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LONDON, Printed by William Downing, in St. Bartholomew-Cloſe, 1684.

The Epiſtle Dedicatory. TO THE CHARMING Philina.


ACcording to your Com­mands, I have taught the Fugitive Fair One to ſpeak Engliſh, and have given Her this Paſport, that She Her ſelf may go and give you an Ac­count of Her Ad­ventures. I hope they will afford you the Entertainment you expect, and that they will divert ſome Hours of you Solitude in the Country. There is ſomething ſo Ex­traordinary in Her Story as cannot but render it Agreeable, and which will keep you from Repent­ing the time you ſhall ſpend in Her Company: At leaſt, Madam, I have ſhown herein the Abſolute Obedience I pay to all your Orders, tho I ſhall ever be Rea­dy to give much more Signal Inſtan­ces of my Entire Submiſſion and Re­ſignation to all you ſhall require. This Offering in the mean while, I beg, may be an Earneſt of my future Per­formances, and if it obtains a Gracious Acceptance, I ſhall be the more Anima­ted to further Eſſaies to pleaſe you. Yes, Madam, if you grant but this Fair One a fa­vourable Audience, I ſhall have ſatisfied my Ambition, in having been Her Uſher, and the Zeal I had to find an Oc­caſion of Declaring with what profound Reſpect I am,

Your moſt Humble and Obedient Servant. G. R.


ANGELICA was one of thoſe Unhappy Beauties, whoſe Amorous Youth by the Ridiculous Vanity of a Mother, who would needs ſeem Young at the Age of Fifty years, was Sacrificed to the horrors of a Cloy­ſter, that ſhe might only keep with her a younger Daughter of Ten years Old, whom ſhe Idolized, and made paſs for her Eldeſt. Lion one of the moſt Flouriſhing Cities in France, having ſeen her Born about a League from it's Walls, had no ſooner diſcovered in her extraordi­nary2 Charms, than that it raiſed her Adorers. The Mother of this young Lady had hardly been a month in Second-Mourning, the year ſince the Death of her Husband being expired, when returning into the World, the great Riches again at­tracted her the Eyes of ſeveral Pre­tenders. One of thoſe who Court­ed more her Eſtate than her Perſon, and whoſe Birth and Good-meen it became her to reſpect, having Flattered her one day with being ſtill young, ſhe Fancied ſhe ſhould become ſo in effect, if ſhe put a­way from her a Daughter of Nine­teen years old, whoſe Age, belyed the Sentiments of that Intereſted Flatterer, and whoſe blooming Charms defaced the remains of a dawbed Beauty. This Mother had at firſt all the pain Imaginable to prevail with Angelica, to retire out of the World; that Fair One fre­quented Companies, and Lived3 ſince her Mother had choſen Lyon for the uſual place of her Reſidence, wherein many Perſons of Quality are brought up in France.

What advantagious promiſes ſoever this Lady could make her Daughter, ſhe was not able to In­ſpire her with a Love for a Solitary Life. Angelica received the viſits of a Cavaleir, with whom ſhe had a very intimate acquaintance, who Suggeſted to her quite other Senti­ments, and knowing that her In­clinations were bent towards Marri­age, ſtill Nouriſhed her Flames, and repeated to her perpetually that he well enough knew her Com­plexion to believe that if ſhe was ſo Mad as to comply with the deſires of her Mother, ſhe would become the Prey of a Fatal Diſpair.

The more this paſſionate Mother found reſiſtance in her Daughter, the more ſhe ſtickled to perſwade her to turn Nun, ſo far as to Em­ploy4 for the bringing about this deſign, all the unjuſt ways which ſhe thought might facilitate the Ex­ecution of it. She did not content her ſelf one day with giving her a box of the Ear in preſence of her Lover, upon the occaſion of a Catt that had thrown down ſome Porce­lain Diſhes of Value from off a Ca­binet, ſhe treated her yet after a more unworthy manner, on the Morrow that ſhe diverted a whole Illuſtrious Company, who Honour­ed a Collation ſhe Invited them to, even to the making her riſe from the Table with the higheſt Confuſion; a hundred hardſhips of this Nature not being capable of changing Angelica's Heart, that un­reaſonable Mother bethought her ſelf of a laſt means, which was to go try her Confeſſor, whom ſhe con­ſpir'd to engage her Daughter to obey her, by going into a Cloy­ſter.


Tho' the Jeſuite to whom ſhe addreſſed her ſelf for this purpoſe, called Father Staniſlas, was one of thoſe of that Society, whoſe Moals are very Commodious; The fear he had of looſing ſo pretty a Devo­ta, and an Ingenious Lady, whoſe Youthfulneſs agreeably Solicited him from time to time, did ſo far work with him, as that he did not at firſt Eſpouſe that Widdows de­ſigns: True it is, that he did not abſolutely deny her, and that he excuſed himſelf from Imploying the Credit he had over Angelica's mind, for the obtaining her conſent, but he repreſented to her that this affair was of the higheſt conſequence, that ſhe could only receive from God alone the vocation to a Religi­ous Life, and that he ſhould be the moſt Criminal of all Directors, if he forced her to determine her ſelf to a choice which ought to be ever free, that never-theleſs he would do all6 that was poſſible to diſpoſe her to Embrace that ſort of Life.

The firſt time that Angelica went to give an account of the State of her Conſcience to that prepoſſeſſed Director, he Inſinuated to her the diſpoſition of her Mother, and let her know with ſo much Eloquence that the Religious Life was the Cal­meſt and ſureſt way of going to God that he would have Staggered her Reſolution, if the Blood of this Young Lady had been leſs boyling, and if the Age in Concert with Youth had not defaced out of her Mind the Pious Impreſſions it had received. All that he could obtain from her was that ſhe would come every day to make him a Viſit: And indeed ſhe came every day to ſee that Good Father, and it was by the powerful Exhortations of that able Man, pyned to the ill Treatments ſhe received from her Mother, that this Young Lady con­ceived7 an averſion for the World, and reſolved to yield to the Perſe­cution. Thus did Angelica Eſpouſe a retir'd Life, and went into the Convent of the Ʋrſclines, where ſhe was received into the number of the Novices, and made profeſſion as ſoon as this year of her Novice­ſhip was expir'd.

She had no ſooner uttered thoſe Vows which the neceſſity made her make, than that ſhe Repented 'em, ſo as ſhe related to me her ſelf in the Faithful account ſhe gave me of her adventures; She became the Prey of an amazing Mellancholy Humour, which made her have in abhorrence all the Regular Execiſes, ſo as all the practiſes of the Cloyſter became a puniſhment to her. Her Mother who had Notice of the pittious Condition that a profound Mellancholly had reduced her too, went and deſired Father Staniſlas to go give her all the neceſſary ad­vice8 for her repoſe; This Father Entertain'd her every day in the Parlor, Flattered all her deſires, and promiſed to Facilitate her change, upon that ſhe ſeem'd bent upon going into another Monaſtry. And indeed he powerfully Solicited the Arch-Biſhop to conſent to her going out, but as it would have been Scandalous, and would have been of ill conſequence his Solicita­tions were without effect; But he was ſo Irritated by this reſuſal, that he fell into Sentiments of averſion for his Prelate, and of pitty upon the deplorable effect of the new profeſſed Nun.

How upright ſoever his Intenti­ons were at firſt, and with what Motives of Charity he ſeemed then annimated, he was at length ſo melted by the fears of Angelica, that he reſolved to free her out of her Slavery; Nevertheleſs it was no eaſie matter for her Father to ſecond9 the Reſolution which the young Lady had taken to free her ſelf out of Servitude, and break her Fetters, true it is, that he had acquired to himſelf a Reputation of Sanctity: That the Parlors were open to him at all hours; but as the Walls of the Garden were not only very high it was daring very far and expoſing his Life to Steal away a Young Lady, on whoſe Actions they had ſo ſtrict an Eye. After much Medi­tation that Hypocrite found ſure means to Execute his pernicious de­ſign, the Love he conceived every day for that Lovely Religious, and which had took ſuch faſt poſſeſſion of his Breaſt, Suggeſted him with the expedient I am going to Relate.

Angelica who was devoured by her Mellancholly humour fell ſo Sick as to keep her Bed. Our Jeſuite was Introduced into her Chamber for to bring her all the neceſſary Succours in the extremity her Feave10had reduced her to. Then it was when the Community was retir'd to give place to their Secret Enter­tainments that Angelica had the Confidence to declare to her Di­rector, that he would anſwer before God, for the violence that had been done her, that ſhe had never any real Vocation, that he was obliged in Conſcience to procure her primi­tive Liberty. This diſcourſe which ſhe accompanyed with ſome tears, and a certain Languiſhment would have had Charms for our Jeſuite, thô it had not been annimated by the expoſing of certain Nudities capable of kindling Flames in the Heart of the moſt Inſenſible. I know not what he replyed to this preſſing and downright Declaration: but certain it is that he Swore he was Senſibly moved by it, and that if the aſſurance of recovering her Liberty, had vertue enough to Recover her Health, that ſhe ought11 to be aſſured, he would afford her all the Succours he was capable off, provided ſhe would proteſt ſhe would be Faithful to him, and fol­low him every where, where their good Fortune did Conduct them. Siſter Angelica had no ſooner made her Proteſtations of an Inviolable Fi­delity, but that the Father Jeſuite fell to Hugging and Embracing her, and proceeded to ſome other Liberties, when that the Countenance of that Fair One, put on again its uſual Sin­cerity, & ſhe became better. Never­theleſs he thought convenient for the having a private Commerce with her in the Future that ſhe ſhould counterſeit being Sick, which ſhe performed with probability e­nough for the ſurprizing the Cre­dulity of her Siſter Nuns.

It is ſomewhat a difficult matter for a Perſon in a perfect Diſpoſiti­on to feign lying Sick. As ſoon as Angelica ſeem'd Recovering, they12 were deprived of the ſatisfaction of Entertaining one another upon their mutual projects, ſhe pretend­ed a Relapſe, and Counterfeited a Melancholly temper, which gave more than ever occaſion to be in fear of her. The Director was recalled, and it was after having conferred for ſome ſpace, of time that they concluded that they were to ſeek out a favourable opportunity for their eſcape.

During theſe occurrences the Arch­biſhop having had notice by the means of ſome falſe Jealous Bro­thers, that Father Staniſlas was al­ways at the Ears of a Religious, who was not ſo near Death, but who on the contrary was in reaſonable good Health; let the Rector know that he diſapproved of the frequent Viſits of the Father, which was the cauſe that the entrance of the Cloyſter was quite forbidden him. The Paſſi­onate Jeſuite who was wholly pre­pared13 for the prohibitions which were made him, having prepoſſeſſed his Miſtreſs, in that he foreſaw what would befall him, and had aſſured her that ſhe ſhould know his true Diſpoſition by a Letter from his Hand, which he would ſlip into a hollow Stick, which St. Pancras uſed in his Travels, which is a Re­lique very conſiderable among them, which they hold to have the Vertue of Freeing a Perſon out of the Lan­guiſhment which commonly follows a fit of Sickneſs: Angelica com­plaining only of this Languiſhment, that miraculous Stick-was ſent her upon the Solicitation and by the hands of her Director, who put in this Letter, whereof I have taken a Coppy from the Original.


The Letter of Father Staniſlas to Siſter Angelica.

I Am, My Dear Child, in Conti­nual Apprehenſions for you; There is not an hour all the day long, but that I am Contriving ſure means to Free you, and not a Night but that I Em­brace you. If the Grandeur of your Love be anſwerable to the Exceſs of mine, I do not doubt but that you en­joy ſome Delicious Moments: In a ſhort time our Pleaſures will have their Conſummation. Courage, My Dear Heart, the hopes of a certain Good, has ſomething very Delightful. A Flattering Idea has agreeably where­with to ſatisfie. This I find upon your occaſion, and could wiſh I could pro­duce in you one Tickling enough that you might enjoy by antiſipation the15 Sweetneſs of the Divertiſements which attend, and which a good deſigne are preparing for us. I do not doubt but that you Love me, and that ſuch Sincere Declarations will have more force for the Reeſtabliſhment of your Health, that this Stick has Virtue for to Cure you. The Imagination often performs more Miracles than Faith.

Dear Angel. Adieu.

This Learned Director had rea­ſon to aſſert that the Fancy has more force than a Stick has vertue. It indeed performed Miracles; For Siſter Angelica had no ſooner Read this Letter than that ſhe Recovered of her weakneſs, thô ſhe feigned ſtill a Languiſhment. She placed this Stick the worker of Prodigies, at her Beds-head, and ſpent that very Evening ſhe received it, two hours time in Reading over, and o­ver the Letter, to which She made the following Anſwer.


Siſter Angelica's Let­ter to her Di­rector.

I Know not, My Dear Father, if your Miraculous Stick has been a Bugbear to fright away the reſt of my Infirmities; But certain it is, that I had it no ſooner in my Hands, than that I found ſome Eaſe: Never did any Phyſitians Receipt Opperate bet­ter then your Letter, it Fills, Com­forts, and Flatters me with the moſt Solid hopes I was ever Fed with. Be mindful to perform your promiſes; I am ready to attempt all, and diſpoſed to grant you all. There comes into my Head a deſign which without doubt you will not diſapprove off. As in what part ſoever fate Conducts us, we ſhall Enjoy imperfect Pleaſures, without Money, I ſhould think it very conve­nient17 that we endeavour to heap up a good Sum; Continue ſo to do on your ſide. I have all ready fixed my Eyes upon ſomething of great Value, which cannot Eſcape me. I aſpire to that Happy Moment which you aſſure ought to render you Happy with the ſame Im­patience wherewith you deſire to En­joy the Faithful Angelica.

Our Voluntary Sick Nun kept two days the Staff, which ſhe put her ſelf into the Hand of her Di­rector, who received it with the higheſt reſpect, and took out of it the foregoing Letter, which made him caſt his Eys upon all that was in the Convent of good and eaſie prize. He was contriving for a fortnight to­gether the means of doing the Feat, during which he was deprived of the converſation of his Ingenious Nun; She was no leſs Impatient than he to hear tidings of him, and that made her take the Reſolution of18 feigning again her former Deje­ction of Mind and Body, and to cauſe Father Staniſlas to be Solicited to obtain for her again on the mor­row, the uſe of the Holy Stick; He found it no difficult matter to impetrate this Favour of the Di­rector. He cauſed to be put there­in the note which ſerves for an An­ſwer to her Letter, the Tenor there­of being as followeth.

Father Staniſlas Letter.

I Know not what Spirit it is that In­ſpires you, but I own that your I­maginations jump with mine. We can never Succeed well without the help of Money. We have Jewels for a conſiderable Sum in pawns, which are wholly at my diſpoſition, and on which I ſhall lay hand, as I hope to do one day alſo upon the thing in the World, the moſt pretious. This ſhall19 be when you pleaſe, Lovely Creature, let me only know the day and hour that you can make ſome Fortune, and you may come without being perceived to the Corner of the Little-Garden where a Ladder I ſhall bring ſhall Correſpond with our Deſignes, until that Happy Moment.

My Fair One Adieu.

This Letter of advice Tranſpor­ted poor Angelica with joy, who lay awake all the Night contriving the means of conforming her ſelf to the reſolutions of her Father, ſhe caſt her Eyes upon certain ſmall Reliquaries of Gold, garniſhed with Gems, and the Veil of a Callice Embroidered, beſet with great Ori­ental Pearls, which together would make the Sum of Two Thouſand Crowns, as it was eaſie for her to Seize, on theſe Rich Spoils ſhe wrote by the way of the Stick to Father Staniſlas that it ſhould depend on him to determine the day of their20 Flight. The Stick was Garniſhed with this fine Note, a Lady of the higheſt Quality, a near Relation of the Arch biſhop being fallen Sick, and having a great deal of Faith in the Stick, had it demanded. The Sacriſtain of the Colledge went to receive it in the Name of Father Staniſlas and put it with great re­ſpect into the hands of the afflicted Perſon, if it produced not any effect perhaps the Letter to which it ſer­ved for Covering, Robbed it of its Vertue: that Lady kept it ſo long that our Jeſuite had not that ſatis­faction to Learn the Tenor of it, be­ſides that he was in mortal appre­henſions that his Commerce would be diſcovered. However, nothing was revealed, and the Stick of S. Pancrace does perhaps ſtill ſerve at this day, for a Scabbard to this pleaſant Writing.

That Anſwer having eſcaped out of the hands of our Hypocrite, he21 ventured to go ask in the Parlor of the Confeſſional for his Ingenious Daughter, who had the Liberty granted her of going to Entertain him under the Veil of the Sacrament as long as he pleaſed.

There it was they had the conve­niency of ſaying to one another a hundred tender things, of ſpeaking with open heart, and of concluding that after their eſcape they were to retire to Geneva. But for fear that too frequent Entertainments in the Confeſſional might create ſome ſuſ­ſpicions, Angelica bid the Father come and ask for her three days after­wards in the Common-Parlor, where in the preſence of Siſter Spy, ſhe ſhould make him a preſent of an Agnus wherein the Letter ſhould be contained, which ſhould preciſely ſhow him the hour that ſhe ſhould be ready to evade. He was not wanting to be at the Grate at the day appointed, where he received it22 from the hands of his Daughter, which he had no ſooner taken, than that the Siſter who accompanyed Angelica having taken it to view it had all the pain imaginable to re­ſtore it him, being perſwaded that it was full of Reliques, which made him often change his Colour. The Father being returned to his Cell ript open the Agnus, and knew by the Letter that the deſign of his Daugh­ter was to Scale the Walls, the very ſame Night about nine of the Clock he ſetled his affairs in all dilligence, ſeized on the Box of Jewels, which he kept in pawn, and Stole out of the Colledge Gate, and went to find out a ſharper whom he knew would help him in Stealing away the Reli­gious out of a deſire of Money. He found that honeſt Male-content bent to do him Service; He put on one of his Suits of Cloaths; They Drunk as much as was neceſſary, not to be timerous, and went toge­ther23 at the hour appointed towards the Corner of the Little-Garden of the Ʋrſclines where they heard Siſter Angelica Cough, who ſhowed them by that Signal ſhe was there.

Their hurry and precipitation not having given 'em time to think of a Ladder of Ropes, the Chevaliers cunning Suggeſted to him to go to his Houſe and faſten two Dozen of great Nails along a great Plank by favour of which having mount­ed upon the very Wall, he ſate down, took over that Ladder of a New Invention, and laid it on the other ſide, by which our Fair Fugi­tive Nun mounted and deſcended, who was led to the Houſe of that Man of good Will, where ſhe ſtript her ſelf of her Cloaths, for to put on a modeſt Robe, and very propper to favour her evaſion, thô it be very difficult to explain the Tranſports of Joy of them both, of her to ſee her ſelf free, and of the24 other to ſee himſelf upon the point of Enjoying the Embraces of this Lovely Perſon; Nevertheleſs there paſſed nothing that Night contrary to Honeſty, they lay in Seperate Beds, being reſolved to depart very early on the Morrow.

All was huſh'd in Silence, when their Hoſta, great Rogue by profeſſi­on, went to Angelica's Bed, ſate down by her Pillow, and diſcourſed her in this manner. I am not amazed Madam, at your Reſolution, I know that the paſſion alone, of a vain Mother has put you into Shackles, the whole Province will commend the Ge­nerous Action, which you have now per­formed: But I am Surprized to the higheſt Degree, to ſee that you ſeem'd Inclin'd to deliver your ſelf into the Arms of a Jſuite, of a Prieſt, of your Spiritual Father, of a Man in ſhort, who will every where be attended by ill Luck: I do not blame you for having wrought out your Freedome: But not a25 Man how Libertine ſoever he may be, but will blame you if you abandon your ſelf to the Paſſion of a Perſon who bears a Character he ſhows himſelf Ʋnworthy off, and who without doubt will have no ſooner abuſed you, but that he will make Murder follow the Sacralegious Inceſt; If I was capable of giving you any good advice, it ſhould be to commit the Care of your Perſon to ſome Cavalier capable of rendering you every where good Offices, and if I was not affraid of Speaking out of a Motive of Intereſt, I would make you the offer of my Arms, of my Fortune, and all my ſelf. This Diſcourſe which the ſharper accompanyed and ſeaſoned with the Sweetneſs of Eyes and a Compoſition of an eaſie Look, made ſome Impreſſion upon Angelica's Mind: Never having Loved nor made any returns to the Paſſion of the Jeſuite, but out of reaſons of In­tereſt, and not being reſolved to follow him any longer; She Re­plyed26 to that obliging Cavalier, That ſhe was Infinitely Indebted to him for the Civility of his offers, that ſhe Re­liſhed his Reaſons, and that if ſhe thought ſhe could Merit his Eſteem, ſhe would Sacrifice her ſelf wholly to him, in a Countrey where ſhe might be allowed to diſpoſe of her Faith and of her Liberty.

'Tho Angelica was not ſo cunning as this Cavalier was ſharp, and that ſhe had no deſire to lead him very far, ſhe thought it was Policy, and that her deſign would Suggeſt to her to make uſe of him, in the preſent Conjuncture of things, and this perſwaded her to give him her Hand, and proteſt to him that ſince ſhe ſaw him ſo Reſolved to render her good Offices, ſhe would ſhare with him what ſhe might hope to obtain from the Liberalities of the Jeſuite. Theſe Lovers of new-date, gave thus one another mutually their Hands and Kiſſes to27 Seal the Bargain, and after this Pri­vacy the hungry Cavalier told Siſter Angelica, that ſhe might Husband things well, that the Father had undoubtedly Money, and that ſhe ought by diſſembling ſo to Inſinu­ate her ſelf into his Breaſt, that he might render her the Keeper of all his Booty, out of the apprehenſion he might abandon her hereafter; which having promiſed to Execute, ſhe told this new Favourite, that he ſhould offer himſelf to go and conduct 'em to Chamberry, and that there they would contrive after what manner they ſhould get rid of the Father. All this being well concerted, the Cavalier Hoſt reti­red, after having given ſome Liberty his Hands, which Angelica allowed of, that ſhe might not diſgeſt a Perſon whom ſhe ſtood in need of, and who had the power in hand to Ruine her.


It was no ſooner five a Clock, then that our Cavalier awaked his Gueſts; he Hired Horſes, they Break-faſted and departed before break of day, as faas Chamberry; Every thing Succeeded to the wiſh of all the Parties. Never good hu­mour was like to that of our Jeſu­ite, who was wholly taken up with the thought of the Pleaſures, which hepromiſed himſelf, in the enjoyment of Angelica; but alaſs, be not Love and Intereſt capable off! That very Evening they Arrived, the Cava­lier and our Fair One had a Secret converſation together, wherein they vowed the Ruine of the Jeſu­ite, that falſe Friend was of Opi­nion that for the Puniſhment of his Crime he ſhould be delivered to the Fathers of the Society, and was very much diſpoſed to play him that bad prank if Angelica more compaſſionate, had not contradict­ed that deſign, and thought conve­nient29 to ſtrip him of what he had carryed away with him: It was for the bringing about pri­vately this deſign, that lying in the ſame Chamber wherein there were three Beds, She approached, as ſoon as the Candle was put out that of the Fathers, kiſſed him, told him a hundred kind things, her head leaning upon his Pillow, made him a thouſand Proteſtations of Fidelity, and conjured him that he would give her pawns and aſſu­rance of his. Our Jeſuite not fore­ſeeing whither this tended, told her, all that tenderneſs Suggeſted to him in that Moment, and upon her feigning to anſwer with Tears for fear that he one day ſhould leave her alone, a Prey to her diſpair; She asked him a kindneſs; he Swore by his God that ſhe could ask him no­thing but what he would grant her forthwith; This Counterfeit Mi­ſtriſs made ſome difficulty of unbo­ſoming30 her Mind, but he Solicited her with ſo much earneſtneſs to o­pen to him her Heart, that ſhe own'd to him that ſhe ſhould not be in Repoſe, until that ſhe was the keeper of twenty thouſand Franks in Jewels, which ſhe knew he had about him, this Man thinking ſhe Acted with Sincerity, did not ſuf­fer himſelf to be Importun'd; He took out of a Pocket (which he had Sewed on purpoſe in his Breeches) the Box in queſtion and put it into her Hands as a pledge of his Love and Fidelity.

Angelica had no ſooner got this precious pawn into her Hands, than that ſhe wiſh'd him a good Night, and went again to Bed. 'Tho ſhe was none of the moſt Cunning of all Women, yet ſhe failed not to take out of that Pox what it had moſt precious, ſhe left only in it about two thouſand Franks in Jewels, as a Bone which ſhe meant31 to throw for the Cavalier to pick, whom She gave an account to, on the Morrow of what ſhe had done.

Our Jeſuite ſtript of a Treaſure on which he founded all his hopes, abandoned the leaſt that was poſſi­ble for him, her who poſſeſſed his affections, the Cavalier perceiving that he always kept her Faithful but troubleſom Company, thought it a very difficult matter to get time to Entertain Angelica in private. They had already made three or four days Reſidence at Chamberry, when going together to hear a Famous Preacher, they divided themſelves in the Crowd, ſo as that the Cavalier might eaſily get up to Angelica.

In the midſt of that confuſion it was that they Setled their affairs and concluded to leave the Jeſuite that very Moment in the Lurch. All Favoured their deſigne. The Jeſuite having been hindmoſt being obliged to go out firſt, and thinking32 the others muſt come out of the ſame Door they went in at, was Villanouſly deceived in his expecta­tion. But our Cavalier and Siſter Angelica ſtole out at another, and in a little while whipt out of ſight, and Purſuits of the Cully of a Je­ſuite.

I will leave you to judge the a­mazement that miſerable Man was in, who in vain waited for his Com­panions at the Inn, where he had hardly wherewith to pay for his Supper. How extream ſoever they judged his Diſpair, they had not Charity enough to comfort him in that extremity; they left him a Prey to Cruel Repentances, and I believe that let a Man be never ſo much a Philoſopher that he yet looſes ſomething of his equality in ſo Mortifying a Rencounter. But let us follow Angelica and our Treacherous Friend to the Gates of Geneva, where the paſſage be­tween33 them is ſomething worthy of being Related.

This Cavalier during the reſt of the way from Chambery to Geneva, only Entertained Angelica of the exceſs of his Paſſion. He met with no Inn upon the way or convenient place, but where they alighted; and where he deſired her, ſhe would Second his Flames; She ſtill reſiſt­ing, giving him good words, and promiſing to grant him all at Gene­va, and at laſt making him com­prehend that ſhe was reſolved not to abandon her ſelf to him, until after the Magiſtrate and Church had Authorized their Union.

As his Wiſhes grew Irritated by Reſiſtance the more Angelica avoid­ed complying with the Impurity of his deſires, the more he Solicited her to grant him the laſt Favour; Nay, he came to ſuch a point of Inſolence as to offer forcing of her in paſſing through a little Wood,34 where they had alighted to take the Freſh Air for a moment: Angelica imagining with ſome ground that he only diſturbed her in this manner for the pinching her out of ſome Money: Propoſed to him that in caſe he would take the pains to Conduct her as far as Geneva, he ſhould have half the Jewels ſhe had ſtrip'd the Jeſuite off; At that pro­poſition our ſharper open'd his Ears and accepted the offer; But as he was affraid he ſhould not be ſo ab­ſolute over this young Perſon, when ſhe had caſt her ſelf into the Arms of the Magiſtrates of that City; That he was her Maſter in the Field. They were no ſooner Arri­ved at the Burrough called La Roche, two Leagues diſtant from Geneva, than that he pretended he would part from her, for that his affairs did not allow him to be abſent any longer from his Houſe. Angelica received this Declaration35 with a ſeeming Sadneſs, and put into his Hand the Box which ſtill contained the Value of two Thou­ſand Franks in Jewels, after hav­ing taken out of it a Ring only of the Value of Thirty Piſtols, which ſhe ſaid muſt ſerve for the procuring her ſome Eſtabliſhment. Our Ca­valier thus provided, and being perſwaded that that young Lady had not cunning enough to hide from him any thing of what ſhe poſſeſſed, thanked her very Civilly and Con­jured her ſhe would paſs two or three days with him in that Village, becauſe he was extreamly loath to part from her; This She conſented to, as by force, ſtill diſtruſting the Offices of ſo perfidious a Friend. But, alaſs! this ſtay coſt her many Tears: That Man became more paſſionate than ever; He preſſed her very briskly, and gave her no reſt, until She had granted him cer­tain Liberties, which ſhe thought36 might have mollified his Flames. But that courſe was prejudicial to her, his Ferment Increaſed, his Flames augmented, and therefore to ſeek out a ſpeedy Remedy to ſo impatient a Malady as was his, he proceeded to threaten her with de­livering her to the juſtice of the Se­cular Arm, as an Apoſtate, and as having committed Sacrilegious. Thefts if ſhe reſiſted any longer. If ever Maiden was in Perplexity, Angelica was then in one; It lay in this Traytors power to Ruine her. She would undoubtedly have yield­ed to his Laſcivious deſires, if a Re­main of Modeſty (which was ſtrong in a Maiden of her Age, and newly come out of a School of Chaſtity) had not prevailed and oppoſed a Torrent of Tears, againſt the wiſh­es of that Mad-Man.

Nevertheleſs it was the will of God that this Furious Man ſhould give her ſome Truce, and that his37 paſſion was leſs than his Compaſſion. He grew enamoured of a young Country Wench, a Servant in the Inn where they lay, who according to all appearances was no Novice in point of Love. This Maiden who was not Ugly, and granted him all for Money, did not make him ab­ſolutely forget the Charms of An­gelica, ſhe only as it were Lulled 'em aſleep for ſome days. True it is that he Solicited her in vain, and that ſhe declared to him in a word that ſhe ſhould prefer being delivered to the violence where­with he threatned her. It was after having attempted her in vain, by all the ways of Gentleneſs, and of Rudeneſs that he bethought him­ſelf of, a pleaſant courſe of ſatisfy­ing his paſſion upon Angelica, with­out obtaining the laſt Favour from her, the particulars of the adventure being as followeth.


Our Amourous Spark came to Angelica in the Evening, told her after a very doleful manner, how Sorry he was to ſee himſelf obliged through the neceſſity of his affairs which recalled him, to quit in her the Perſon of the World, for whom he had the moſt Love and Eſteem, he Drank with her, and no ſooner ſaw her in a good Humour, than that he asked her if ſhe were not reſolved to grant him for the laſt time, all that concerned Amorous wantoning, provided he did not proceed to the laſt thing.

The Cuſtom they had of toying together, allowing her to hearken to a propoſition, which Engaged her at moſt to ſomething more free than what had paſſed, ſhe Swore to him that ſhe would grant him Quoniam Bonus, with a Reſervation of the uſe of all the reſt. As ſoon as ſhe had given the word, that Vo­luptuous Man, called the Maid,39 put ſome Money into her Hand, flung her upon the Bed, and made Angelica lye down by her, whom he obliged to open her Boſom, he lift up the Petticoats and Smocks of both of 'em, and lying a little a croſs upon the Maid, having placed one of his Hands upon Angelica's Breaſts, and the other upon her Tuzzy-Muzzy, and applyed his Mouth upon hers too, he enjoyed the one and Embraced the other, with as much Pleaſure and Delight, as if all the Miſterious Commerce had paſſed between Angelica and him.

This new way of enjoying the Amorous Sports ſeeming to him ex­treamly Tickliſh, he returned more than once to the charge, and made in that Moment Angelica feel De­lights, ſo approaching to thoſe he Enjoyed, that without doubt thô ſhe would never own it to me, ſhe exhaled in that moment ſome ten­der40 Sighs. On the Morrow they Renewed the ſame dallyances, and thus after having ſatisfyed, and glutted himſelf in ſuch delicious Heats, our Cavalier having put Angelica into a conveniency, and having recommended himſelf to her good thoughts, he Returned towards Lyon through another way, than that he came, to avoid meeting with the plumed Jeſuite.

Angelica being Arrived at Geneva, was much dejected, and out of Humour to ſee her ſelf thus alone, and as loſt in a Country, where ſhe had no acquaintance, Armed her ſelf againſt the weakneſs of her Sex, and abandoned her ſelf to her good Deſtiny. The Golden-Eagle was the Inn where ſhe alighted, ſhe took there a particular Chamber where ſhe Dined alone for above eight days together, at the end of which ſhe took a Chamber-Maid, who ſerved her for a Companion.


As this Inn is one of the moſt conſiderable of the City, it is the Reſort of moſt Perſons of Quality. A kind of Pickled Rogue, an Itali­an by Nation, having learnt that there had been of late a Forreign Lady in that Houſe, who was ex­treamly Beautiful, and made a Fair Figure, pretending to be Arrived from Malta, went and Lodged in the ſame place. As he went but rarely out, Angelica muſt needs meet with him at one time or other, one day that they met going both to the ſame place for ſome neceſſity, Angelica out of Countenance, would have returned in haſt, but was ſtop­ped by this Italian, who Comple­mented her ſo to the purpoſe, that from that Moment they Contracted a Bond of a Secret Friendſhip, which coſt this poor young Lady very dear; the Italian who paſſed over all the Town for a Knight of Malta, who was come to Geneva to Embrace42 the Reformed Religion, had Made­moiſelle, Angelica asked, (who called her ſelf the Barroneſs of Fare) if ſhe would allow of his Viſit that Evening. Our Barroneſs being Charmed with the ſeeming Civility of the Italian willingly admitted him into her Chamber. After the uſual Complements, he Entertained her with the reaſons of his abode at Geneva, ſhe Inſtructed him with the Motives which had brought her thither, which happened to be the ſame. Thus they Contracted acquaintance together, and thoſe ſame deſigns which had brought 'em thither ſeemed to tend to joyning 'em in an intimate Bond. The firſt Converſation they had paſſed no fur­ther, but it diſpoſed 'em to ſome more Familiar Entertainments. This Italian who took the Quality of a Knight of Malta, was a diſ­carded Monk, newly eſcaped out of the Priſons of Millain, as ſhe43 has been ſince Informed, and had Signalized himſelf over all France, Germany, and Italy by his Notori­ous Cheats, and the difference of the Qualities which he took being young, perfectly well made of his perſon, and very Inſinuating, he Surprized the Inclinations of the Barroneſs, who began to make him demy Confidences. Their frequent Communications Engendered a great Familiarity between 'em, which degenerated at length into Privacy. True it is that it did not proceed to yielding up an Enjoy­ment: But as it is a hard matter to hinder two young Hearts from In­flaming one another, when Toying and Wantoning Concur to the doing it, our Knight paſſed after­wards to Freedoms, which deeply engaged that of the Barroneſs. And indeed ſhe had no ſooner ſhown him part of her Jewels with which ſhe decked her ſelf, as a Necklace44 of Pearl, Pendants, and Rings, and knots of Diamonds; than that he made to her Propoſals of Marri­age. This Blind Maiden who had no experience of the World, think­ing to make a good Fortune by entring into the allyance of this Cavalier, whom ſhe thought muſt needs be conſidered in all Courts for his Quality, his Gracefulneſs, and Wit, liſtned to him very Fa­vourably. But as it would have been unbecoming for them to Marry before they had Embraced a Reli­gion which renders the Union be­tween ſuch Perſons Legitimate, their Reciprocal Love Augmenting every day, they Reſolved upon be­ing Inſtructed in the Principles of the Proteſtant Religion.

How little verſed ſoever the Baroneſs was in the Doctrine of Geneva, ſhe went Sincerely to work, when ſhe made her abjura­tion before the Miniſters of the45 Church of St. Peter; But the Ita­lian was a Hypocrite and of the Temperament of moſt Monks, who have caſt off their Frocks, and whom Luxury, Worldly Vanity and the Love of Women do draw out of the Cloiſter. He Renoun­ced the Errors of the Roman-Church rather with his Mouth than his Heart, Intereſt alone carrying him to that Action, and the pernicious Deſigns he had upon the Baroneſs, gave Life to his Reſolutions.

They were both received in the preſence of the whole Aſſembly of the faithful, and acknowledged as Members of the Church, with the applauſe of the whole City. This Action being Celebrated, they re­turned home, where they ſtill lived ſome time without ſpeaking of Love otherwiſe than by their Eyes. The Italian, whoſe purſe began to emp­ty every day, as well by the expen­ces he was at in the Magnificent46 Cloaths he made, as by the little preſents wherewith he endeavoured to engage the Heart of the Baroneſs, he fancyed, ſeeing her one day in a good humour, that then was the time to Unboſom to her his mind. He diſcovered to her the diſpoſition of it ſo Pathetically, that he per­ſwaded her to all he deſired. She own'd to him part of her Gems and Jewels, told him that it was all he was to expect from her; that ſhe had nothing to hope from her Rela­tions, and added, that if he was content with a Sum of Ten Thou­ſand Franks, the value of her Jew­els, to the ſelling of which ſhe con­ſented, and that he might diſpoſe of all as he ſhould think convenient.

This Booty pretty conſiderable for a ſharper, made him open his Ears. He made his Miſtreſs a Thouſand proteſtations of Love, told her that he only aſpired to her perſon, and aſſured her that with47 the Talents wherewith he thanked Heaven for having gifted him, if ſhe would live with him in good Intelligence, Ten Thouſand Franks well Husbanded, were capable of making 'em both a conſiderable Fortune.

The unhappy Deſign which he Meditated, of Stealing away with­in ſome days, all thoſe precious Jewels, made him not ſpeak to her then of diſpoſing of her Jewels. They conſented to paſs through the uſual Ceremonies, and to have their Banes Publiſhed for three Sundays together: Our Knight did not ſoli­cite the Baroneſs, until the Second had been Read, for then he preſſed her ſo Briskly under the pretence that the conſent alone was of the Eſſence of Marriage, and that the reſt was only Policy, that ſhe a­bandoned her ſelf to him that very day.

As they had now but one Bed,48 they kept but one Table, and the Baroneſs who diſtruſted not in the leaſt what happened to her, conſent­ed that her Spouſe ſhould bring Jewelers to prize their Jewels. They made ſome offer, but as they were not anſwerable to the preten­ſions of the intereſſed, they were Diſcharged. The Italian to accu­ſtom the Baroneſs not to diſtruſt him, carried with him when he went out, ſome Jewels as to ſhew 'em, which he reſtored into her Hands as ſoon as he came back. He diſpoſed her ſo well by his Inſinua­tions to confide all with him, that on the Saturday, foregoing the day of the laſt asking, he took them all with him, under pretence of ſhew­ing them to one of the Magiſtrates of the City; the Baroneſs blinded with her paſſion and prepoſſeſſed with the Candor and ſincerity of the Knight let him do what he pleaſed, and did not trouble her ſelf with49 following him. In the mean while that Cheat departed the City with­out taking leave of any Body, en­charged with theſe Spoils, without the Baroneſſes having ever heard any Tydings of him ſince. In vain waited ſhe for him until the Even­ing, and the Morrow made her judge ſhe had been made a Cully. All the City knew of her diſaſter, and a Thouſand Perſons whom he had affronted, ſpoke of his Cheats.

Our Baroneſs was a long while void of Comfort, for the double loſs ſhe had ſuſtained. She ſtood in need of all her force of Mind, and of the Viſits of ſeveral Pious Ladies, to ſupport her in her Ca­lamity. The Truth is ſhe had ſtill remaining above twelve Thouſand Franks, as well of the remains of the Jeſuites Jewels as of the Gold and Jewels ſhe had Stole out of her own Cloiſter. But as ſhe was not ſo little Judicious but that ſhe did50 conſider that ſhe muſt Live above one day, She reſerved them for an occaſion, wherein without doubt ſhe might ſtand in need of 'em.

Before ſhe had taſted the delights of the Bed, tho ſhe was not of an Age to be an Enemy of Pleaſures, ſhe had not felt the provocations of thoſe tickling Motions which a boyling and ſermenting Blood does Excite: But ſince ſhe had unhap­pily taſted its delights, ſhe was be­come ſo Amorous that it was almoſt Impoſſible for her to Live alone.

Some Virtuous Ladies appre­hending that ſo Beautiful a Maiden in ſo tender an Age, might abandon her ſelf to ſomething as ſhould pre­judice her Honour, Intereſſed themſelves for her, ſo far, as that one of the Principal of the City, offered her her Houſe to be nou­riſhed and maintain'd there, as her own Daughter; She accepted this Condition and comported her ſelf51 for ſome time with a great deal of Prudence in this Ladies Family, But the great Familiarity She con­tracted with the Daughter of the Houſe, who was much of her Age, and had very Libertine Inclinations had corrupted 'em both in a very ſhort time. They became two Confidents, and two inſeperable Companions, and taught one ano­ther a hundred little Games. Our Stranger ſeeming very Ingenious, very Reſerved and Sage, the Lady was never more ſatisfied than when the Daughter kept the Houſe with the Baroneſs.

However as in ſo tender an Age it is uſual for Maidens to feel cer­tain little Motions, and to diſcover to one another what paſſes in them­ſelves; they made one another ſo well acquainted with their complex­ion, the Daughter called Judith, explained ſo well to the Baroneſs her little Itchings, and her longing52 to be tickled, that that Learned Miſtriſs Suggeſted to her the Secret of the Godemichi, ſo much in uſe in the Cloiſters of the Female Sex, and Couſin German of Seiginor Dildo, who was much in requeſt ſome years ſince, with the Engliſh Ladies; At the firſt Declaration ſhe made her of this Term, Judith let her know that ſhe knew nothing of the Diſ­poſition nor uſe of that Inſtrument. The Baroneſs rallyed her Inno­cence, and made this a Conſcience of Informing her. That curious and impatient Maiden deſired her ſo earneſtly that ſhe would declare to her the Myſtery, that ſhe could not deny ſatisfying her Requeſts. The Godemichi, ſaid ſhe to her, is a certain Inſtrument, ſmall or great, long or ſhort, according to the ſuit­able proportions wherewith Perſons of our Sex eaſe and procure to them­ſelves Pleaſure, when that their Itches, and if you long for the like53 reliſhing Bitt, there is nothing more eaſie than to ſhow you the uſe of it. Of what is it Compo­ſed, ernewed then the Amorous Judiths. Of a piece of Velvet well Sewed and made very round, which is fill'd with Bran. What is its uſe purſued She laughing? You ſhall try it if you pleaſe, reply'd the Other. Let us only fall to making of it. It was eaſie for them to meet with Velvet and in leſs than a quarter of an hour, ſhe ſhewed by a Sam­ple, that ſhe was very expert in the Art of making 'em. It was no ſooner Finiſhed than that they were both ready to burſt' emſelves with Laughing. The Figure of that Inſtrument Furniſhed 'em with tickling Ideas, and Judith became impatient to ſee it put in practice. I ſhall paſs over in Silence what they did with that Inſtrument. I know not if it was capable of procuring 'em any pleaſure: But54 this I know for very certain that the Godemichi was found within 3 or 4 days after in the Bed of thoſe two Fair Ladies, who lay together by a Maid, whom it put into a Terri­ble Fright, thinking it was the De­vil. That Innocent Maid having opened the Sheets and finding that buſineſs of Velvet, ran into the next Chamber, where my Lady was, whom ſhe acquainted with her Diſcovery. Away trudged the Lady to ſee the Monſter, but not daring to go near it, and thinking confuſedly that it was a Mole, ſhe went below with the Maid, had the Tongs made Red hot in the Fire, and called our young Ladies, quite undone at the Recital of the thing, for to come aſſiſt at the taking and Maſſacre of the Animal. Our two young Companions never ſu­ſpected the buſineſs, the one ima­gining that the other had taken care to lock up the Godemichi, and55 the one not doubting but that the o­ther carryed it in ſome Secret Pocket.

That which amazed all was that this Animal what noiſe and motion ſoever they made, had not changed its place. As this gave matter of reaſoning to the Lady and the Maid, the Baroneſs came near the Bed, took the pretended Animal in her Hand, and told thoſe to whom it had cauſed a Panick Fear, that they were afraid of a very ſmall matter, that their Alarm was falſe, and that it was only a Relique filled with Bleſſed Bran, being the ſame which a certain Hermite was uſed to make his Bread of, who Lived near Lyons in a great Odour of Sanctity. This ſubtle anſwer made with confidence, was taken for ready Mony, and they all went away Laughing, without more words being made of it, until the Morrow, when the account of the adventure having been given at Ta­ble,56 to the Maſter of the Houſe, and he was curious to ſee this Relique, which occaſioned ſo much fear, tho the Baroneſs had it about her, the fear ſhe had this kind of Inſtrument might not be unknown to that Man, ſhe kept it hid, and ſaying, that it being a Dreg of Roman, Superſti­tion, ſhe had thrown it into the Fire, ſo vaniſhed the deſire of ſeeing it.

But this adventure which ſuffici­ently diſcovered the Commerce, and great Familiarity of the Baro­neſs with Judith, was followed with an other, much more Pleaſant, which will give no leſs Senſible Proofs of the Privacy, to which their Gallantry and Privacy did mount. One day when they were in their Night Gowns, about nine of the Clock in the Morning, that it was very fine Weather, and that they thought 'emſelves alone, they had a conteſt upon certain little57 Queſtions which paſſed between 'em, if it was convenient to employ the Cizars upon a certain Beard which grows in thoſe parts, which Mo­deſty knows not the Name of. The Valet de Chambre, who had heard 'em confer together upon this point, curious to know what the Reſult would be of ſo Pleaſant a Propoſition, ventured to ſlip ſoftly behind the Tapiſtry of the Cham­ber, from whence he could ſee the Tryal each of 'em made to main­tain their Opinion, the one having her Hair ſhaved off, or at leaſt cut very cloſe; the other having left it in ſuch manner as Nature had given it her; Hereupon they tucked up their Smocks and ſhewed one ano­ther the place in queſtion. But not agreeing upon the point becauſe it was a hard matter for 'em to ſee it, as was neceſſary, what pleaſant poſtures ſoever they made, they bethought' emſelves of mounting56〈1 page duplicate〉57〈1 page duplicate〉58upon Stools, lift up their Smocks and expoſe one after the other my La­dies Honey-pot. Our Valet de Chambre overjoyed to ſee ſuch like Wonders contained himſelf the beſt he was able, not to interrupt 'em; but as the Capriciouſneſs of Fate always traverſes good For­tune, he was betrayed by an un­happy Cough, inſomuch that he would have been Swing'd to ſome purpoſe, ſo animated were thoſe young Ladies, if he had not Stole away with the ſooneſt from their Fury. This happy Servant went and ſhut himſelf up in his Cham­ber to Meditate and Repaſs over what he had ſeen: But he was not there long in Repoſe; for our young Damſels, fearing he ſhould diſcover 'em, all out of Countenance, went to deſire him that he would keep their Secret, and not make a Jeſt of that little Diſpute, which with­out Scandal might ariſe between59 Maidens. This Valet de Chambre promiſed 'em Secreſie, and indeed the thing went no further but ſtopt there.

Such like Actions engendered certain habits, which paſſed much farther: The Blood of thoſe young Ladies Fermenting more and more every day, their thoughts were wholly bent upon getting Lovers. The Son of one of the Magiſtrates of the City, ſaw 'em both with a willing Eye, which Created be­tween 'em the moſt Furious of all Jealouſies, they endeavoured to Supplant one another, and never Man of Wit ſaw himſelf more perplext than this Favorite of thoſe two Beauties. Judith paſſed for the moſt Beautiful in his Eyes, and the Baroneſs nevertheleſs ſhared deepeſt in his Inclination. Love Suggeſted to him the Baroneſs, & Policy required he ſhould have great Regards for the Daughter of the Houſe. In the60 frequent Viſits he made 'em, if he look'd upon the one more wiſhfully than on the other, this entred into Motions of Jealouſie, ſo Prodigi­ous, that their Weakneſs came to Light in a ſhort time. Ju­diths Mother apprehending theſe young Women would become the Fable of the City, one day thank­ed that young Man, and handſomly forbid him her Houſe. But what does not Love do? He found the means of Writing to each of 'em in particular, inſomuch that the Letters he Addreſſed to 'em, fell into their Hands. This is the Copy of that he Writ to Maidemoiſelle Judith.

I Know not the reaſons which have moved your Lady Mother, to forbid me your Houſe. I do not be­lieve to have been capable of doing any thing to Diſhonour The For­biding me to ſee you is but a weak means to break our Reciprocal Incli­nation,61 if her Perſecution continues, and you deſire to be Free, give me but ſerious Notice thereof, and you ſhall find what Love can do over the moſt Paſſionate of your Servants.

And the Letter he Wrote to the Baroneſs, was conceived in theſe Terms.


SHe who Snatches you from me, ought to deface your Charms and Baniſh out of my Heart the profound Traces they have left, the more I avoid you, the more I think you ami­able. They are miſtaken who believe that being deprived of ſeeing you, I can forget you if you Love as much as I Love; Declare to me your Real Sentiments, and be perſwaded, that I am ready to Sacrifice to your Fortune, to your Pleaſures, and to your Liber­ty, which you are the Miſtriſs of, that of the moſt Faithful of all Lovers.


The Peaks of Women laſt com­monly but a days, they could not conceal thoſe Love Letters from one another. They Imparted 'em to each other, and their Inclinati­on for Liberty or rather for Liber­tinage, joyned to the offers which that young Man made 'em, who was one of the Richeſt of the City, and who could raiſe a conſiderable Sum of Mony, made 'em forget their Quarrels, and conclude upon a Reſolution; wherein they Figu­red to themſelves a thouſand plea­ſures. They did not trouble them­ſelves to make as anſwer to their Mutual Servant, in ſeperated Letters, they concerted one together, which was delivered him, which ſhewed him the deſire they had to Enter­tain him in Private, one Sunday in the Evening at their Return from Church, he nicked his time ſo well that he joyned 'em, and in that converſation they took the Reſoluti­on63 of running away with this young Man, if he could carry along with him a conſiderable Sum of Money, which he promiſed 'em to attempt.

The Baroneſs whom nothing wedded to Geneva, and who conſi­dered her ſelf as an Adventurer who was to follow her Deſtny, had ſo prepoſſeſſed the Mind of Judith with the Delights of a Free Life, that that Innocent Creature conſent­ed to all ſhe had a Mind to, ſhe gave her ſo much horror for the Captivity wherein ſhe was detain­ed by her Mother, and ſuch fine Idea's of the Libertine Life, to which they were a going to aban­don themſelves, that ſhe Surprized her Reſolution, to the Fear which ſhe oppoſed to her of the Inconſtan­cy of Men, particulary when they were of ſo tender an Age, and that they had ſo little experience of the World as had this Favorite, ſhe Replyed they would only make uſe64 of this young Man, until that he had ſet 'em free, that they ſhould find the Secret of Stripping him of what he had; That they could Sub­ſiſt for ſome years on his Money, and that in the Sequel they ſhould find opportunities enough to Settle themſelves in one Court or other, there to Live Happy.

This Cunning Perſon who had played the Jeſuite the like pranck, might well hope to deceive a young Novice, whom his paſſion alone Spurred on to the committing the greateſt of all Follies. In the mean while watch'd the time to do his buſineſs, cauſed falſe Keys to be made, and gave Notice to our young Damſels of the day they were to be ready. He charged himſelf with two Bags full of Gold, of a­bout eight Thouſand Franks, wait­ed for 'em at their coming out of the Church in the Evening, paid them the Civility, and under the65 Colour of bringing 'em back to their Houſe, he went out of the Town with 'em, and away poſted they all together for Baſle.

All that paſſed Remarkable was, that they rid themſelves of their Conductor, after they had Stole away his Money; That the Baroneſs Dreſſed her ſelf in Mans Apparrel the beſt ſhe was able and that they both went down the Rhine together, for to go to Strasburg, where they heard a Young Prince was forming his Houſhold. Where­ever they Lodged they paſſed for Brother and Siſter, and in that Quality always took up two Beds. As ſoon as they were a little ac­quainted with the City, they agreed after what manner they ought to give an account of their Birth, of their Education, of the occaſion of their Flight, and of the reaſons of their Arrival at Strasburg. They Reſolved to ſay that being Nobly66 Born, they had been deprived of their Father and Mother in their Infancy, and left to the Conduct and under the dependence of a Tu­tor, a Man avaricious, Barbarous and Inſupportable, who ſtill uſed 'em with ſo much Inhumanity, that they thought fitting to prefer the Fatigues they expected, before the Miſery of ſeeing themſelves any longer Miſerable. And nothing more.

As they were alighted into the moſt Renowned Inn of the Town, and in that where that young Prince Aſſembled his Train; the Grace­fulneſs of their Perſons and Beha­viour Attracted his Eyes, and he enquired who thoſe Strangers were, who ſhewed ſomething above what is common. They were Invited on his part to a ſupper, the Prince obſer­ved & was ſo taken with the ſweetneſs of their many charms, that he concei­ved an Inclination for 'em, and Infor­med67 himſelf of the Subject of their abode at Strasbourg, they were ſo well prepared to make him an An­ſwer, that they did not heſitate to diſcover to him as in Secret, the Eſtate the Barbarouſneſs of their Tutour had reduced them to; The Prince thus Informed offered them Places in his Court, and ask'd 'em if they would either of them be Ingaged in any Quality. It would be too much Honour in us, Replyed the Baroneſs, who now went by the Name of the Chevalier de Bra­gineour, a Name which the Prince did not doubt but that it was ſup­poſed, and will conſent to it with all my Heart, provided that your Highneſs will Place my Siſter in ſome Place where I may have the ſatisfaction of ſeeing her every day, and upon condition we may not be forced to decline our Real Name. Whereupon the Prince having given them his word, he admitted68 the Chevalier into the number of his Pages, and Deſtined his pretended Siſter, who went under the Name of Lilia, to the Service of a Prin­ceſs, an Aunt of his, until that the Allyance he projected, being made, ſhe ſhould paſs into the Rank of the Maids of the Future Princeſs.

Princes of a Benign Nature, doing always more Friendſhip and kindneſs to Strangers than to thoſe of their own Nation, as ſoon as he was returned into his States, he deſired his Aunt, who kept one and the ſame Court, to accept of Mai­demoiſelle Lilia, this Princeſs took her to her, and had an extream care to Teach her all that was ſuitable to ſo fine a young Lady, while that the Prince her Nephew recom­mended above all his Favorite Page, to the Maſters of the Pages.

That ſoft Air, Tender Look, and I know not what, which the diſguiſe of the Baroneſs could not69 deface out of her Countenance and her Manners, made the Young Prince her Maſter Conceive for this Page a very extraordinary af­fection. He became his Minion, the Companion of all his Walks, and the only Page of his Cloſet. Bra­gineour, who had ſome little experi­ence of the World, and who had learnt the Art of Diſſimulation ap­prehending that ſuch Singular Fa­vours which he received from his Maſter, might expoſe him too much to the Eyes of others, and that Jea­louſie might contrive him ſome miſchief, he managed himſelf the beſt he was able in the good Opi­nion of his Companions, ſo far as to declaim againſt the hardneſs of the Service of a Prince, who ſeem­ed only to have engaged him to Raviſh from him his Liberty, and lock him in a Cloſet. But all this was to no purpoſe, he could not deceive them in the thoughts70 wherewith they were prepoſſeſſed, that he was the only Beloved. They ſaw but too well the Regards which their Governour had for Bragineour becauſe he was Cheriſhed by the Prince. And indeed tho this Fa­vorite Page was found Inveloped in the Faults which commonly that ſort of Youth commit, he did not undergo the puniſhments where­with the Libertinage of others was Repreſſed.

That which animated them moſt againſt him was, that Bragineour who ſaw that he was made the Au­thor of all the noiſe and little diſ­orders which that ſort of Youth commits in the Night, obtained a Chamber to himſelf, which was only Separated by a Wall from that of the others, where he had his Bed and Chimney. There was not a day but that they Aſſembled to contrive the means of laying him a Snare, that he might grow weary71 of the Service. By much Medi­tating and Conferring together, as there be always ſome one more Malicious than the others, one amongſt them bethought himſelf of an expedient, as of a pranck which put the Life of the poor Bragineour into danger.

The Chimney of the Favorite-Page's Chamber, and that of his Companions being back to back, and having but five or ſix Feet, from the height of the Mantle, and but one Tunnel, inſomuch that one mounting with the help of a little Ladder, ſo far as that one might make a paſſage of Communication from the one Chamber to the other, they Suborned, by means of Mony, Merry Andrew dreſſed in all his Jack-Puddings Cloaths, Deck'd with all his Feathers and Covered with all his Maſques, into whoſe Hand they put a Switch, to beat the poor Bragineour. They were uſed to72 Riſe at Seven a Clock Winter and Summer, and ſome of them curi­ous to ſee what Bragineour did in his Chamber, had obſerved tho very confuſedly through the Key-hole, that as ſoon as he was up he made a Fire and Rubbed himſelf, as they thought with a warm Nap­kin from top to Toe. Thus one day that they waited his Riſing and Lighting the Fire, they tyed Mer­ry-Andrew with a Cord under his Arms, lifted him up to the Mouth of the Tunnel of Communication, put a Stick in his Hand and let him ſlip down of a ſudden into the Pa­ges Chamber, who was Rubbing himſelf after his uſual manner ſtark Naked, who was ſo Frighted at the aſpect of ſo hideous an Object, which he took for the Devil, that he fell Topſy Turvy, in a Swound for fear; without Merry-Andrew whom the Pages drew back, ſtood in need to give him any blow.


Angelica Bragineour, I ſay, re­mained thus in a Swoon for above an hour. His Companions going to the place of their uſual Exerciſes and this Favorite Page not being there with the others, their Gover­nour went himſelf to knock at his Door for fear ſome Indiſpoſition ſhould have befallen him, he knock­ed a long time in vain, had him ſought every where, returned to his Door, from whence he heard him give a great Sigh: The Door of that Chamber being only of Firr Wood, in two or three ſtrokes with his Foot he burſt it open, came near the Page, lying all along, whom to his great aſtoniſhment he perceived to be a Woman.

So ſtrange an adventure Surprized him, he uſed his efforts to get her up, but ſeeing her opiniative thrô the Deviation of her Sences, which the fright had cauſed in her, to lye upon the Floor, he ſhut the Door74 again the beſt he could, called a Footman whom he ſet Sentry at the bottom of the Stairs, with pro­hibition to let any one go up.

Then he ran directly towards the Prince his Maſter, who got up in his Night Gown, to whom he related confuſedly what he had ſeen; they mounted together into the Pa­ges Room,, who had not changed his Situation lying upon her Belly. The Prince moved at the ſight of ſo ſad a Spectacle, and ſtill uncertain of the Truth of her Sex, lent his hand to the governour to help him to carry her upon the Bed, where hav­ing laid her, he was convinced of the Truth, and ſaw a very amiable Object. Never Phyſitian did more to eaſe a Sick Perſon, than this Prince, who was become that of Angelica's, did for this Page. He put her to Bed, cauſed reſtoratives to be brought, which he applied himſelf, that he might recover her Spirits,75 and from his Swoon, in ſhort, one may ſay that he omitted no­thing of all that may reſtore his Favorite into his uſual condition.

Neither did he Labour in vain. In a few hours Bragineour recover­ed out of that Trance, and his Face became as Serene and as ver­milion as before. The Prince hav­ing recommended the Secret of the Diſcovery to the Governour of his Pages, whom he ordered to Treat this ſtill after the uſual manner, cauſed Bragineour to be dreſſed and commanded him to follow him, in­to his Chamber, where he ſhut himſelf up with him, and gently perſwaded him to declare to him what had obliged him to diſguiſe his Sex, and conceal his Birth. As to her Birth that cunning Maiden remained in the ſame terms, ex­cept that ſhe called her ſelf the El­deſt Siſter of Mademoiſelle Lilia, and that her Name was Sarah. As to76 the reaſon which had moved her to conceal her Sex, ſhe told him ſhe thought her ſelf obliged to take that courſe in the deſign ſhe had of ſeeking her Fortune with her Siſter in Foreign Courts, two young Maidens Travelling being always in danger, and a Man, who is thought ſo at leaſt, obviates the Inſults which might be made by Imperti­nents and ill intentioned.

Ingenuity and Innocence ſeem­ing to ſpeak by the Mouth of that Maid, the Prince gave credit to all ſhe told him. Love then ſeiz­ing on his Heart, he aſſured her that he would take an extream care for her; That ſhe was to diſſemble and counterfeit her ſelf ſtill for ſome time, that ſo her circumſtan­ces might not be bruized at Court, and that in a ſhort while he would put her in a condition to appear elſewhere, what ſhe was.


The miſcheivous prank which the Pages played Bragineour remain­ed Buried out of Policy. The Merry-Andrew was known by the Favorite Page, demanding Alms at the Kitchin Door, he was queſti­oned and threatned ſo long until he confeſſed all, and offered to ſhow the Authors of the pranck, if the Pages were but brought before him, the Prince thought not convenient to puniſh thoſe Malicious Perſons, reſerving to himſelf however the giving 'em a Juniper Lecture.

The accident which had happen­ed to Bragineour in his Chamber had Created in him ſuch apprehenſions that he went not in it without feel­ing himſelf Surprized with Mortal Terrours. He declared his weakneſs to the Governour, who gave notice thereof to the Prince, by whoſe order he had another Room given him. The Prince having appointed him a Chamber at the end of a Gallery,78 wherein he might enter on the ſide without being ſeen by his Guards; He made her Evening and Morning a Viſit, until that at length after ſome reſiſtances which pleaſed him, and rendered him perfectly ena­moured, our Beautiful Traveſtry granted him all he deſired. His Secret pleaſures and as Stoln, did ſo powerfully engage the Prince, Wedded him ſo to his Page, that he ſpent half the Nights with him. The Rumour of the conſiderations and tenderneſs which he had for Bragineour, ſpreading about the Court, one day that he went to ſee his pretended Siſter in the Princeſ­ſes apartment, ſhe ſpoke to him thereof, and upon her telling him that ſhe was afraid he had declared to him the Truth of things, Ange­lica told her all that had paſſed. Whereupon ſhe adviſed her to be­have her ſelf ſo wiſely, that ſhe might not give any ſuſpicion, be­cauſe79 that the Prince, tho of that Age, was not ſo well proof againſt the Remonſtrances of his Aunt, but that ſhe could prevail with him to rid himſelf of an Inclination capa­ble of prejudicing an allyance, which was deſtined him by all Germany.

She had reaſon to give him this advice; for in a few days after, the Prince going to make a ſerious Viſit to his Aunt, ſhe asked him the Liberty of Remonſtrating to him how that the Courtiers made a Jeſt of the aſſiduities which he rendered to one of his Pages, and the familiarity he had with him; That the People made Raileries up­on this Commerce below his Rank; ſo far as that ſome Audacious Per­ſons had ſaid that they were very much amazed he did not undertake a Journey into Italy, a Raillery he was told, the ſharpeſt in the World.


Theſe Mortifying Remonſtran­ces, and made to a Prince, who brag impatiently to ſee himſelf Slave to his Pages Charms. He could not be a Moment from him, and was never in good humour un­til he had been for ſome hours ſhut up with him, his Aunt who was a Princeſs Judicious and of great Wit, ſeeing all theſe practices, and not being able to conceive what there could be in this Page, that could Reign ſo abſolutely over the Inclinations of the Prince her Ne­phew, ſhe thought that for the Repoſe of the Court, it became her to endeavour the breaking this Commerce, ſhe conferred for that purpoſe with a Counſellor a very diſcreet Man, and very Wiſe, and deſired him to prevail with that Page to conſent to leave the Court, ſhe Conjured him to Imploy all the means which Prudence ſhould Suggeſt to him, even to very Mena­ces,81 if his good advice had not the power to make him reſolve to take that courſe. This Prudent Perſon­age promiſed her to do his beſt; But it was ſo difficult for him to find a Favorable occaſion to diſ­courſe the Page, with whom he was not Familiar, that he was for­ced to render himſelf more than or­dinary aſſiduous to the Prince, to have an opportunity of Speaking to Bragineour.

One day the Prince was a Hunt­ing, the Page warming himſelf in the Anti-Chamber, and our Coun­ſellor meeting with him there, they diſcourſed for ſome hours together, at firſt upon indifferent matters, and at length with a Familiarity adiſpoſed Bragineour to give Ear to ſome Enigmatical words which were ſtarted by the Counſellor. As he was grown ſharp and Sagacious e­nough, and that beſides he imagi­ned that this Man who had the Ear82 and Heart of the Prince, might know ſomething of his affairs, he asked him with ſo much earneſt­neſs the explication of the obſcure, and confuſed Diſcourſes he had held him, that this other having demand­ed his Secreſie, told him that there was ſomething very Fatal, Brewing againſt him at Court, and from which the Prince could not ſecure him, how tender ſoever his Incli­nation might be for him; added that it would be for his advantage to make uſe of the Gratifications of his Maſter; Counſelled him to to take powerful Recommendations from him, and go think of his E­ſtabliſhment in ſome other Court. The Page having thanked him for ſuch good advice, promiſed him to make uſe of it, and joyned the Train of the Prince who was returned, who ſeemed to be Jealous, for hav­ing found the Counſellor with his beloved Page.


When that all the Company was withdrawn the Prince remaining a­lone with Bragineour enquired of him what had been the matter of his Entertainments with the Coun­cellor. Upon which the Page ſeeming in diſorder he grew ſuſpi­cious, which made him preſs him to give him an account of all the circumſtances. The Tears of that Beautiful Traveſtry Antidated her Narrative, but after ſhe had dryed 'em up ſhe Revealed all that had paſſed between the Counſellor and her; She told him that ſhe ſaw plainly that Jealouſie oppoſed her Happineſs, that it was dangerous for her to ſtay in that Court, and ſhe deſired him to conſent to the moſt cruel Separation on her part, that ever could be imagined. The Prince liſtned to this Hiſtory with a very uneaſie patience, it ſeized him in ſuch manner that being a­gitated with two different motions,84 of Anger and of Love, he caſt himſelf about the Pages Neck, Swore to him that he had nothing to fear at Court, and that he ſhould know how to diſcover who thoſe were, who would, who durſt Traverſe the greateſt pleaſure of his Life. He fancyed theſe all to be an effect of his Aunts Artifices. He quarrelled in his Heart with her, and if he continued to make her Viſits, it would be meerly out of Duty.

Our Traveſted Baroneſs had ſtill at that time above twelve Thou­ſand Livers, in Gems, and Jewels about her. The Prince who knew nothing of all this, made her a Preſent of a Ring and of his portrait Inriched with Diamonds of great Value, forbidding her to ſhow 'em. When ſhe ſaw her ſelf Rich with theſe things, the fear ſhe was per­petually in, that the Propheſie of the Counſellor would have it's85 effect, made her declare her Mind to a Footman, capable of facilita­ting the means of her Flight, who upon the hopes of a hundred Livers gave his conſent to all ſhe deſired. Whereupon the Page and Footman laid aſide their Livery, and went out of the Town in the Night, up­on Horſes, which carryed 'em to Heydelberg. In this City it was that our Baroneſs ſtole away her ſelf with her hundred Guinies from the wretched Footman. The truth is he ſearch'd for her for above three days, but to no purpoſe, tho once he met her in the Street, be­cauſe ſhe had put on Apparrel Suit­able to her Sex, which diſguiſed her from the Eyes of that Cully.

At the Arms of the Empire in that City ſhe ſpent near a Month, which ſhe paſſed in ſeeing in the Company of the Daughter of the Family, all that was there worthy of the Curioſity of a Stranger.


In the mean while the Flight of the Page and Footman, which had cauſed a mortifying diſpleaſure in the Prince, having made a great deal of noiſe at Court, where the Miſtery of the Baroneſſes de­ſign, who ſtill at this day paſ­ſes for the Siſter of Mademoiſelle Lilia, had not been Revealed, and a conſiderable Sum having been pro­poſed to thoſe who could diſcover the way they took, ſeveral Perſons ſet forth immediately to ſee if they could gain this prize; The Foot­man was Arreſted, Conducted and put into Irons, when that a Gentle­man of the number of thoſe who are called Pretenders at the Court, having been as far as Heydelberg, the Capital of the Elector Pallatine, met with and knew again there the Favorite Page, tho Apparrelled in Womens Cloaths. She fail'd not to Inquire of the diſpoſitions of the Prince as to her, and if it87 was not true that he came thither on purpoſe to hear Tydings of her. He ſatisfied her upon that point, gave her an account of the Incli­nation of his Maſter, whoſe ten­derneſs he exaggerated to her, and endeavoured to prevail with her to return. But ſeeing he could not pre­vail with her, his deſign was to go back to Court.

This Gentleman extreamly well made of his Perſon, ſpoke of tak­ing leave of Her, impatient to go impart to the Prince his diſcovery, when Angelica, who had taken on Her again her Quality of Baroneſs, and who had a great inclination for that Cavalier, had the confi­dence to tell Him, as by way of Galantry: But Sir, why do you Employ your Eloquence with ſo much Zeal and Ardour for a Prince to whom you are not yet obliged? Why do not you ſpeak for your ſelf? At this overture of Heart and ſuch like88 advances, whether he thought the witty Baroneſs meant to divert her ſelf, or that ſhe ſpoke in good Ear­neſt, he replyed, that he did not eſteem himſelf worthy of poſſeſſing a Perſon, who had ſo much merit, and that if he durſt pretend to that advantage, he would declare to her the effect which her Charms had produced upon his Heart. You may dare it, replied ſhe, and I ſwear to you, that I had never any tender or real inclination for any Body but you. Theſe words which ſhe inſinuated, more out of ſport than uttered 'em in good Earneſt, engaged ſo powerfully the Cavaliers Heart, that he thought no more of returning. He own'd Ingeniouſly to that Fair One the State of his Purſe, which was very infirme, and made her Proteſtations of an Eternal fidelity. The Baroneſs grown thus weary of being a Va­gabond and of leading a licentious89 Life, thought it became her to con­fine her Inclinations. Whereupon ſhe declared to this Gentleman, that ſhe carried about her, as well in Gold as Jewels, a Sum conſiderable E­nough and capable of helping him to ſeek his Fortune. They did not bargain long, and loſt no hours in impertinent Diſcourſes, they gave one another that very moment their Hand and Faith, and preventing the time of the Nuptials, they diſ­lodged that very Evening, to go Lodge in a Place where they paſſed for Husband and Wife: Never did any new Married Couple en­joy a Sweeter Night, than that which theſe Lovers paſſed together. They wantoned all the Morning, and roſe very well ſatisfied with one another. But as a Calm pre­ſages a Tempeſt, and that the greateſt ſweets are alwaies mingled with bitterneſs; Our happy Cavalier going out about ſome buſineſs, was90 no ſooner at the Corner of a Street, than Juſtling unwillingly againſt a kind of Bully, who charged him with Injurious Language, not be­ing of a Temperament to ſuffer all, and prudence dictating to Him to make anſwer, he fancying that this Affront being made him in pub­lick, it became him to reply to the inſult. Whereupon he Noſed that uncivil Man, who drawing the fate of Arms, would needs have it that our unfortunate Gentleman receiv­ed a Thruſt which bereav'd him of his Life, the Author of his Death had time to make his eſcape, and the Rumour of the accident being ſpread abroad incontinently amongſt the Crowd who came about this Dead Man, and the Maid of the Houſe knowing Him to be the Hus­band of the young Lady, who was Lodged at Her Maſters Houſe, away flew ſhe to give the Baro­neſs notice thereof: This Beauti­ful91 Widow by anticipation, at the Relation of this Fatal adventure fell into a Swoon, from which ſhe had all the Pains Imaginable to recover. How vehement ſoever that her grief was, ſhe did not run to ſee that Tragical Spectacle. She was only heard to ſay, O God ſhall I always be the Mark of a Fatal De­ſtiny, which having ſaid, lifting up her Eyes to Heaven ſhe gave Or­der that the Body of the Deceaſed ſhould be brought to the Houſe.

No Body but did imagine to ſee that young Woman burſt out into Sobs at the ſight of ſo pitious an Object. The curioſity to ſee what her deſpair would be capable off, ſhe had drawn after the Body a great Concourſe of People, who Crowd­ed into the Room where the Corps was laid. But this pretended Widow exalting het ſelf above her ſelf, far from producing thoſe Mo­tions uſual to the weakneſs of her92 Sex, contented her ſelf with Wi­ping the Wounds with an equa­lity of mind which ſurprized all the By-ſtanders.

As in ſo Fatal a Rancounter, there was now nothing more to be done, than to carry the Body to the Grave, which only demanded Earth, ſhe cauſed all to be prepared that could ſuit with the Funerals of a Perſon of Quality. She ſpa­red nothing of all that could render 'em pompous and Sacrificed for that purpoſe the value of a Thouſand Franks. The Funeral Ceremo­nies being over, ſhe thought not fit to ſtay any longer in a City which brought every Day to mind the ſad Object of her Lovers Diſ­aſter. She went on the Morrow for Francfort, from whence paſ­ſing to Mayence, ſhe met with the young Man of Geneva, whom ſhe had ſo Villainouſly Deceived, tho ſhe endeavoured to avoid meeting93 with him, and turned back as ſoon as ſhe ſaw him, yet he knew her, and followed her with ſo much dili­gence, that he obſerved the Houſe ſhe went in. It was to aſſure him­ſelf the more of the truth of things, that he ſtood Sentinal five or ſix hours pretty near her Inn, until he had the pleaſure of Saluting her at the moment ſhe was going out. It would be a hard matter for me to expreſs the greatneſs of her ſur­prize at her encountring of this Cully, ſhe her ſelf could not de­ſcribe it, that ſhe urged for Juſtify­ing Reaſons of her Treachery, the Infidelity of her Compani­on, and the Opinion they had, he only followed 'em to enjoy 'em, and then leave them in the lurch.

The reaſons the leaſt Specious are Truths in the Mouth of a be­loved Perſon, that young Man be­ing more fond than ever of the Ba­roneſs, who pretended her ſelf poor,94 and he promiſed to help her with a hundred Piſtols, which he ſaid he was to receive at Cologne. Where­upon away went they for Coblentzer, but were no ſooner there Arrived than that the Baroneſs meditated on the means of her eſcape. The fear ſhe had of this young Man in a Foreign Country, where ſhe had not any acquaintance, prevailed with her after ſome ſmall Reſiſtance to take the ſame Bed with him. Three days after their Arrival, be­ing gone out to receive his Bill of Exchange, ſhe nick'd her time ſo well that ſhe ſtole out of the Houſe to go take a Chamber elſewhere. She Sojourned at Cologne near a Month without Budging out of the Houſe; he enquired through all the City and Country without getting any Tydings of her. Whereupon ſhe departed at length to go to the Court of the Prince of Parma, ſaw in the way the Cities of Rhim­berg,95 Weſel, Nimmeghen, Boilduc, Breda, and Antwerp, and Arrived at length at Bruxelles, where ſhe deſigned to ſpend the Winter.

In that City it was, where ſhe diſplay'd all her Jewels, except thoſe ſhe had received by way of gratifications, from the Court, from which ſhe Stole away, which con­ſiſted in a Ring, a Watch, and a Portrait beſet with Diamonds. Thus had ſhe got a Sum of about Twelve Thouſand Franks, and ſhe Dreſſed her ſelf after ſo Gal­lant a manner, that ſhe ſeemed one of the fineſt and moſt Monopolizing Ladies of the Court, Contenting her ſelf with one Lacquay and a Chamber-Maid. During all the Winter which ſhe ſpent at Bruxelles, there were no Aſſembly, nor Par­ties of divertiſements at Court, but at which ſhe was preſent. An unknown Perſon extreamly young and fair, who made ſo neat a Figure,96 attracted the Eyes of all People, they became curious to know who ſhe was, but no Body could tell, ſo much cunning had ſhe to diſguiſe her Sentiments, her Gal­lantry and good humour acquired her for her firſt Conqueſt, the E­ſteem and Heart of a Prince, whoſe Name ſhe commanded me to ſup­preſs, he made her frequent Viſits, all the Court talked thereof, and the Rumour came to the Ears of the Princeſs his Wife, whom Jealou­ſie was going to hurry to ſtrange extremity, when the Baroneſs hav­ing Notice thereof, abſolutely broke off ſo dangerous a Commerce.

The Pallace of the Counteſs of being the General Randez­vouze of all the fine People, ſhe frequented it, to the great preju­dice of her Purſe, which they em­tied in a little time. The Prince whom ſhe had Charmed, perceiv­ing ſhe no longer played ſo high,97 imagining that ſhe wanted Mony, thought to make her an offer of that kind, would be the true way to bring about his Ends. One day that ſhe loſt to the laſt Farthing, and that he was ſitting by her, he ſlipt into her Pocket, a Purſe of four hundred Duccates, with the help of which ſhe recovered part of her loſs. This was the right way to engage her and as there is no Heart proof againſt Gold, the Baroneſs on the Morrow, upon a real Letter from the Prince, conſen­ted to take Coach to go a Journey with him for three days. This Sally was known by the Princeſs, who abandoned her ſelf to ſuch prodigious Motions of jealouſie, that ſhe Swore ſhe would give no Bounds to her reſentment, until ſhe had Rid her ſelf of her who durſt thus Sully her Bed. The Baroneſs having Notice of the Danger ſhe was in, and of the Fatal Deſigns98 that were Brewing againſt her Life, meditated her Retreat from the Court, after ſhe had Read the fol­lowing Letter which was given by an unknown Perſon to her Servant.

If you are of Quality, you be-lie your Birth, by the Infamous Com­mence you take a Pride in. We have ſtudied all your ways, and have diſ­covered your filthy practices. Bride­wel where you kow Women of your Faſhion Expire their Licentiouſneſs, does expect you. Be gon if you are wiſe, within three days it will be too late to depart. Conſult your intereſt, and take this Charitable advice from the Perſon in the World, who hates you the moſt, and who would undoubtedly go inſult you in the Fetters you deſerve.

This Fair One thus Croſſed in her pleaſures, at the very Moment that Fortune ſeemed to look upon her with a better Eye, was very much Mortified at the Reading of this Letter: This Advice which99 only departed from a jealous Perſon, and whom ſhe preſumed to be the Princeſs, her Lovers Wife, ſeemed to her extream Salutary; ſhe knock'd off the very ſame day. But hav­ing given her Foot-man and Maid leave to go walk out of Town. She ſatisfied her Landlady, and cauſed her Trunck to be carried to the Boat of Antwerp, where ſhe took her Place by a Merchant, whoſe Magnificent out-ſide be-lied his profeſſion.

This Man of about Thirty Years of Age, being perfectly Well-bred, and being beſides of a very Gal­lant humour, obſerved in the Baro­neſs ſo eaſie an Air and manners ſo agreeable in their Liberty, that he could not imagine ought elſe, but that ſhe was ſome high flying Miſs. He diſcourſed ſome time ſe­riouſly, and the converſation ſtill growing more Familiar as the Night advanced, he puſh'd things on ſo100 far that the Merchant declared to her, that he had a tender inclina­tion at Antwerp, for the mainte­nance of whom he was at exceſ­ſive charges; that this Miſs of his, was about Eighteen years of Age, and near her Lying-In, and that as ſoon as ſhe was Delivered, he would part from her, after having given her ſomething that was hand­ſome; whereupon the Baroneſs own'd to him that ſhe was ſeeking out a good Fortune, which was a hint ſufficient. Then this Mer­chant put a Diamond Ring upon her Finger, to the value of 600 Livers as a Pawn of his Love, and made her ſuch propoſitions, in Caſe ſhe would accept of his Company, and anſwer his Flames, that ſhe conſented to what he pleaſed, and took no other Chamber than that he appointed her. Their Amo­rous Commerce laſted ſome time without the Merchants former Mi­ſtris101 receiving any Viſits from him. She ſuſpected he had changed his inclinations, and having had him ſpied, diſcovered the place where he daily went. She once followed ſo cloſe upon his heels, that ſhe en­tred immediately after him into the Room; that which confirmed her in the opinion ſhe had a Rival, was, to ſee that her Servant, took her Concurrent immediately about the Neck, and held her Embraced a long while. Hardly were they ſepa­rated, than that this Miſs being Tranſported with Fury, gave the Baroneſs a Box of the Ear with all her ſtrength, whom the amazement of the Action rendred Mute as well as the Merchant, who had need of all his ſtrength of mind to ap­peaſe the difference; he made her believe that the Baroneſs was the Siſter of one of his beſt Friends, who has been Recommended to him, expecting a Bill of Exchange102 for the going ſuddenly into France.

Tho this Wench gave no Cre­dit to theſe Defences, ſhe calmed her Rage however, and was brought to her own Houſe by her Gallant. This Merchant being Returned, ask­ed a Thouſand Pardons of the Ba­roneſs, and made her change her Lodgings, gave her Mony, and went no longer ſo often to ſee her as before for the Regards he had to his former Amours. This abatement did ſomething Cool the Baroneſs. She looked upon what ſhe received from this Lover, as too ſmall a matter for her to Subſiſt on, and be Maintained, and this made her reſolve to ſhare her Favours. She contracted an acquaintance with the moſt qualified Bawd of the Town, and few Evenings but were worth to her two Guineys. Our Merchant was not long Igno­rant of this petty Commerce, he thought fit to render himſelf cer­tain103 of things by himſelf, and it was for the diſcovering the truth of things, that having been in the Houſe of pleaſure, which ſhe fre­quented, ſpent there four or five times together at a high Rate, he Conjured the Miſtreſs to procure him the Company of ſome hand­ſom French Woman, if ſhe had any acquaintance, the Bawd not ſuſpecting in the leaſt what hap­pened, promiſed to obtain him the ſatisfaction he demanded on the Morrow, and ſhe went to prepare the Baroneſs to come and gain ſome conſiderable Matter.

The truth is, the Baroneſs did not appear in Company until ſhe had firſt informed her of the Quality and Figure of thoſe with whom ſhe was to have to do, that ſo ſhe might not fall into the ſnare; but the pourtrait that had been made her of the Perſon which deſir­ed her, being that of a Perſon of104 High Quality, and the Opinion ſhe had, that her Merchant ſatis­fied with two, did not haunt ſuch­like Places, made her Dreſs her ſelf with all ſhe had moſt preci­ous, to go to the Houſe where ſhe was expected. Then was ſhe intro­duced into a Room where a ſtate­ly Collation was prepared, and her Heart already Leapt for joy, in the hopes of the pleaſure ſhe was going to receive, when that ſhe ſaw her Keeper enter into her Chamber, who would needs Em­brace her without ſeeming to know her again. At this ſurprizing Spe­ctacle ſhe retired two or three Steps, and had like to have fallen Back­wards. The ſurprize of 'em both being equal, they remained mute for ſome time. The Merchant opened his Mouth to declaime without doubt againſt the Infideli­ty of his Miſtris, when not allow­ing him time to ſpeak, ſhe told105 him, giving a great Shigh, Are theſe Sir, the Proteſtations you made me? Ah, there is no truſting of Men, how, cannot two ſatisfie you? tho People ſwore to me you hardly ever ſtir'd from hence, I had ſuch good Sentiments of you, that I did not think you cap­able of ſo Blameable an inconstancy, but I am convinced that you are the moſt perfidious of all Lovers. Our Merchant being amazed at this come off of his Miſtriſſes Wit, yet uncertain of the truth of things, and not knowing what Sauce to Eat with this Fiſh, excuſed himſelf upon that he thought himſelf in an honeſt Houſe, where one of his Friends would needs entertain him with a Collation. He Counterſeit­ed being in a Rage, Graſped his Land-ladies Hand, and went out with his Miſtris, whom he Led to her Houſe.

Our Baroneſs had not ſo little underſtanding, but that ſhe Judg­ed106 this Encounter would Create ſome abatement in her Lovers af­fections. She redoubled her Ca­reſſes, & did all that a cunning Miſs and one grown expert in the Trade can do, to ſqueez'd as much Money from him as ſhe could, paid her Landlady, and broke up her Quar­ters one Morning Early without Trumpet, with a deſign to go to Holland. She went for that pur­poſe into a Ship Bound for Rotter­dam, wherein ſhe mademore Vows than the Papiſts make in Ten years time to the Lady of Loretto, never was ſhe ſo good a Chriſtian as ſhe became, hard by William-Stadt, where the ſhip was ſeverely Toſs'd by a ſudden Tempeſt, that it lay above two hours upon one ſide, and in ſhort underwent the ill Treatment of two Hurricanes, which turned it Topſie Turvy, tho it recovered again immediately as by a miracle, leaving only Fear107 and Water to the Paſſengers.

The Ship being come at length into ſafe Harbour, by the Clemency of the Winds, Angelica diſembar­qued at Rotterdam, and went to Lodge at a certain French Cook's Houſe called la Fleur at the Buck, juſt oppoſite to the Engliſh Ships, where the Landlord was as good Natur'd as the Hoſteſs was Ugly. Tho ſhe ſtaid there but three or four days, her Neatneſs and grace­fulneſs attracting her the Landlords Eyes, his Wife became ſo Jealous, that ſhe deſired the Baroneſs un­known to her Husband, to take a Lodging elſewhere, which being told to la Fleur, he went to his worthy Spouſe, Cudgel'd her to ſome purpoſe, nay, Broke her very Jaw-bone.

From Rotterdam, Angelica went in the Delft Boat, with deſign of going to the Hague. There it was ſhe ſaw a ſample of the Wonders108 of the Life of Holland, in all thoſe of the Nation, who carry Bread, Beer, and Butter in Satchels, for fear of Qualms, and to ſpare char­ges. The Hiſtory of an Honeſt Woman upon this Subject, does merit being related.

The Boat had hardly paſſed the firſt Bridge, is not far diſtant from the City, than that a certain Old Woman, who had by her a Girl of about Twelve Years Old, grew Hungry. She reached her Satchel from behind her, took out of it Bread as brown as Earth, a Pot of Butter whereof ſhe made, and She and her Daughter Eat about Twelve Butterams. Which hav­ing ſwallowed, ſhe then ferreted in the ſame place for an Earthen Pot full of ſmall Bear, but found no­thing but the heads and pieces of the Bottle, the Beer being all ſpilt, and lying at the bottom of the Satchel, which was of Leather. 109She ſeemed at firſt vexed at ſo ſad an Accident, but ſhe Comforted her ſelf at length, ſeeing that her Satchel held Tite, and that none of the Beer was run thro. Where­fore to diſperſe and drown her trouble, ſhe made her Daughter hold up the Corner of the Satchel, drank, made her Daughter drink, ſhut up the Satchel again, and re­garded no Body, as if the buſi­neſs had not been ſingular, and that no Body had ſeen her. But this proves the Innocent manner of the Country, let us now ſee what was capable of giving her a High Idea of the Character of the ſame Nation.

Angelica was buſie with Rea­ding a Romance which ſhe held in her hand, when an Engliſh Man of Quality, who ſate oppoſite to to her and ſpoke Latine, burſt out in a fit of laughter, which made her enquire after the Reaſon and Oc­caſion110 of ſo much good humour. This pleaſant Cavalier told her, that he had Reaſon to Laugh at the anſwer he had newly received from a Hollander, which was as followeth. That Engliſh Gentle­man having asked him in Latin, of what profeſſion he was, and the Dutchman having reported that he was a Counſellor at Law, he en­quired of him if he had never been out of his Country, whereupon the Hollander who ſeem'd to be ſome Body, having replied to him with a diſdainful Air, that he had not, to which the Engliſhman added, But Sir, have you not the Curioſity to ſee Rome, Paris, Vienna, Stock­holme, Copenhagen, Madrid, and London, No Sir, replied the Hollan­der, all thoſe of the beſt Quality of my Country, who have wander­ed over all Europe, nay, almoſt the whole Earth, have told me, that they had ſeen many Countries, but111 that they had no where met with this Holland, Nunquam reperimeam Bataviam. For Polieneſs and good Breeding, you mean ſaid the En­gliſhman, Generally for all purſued the other.

Tho the Paſſage from Delft to the Hague is but an hours going. Angelica ſpent her time very plea­ſantly in the Boat. A young Man of Ʋtrecht, of very good mean, having caſt his Eyes upon her, and Judg­ing her the Handſomeſt of the Company, would needs make Love to her. By ill Luck he did not underſtand French no more than Angelica did Dutch; which made their converſation extreamly divert­ing to thoſe who underſtood both Tongues. The Hollander having ſaid a Hundred kind things to this Fair Miſs, and ſhe having heard 'em without underſtanding 'em, told him at length that ſhe did not un­derſtand him. He underſtood her112 as little, inſomuch that he ſpoke in vain, ſince all the reply he made to her words was, Ick kan niet Veſtan. This Rancounter where­in the converſation laſt ſome time in the Termes of the ſame Compli­ments, would undoubtedly merit being Written; But as it is ſud­denly to be the Matter of a Ro­mance, which ſhall be Entitled, The Perplext Lover. I ſhall here touch nothing more of that Comedy. Angelica at her ſetting Foot on ſhoar at the Hague, met with one of thoſe convenient Women, whoſe Houſes are open to all the Fair ones of the Trade; they forthwith made acquaintance, inſomuch that Our Wanderer went to take imme­diately a Lodging at her Houſe, when that deſtiny furniſh'd her with an opportunity favourable to her Intereſts. A Jeweler that was a Jew haunted this Houſe: that Man who was Married at Amſter­dam,113 ſpent at a Rate which ſufficient­ly ſpoke his Opulency. The Maſter of the Houſe Communicated to An­gelica the deſign he had of having the Jew ſurprized in her Company by the Schout, for the getting ſome Mony out of him. Angelica con­ſented to all, promiſed to Play her Part well, and went to give the Provoſt notice of the buſineſs.

The Collation was prepared, and the Jew Drank up to a good humour, during their Amorous Wantonings, the Schout was In­troduced with two of his Officers into the Houſe; the Jew threw An­gelica upon the Bed, and in the very moment he was going to do the Feat and Mount to the Attack, the Officers Entered, who took him in the Fact, and diſappointed the Jew in his performances for that time, which made the poor Cully weep for vexation. Tho he could not deny it, yet the buſineſs was114 conteſted for ſome time. A great deal of Buſtle there was upon the matter, & the End of the Farce was, that the Jew gave to the value of a Thouſand Crowns in Jewels, to avoid a ſeverer puniſhment, the Caſe was divided, and Angelica called by a certain Bawd of Rot­terdam to fleece a certain Cully who deſerved to be ſo ſerved.

A certain Seal-maker, a very able Work-man new Arrived from France, being Lodged at a certain Heridan's Houſe, having Conjured her to procure him a Handſom Whore to Marry, and who would renounce her former Commerce, ſhe Suggeſted to him Angelica, had her brought to him, and was Contracted to her. Angelica Cun­ningly got out of his Hands to the value of Four Hundred Livers in Rings, and a Hundred and Fifty Duccatoons in liquid Silver, which was his whole Eſtate, pretended115 that ſhe had Lovers, and ſome at Amſterdam whither ſhe Conducted him, ſhe went to Lodg with him at the Famous Madam la Vunche's behind the Old Church, whom ſhe prepoſſeſſed with the thought, that this Amorous Cully had a great deal of Mony to ſpend, was Treated there for Eight days to­gether, with all ſhe had a mind to, and left the Ninny there, to pay all the charges ſhe had put him to.

After ſo fine an exploit, Angelica being returned to the Hague, and now her Ill Deſtiny having grant­ed her too long a Truce, ſhe went to her Misfortune, and Lodged in a Semstriſſes Houſe, who alſo did often the Office of a Heridan. The Je­ſuit whom this poor Wench had ſo villanouſly Cullied, having taught French for ſome Months in the Hague, haunted this Houſe. The Hoſteſs whom he favoured, and to116 whom he procured Cuſtomers for both Trades, told him fine things of the Beauty of her, who had taken her Chamber. He was Curious to ſee her, for to offer her his Ser­vices, and found in her with the higheſt Aſtoniſhment, her who had rendred him unhappy. One may Judge of the ſurprize: If the Je­ſuit was ſtruck Dumb at the Sight of her, Angelica fell into a Swoon, out of which they had all the pain imaginable to bring her again. What matter of Rage and Fury ſoever this Jeſuit had againſt that Maiden, his Ancient prudence Sug­geſted to him a fixed equality, he told her the ſofteſt Words imagin­able, and inſinuated himſelf ſo Cunningly into her good Opinion, that Angelica whom I call Inno­cence, with reſpect to the Artifices of a Jeſuit, gave Credit to the Proteſtations he made her, of for­getting what was paſſed, provid­ed117 ſhe would Vow to be Faithful to him for the Future. They did not part that day. Our Jeſuit who cal­led himſelf Le Sieur Galois, and had a pretty good Reputation, repreſent­ed to her, that being able to gain honeſtly a Livelihood for her and himſelf, it became her to Com­port her ſelf diſcreetly. She was pleaſed with his Counſel; conſent­ed to go take a Chamber with him, in the Quality of his Wife, new­ly Arrived from France.

They lived for the ſpace of three Weeks in very good Intelli­gence, the Cunning Jeſuit having for her all the Deferences imaginable. But what did not this Natural Off­ſpring of Judas meditate? What did not he Brew againſt the poor Angelica? All the Treachery which the perfidy of an inſulted Jeſuit is capable off. The matter of Fact was as followeth. He Studied for ſome time the Inclinations of An­gelica,118 furniſhed her with all the Diverſions he could imagine, until that one Day ſhe had owned in her Drink, that ſhe had ſtill in a ſecret Pocket for above Ten Thou­ſand Livers in Jewels. Their Familiarity Augmenting every day, Angelica not being willing to part with her Treaſure, and the Jeſuit not thinking fit to Strip her of it by Force nor by Cunning, in a place where it would have made too much Noiſe, he propoſed to her, to go take the Air at Scheveling, for they having the Conveniency of Diverting 'em ſelves with the more Liberty, Angelica not foreſeeing that ſome hours of Merriment would coſt her whole Days of grief and vexation, accepted the offer. Whereupon they Troaped thither accordingly, went into a Tavern, where they ſpent the Night, until on the Morrow Morning, that the time and Sea-Calms ſeemed to119 invite 'em a walking. They Break­faſted after a handſom manner, until that the Wine getting into their Pates, they thought Convenient to go Diſſipate the Fumes of it upon the Strand, where they walked until they were quite out of ſight of all other Perſons. Our Spark ſeeing himſelf in that Place Maſter of Angelica, put his Hand into the Water, and found the Sea ſo warm, that he Suggeſted to our Innocent Fair One, that they ſhould find Bathing both Delicious and Health­ful. She at firſt rejected the propo­ſition; but he Solicited her ſo ſweetly, that ſhe Stript he ſelf for Company ſix Paces from him. He was Stark-Naked, and had al­ready Wantoned in the Water, when that ſeeing Angelica come in with her Smock on, he lifted it up and took it from her, with ſo ſweet a violence, that ſhe would then have been taken for our firſt120 Mother in the Moment of the Cre­ation. In went ſhe into the Wa­ter, where they Waſh'd, Kiſs'd, Whipt, and a Hundred other little Toyings, and then ſate down to be Careſſed by the Waves. Our Jeſuit adviſed her to Bath her ſelf as long as ſhe could well ſuffer it, Leap'd out of the Water, Dreſſed himſelf again, hindred her after a Sporting manner from coming out, until that he being compleatly Dreſſed, he took up in his Arms all the Cloaths of Angelica, with which he ran a Croſs the Downs, without any News having ſince been heard of him, leaving thus that Fair One Stark-Naked, who ran after him in vain, but ſhe quickly loſt ſight of him, and remained as a perfect Model of EVE Revived.


About this transcription

TextEve revived, or, The Fair one stark-naked a novell.
AuthorG. R..
Extent Approx. 110 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 66 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84164)

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Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2226:14)

About the source text

Bibliographic informationEve revived, or, The Fair one stark-naked a novell. Belle sans chemise. English. 1684. G. R.. [8], 120 p. Printed by William Downing ...,London :1684.. (Translation of "La Belle sans chemise" -- Cf. preface.) (Preface signed: G.R.) (Reproduction of original in the Newberry Library.)

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