Dated on FRIDAY night, Auguſt 5, 1642.
Auguſt 9. London Printed for Abel Roper. 1642.
NOtwithſtanding his Maieſties warrant commanding a ſtrict appearance of Horſe and Foot of all the Trained Bands of this County, wch are neere upon 12000, yet not one in ſixty appeared, and thoſe that did, were ſuch as are profeſsed enemies to the Parliament, and to make their number the more, their Brethren in Confederacie againſt the Parliament, the Papiſts, appeared with good ſtore of Horſe, but their Riders, as was deſired, were of the Proteſtant Profeſſion, an expreſſion that much enlightens our eyes, as it hath Relation to Papiſts, which next to the feare of having our Armes taken from us, cauſed ſo ſlender an appearance: looke to your ſelves in the South, for they will ſuddenly appeare there alſo in Armes, with Riders of the Proteſtant profeſſion. To digreſse no further, let me returne to our Thurſday meeting, and be pleaſed to peruſe this incloſed ſpeech of his2 Maieſties, a part of that dayes worke, wherein his Maieſty declares that hee takes it as a reproach caſt upon him, that any ſhould ſay hee hath laid ſiege againſt Hull, and yet ſuch is the impudency of ſome of the Members of Lords and Commons in Parliament, as after that Speech made in their preſence, to fram & conclude a Petition to the Parliament, wherein they expreſse the King layd ſiege to Hull, and hath now raiſed the ſame, I hope his Maieſty for this offence will make them examples, I mean the L. Faulckonbridge, M. Bellaſis, Sir William Savile, and diverſe others, I may adde this further, concerning that Petition, if they have not altered it ſince it was ingroſſed, it is the moſt daring Chalenge, the moſt inſolent language that ever was uſed to Parliament, indeed a thing inſufferable, and was ſubſcribed by the aforenamed perſons, and alſo by the Lord Savile, the L. Darcy, S. George Wentworth, Sir Tho. Denby, Sir Wil. Penniman, M. Mallorie, M. Al•brough, M. Iohn Bellaſis, Members of Parliament, and alſo by Sir Iohn Mallorie, who was drawn to it againſt his will, and by Sir Marmaduke Langdale, formerly well affected, who hath the3 Straffordian ſlavery ſtill in his memory, having never indeed beere in his right wits ſince his Lordſhip frighted him it is ſigned as I heare by none bu•by Sir Iohn Gothericke, Sir Francis Wortley, and that Crue, that under pre ence of a Guard, have endeavoured to raiſe an Army (as you now ſee) in this County, if they could: Let not the Parliament thinke that this handfull of ill-affected and malecontented perſons, have ſuch power in this County, as to be ſeconded by the Commons in this Bold-face Petition; As ſoone as the Cavaliers are gon (till then wee will be ſilent) they ſhall know our minds are contrary to theirs; they feare it; And therefore they are raiſing 800. Horſe, (Maſter Benſon their Clarke can tell you; he hath the liſt) to be a Guard to this County, but is indeed to diſarme the Round-heads, and Separatiſts, a•they call them, and under that name to leave naked all religious and wel-affected perſons, and arme none but Papiſts and Malignant Spirits; and this is the deſigne through the Kingdome: and looke to the armes of your Trained-bands betimes, or it will be too late. The deſigne of the Germain Horſe will be executed4 by theſe men, they often vow they will all dye but the Act that this Parliament ſhall not be diſſolved without conſent of both Houſes ſhall be made voyd, and then they ſay there ſhall be a tryenniall Parliament, and diſſolved as ſoone as it is called, if they continue to oppoſe the King. They are much perplexed here, that Sir Iohn Hotham cauſed a Drummer of the Cavaliers to be hardly uſed as they ſay; whereas it is a miſ-report, the affront he gave in the garriſon was great, his puniſhment but a ſport. There are divers of the Trained-bands at Beverley, guarding the Magazine which is to follow the Cavaliers (but I had like to have erred, and ſaid the Siedge is raiſed) the Trenches are caſt down, the Ordnance at Paul and Haſell, that endeavoured to ſtop all paſſages by water to Hull, are removed; the Proclamation on paine of death, that no proviſion ſhould goe to Hull, is not in force, or not obſerved, for they keepe open Market, there is no burning of wind-mils nor other hoſtile acts, here is a Proclamation in Print, of which alſo I ſend you a Copy, that the Commiſſioners of Array ſhould attach the Lord Brooke, as a Traytor, but it is ſince called5 in againe: ten Earles, five Lords, one Secretary, the Chancellor of the Exchequor, Maſter Controller, Sir Iacob Aſhley, and eight Cavaliers, are all of the Councell of War, they follow it cloſe; eſpecially ſince newes came that Portſmouth is in a poſture of opposition to the Parliament, they ſweare as ſoon as they come to Portſmouth, they will have Goring out by head and ſhoulders, for that he that betrayed the King before, and the truſt of the Parliament now, will be true to neither King nor Parliament, but turne like a Weather-cocke. The Earle of Eſſex is ſlow in appearance, Counties will be over-awed with Horſe, before ſupplies come, the Cavaliers Horſe are on their march. There is newes newly come of the roaring of Cannon at New-caſtle, the Fort at Tinmouth ſhooting at the Kings Ships, which have ſeized of ſome armes comming out of Holland, the Prebends and ſome of the Gentry of the Biſhoprick of Durham are here, and are ſo ready to advance monies, to raiſe force againſt the Parliament, that they part with the Billet-money due to the County.
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