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Exceeding Joyfull NEWES FROM Plymouth and Devonſhire.

Sent in a Letter from the Deputy Lieute­nants to the Houſe of Commons. Decemb. 8. Where­in is declared the full proceedings of the Cava­leirs againſt the Parliament Forces in the ſaid County, from the 4. of Decemb. to the 9. 1642.

Alſo a full Relation of the beſieging of Plymouth, by the Lord Grandiſon, the L. Digby, and Commiſſarie Wilmot, with 9000. men, and how they were beaten off by the parliament for­ces that were within the Town, killing about 850. the Lord DIGBIE being ſhot through the ſhoul­der, with a musquet bullet.

Decemb. 10. Printed for H. Blundoll. 1642.

THE RELATION OF The great Overthrow given to the Lord Mhune, the Lord Grandiſon, the Lord Rivers, the Lord Digby, and Com­miſſary Wilmot. December the 8, 1642.By the Renowned and Heroick Champions, the Volunteers of Plymouth, being in number 2000 ageinſt the aforenamed Per­ſecuors with 9000.

UPon the 7. of this month, the Lord Grandiſon advanced from the Kings Army with 3000. horſe and foot, with an intent to march againſt the town of Marl­borow in Wilt-ſhire, but having received a Letter from the L. Mohune, concerning the preſent eſtate of Plymouth, he changed his Reſolution, and marched towards the ſaid Town, to joyn his Forces with the Lord Mohune, the Lord Digby, Commiſſary Wilmot, &c.

But by reaſon of his long and tediousll Wedneſday night, he lay ſhort of the o­ther Forces about 8. miles, on Thurſday morning.

But towards 12. of the clock the ſame day he got to the Lord Mohune, where he joyned his Forces with him, and the reſt of his Confederates, and about three of the clock in the Afternoon they began to move forward toward Plimouth, and about five of the clock they came within one mile of the ſaid Town.

But the Forces that were there billeted having information of their comming, pre­pared a Supper for them, and mounted their Ordnance, ſetting their men in battle array, and in a very good poſture for their own defence, and ſo ſoon as the Cavalers made their approach neerer the Town, the Plymouth Forces began to welcome them, ſending them a great Charger full of black plums, which plums were as bad as poyſon to thoſe that taſted of them; for they made ſuch a ſlanghter amongſt the Kings Army, that many hundreds of them lay dead before the Town Walls.

The Lord Digby and Commiſſary Wil­mot ſeeing this, with much futy and vio­lence they adventured up with their For­ces, and gave a deſperate charge againſt the Parliament-Forces, but did very little exe­cution, and although they were fix to one, yet our men gave them the foyl, obtaining a happy Victory, and putting neer upon 9. hundred and fifty to the ſword, with the loſſe of one hundred and twenty men, be­ſides the Lord Digby is dangerouſly woun­ded, being ſhot through the ſhoulder with a bullet.

The Lord Mohune and the reſt of the Cavaleers are retreated 20. miles from Ply­mouth, and it is very probable hee will have but little ſtomack to come thither againe, by reaſon they taſted of ſuch hard fare; yet if they do come to make another attempt, the plymouth forces are reſolved to pre­lent unto them the like plums which they taſted of before.

The like proceedings hath bin in Che­ſhire, between the Lord Rivers and his Ad­herents, againſt the well-affected party of that County, as it was declared in a Letter to Sir William Brewerton, a member of the Houſe of Commons, intimating that the L. Rivers having raiſed an Army of Papiſts and diſaffected proteſtants is very active in that County to put in execution the Com­miſſion of Array, and plunders and pillages all thoſe that refuſe to yeeld obedience to his illegall Commands.

And therfore the County deſires, that the Parliament will ſpeedily take order for ſending ſome Commanders unto them, for a great part of that County ſtands very well affected to the Parliament, and are re­ſolved to ſpend their lives and fortunes in this cauſe.

Whereupon the Parliament have ordai­ned that ſome ſpeedy aid ſhall be ſent un­to them, and that they ſhall aſſociate them­ſelues together, to defend themſelves from tyranny and oppreſſion, and to maintain the peace of that County againſt all that did oppoſe them.

And it is credibly informed, that upon Tueſday laſt there was a generall meeting of the well-affected Proteſtants, who ſtood in oppoſition againſt the Lord Rivers and his Cavaleers, and at the laſt gave them a Charge, killing about 40. of his men.

Whereupon the L. Rivers muſtred his Forces together, placing them in battle ar­ray, and drawing them up to a head, and at the laſt wheeling about, and obtaining the wind, they charged againſt the Parliament Forces, but after one hours fight they were forced to retreat, by reaſon that two of our Troops of horſe broke in upon the L. Ri­vers left wing, breaking their Rankes and files, and bringing them to a moſt confuſed Order, killing 2. or 300, and putting the reſt to flight.

Upon Friday laſt, there was Letters came to the Houſe of Commons, directed to Mr. Speaker, out of Devonſhire, informing the houſe of the true eſtate of things in that County, and that the Cavaleers do excee­dingly plunder and ſpoyl that County, and that they are marching from Taveſtack to­ward Plymouth, and do threaten that Town but the Committee for the Militia being there, they have gotten ſome new forces in­to the Town, and are in a good poſture of defence.

Alſo the Deputy Lieutenants at Exceſter have raiſed three Regiments of the Tray­ned Bands of the adjacent Counties, and are reſolved to aid and aſſiſt Plymouth, The Parliament hath alſo made the E. of Stam­ford Generall of South-Wales, and his Son the young Lord Grey, Generall of Lieceſter ſhire, Darby-ſhire, and Lincoln-ſhire.

The Lords and Commons aſſembled in Parl. do declare, that all ſouldiers that do commit any offence contrary to their Orders ſhall be brought to condigne puniſhment, and that they may be ſe­verely proceeded againſt according to Law.


About this transcription

TextExceeding joyfull newes from Plymouth and Devonshire. Sent in a letter from the deputy lieutenants to the House of Commons, Decemb. 8. wherein is declated [sic] the full proceedings of the cavaleirs against the Parliament forces in the said county, from the 4. of Decemb. to the 9. 1642. Also a full relation of the besieging of Plymouth, by the Lord Grandison, the L. Digby, and Commissarie Wilmot, with 9000. men, and how they were beaten off by the Parliament forces that were within the town, killing about 850. the Lord Digbie being shot through the shoulder, with a musquet bullet.
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SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84248)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 156290)

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About the source text

Bibliographic informationExceeding joyfull newes from Plymouth and Devonshire. Sent in a letter from the deputy lieutenants to the House of Commons, Decemb. 8. wherein is declated [sic] the full proceedings of the cavaleirs against the Parliament forces in the said county, from the 4. of Decemb. to the 9. 1642. Also a full relation of the besieging of Plymouth, by the Lord Grandison, the L. Digby, and Commissarie Wilmot, with 9000. men, and how they were beaten off by the Parliament forces that were within the town, killing about 850. the Lord Digbie being shot through the shoulder, with a musquet bullet. [8] p. Decemb. 10. Printed for H. Blundoll,[London] :1642.. (Place of publication from Wing.) (Signatures: A⁴.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Bristol, John Digby, -- Earl of, 1580-1654 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Grandison, William Villiers, -- Viscount, 1614-1643 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Rochester, Henry Wilmot, -- Earl of, 1612?-1658 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Plymouth (England) -- History -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Campaigns -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A84248
  • STC Wing E3752
  • STC Thomason E129_30
  • STC ESTC R16646
  • EEBO-CITATION 99860070
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  • VID 156290

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