THis Acknowledgement, ſubſcribed by Maſter Darells owne hand, was by himſelfe this day voluntarily offered to the Houſe of Commons and read, viz.
WHereas I Henry Darell did report, that Maſter Pym a Bribe of thirty pounds, I doe ſeriouſly2 confeſſe I never had any true ground for it, and am heartily ſorry that I ſhould report ſo falſe an untruth, And humbly crave pardon for this my great folly and offence in reporting the ſame words: And am ſo farre from juſtifying of them, that I am willing to give ſuch ſatisfaction to this Honourable Houſe, and to Maſter Pym in particular, as to this Houſe ſhall ſeem fitting, and referre my ſelfe wholly to your mercy, it being my firſt Offence, and hope that it ſhall be hereafter a warning to me ever to commit the like.
Maſter Darell was called in, and demanded by Maſter Speaker, whether this Acknowledgment were his3 owne, and under his hand: he did acknowledge it to be his owne, and under his hand: And thereupon the Houſe proceeded to this Sentence, viz.
Reſolved upon the Queſtion, That Maſter Henry Darell ſhall make his Acknowledgment here at the Barre preſently, and on the firſt day of the next full Terme, that he ſhall make the ſame Acknowledgment at the Kings Bench Barre, the Chancery Barre, the Common-Pleas Barre, and the Exchequer Bar, the Courts then ſitting.
And then Maſter Darell kneeling, Maſter Speaker pronounced the Sentence aforeſaid, and in part of performance thereof, hee did upon his knees make this acknowledgement,4 and read it upon his knees.
Reſolved upon the Queſtion, That Maſter Darell ſhall be bailed upon ſuch Baile as this Houſe ſhall allow in the meane time till he hath performed the reſt of the Sentence, and upon Certificate thereof to be diſcharged.