thouſand eight hundred ſeventy five pounds, upon the County of Hartford, the weekely ſumme of ſix hundred ſeventy five pounds, upon the County of Cambridge, the weekly ſum of five hundred ſixty two pounds ten ſhillings, upon the County of Huntington, the weekely ſumme of three hundred and thirty pounds, upon the County of Lincolne, and City of Lincolne, the weekely ſumme of one thouſand two hundred eighteene pounds fifteene ſhillings, and upon the Iſle of Ely, the weekely ſumme of two hundred twen­ty one pounds five ſhillings, And the ſaid weekely pay­ments are to begin from the firſt day of January inſtant; and ſo to continue weekely for foure moneths next enſuing from the ſaid firſt day of January.

And be it further Ordained, That every perſon or per­ſons that were to be Aſſeſſed or Taxed, by any former Or­dinance of Parliament, ſhall be Aſſeſſed and Taxed by this Ordinance, and ſhall be lyable to as great Forfeitures and Penalties, for not paying of the ſumme or ſummes to bee Aſſeſſed, as they ſhould have beene if the ſame had beene Aſſeſſed, by vertue of the laſt Ordinance for the weekely3 payment for the ſaid Aſſociation made the twentyeth of Sep­tember laſt, And the ſeverall and reſpective Deputy Lieu­tenants and Committees, named and tr•••ed within the ſaid Aſſociation, or any part thereof, by the ſaid recited Ordinance, to take care for the Aſſeſſing, Collecting, or Le­vying of any Monyes, are named and intruſted by this Ordinance, and have as full Power and Authority given them by this Ordinance, to nominate and appoynt Colle­ctors and Aſſeſſors, and to Diſtreine, Fine, Impriſon, or Sequeſter, as they or any of them had, by vertue of the ſaid recited Ordinance, in all, or any part of the ſaid Aſſociated Counties, And the ſeverall Collectors, ſhall pay the ſever­all ſummes by them Collected, at the place or ſeverall pla­ces where the Earle of Mancheſter, and the Committee for the Aſſociation attending the ſaid Earle ſhall appoynt, and to the Treaſurer or Treaſurers to be by them named, which Treaſurer or Treaſurers are to Iſſue out the Mo­nyes received for the purpoſes aforementioned, according to the Warrants or directions of the ſaid Earle of Manche­ſter, and of any two of the ſaid Committees for the ſaid Aſſociation, which ſhall be appoynted thereunto by the ſaid Earle, and a full Committee, conſiſting of one for every County at leaſt and of the Commiſſary Generall, for the time being of the ſaid Earle of Mancheſter: And that no Monyes be Iſſued out without Order under the hands of the ſaid Earle, ſuch two of the ſaid Committee and the ſaid Commiſſary Generall, nor yet without the privity of the whole Committee attending the ſaid Earle.

And be it further Ordained; That all the Forres rayſed, or to be rayſed, under the command of the ſaid Earle, ſhall be kept intire, and not drawne forth, or kept, or continued forth upon any ſervice, without the knowledge and joynt conſent of the ſaid Earle, and the ſaid Committee while they are together, or of one of them, while they are diſtant4 one from another, or without particular directions of Par­liament. And that every Captaine both of Horſe and Foot, and every other Superior or Inferior Officer, or other in the army of the ſaid Earle of Mancheſter, or belonging to the ſaid aſſociated Counties, whoſe pay comes to ten ſhill­ings a day or above, ſhall take but halfe the pay due to him and ſhall reſpit the other halfe upon the Publique Faith, untill theſe unnaturall Warres be ended; And every Officer or other, that is to have five ſhillings a day or above, and under ten ſhillings, ſhall accept of two thirds of the pay due to him, and ſhall reſpit one third part upon the Publique Faith, untill theſe unnaturall Warres ſhall bee ended. And when there is three moneths pay due to any of them, or more, a Certificate thereof from the ſaid Earle, ſuch two of the ſaid Committee and Commiſſary, as may give out Warrants for the Iſſuing out Monyes, ſhall be ſufficient to demand the ſaid Monyes owing upon the Publique Faith as aforeſaid.

And be it further Ordained, that all the ſaid Captaines both of Horſe and Foote, are to make good to the ſaid Com­mittee, all the Horſes and Horſe-Armes, and Foote-Arms, that ſhall be loſt, or imbeazel'd by them, or under their com­mands, unleſſe they can make it appeare, that they were loſt in ſervice againſt the Enemy, And the ſaid Captaines are enjoyned to give a Liſt under their hands to the ſaid Com­mittee, for the Aſſociation of all men, horſes, and armes, under their commands, And the ſaid Lords & Commons doe further Ordaine, that all the Moneys collected and not diſpoſed of, or to be Collected upon the fifth and twentieth part of mens eſtates, or of the laſt three, Moneths pay: and all the moneys or other benifit ariſing by vertue of any Or­dinance, for the third part of the ſequeſtration, ſetled upon the Earle of Mancheſter, ſhall be paid unto the Treaſurers appointed as aforeſaid, and from thence to iſſue out againe for the intents and purpoſes aforementioned.

5And it is likewiſe Ordained, that if any of the ſaid Aſſo­ciated Forces, have taken, or ſhall take free quarter within the ſaid Aſſociation, every Officer is then to have but one third part of the preſent pay due to him by this Ordi­nance, for ſo long time as he or they have had, or ſhall have free quarter.

And every Common foote Souldier, but halfe pay, & e­very Common horſeman, or Trooper, foureteene pence a day, and the reſidue of their pay, is to be reſerved for the Pay­ment of their quarters, and to be imployed for the purpo­ſes aforementioned; And they further Ordaine, that the ſhall ſend one or two of their Deputy Lieutenants, or Com­mittees truſted by the Parliament, with the Affaires of the ſaid County and City, to the Committee for the ſaid Aſſoci­ation to Cambridge, who ſhall have hereby equall power with any other of the ſaid Committee at Cambridge, while they ſit there, or in any other place; And the ſaid Earle and Committee for the ſaid Aſſociation, have hereby power gi­ven them to call all Collectors, Treaſurers, or others, that have or are thought to have any of the ſaid monyes in their hands, to an accompt, and to cauſe the ſaid money in their hands to be paid unto the Treaſurers appointed by this Ordinance; And if any Collectors, Treaſurers, or o­thers, ſhall refuſe to accompt, or to pay in the monyes wherewith they are charged, then the ſaid Earle & Com­mittee ſhall Fine them double the ſum charged upon them, which if it be not paid within ſix daies after, the ſumme is ſet and notice thereof left at his or their dwelling houſe, It ſhall be lawfull to diſtraine for the ſame, and if there be not ſufficient diſtreſſe wherewith to ſatisfie; Then the ſaid Earle and Committee, may impriſon the offender herein, and ſequeſter his eſtate, untill the money charged, and the Fine ſet, be levied and paid. And it is Ordained, that ſix6 pence in the pound, ſhall be allowed for every ſumme of mo­ney, which ſhall be collected and paid to the ſaid Treaſurer, whereof three pence ſhall be for the Collectors, and three pence for the Treaſurer; And the ſaid Treaſurer ſhal keepe a Regiſter Booke, of the ſeveral ſummes received and paid out by them, and ſhall render and accompt thereof, unto the ſaid Earle and Committee, once every Moneth at leaſt.

And be it laſtly Ordained, that the ſaid Earle, Deputy Lieutenants, Committees, Collectors, Aſſeſſors, and every one of them, and every other perſon that ſhall be aiding and aſſiſting to them, or any of them, in doing any thing by ver­tue of this Ordinance, ſhalbe defended and ſaved harmleſſe therein, by authority of both Houſes of Parliament.

Iohn Browne Cleric, Parl.

AN Ordinance for Regulating the Vniverſity of CAMBRIDGE, and for removing of Scandalous Miniſters in the ſeven Aſſoci­ated Counties.

WHereas many Complaints are made by the will affected Inhabitants of the Aſſociated Counties of Eſſex, Norffolk, Suffolk, Hartford, Cambridge, Hunting­ton, and Lincolne; That the ſervice of the Par­liament is retarded, the Enemy ſtrengthned, the peoples Soules ſtarved, and their minds diver­ted from any care of Gods Cauſe, by their idle, ill affected, and ſcandalous Clergy, of the Vni­verſity of Cambridge, and the Aſſociated Coun­ties; And that many that would give Evidence againſt ſuch ſcandalous Miniſters, are not able to travell to London, nor be are the charges of ſuch a Iourney: It is Ordanted by the Lords & Com­mons Aſſembled in Parliament, That the Earle of Mancheſter ſhall appoynt one or more Com­mittees in every County, conſiſting of ſuch as have beene nominated Deputy Lieutenants, or8 Committees by any former Ordinance of Par­liament, in any of the ſaid Aſſociated Counties, every Committee to conſiſt of ten, whereof any five or more of them, to ſit in any place or places within any the ſaid Aſſociated Counties where the ſaid Earle ſhall appoynt, with power to put in execution theſe Inſtructions following, and in purſuance thereof, to give aſſiſtance to the ſaid Committeés.

Firſt, They ſhall have power to call before them, all Provoſts, Maſters, and Fellowes of Colledges, all Students, and Members of the Vniverſity, and all Miniſters in any County of the Aſſociation, and all Schoole-maſters that are ſcandalous in their lives, or ill-affected to the Parliament, or Fomentors of this unnaturall Warre, or that ſhall wilfully refuſe obedience to the Ordinances of Parliament, or that have deſer­ted their ordinary places of reſidence, not being imployed in the ſervice of the King and Parlia­ment. And they ſhall have power to ſend for any Witneſſes, and examine any complaint or teſti­mony againſt them, upon Oathes of ſuch per­ſons as ſhall and may be produced to give Evidence againſt them, and ſhall certifie their Names with the Charge and Proofes againſt them, to the ſaid Earle of Mancheſter, and9 he ſhall have power to eject ſuch as he ſhall iudge unfit for their Places, and to ſequeſter their Eſtates, Meanes, and Revenues, and to diſpoſe of them as he ſhall thinke fitting, and to place other fitting perſons in their Roome, ſuch as ſhall be approved of by the Aſſembly of Di­vines fitting at Weſtminſter.

The Earle of Mancheſter, or the ſaid Com­mittee or Committees ſhall have power to ad­miniſter the late Covenant taken and to be taken of all the three Kingdoms, of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to all perſons in any of the ſaid Aſſociated Counties, and the Iſie of Ely, upon ſuch Penalties as are or ſhall be aſſigned by the Parliament in this behalfe.

And be it ordained, That the ſaid Earle of Mancheſter ſhall have power to diſpoſe of a fifth part of all ſuch Eſtates as they ſhall ſequeſter, for the benefit of the Wives and Children of any of the aforeſaid perſons.

The ſaid Committee or Committees ſhall imploy a Clerke for the regiſtring of all War­rants, Orders, Summons, and Ejectments made by them: And that they chooſe ſome con­venient place for the preſerving of the Writings of this Committee.

That the ſaid Earle of Mancheſter ſhall have10 power to examine and inhibite all ſuch as doe obſtruct the Reformation now endeavoured by the Parliament and Aſſembly of Divines.

And be it further declared, That all ſuch as ſhall doe any thing in execution of this Ordi­nance, ſhall be kept indempnified by the Autho­ritie and Power of both Houſes of Parlia­ment.

And further be it ordeined, That the Earle of Mancheſter ſhall have power to appoint a con­venient number, conſiſting of one or more out of every Countie, one out of the Citie of Norwich, and one out of the Countie and Citie of Lin­colne: Provided, that three of theſe be Deputie-Lieutenants to ſit at Cambridge, for the better ordering of all Buſineſſes of the Aſſociation, according to Ordinances and Orders of Par­liament, and according to his Commiſſion granted by his Excellencie the Earle of Eſſex; And that the preſent Committee for the Aſſoci­ation ſitting at Cambridge, ſhall ceaſe, when the Earle of Mancheſter ſhall have appointed another under his hand and ſeale.

John Browne Cler. Parliament.

About this transcription

TextTwo ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, one for the constant recruiting, maintaining, and regulating of the forces of the seven associated counties, under the command of Edward Earle of Manchester. The other, for the regulating the Vniversity of Cambridge, and for removing of scandalous ministers in the seven associated counties. Die Lunæ, 22 Jan. 1643. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that these ordinances shall be forthwith printed and published. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.
AuthorEngland and Wales. Parliament..
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationTwo ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, one for the constant recruiting, maintaining, and regulating of the forces of the seven associated counties, under the command of Edward Earle of Manchester. The other, for the regulating the Vniversity of Cambridge, and for removing of scandalous ministers in the seven associated counties. Die Lunæ, 22 Jan. 1643. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that these ordinances shall be forthwith printed and published. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. England and Wales. Parliament.. [2], 10 p. Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old-Baily,London :Jan. 24. 1643. [i.e. 1644]. (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Manchester, Edward Montagu, -- Earl of, 1602-1671.
  • England and Wales. -- Army -- Early works to 1800.
  • University of Cambridge -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649.

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