EXPEDIENTS FOR Publique Peace.
THough the Providence of God hath wonderfully begun our conduct towards Settlement, not through a Red-ſea of bloud, (which both our ſins deſerved, and our late condition threatned) but a Cryſtal ſtream of calme waters; and though his goodneſs hath, beyond our hopes, appeared in confounding even confuſion it ſelf, in diſſipating the proudeſt Faction that ever was, ſince the fall of Angels, and building of Babel. And (to ſpeak their own language) in bearing witneſs againſt them, not by the Event of Battel (the Appeal of Turks and4 Pirates) but by a mighty influence upon our ſpirits, firſt opening our eyes, in ſome meaſure, to ſee the things that belong to our Peace, and then moving our hearts to purſue, as mediums thereunto, wholeſome and ſound Principles; yet our reſtleſs enemies are no whit diſcouraged, but rather their malice increaſes, in meaſure, as their hopes diminiſh. Had they Charity, Modeſty, Prudence, or common ſenſe, which (one would think) the univerſal triumphs expreſt, upon the accompt of very doubtful hopes, and general ſuffrage of ſuch, as ſpeak without intereſt or deſign, might prompt unto them, it would either daunt their Preſumption, or, at leaſt, oblige them, ſeriouſly to conſider, Whether any thing in this tranſitory world, collateral to our eternall, and by experience, not neceſſary to our preſent happineſs, is worth the purchaſing with ſo much hazard to themſelves, and ruine to others; but it ſeems, that having paſſed the Rubicon of honeſty and diſcretion, they reſolve either to periſh themſelves, or ſack Rome.
And now, perceiving, they can do no good their own way, they will do what miſchief they are able, being thereto incited, by the two common enemies, (viz.) the Devil and the Jeſuite, They ſee it is too vain for them to contend for the major Vote in Parliament, ſince they can ſcarce prevail in any, even the leaſt Corporation; For the ſober and moderate Party, excluding both extremes, (whether Fanatique Common-wealths-men, or Royal Hectors) doth now carry with it the ſenſe of the people. Wherefore like Good Pilots, (if5 free booters may deſerve that ſtile) they have learned to tack about to the wind, to refine their groſs pretences, and appear no more in their own diabolicall ſhape, but diſguiſed habit of true Parliamenteers as if they had never prevaricated from their principles in the firſt Warre.
They find, (no queſtion) their own weakneſſe, in not having any colour of reaſon, or ſhadow of Authority, No, not ſo much, as the Rump of a Paliament, to countenance their Uſurpations, The legall and ſolemn diſſolution of that, which could only give them a baſis (though a very falſe and as they made, it rotten one,) having diſappointed all their projects by turning the ſtream into the channel of free, and triennial elections; ſo as, now, they muſt begin the World anew. And are forced like broken Citizens in Cheapſide, to ſet up an Alehouſe, or Chandlers ſhop in the ſuburbs to ſeek out ſome new probability of ſhifting, and ſubſiſting.
The eſcape of Lambert wil not now avail them, He is in il condition to head a Faction that dares not ſee a Conſtable on Engliſh ground; The caſe is fairly altered, Law and poſſeſsion, the City, Country and better part of the Army now ſtand right, Scotland and Ireland are good ſeconds, our Government being in the hands of a Vigilant Counſell, our Forces both by Land and Sea under the Command of an invincible Captain, The Nation concerned not only for its Liberty but its being; We are therefore I truſt reaſonably ſafe, from their batteries and aſſaults, but let us not think our ſelves ſecure from their undermining. A Rogue by profeſſion ought alwaies6 to be ſuſpected, For, if he cannot command your Purſe, he will do the beſt he can to pick it.
The moderate Presbyterian, and ſober Royall Principle do manifeſtly divide almoſt the whole Nation between them: This hath the greater part of the Nobility and Gentry, that the Principal Corporations: The ſincere uniting, and incorporating of theſe two Parties, I look upon as a matter of ſuch importance, that alone, it ſeeures and diſſipates all our fears, and renders us invincible not only to the Phanaticks, but probably (with Gods bleſſing) to any Invader. On the other ſide, their mutual diſcord (nay though it were but Jealouſie) will be a brack, (and perhaps the only brack) in our Foundation: This indeed, may once more daſh us in pieces; however, it will certainly diſpoſe us to all thoſe Dangers and Viciſſitudes, which commonly attend thoſe Governments, where the Factions are mighty, and equally poyſed; the billows ſwelling ſo high, that ſcarce any Pilot can ſteer the Veſſel to its Port, or come ſafely to an Anchor: In fine, this is like to give courage and opportunity to the Phanaticks; who, though I am confident, they can never ſettle themſelves, may nevertheleſs long diſquiet, and greatly torment us.
Of this our Enemies (a ſubtle Generation) cannot but be highly ſenſible, it being ſo obvious to every capacity; And therefore their whole buſineſſe now is, as we Proverbially ſpeak, to drive that nail that will goe: Herein conſiſts the ſum of all our fears, and their hopes; hitherto all their Jeſuited Councels tend: And they preſume they7 ſhall neither want excellent Tools to work with, nor fitting matter to work upon: the Fuel, they ſuppoſe is not like Greenwood, which will not kindle to any purpoſe, without long and induſtrious blowing the Coals; but rather like Charcoal, which being already half burned, is obnoxious almoſt to every ſpark: The memory of things paſt revived, and aggravated, the cenſure of things preſent, and evil preſage of future, is the work they have to do. Their Inſtruments are the Extravagants on both ſides, and none more then Cavaliers, whom they cunningly Cajole, by telling them, how much they preferre Epiſcopacy before Preſbytery; how much they eſteem them a Nobler Enemy, and had rather (if one they muſt chooſe) receive Lawes from them; that ſtately Elms are better then ſtinking Elders; that Charles Stuart (as they call him) is a goodly Cedar in reſpect of our late Shrubs: With many other the like Inſinuations, tending only to heighten the pretences of that Party, (naturally apt to be too vain) and ſo to fatten them for the ſlaughter: To the Rigid Presbyterians, they ſpeak in a different ſtrain, (for the Saints, I muſt tell you, have learned of their great Maſter, to appear in divers ſhapes, like a fair Lady to Gallants, and a Capuchin to Bigotts,) I ſhall not here repeat their Malicious ſurmiſes and ſuggeſtions: Their late Venemous Newes from Bruxelles, The Alarm to the Army, Plain Engliſh, and other Pamphlets of the ſame tincture, will ſoon teach you their Language, if you be not too honeſt to learn it.
8The great Concernments, and indefatigable Endeavours of this (now, God be thanked) Common Enemy, to ſow the ſeeds of Diſcord amongſt Brethren, and thereby make way for our Ruine and their own Ends, (otherwiſe impoſſible to be compaſſed) ſhould certainly convince us, that we ought, at leaſt wiſe not our ſelves, to ſerve and further their Deſigns, but rather to trace the Serpent in his crooked motions, to countermine him in his under-ground workings; and at once wiſely and generouſly reſolve (however we may differ in Trifles and Circumſtances, (which variance, doubtleſs, amongſt men of Charity and Temper muſt needs either be eaſily reconciled, or innocently continued,) yet) alwayes to unite cloſely in the Main, that our ſtrife prove but an Emulation, which of us for the future ſhall be the better Engliſh-men, (viz.) more modeſt in our Pretences, moderate in our Aſſertions, peaceable in our Conſultations, charitable in our Cenſures, & fervent only in reall Duties. To the furtherance of which bleſſed Union, or, (as it may well be ſtyled) benigne Conſtellation, there are many motives, (I think) as conſiderable, as the End propounded, (viz.) our Peace and Happineſſe can render them.
The example of your Adverſaries ſummons you to doe that for prudence and ſelf-preſervation, which they do for Malice and Faction: They who have ſcarce any Doctrines wherein they agree, otherwiſe then as Foxes tayls, to burn our Corn, little Sobriety or Temper, but what their crafty Nature, ſhrewd Maxims, and Wordly experience9 gives them, no means of Reconciliation, in caſe of diſagreement, every one being his own Authority, his own Church, (as the name of Independency it ſelf imports,) They who could never comply with any Eſtabliſhment, but the very name offends them; and when both the Peoples neceſſities, and their own, called aloud for ſomewhat of Settlement, choſe rather to rot and periſh, then to have their Ulcers any way dreſſed; yet now all theſe conſent, or rather combine, (and that very unanimouſly) againſt our Peace. Sir Henry Vane, and Sir Arthur Hazlerigge, Lambert and Scott, Rump, and Committee of ſafety, all on the ſuddain united in their hopes and endeavours, to ruine their Countrey: Nay, moſt obſervable it is, that in the midſt of their greateſt Diſsentions, (and Chaos it ſelf (I think) had not greater) they were ſo tender of deſtroying, or but branding each other, (knowing, it ſeems, their Diſeaſe to be ſuch, that Bleeding or Scarrifying would prove mortall to them) as if they had only played a Match at Foot-ball or Cudgells for the Dominion. Our Government was frequently altered without a broken Pate, or bloudy Noſe: And thoſe who ſhould have been condemned as Notorious Uſurpers, and Traytors, ſcaped either under the notion of diſſenting Brethren, or with the ſoft cenſure of Backſliders; ſo ſenſible they were of the neceſſity to connive at each others guilt: What a happineſſe and ſecurity were it to the Nation, if Perſons, in their Fundamentals ſound and Orthodox, in their Profeſsions I hope, ſincere, could arrive but at half ſo much Candour10 and Prudence, or that the men of this world were not much wiſer in their generation, then Children of light.
Matter of common principle directs and perſwades you, as ſober Aſſertors of the ſame Law, and Religion, to ſtand and fall together. It is the obſervation of your enemies (and a very true one) that you differ only gradu, not rê, you both ſubſcribe, That the Majeſty of Princes is inviolable, their Rights Divine, their Perſons Sacred; The neceſſity of outward Miſſion, Decency, and Uniformity (if it may be) in Gods ſervice: The Rights of the Miniſtery to their Tithes, by known Law and Statute, grounded upon ancient Piety and great Morality, are on both ſides equally confeſt and maintained. Theſe are the ſubſtance, me-thinks your Contentions about meer Rights and Circumſtances ſhould neither be great, nor long, eſpecially, being ſo deſtructive to mutual happineſs; me-thinks, matters might be compounded, by friendly Conference or Reference, both ſides receding and meeting each other in the way to Peace, for ſuch is the Rule of fair arbitrations; Me-thinks you ſhould reflect, how little either of you hath advanced towards his deſired ends, by long and ruinous Diſcord; you ſhould ſee, and foreſee, how little ground hath or will probably be gained, by pertinacy or animoſity; You ſhould examine, Whether it be not better now to ſecure your Conſciences, Lives, and Laws, by a ſeaſonable compliance with each other in matters not Eſſential, then ſeven, perhaps twenty years hence, after much innocent bloud vainly ſpilt, your11 Eſtares diminiſhed, your Countrey waſted, perhaps be ſubdued, and forced to buckle in all your Pretenſions, but at beſt, to purchaſe a moſt Un-chriſtian triumph, and a dear repentance even in Victory. You Cavaliers ſhould remember, That could you oppreſs or deſtroy the Presbyterians (which you muſt never hope to effect) you would but weaken your own hands, pluck down your beſt fences, and even by your Conqueſt expoſe your ſelves, at leaſt your Poſterity, to meer Arbitrary Power, and Martial Law; a condition, which few of you, I truſt, would impoſe, none of you, I am ſure, would embrace. You Presbyterians ſhould conſider, That could you extirpate the Royall party (which is yet more impoſſible) you would let in the Phanaticks as a Torrent, to whom you lie very open and obnoxious, (viz.) to be beaten with all your own weapons, and confuted with the ſame Arguments (both in Civils and Spirituals) which your ſelves invented againſt the Royalliſts.
Common Exigence, & Charity to your Countrey conjures you, to redreſs, if poſſible, her Grievances, eaſe her Burthens and Oppreſſions, redeem her Captivity, regulate her Confuſions in Church and State, reſtore her loſt Trade, and in ſome meaſure, relieve an incredible number of deſerving Gentlemen, and Noble Famelies, now periſhing, of honeſt Citizens, now dayly breaking; of hopefull Scholars, now deſparing of a bare livelihood. This cannot poſſibly be effected by the continuance of our Diſtractions, ſince Reaſon, and Experience in abundance may teach us, That Civil diſcord12 is moſt deſtructive to Piety, Virtue, Learning, and Commerce; But, could we once more ſettle upon our true Engliſh bottome, we ſhould then be young and luſty as the Eagle, our ruſt would ſoon look bright, our age renew, our bloud ſpring, our ſpirits revive; And as if there were a return of our Golden age, every one might, once more, ſit ſecurely under his own Vine; There might then again be Peace within our Wals, and Plenty in our Palaces; No leading into Captivity; No complaining in our ſtreets; The bleſſed condition of that City which is at unity in it ſelf, of that People, which hath the Lord for their God.
Common Intereſt invites you Magiſtrates to be very ſtrict and induſtrious; Subjects, in their ſeverall Capacities, active to promote, however diſcreetly paſſive, and cordially willing to embrace ſuch wholeſome Lawes, as are likelieſt to eſtabliſh Juſtice, and ſecure Property. To delight in broyles, is proper only for ſuch, as either may hope to gain, but cannot fear to looſe; or ſuch as have enriched themſelves by Fraud, or Rapine, and being now poſſeſt of Naboths Vineyard, imagine (perhaps not without cauſe) that our unſettlement is their beſt Protection: But you, whom I ſuppoſe in effect, to divide the legall Intereſt of your Countrey, the Lands juſtly deſcending, or fairly purchaſed, the Goods duely gotten, betwixt you, are certainly obliged to avoid Faction, as you would do Plunder or Sequeſtration; to endeavour a ſober accommodation of differences (if any ſhould happen) as the title Paramount, by which you muſt hold your Eſtates.
13Common danger, and neceſſity at once threatens, and admoniſhes you to joyne your Counſels and Forces for mutuall preſervation, as good mariners and honeſt paſſengers effectually do, when the Veſſel wherein they are altogether embarqued, is either diſtreſt with a Storm, or aſſaulted by Pirates. I have no deſign to aggravate your juſt fears and reall dangers, which doubtleſſe are many and great, and to moſt of you (I preſume) viſible, onely let me beg of you to uſe your talent of Reaſon; to conſult with the pillow of your Experience, to recollect your fragments of Hiſtory: which will all ſhew you your Condition, as in a faithfull Mirrour. And may I hope convince you; That God hath now ſet plenty and famine, Liberty and Thraldome, Life and Death before you, thoſe the guerdons of your Moderation, and Obedience, theſe the inevitable Conſequences of froward and peremptory diſſention: That as on your right hand, you have a Land of promiſe, the throne of David, the pomp and greatneſſe of Solomon, Or, (to go no further for inſtance, then our own ſtage,) the bleſſings which from the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, to the late unhappy Warre, this Nation, (unthankfuly I fear) enjoyed. whilſt all her Neighbours envied, ſo on your left ſtands a vaſt Wilderneſſe, The defection of Jeroboam, The Uſurpations of Samaria, the ſeditions of the Gracchi, the Conſpiracie of Catiline, the Proſcriptions of Scilla, the Oligarchy of Athens, and perhaps at laſt, Monarchy with a vengeance, in the perſon of Caligula, or Nero; Rump and Barebones, Levellers and Saints rampant, Jack ſtraw,14 and Watt Tylar, Knipperdoling and John of Leyden are at your elbowes, make your election at your perill.
The difficulty, or rather (I hope) impoſſibillity for any ſingle party (as a Party) to gain, much more to hold the power of dictating to the Nation, ſhould diſpoſe you to the ſtudy of Univerſall intereſts, (our preſent Elyxir) to an enquiry for ſuch Expedients and temperaments in Policy as in themſelves, are only ſafe, or durable, and ſurely after long hoſtility moſt ſeaſonable. The baits of faction are now God be thanked all grown ſtale, The net is now vainly ſpread in the ſight of the Bird; Rooks and Daws have both learned to ſmell Gunpowder at a reaſonable diſtance, The Foxe of ſanctyfied impoſture hath been hunted out of all his retreats. And the fury of uſurpation purſued, as it were from bogge to bogge; The fiend hath appeared in all his guiſes and hath not a Vizour left which we are not acquainted with. Neither is there (one would think) fuell for a new flame, either in our Spirirs or Purſes; Thoſe being with long ſickneſſe, and much wearineſs compoſed and framed I truſt to Sobriety and Caution, Theſe ſo exhauſted, that we are ſcarce able to pay our preſent Taxes; We have, (God knows) little plate left to carry to Guild-Hall, we cannot ſpare another fifth and twentieth part, Vaſt loans, or Benevolencies, And fifty Subſidyes at once; Publique Faith will furniſh a Faction but with ſlender ſumms, its credit being much diſparaged, by what is paſt and more ſuſpected for the future, ſo as there is little danger unleſs meer wantonneſs15 ſhould again make us to ſwagger, or our Monies burning (as we ſpeak proverbially) in our pockets, for want of other vent, ſend us to buy ſaddles, Buff-Coats, and gaudy Feathers, &c. who, I take it, have, by this time, diſcovered, that there is more uſe of bread, then Ammunition, of cloathing, then harneſſe. Fears and jealouſies muſt be real ones, if they much alarm us; It muſt appear to be indeed Gods own cauſe, before we ſhall again ſtir to propagate, or perhaps defend it, The Oath of a Tribune or word of a Vicar wil not be taken in matters of the higheſt Concernment, either ſpirituall or civill, If the Preacher ſummon us to our Tents we ſhall be apt to enquire Quo warranto; How he came by his Trumpet, whether he found his Doctrine in his text, or coyned it in his fancy; Whether Scripture and Antiquity: Or ſome very inodern Father, (I will not ſay, Pamphleteere) furniſhed him with his Arguments and proofs; Let it, I pray be added, that even our Confuſion may in this particnlar turn to our Advantage: For being diſtracted as we are with ſuch a Variety of Judgments and Intereſts which can never agree, but in the Negative, and will certainly all joine againſt any engroſſer of Dominion, that party which ſhall ſo uſurp, will ſtand as a Butt, to empty the Quiver, A meer Iſhmaell defying, and defyed by all men.
The eaſineſs of obtaining quiet, ſhould encourage you to ſeek a little for that Jewel, which (me-thinks) you cannot chooſe bnt find, it lies ſo plainly in your view, God I know theauthor of al peace, is chiefly to16 be conſulted and invoked by Prayer, that he would open our eys, encline our hearts, and bleſſe ourendevours, but then we muſt come with ſincere minds and not as St. Auguſtine moſt ingeniouſly confeſſes of himſelf that he prayed indeed devoutly againſt his Luſts, but withall, ſecretly wiſhed that God would not hear him; The truth is, our peace is not farre off, if we do not thruſt it from us, it is nigh at hand, nay it is within us Self deniall, Integrity without a worldly Byaſſe, the Chriſtian duties of forgiving, and bearing with, each others infirmity, Warineſſe in affirming, Charity in judging, Modeſty in demanding, Meekneſſe in receding, theſe are our ſure and certain guides in the way to Settlement; Every faction would have Peace its own way, All profeſſe to welcome it. But few that I hear, will meet it; For whatſoever they find to be moſt profitable or honourable or ſecure for themſelves, that they are apt to propound, as effectuall, and Fundamentall to our Peace; Not to inſtance too particularly, ſure I am, that the being of the Church, and well being of the Nation doth not conſiſt in all thoſe appurtenances, which ſome would obtrude, as neceſſary; Many of them, perhaps, are very commendable and expedient, if they may be procured without evident hazard of incurring miſchiefs, farre more conſiderable for the preſent, then their convenience; For gold may be dear bought, And that Vniformity will coſt too much, which is purchaſed with loſſe or danger of Vnity: When a ſure foundation is firſt layd, It will then be time to build magnificently, and to contrive not only for17 meer uſe, but Ornament and Accommodation. Till then all ſides ſhould learn to content themſelves, with that which may, or rather, muſt be, and not vainly expect that which never can be or at leaſt cannot now; Wherein much experience and ſome deſcretion would adviſe them, not to hunt too eagerly, or queſt too loud upon every ſcent, ſince yielding may prevail where ſtubborneſſe never ſhal: Were this Principle and Spirit infuſed into our Patriots, it were already a fair and hopefull progreſſe in their great work, for the differences which for the moſt part appear to be more in the skirts then hody of our Religion or Government, would moſt of them be ſoon accorded, and the reſt vaniſh of themſelves; Or if any ſhould yet remain, the Authority of a Parliament duely conſtituted, is a Judicature in this Nation, without exception or appeal worthy to command, if not our Active, yet at leaſt our Paſsive Obedience; A Guardian, in whoſe cuſtody, I am ſure our Liberties, and I hope, our Conſciences are very ſafe.
The zeal of your Religion ſhould provoke you to beſtir your ſelves, in a time of great need, and quitting your punctilo's, to intend the main; You all alike profeſſe to be ſincere Proteſtants, and ſome of you Zealots to a kind of tranſportation, ſo as to ſcorne Peace, where you think truth is, unleſs both conſiſt, concerned more eſpecially, tender you have alwaies been in your bowels, large in your bounty, ſedulous in your Correſpondence, forward in your Aſsiſtance towards the Evangelicall Churches in foraign parts, when oppreſſed, or but threatned with any perſecution;18 Upon this account, our late Princes have, at the requeſts of their Parliaments and people freely and frequently engaged themſelves both in Wars, and Treaties, ſometimes eſpouſing their Quarrell, ſometimes compromiſing it for them, eſpecially the French Proteſtants, on whoſe behalf our Kings have long ſtood both as Champions of their Liberty, and ſureties for their good behaviour; And indeed without our interpoſing, they muſt needs have been long ſince ſwallowed up by their mighty Foes; Their adverſary, beſides the inequality of Forces, having this great advantage, that he was their undoubted Soveraign; You cannot but hear what Monſtrous Counſells are now hatching at Rome, what ominous beginnings there are in France, all grounded upon this preſumption, That England hath other fiſh to fry; And that the work may be diſpatched before we are at leaſure to look abroad; Our Phanaticks, they, I think, are, a gagge in our mouthes, a Remora, to our Carreere, (I wiſh we find no other Obſtructions,) were we once ſetled, Rome would ſoon deſiſt, and France perhaps be made repent; But whilſt our diviſions continue, we muſt not hope to maintain our outworks, nor I fear, defend our Walls, againſt enemies ſo powerfull, and lately ſo united by their General peace which, in all probability, may ſoon ferment into a Catholique League.
Laſtly, Your common duty, above all, obliges you, (And that, not for Wrath, but Conſcience, ſake) if you muſt contend, That it be not for Dominion, but Loyalty, not with ſtrife, but honeſt emalation19 You of the Cavalier Party (who pretend to a kind of Primogeniture) ſhew now, that you are true, not only to the Perſon and Authority, but to the Intereſt of your Maſter, for which you are ready (if need be) to ſacrifice your own: That you are Royalliſts not for Faction, but pure Allegiance, and could be content to follow thoſe Enſignes, without ſuch conſiderations, as ſway only with Mercenaries: That your bleeding Countrey hath ſome intereſt in you, as well as your baniſhed Prince, and that your Loyalty hath not devoured your Charity; Confute, in Gods name, their Calumnies, who dayly repreſent you, as Perſons, whom nothing can pleaſe, but meer Tyranny, to have a Grand-Seignour for your Prince, you his Janiſſaries; The Nation, at his mercy, and your feet; Men ſo contracted in your principles, and fettered with Jure Divino's, that no Jus humanum may be admitted, or once mentioned. You Presbyterians, who (by the voice of the people, in moſt Counties declining you) may perceive, That virtue is gone out of you; and that you ſuffer not a little in your Reputation, upon former accounts; If your own Conſciences ſhall (as perhaps they may) ſecond herein the votes of your Countrey-men; Now that it is in your power not only to make amends, but merit, Pay all your arrears of Virtue and Loyalty, together with thoſe vows of Truth, Juſtice, and Modeſty which I am confident you have often made in your late Extremities; Wipe of all thoſe ſtaines at once, that for the preſent may ſeem to blemiſh thoſe virtues, which in many of you are very Eminent,20 and would ſhine bright, if theſe Cloudes were once diſpelled; Your aftergame is very good. The Law is now in your hands, and to you muſt be acknowledged the chief honour of relieving your Country in its great diſtreſſe, when alas, a Royalliſt could not hold up his hand, except it were at the Barre; Proceed, therefore generouſly and undauntedly in the performance of your own Duties, and maintenance of our Liberties, Be ſtill good Subjects, and good Citizens, Chriſtians, and Engliſhmen, let your ſtoutneſſe marry your Allegiance, and your Intereſt be ſubordinate to them both; Above all, let your moderation appear to all men, and be confident, that in ſo doing, your Countrey will bail you, and the Nation will be concerned not only in Gratitude but real Sympathy, that not any of thoſe dangers which the Phanaticks ſuggeſt, ſhall befall you, nor a hair of your head periſh.