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Exceeding True NEVVES From Newcaſtle.

Declaring the manifold Diſtractions, Feares, and Iealouſies of that City, and ſe­verall other places of Note in the Countrey.

Likewiſe a reall and exact Declaration of the particular cauſes of their diſtempers.

Set downe in as ample and exact a man­ner as can be deſired, for the ſatisfaction of all thoſe that deſire to be informed of the preſent eſtate of thoſe parts.

May 17. London, Printed for J. Horton, 1642.

Exceeding True Newes from Newcaſtle.

IT is not unknowne to moſt men gentle Reader what great Diſtractions, feares, and Jealouſies are foſtred in all parts; Nay in every Corner of this Kingdome, as hath beene made apparent by many circumſtances which will be too tedious for me to inſert in this following Relation.

Onely give mee leave to give you a taſt of the great Diſtractions, growing Feares and franticke Iealouſies of the Inhabitants in Newcaſtle, Durham, Nor­thallerton, Morpat, and many other pla­ces in the Biſhopricke and Nrthum­herland.

And firſt touching their〈◊〉actions. Merchants are diſtracted for want of Traffique, they are in ſuch a pittifull rage, that they have ſworne not to car­ry Coales for any man, they ſweare, that ſince the Peace was concluded, Coales are fallen at leaſt ſixe pence a Buſhell, which makes them curſe Peace and fall together by the eares amongſt them­ſelves, likewiſe your Gunſmiths begin to bounce and breake with a powder, for ſince the Army marcht away they have had nothing to doe but to make Key-Gunnes for which they curſe peace likewiſe, and make the blacke Pots five one againſt the other, they are all to pieces on that ſide too. The Citizens wives that had decrepid Husbands, they are diſtracted for the loſſe of their loves honeſt Gentlemen Troopers (whom they in pitty) of their Husbands weake­neſſe〈…〉ſuffered to hunt in their Conyberies: Your Alewives and Tap­ſters likewiſe, are diſtracted to ſee their Ale ſowre for want of good fellowes, their Beere converted to Vineger, they likewiſe curſe Peace till they are a dry; drinke till they are mad, then let the reſt about the Cellar, then run Tap run Tapſter, all's gone, nothing leſt but the empty Hogs-head for the Brewer to make him a Helmet on to cover his Logger-head.

The Baker that in the time of Warre made his bread of halfe wheate and halfe ſand now, cries out that his bread is dowe bak't, he ſweares he had rather have ſtood in the Pillory then to have had Peace concluded, for now he makes his bread but two ounces to light in a two penny loafe, and then hee made it foure ounces two light, yet now his bread lies on his hands, which makes him pray for warre or a deere yeare, and then the mealey mouth Rogue ſweares he will make them pay for it.

But O the generall Lamentation that there is amongſt the Maides that ſhould be the wiues that would be, and the whores that muſt, be thoſe that were Maides curſe their owne weaknes, the Brittlenes of their wares that would not endure one knock, but ever after be eſtee­med crackt Cōmodities, thoſe that haue gotten their bellies full they curſe their greedy ſtomacks, that they could not bee contented with a bit or ſo but that they muſt take ſo much as to make ſuch a damnable timpany, in their ungodly guts, nothing can cure but Luſts Lacri­mie, and the vertue of that white ſheet, which was guilty of that Venerable Banquet.

Likewiſe Churchwardens and Over­ſeers of the Poore are in a pittifull per­plexity, they are compelled to turne Quarter-Maſters, and take up all the Barnes, Stables, Stocks, and Cages, to lodge a great inviſible Army, every day being more viſible then other, to wit; young Souldiers, or the fruits of the laſt yeares warre; who now are drawne together to an almoſt incredible num­ber, for luſty Souldiers finding no im­ployment in the fields of Mars, choſe to run a Tilt in Venus Bowers, or to run at a Ring of a Maids ſetting up.

Likewiſe the late Maids but now Whores are reſolved ſo to continue, which puts the Country Fellowes into a lamentable fright, for feare they ſhould like Cowards be forc't to father thoſe Children, which by the Souldiers were ſo valiantly gotten, wherefore they were reſolved to Petition (but whom they know not.)


About this transcription

TextExceeding true nevves from Newcastle. Declaring the manifold distractions, feares, and iealosies of that city, and severall other places of note in the countrey. Likewise a reall and exact declaration of the particular causes of their distempers. Set downe in as ample and exact a manner as can be desired, for the satisfaction of all those that desire to be informed of the present estate of those parts.
Extent Approx. 5 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 4 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84267)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 156680)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 26:E147[19])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationExceeding true nevves from Newcastle. Declaring the manifold distractions, feares, and iealosies of that city, and severall other places of note in the countrey. Likewise a reall and exact declaration of the particular causes of their distempers. Set downe in as ample and exact a manner as can be desired, for the satisfaction of all those that desire to be informed of the present estate of those parts. [8] p. Printed for J. Horton,May 17. London :1642.. (Signatures: A⁴.) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Newcastle upon Tyne (England) -- History -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
ImprintAnn Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2014-11 (EEBO-TCP Phase 2).
  • DLPS A84267
  • STC Wing E3774
  • STC Thomason E147_19
  • STC ESTC R212719
  • EEBO-CITATION 99871298
  • PROQUEST 99871298
  • VID 156680

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