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An exact Narrative OF Every dayes Proceedings Since the Inſurrection in ESSEX.

Together with a more perfect Liſt of what perſons are ſlain and taken by both parties, till the 18 of June preſent, 1648.

Alſo the Reſolution of the Councell of War concerning the manner of puniſhing the Priſoners they have taken in that County.

Printed for Robert Boſtock at the Kings Head in Pauls Church-yard, June 20 1648.


An exact Narrative of every dayes Proceedings ſince the Inſurrection in Eſſex. Together with a more perfect liſt of what Perſons are ſlain and taken by both Parties.

DIvers Gentlemen of the Committee for the County of Eſſex, whereof ſome were Parliament men, being met toge­ther at Chelmsford, to provide for the peace of the County, and to prevent the apparent dangers likely to ariſe, were ſurpriſed in the Committee-Chamber by a rabble of Mu­tineers commanded by Lieutenant Colonell Farre, and his Major Smith; which being done, they ſent to the Lord Goring, then about Bow-bridge, who came ſpeedily to them. The Committee being thus ſurprized, the Malignants were ſo imboldened, that the Mutineers grew very numerous, and joyned with Goring, and Sir Charles Lucas, Lord Capell, and others: They ſtaid together at Chelmsford four or five dayes, and much encreaſed by the reſort of the trained ſouldiers from divers parts of the County: But the good providence of God ſo ordered it, That Sir Thomas Honywood, Colonel Harlukendon, Colo­nell4 Cook, Colonell Sparrow, and ſome others were abſent from Chelmsford when the Committee did meet; theſe perceiving in what danger the County was in, did preſently raiſe their Regiments, one of Horſe, and two Regiments of Foot, and thoſe were drawn to Cogſhall: from whence they ſent Colonel Sparrow with ſome Horſe to fetch the Magazeen from Braintre to Cogſhall, who diſappointed the E­nemy of that Store. On Saturday laſt the Enemy marched from Chelmsford to the Earl of VVarwick's houſe at Lees, where they ſeiſed his Arms, and one great braſſe Saker: from thence on Sunday they marched to Braintre, and on Munday to Colcheſter. The Generall with four Regiments of Horſe, and five regiments of Foot came to Chelmsford on Sun­day, and on Munday he marched to Cogſhall, where the Eſſex Forces did attend him; and being thus u­nited, wee marched towards Colcheſter; and drawing neer unto the Town, the Enemy ſallied forth both Horſe and Foot, and poſſeſſed themſelves of the hedges, to hinder our approach; but they were re­ſolutely charged by the Lord Generals Van, com­manded by Colonel Backſted, Colonel Needum, and others, who ſuddenly beat the Enemie from their ground and purſued them into the Town, and ſeven Colours of ours entred with them; but our Horſe, by reaſon the paſſages were ſo ſtrait, could not come in ſoon enough to their aſſiſtance; ſo our men were forced to give back, and the Town gates were clo­ſed upon them: Yet wee continued the aſſault four or five hours; but finding the Wall where the prin­cipall aſſault was, to be much ſtronger then was ex­pected,5 they made a very fair and orderly retreat. We loſt Colonel Needum, Captain Laurence, and Captain Cox, who were much lamented, for they were of eminent deſert, and about 100 private Souldiers. Of the Enemy were ſlain Sir William Campion once Governour of Borſtall houſe, and Colonell Cook of Kent, and divers others of note, and about foure hundred private Souldiers were taken priſoners by our men; whereof divers Kentiſh men, and ſome French and Walloons that could ſpeak no Engliſh. The Enemy came into Colcheſter with about 1000 Horſe and 4000 Foot. On Wed­neſday the Generall began to provide, that the E­nemy might not eſcape out of the Town, and for that end ſent for the Suffolk Forces then at Sudbury being about 1500 horſe and foot, and with them the paſſes are ſecured about Nayland, Bures, and o­ther places, and the Suffolk Forces about Ipſwich do keep the paſſe at Cattaway Bridge, whereby the Enemy is wholly prevented from getting over into Suffolk; and now we are beginning our iutrench­ments, and drawing our ſeverall quarters neer unto the Town, and the Enemy within is fortifying, and pulling down the houſes on the wall, but we doubt not but we ſhal ſhortly either ſtarve or ſtorm them.

The Generall much deſires to keep the Heads of this great party from making an eſcape with their Horſes; for their intents was to get into Suffolk, and Norfolk, and other Countries, and to have raiſed the malignant Party as they went, who were ready prepared and the deſigne ripe: the Enemy alſo were raiſing Forces about Walden and Lynton,6 where they had gotten together about 500 Horſe and Foot, to ſupppreſſe thoſe the Generall had diſpatched away two troops of his own Horſe and three troops of Collonell Harlukendons Regiment, under Colonel Sparrow, thoſe troops found the E­nemy at Lynton with about 500 Horſe and Foot un­der Major Reinolds, they routed the Enemy,ook the Major, and a Colonel with a wooden leg, Major Mu­ſtamp, and others they killed. Thus much unto this of 18 June 1648.

The report is even now that Goring is gone to Cattaway Bridge, to ſeek his paſſe into Suffolk, but they are followed with a party.

Sir Thomas Barnadon deſired to ſend 500 men to ſecure Harwich. Our men ſcoured the ſtreets, but the main guard of at leaſt one hundred Foot com­manded by an old Souldier remained ſtill not to be attempted by our men, it being in the Church and Churchyard, who were guarded by ſuch narrow paſſages that it could not be forced without the ap­parnt hazard of the loſſe of many men. Upon Summons thoſe in the Church entred into a treaty and agreed that the Countrey men ſhould go to their own homes leaving their arms behind them, and ingaging not to bear arms againſt the Parlia­ment. Many horſes are taken, but few priſoners we being not able to ſurround the Town, and ef­fect the ſurpriſe too. There were taken for the publick ſtore 100 foot-arms, and neer as many more which our men have amongſt them, 2 colours of foot, 4 drums, and 2 Barrells of powder. This was the ſeventeenth day.


The priſoners taken at the entrance of the Sub­urbs of Colcheſter were drawn out. Every thirteenth man of the Eſſex Batchellours are to die, every tenth man of the married men and every fifth of Londoners and Kentiſh men that were ingaged in this new deſigne, the others that are left of Batche­lours to be ſent beyond the ſeas, and the remainder of the married men to their families.

A Liſt of the Priſoners remaining in cuſtody with the Marſhal Generall at Lexdon, the 17 of June, 1648.

  • Sir John Dorrill of Cokehall in Kent.
  • Col. Sir William Leighton.
  • Col. Francis Clark.
  • Col. Sir Bernard Skidmore late Governour of Hereford for the King.
  • Col. George Rawlins.
  • Lieut. Col. Thomas Roberts.
  • Eſquires.
    • Henry Sanders
    • Col. Sam. Thornton
    • Thomas Steward
  • Capt. Gregory Baker.
  • 8
  • Cap. Christmas.
  • Robert Ruthen ſon to the Lord Ruthen.
  • Eſquires.
    • Thomas Roberts
    • Carew Rawlins
    • Ralfe Britton
    • Peter Anderkin
    • John Dethicke
    • Edward Dinely
  • Lieutenant Thomas Outing
  • Lieutenant Francis Bland.
  • Servants to Sir Bernard Skidmore.
    • Maximil. Edwards
    • Henry Bridgeman
  • William Woodley, Servant to Lieut. Col. Tho­mas Roberts.
  • 324 Common Souldiers

About this transcription

TextAn exact narrative of every dayes proceedings since the insurrection in Essex. Together with a more perfect list of what persons are slain and taken by both parties, till the 18 of June present, 1648. Also the resolution of the Councell of War concerning the manner of punishing the prisoners they have taken in that county.
Extent Approx. 9 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 161838)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 71:E448[18])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationAn exact narrative of every dayes proceedings since the insurrection in Essex. Together with a more perfect list of what persons are slain and taken by both parties, till the 18 of June present, 1648. Also the resolution of the Councell of War concerning the manner of punishing the prisoners they have taken in that county. 8 p. Printed for Robert Bostock at the Kings Head in Pauls Church-yard,[London] :June 20 1648.. (Place of publication from Wing.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • England and Wales. -- Army. -- Council -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Essex (England) -- History -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A84204
  • STC Wing E3663
  • STC Thomason E448_18
  • EEBO-CITATION 99862424
  • PROQUEST 99862424
  • VID 161838

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