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AN ACT OF THE COMMONS Aſſembled In PARLIAMENT, Eſtabliſhing the preſent Commiſsioners for the CUSTOMES.

LONDON, Printed for Laurence Blaiklock, and are to be ſold at his ſhop near Temple-Bar. 1650.


An ACT of the COM­MONS aſſembled in Parliament.

WHereas by Or­dinance of both Houſes of Par­liament, of the ſixteenth of December, One thouſand ſix hun­dred forty ſeven, the pay­ment of a Subſidie of Tonnage and Poundage2 is ordained to be paid up­on all Goods and Mer­chandiſe, to bee exported out of, or imported into this Common-wealth of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Bar­wick, in ſuch ſort as in the ſaid Ordinance is ex­preſſed, the ſaid payments to continue from the ſix and twentieth of March, One thouſand ſix hun­dred forty eight incluſive, unto the ſix and twen­tieth day of March, which ſhall be in the yeare of our Lord, One thouſand ſix hundred fifty one inclu­ſive,3 As by the ſaid Or­dinance more at large ap­peareth; And whereas the Parliament have ſince, That is to ſay, upon the foure & twentieth of April now laſt paſt, nominated and appointed Edmund Harvy, Robert Titchborne, Marke Hildeſlye, Daniell Taylor, and Edward Parks, of London Merchants, the preſent Commiſsioners and Collectors of the Cu­ſtoms; It is now enacted and declared, and be it by Authority of Parliament enacted and declared, That the ſaid Edmund4 Harvy, Robert Titchborne, Marke Hildeſlye, Daniell Taylor, and Edward Parks, the preſent Commiſsio­ners and Collectors of the Cuſtomes, are and ſhall be Commiſsioners & Colle­ctors thereof; And by this Act, they the ſaid Edmund Harvy, Robert Titchborne, Marke Hildeſlye, Daniell Taylor, and Edward Parks, and their Deputy and Deputies by them to be authorized under their Hands and Seales, are inabled to collect and re­ceive upon accompt all ſuch ſumme and ſummes5 of money, which from and after the one and twenti­eth day of Iuly, one thou­ſand ſix hundred forty nine, ſhall by vertue of the ſaid Ordinance, or any Act or Declaration of Parlia­ment made ſithence, be payable or paid for Cu­ſtomes, or Subſidies, or otherwiſe, for or in reſpect of Goods or Merchandi­zes exported out of, or im­ported into the Port of London, and all other Ports in the Common-wealth of England, Domi­nion of Wales, and Towne of Barwicke, in ſuch ſort as6 the duties of Tonnage and Poundage have been formerly collected by Sa­muell Avery Alderman of London, and other the late Commiſsioners of the cu­ſtomes, & in ſuch manner as by the ſaid Ordinance, or other Acts, Declarati­ons or Orders of Parlia­ment, and Inſtructions as the ſaid late commiſsi­oners received, Or that the ſaid Edmund Harvy, Robert Titchborn, Marke Hildeſlye, Daniel Taylor, and Edward Parks, ſhall hereafter re­ceive from Parliament, or the Committee of Parli­ament7 appointed for the Navy and Cuſtomes, or ſhall be by them ordered or directed. And it is fur­ther enacted and ordai­ned, That the ſaid Ed­mund Harvy, Robert Titch­borne, Marke Hildeſlye, Da­niell Taylor, and Edward Parks,, ſhall have the ſame power and authority, And to doe all act or acts, thing or things whatſoever that Samuell Avery, Chriſtopher Packe, Richard Bateman, Charles Lloyd, and Walter Boothby, or any of them, or any Cuſtomer or Colle­ctor for the Port of Lon­don,8 or any the Out-Ports, by Law, by any Act or ordinance of Parli­ament, or otherwiſe might lawfully doe. And it is further enacted and ordai­ned, That the ſeverall perſon and perſons nomi­nated and appointed ſince the three and twentieth of April now laſt paſt, or to be nominated and appoin­ted by Parliament, or by the Authority thereof to keep a Checque in the Port of London, or in any other Port, Harbor, or Creeke within this Com­mon-wealth, or to be Sur­veyor,9 Searcher, or Wai­ter within the ſaid Port of London, or in any other Port, Harbor or Creeke within this Common-wealth, ſhall reſpectively have the ſame power and authority: And to doe all and every Act or Acts, thing or things whatſo­ever, that any former Comptroller, Surveyor, Searcher, or Waiter of the Port of London, or any other of the ſaid Ports of this Common-wealth, by Law, by any Act or Or­dinance of Parliament, or otherwiſe might have10 lawfully done. And it is further enacted and ordai­ned, That all Mayors, Sheriffes, Iuſtices of Peace, Conſtables and other Officers; All Admi­rals, Vice-admirals, Captaines and Com­manders, or other Offi­cers of Ships: All Offi­cers of the Admiralty, All Colonels, Captaines, and other Officers and Soul­diers of the Army, and of the Trained Bands of the Common-wealth, and all other perſons whatſoever, be aiding and aſsiſting to the ſaid Commiſsioners,11 their Deputies and Offi­cers aboveſaid, in colle­cting, ſecuring and recei­ving the ſaid Cuſtomes and Duties as aboveſaid, and in ſuppreſsing all Tumults, Ryots, and o­ther force that is or ſhall be had, or made againſt them, and every or any of them, in the execution of this preſent Act, and all other perſons in their aid and aſsiſtance. And it is further enacted and or­dained, That from hence­forth no Officer or Offi­cers of the Cuſtoms, ſhall take or receive from the12 Merchant, or any other perſon any moneyes by way of Fee or gratuity for any Certificate, Bill or Cocquet, or any other thing whatſoever. And in caſe they or any of them ſhall receive any Fee or gratuity, contrary to this act, upon proof therof they ſhall forfeit their places. And it is further provided and enacted, That the ſaid Edmund Harvy & the reſt of the ſaid Commiſsioners ſhall and may be remova­ble from the ſaid imploy­ment, as the Parliament ſhall thinke fit and order.

Hen: Scobell, Cler. Parliament.

About this transcription

TextAn Act of the Commons assembled in Parliament, establishing the present Commissioners for the Customes
AuthorEngland and Wales. Parliament..
Extent Approx. 7 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 8 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
Additional notes

(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A83630)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 133338)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2515:17)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationAn Act of the Commons assembled in Parliament, establishing the present Commissioners for the Customes Proceedings. 1650 England and Wales. Parliament.. [2], 12 p. printed for Laurence Blaiklock, and are to be sold at his shop near Temple-Bar,London :1650.. (Reproduction of original in the Folger Shakespeare Library.)
  • England and Wales. -- Commissioners of Customs -- Early works to 1800.
  • England and Wales. -- Parliament. -- House of Commons -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2011-12 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A83630
  • STC Wing E2503C
  • STC ESTC R232025
  • EEBO-CITATION 99897652
  • PROQUEST 99897652
  • VID 133338

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