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EIGHTEEN NEW COURT-QUAERIES HUMBLY OFFERED To the ſerious conſideration, and mature de­liberation of all the good honeſt hearted people of the Three Nations: of great concernment towards the ſtopping our Breaches, and the making up of the Divi­ſions amongſt us.

By ſeveral well-wiſhers to our Settlement.

LONDON, Printed in the year MDCLIX.




WHether this Lord Protectors Patience in letting go hisold ſo calmly, and tamely, were in him a Vertue, or not? and if it were a Vertue, whether Neceſſity did not make it ſo?


Whether eight thouſand pounds per annum, and withall free liberty to take the Country Air, be not very ſufficient an reaſonable conſiderations, and ſtipend, for the old Pro­tectreſs; as a very gratefull acknowledgment from our Free-State, of the good ſervice which her husband in his life time did for this Commonwealth? and whether or no ſhe ought in conſcience to flight and undervalue this ample teſtimony of the Officers good afection, and charity to her?


Whether if the Sky ſhould fll there world be any work for a Lark-catcher at Whitehall?



Whether the Army ought not to have given to them, new Red Coats, and black buttons now, to mourn for the De­par ure of this Protector, as well as they had for the Deceaſe ofhe Old one?


That ſeeing ſo it is, and muſt, and ſhall be, that the Cour­tiers muſt of neceſſity repair all of them to their reſpective dwelling, and habitations, bag and baggage; whether it would not be a greater expence and burthen to the States (upon whoſe hands they yet lye) to ſend for Mules out of Egypt for their Convoy; than〈◊〉them their next neigh­bours in James his Park (the Aſſes) to perform that piece of drudgery?


VVhether or no Peter Sterry, the Court Confeſſur, when he preach'd in the Chapell the very next Lords day after his Hghueſſe cied, and uttered in that his Sermothere, words, either theſe, or to this effect, (viz.) [As certainly as I hold the word of God in my left hand, ſo certainly is his late Highneſſe now at the right hand of God, interceding for the iniquities of this ſinfull Nation:] did not commit an high, and moſt horrid piece of blaſphemy? And then, whether He does not therefore very well deſerve to be a fellow-ſeeler oJames Naylour's Sentence, and to be as coarſly uſed as He, who yet continues at his expiatory task of pounding hemp in the Houſe of Correction?


VVhether or not, Dr. John Owen, and Dr. Thomas Good­win, would make it any〈◊〉of matter of Conſcience to3 accept of the two Archbiſhopricks of York and Canterbury if the State could think fit to reward their endeavours with ſo rich a profer?


VVhether it be not very fitting, and neceſſary, and much tending to the gladding of the Hearts of many men, that the Banquetting houſe at Whitehall be ſpee­dily remoov'd from thence, and carried croſſe the way to Wallingford-houſe, for the noble Officers of our invin­cible, and ſucceſſefull Armies, to triumph in, after all their encounters, and valiant atchievements? And whether the State would not do well as to that end and pur­poſe, with all expedition poſſible, to make all the Ci­tizens Pioneers for the carrying on of that Great Work.


VVhether theſe Proverbs following 1. That ſome man man may better ſteal a Gooſe, than another pluck a feather? 2. That bought wit is best? 3. That Occaſion makes the thief? be all moſt true and authentick, and confirm'd by modern ex­perience, yea, or no?


VVhether it may conſiſt with the tender, and de­licate education of our new Ladies of Honour, to dab­ble through the Country dew theſe Summer mor­nings with a milking pail on their heads? and con­ſequently, whether it is not likely to be very much prejudicial to their beauties, to go (after thistate) out of God's bleſſing, into the Warm Sun?



VVhether illiterate men, partial, covetous, worldly min­ded, ſelf-ended greedy of gain, having mens perſons in ad­miration, naughty, an hypocritical, be competent judges (according to the Canoof theoly VVrit) of Students in both Univerſities of our Land, for the diſcharge of the moſt ſacred Miniſterial Function?


VVhether Mr. Hugh Peters, when he kept daily andightly correſpondence with the Gentleman's wife in the Low-Countries, during the abſence of her husband, upon ſervice in the worres, did punctual y perform thatread­full threatning of his, in the hear of his Zeal againſt Po­pery, That He would lay the whore of Babylon upon hr back? And whether that mad〈◊〉Spirit wherewith he ſeems alwayes poſſeſs'd, becomes a man of peace, or ſuits with the meekneſſe, and humility of the glorious Goſpell?


VVhether Mr. Needham the Curranto-maker, the Court Pamphleteer, being an impudent fellow, a lye, and forger of forein leters; a mercenary inormer, an abuſer, and baſe vilifier of worthy and eminent perſons; an inſulter over gal­lant mens afflictions, and miſeries; A murtherer of mensame, credit & reputation, to their utter and moſt inevitable ruine and deſtruction; does not very well deſerve to forfeit his Eares to the Pillory?


VVhether all the men of the three Nations that lately made〈◊〉to his Highneſſe; are dead or alive?



VVhether now, Whitehall be not a place commodious to make a Play-houſe of, having been accuſtomed for theſe many yeares to ſuch alteration of Scaenes? and the penſio­ners, &c. well accompliſht to turn Stage-Players? Firſt, be­cauſe it is conceiv'd they have now little elſe to do. Second­ly, becauſe they have been bred up upon that Stage, and can act any part; and Thirdly, becauſe they never wear good cloaths longer than the Play continues.


VVhether the old Protector's Cradles ſtanding in Weſtmin­ſter Abby in the ſame place where the High Altar, or Com­munion Table formerly ſtood, is not the ſetting up of one Su­perſttion where another Superstition (as 'twas termed) was pull'd down? and whether the Eſſigies, when it was there, might not be call'd, without any abuſe of Scripture, the abho­mination of deſolation in the holy place?


VVhether the wainſcot Preſſe that is made in Henry the ſe­venth his Chapell, for reception of the aforementioned Idoll, being as yet empty, and thought unfitting for that Employ­ment, would not ſerve a great deal better to keep in it the ſa­cred Reliques of VVell-affected Perſons in the Common­wealth? as for example, The Lord Brooks's Eye; The flappets of Mr. William Prynn's Eares; My Lord of Eſſex's Prolifick Inſtrument; Sir John Hotham's Head; Lundsford's teeth; Mildmaye's Jewels; Dr. Doriſlaus's four quarters; Alderman Hoyle's Rope; the dagger that kill'd Watt Tyler; The Lord Pride's ſlings and tallies; the Lord Hewſon's ſhooing-horn; the Lord Barkſtead's thimbles and bodkins; with many other remarkable things of this nature, which it may be elſe may happen to be loſt or forgotten?



VVhether all theſe eighteen Queries, are not worthy the peruſal of every ſober, melancholy man? and very main­ly effectnal (if they may but be anſwered according to the earneſt longings, gapings, and expectations of the honeſt peo­ple of this Commonwealth) to remove a great many ſcurvy, baſe incommodities, dammages, and inconveniences, which otherwiſe may chance to fall upon us?


About this transcription

TextEighteen new court-quæries humbly offered to the serious consideration, and mature deliberation of all the good honest hearted people of the three nations: of great concernment towards the stopping our breaches, and the making up of the divisions amongst us. By several well-wishers to our settlement.
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationEighteen new court-quæries humbly offered to the serious consideration, and mature deliberation of all the good honest hearted people of the three nations: of great concernment towards the stopping our breaches, and the making up of the divisions amongst us. By several well-wishers to our settlement. [2], 6 p. [s.n.],London :Printed in the year MDCLIX. [1659]. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "May. 26.".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • STC Wing E263
  • STC Thomason E984_1
  • STC ESTC R207795
  • EEBO-CITATION 99866824
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