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Exceeding Joyfull NEVVES FROM THE TREATY CONTAINING The Acts of Agreement, between the Kings moſt Excellent Majeſty, and the Parliaments Commiſſioners, on Wedneſday, Thurſday, Friday, and Saturday laſt. Brought by the Poſt on Sunday Novemb. 5. 1648. With His gracious Speech at the Councell Table, for His preſent comming to London, and proclaiming of Peace throughout His Realmes and Dominions. And the Earl of Northumberlands Declaration thereupon.

[DIEV ET MON DROIT: blazon or coat of arms of the British royal family]

C. R.


Imprinted at London, for P. LOVNDEL, 1648.


The voice of the Kingdom touching King Charles.

VVHereas baſe degenerate Spirits would ſell or their Birthrights for a meſſe of pottage, or a deceitfull ſmile of a ſhadowing Prince induce them to a belief that He would fight for their free­doms, when they know that the people throughout all Na­tions are now ſtaves to their Princes, and cannot be igno­rant likewiſe how for many Ages together this Deſign hath been violently proſecuted againſt the free Commoners of this Nation. And could it ever be expected that Chri­ſtians ſhould be ſo inhumane, and ſelf deſtructive to ſheath their ſwords in their own bowels, and fight with their E­nemies against themſelves, to make themſelves, ſtaves to their enemies and their poſterities for ever, but that they were not ſenſible of their own freedomse, both by the Law of God, Man, and Nature, but deluded by falſe prophets, who taught the works of the Law, and not of Grace, ma­king the people believe that all power were ordained of God, and to reſiſt theſe powers.

And leſt there ſhould be any of this ſeed yet left in the Nation, ſpreading abroad this doctrine to deceive the people with theſe fallacies, I ſhall give them an explanation of the true ſenſe thereof, and repreſent theſe enſuing Articles or Charge, againſt a perfidious Prince, or an unfaithfull Parliament, viz.

1 God hath ordained all things in heaven and earth for the good and well being of man; and what power ſoever is contrary to, or acting againſt the ſame, is no power of God, but again his expreſse will and pleaſure, and therefore moſt lawfull to be disobeyed; whereupon the Parl. levyed war againſt the King, and diſobeyed his pretended power.

2 Every Officer appointed for the good of the republike4 and well-government of the people, as the King, parlia­ment, Iustices of peace, &c. is elected by the people; the King by three ſeverall voices, by way of conſent and appro­bation of the people, before his Coronation.

3 The Kingly Office as it is a great truſt, ſo the people will not admit him to the execution thereof, without He ſwears to be faithfull in performing the truſt repoſed in Him, executing their Laws and Statutes, for their peace­able government, and not otherwiſe.

4 In caſe any of the Trustees ſhall forfeit their trust repoſed in them by the people, in breaking their Oaths, vio­lating the peoples lawes, faeedoms, and priviledges, leavy­ing war against them, to deſtroy them; the people are bound by the Law of God, Man and Nature to diſobey them, and bring them to ſpeedy tryall for breach of that truſt which they repoſed in them.

5 It is lawfull for the people after ſuch breach of trust to uſe all Coercive power for bringing to condigne pu­niſhment ſuch Truſtees, and to fight with kill and ſlay all ſuch as ſhall oppoſe them therein.

And it it is further declared, That if God hath ordai­ned all things for the good of the people; what earthly principalities or powers which the people have choſen for their good, can injoyn them to obedience in deſtructive and unlawfull? Is not Salus populi ſuprema Lex, The peoples ſafety the ſupream Law? And what Lawes and powers there are contrary hereunto, are not they all void, being againſt the ſupreme and higheſt of all Lawes, to which all other must give place and precedency, and all Kings and Parliaments vaile to, and stand in feare of.


SInce my laſt, Here hath hapned ſeverall Overture; between his Majeſty and the Parliaments Commiſ­ſioners; they have had much debate upon the Propo­ſitions, eſpecially that concerning the Church, which the King ſtuck much at; but the dark Cloud being ex­pelled, and the ſplendor of the Goſpell ſhining moſt gloriouſly in the eyes of his Majeſty, He was graci­ouſly pleaſed to declare his Royall Aſſent to all the Propoſitions, and to grant His Royall Word to paſſe all things deſired by his two Houſes, that may be agreeable and conſonant to the fundamentall Lawes of this Kingdom. And as to the buſines of the Church (which is all they ſtick at) the King hath promiſed to give his concurrence therein, rather then his People ſhall ſuffer for his diſ-aſſenting. Juſt upon the cloſe hereof, news came that all things were agreed on, but the Treaty not to break off till ten at night.


About this transcription

TextExceeding joyfull nevves from the treaty containing the acts of agreement, between the Kings most Excellent Majesty, and the Parliaments commissioners, on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday last. Brought by the post on Sunday Novemb. 5. 1748. With His gracious speech at the councell table, for His present comming to London, and proclaiming of Peace throughout His realmes and dominions. And the Earl of Northumberlands Declaration thereupon.
Extent Approx. 10 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84261)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 162381)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 75:E470[8])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationExceeding joyfull nevves from the treaty containing the acts of agreement, between the Kings most Excellent Majesty, and the Parliaments commissioners, on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday last. Brought by the post on Sunday Novemb. 5. 1748. With His gracious speech at the councell table, for His present comming to London, and proclaiming of Peace throughout His realmes and dominions. And the Earl of Northumberlands Declaration thereupon. [2], 6 p. for P. Lovndel,Imprinted at London :1648.. (With a letter describing the King's assent to the Proposition of the Church, dated and signed: Newport 4 Octob. 1648. J. Rishton.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Nou. 6".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Charles -- I, -- King of England, 1600-1649.
  • England and Wales. -- Parliament -- Early works to 1800.
  • Church of England -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
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  • DLPS A84261
  • STC Wing E3767
  • STC Thomason E470_8
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  • EEBO-CITATION 99864887
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