Printed in the Yeare, 1647.
I Beleeve you are big in expectation of receiving News from theſe parts. Thus therefore. The King on Saturday was brought by a very ſmall party, under the conduct of no greater an one then a Coronet, within four miles of this place; and all the noiſe was, that he would be here, the Harbingers in the meane time buying up the whole Market. But wee (who vſually are not taken with the firſt reports of things) thought not fit hereupon to aſſemble together either in the Head or Body; whereas the Major and Aldermen (ſomewhat more credulous) fitted their Saddles and Foot -•loathes unto their Horſes, and had provided a Preſent for His Majeſty; which quickly after came as acceptable to his eares, as if to his hands. The Townſ-folkes had in all thoſe ſtreets, through which it was conceived he would paſſe, deckt their ſtalles and windowes with green boughs and whole Roſe-buſhes, and the ground all along with Ruſhes and Herbs. But the King turn'd aſide u•to my Lady Cuts her houſe; and there yet abides, whither people flow apace to behold him. He is exceeding chearfull, ſhewes himſelfe to all, and commands that no Scholler be debar'd from kiſſing of his hand: and there the Sophs are (as if no farther then Barnwell) in their Gowns and Caps: it was mirth to ſee how wett yeſterday they were admitted2 into the preſence. Generall Brown ſignifying, and furthering the Kings pleaſure unto them. Then the King had a large table of Diet: but this day (I beleeve) about to have a farre greater. For the Generall, Lieutenant-Generall Cromwell, and others of the Commanders and Councel of warre, are gone this noon to dine with him. It is conceived, that by to morrow ſomewhat may be diſcern'd.
THe Generall quarters at Maſter Buck Seniors houſe: but the report is, that it will be this night the Kings quarters.
THe court is ſtill at the Lady Cutts's houſe. The Officers of the army returned laſt night, all of them highly extolling the King for his great Improvement. Hee argued his own, and his ſubjects Caſe with each of them (one by one) to their no ſmall Aſtoniſhment. He deſired a ſpeedy Remoove from that place: but back to Holmby, and thoſe parts, he will by no meanes. He told the Generall, that thoſe, which brought him hither, promiſed, That they would carry him to New-market; and he hoped, that they were men of Honour, who would make good their words. Recreation he much deſired: and told them withall; That, if they would not take order for his Removall, he would remove himſelfe: For confident he was, that there were thoſe about him, which would further him in it. This afternoon therefore he paſſes through Cambridge to New-market-faire; for this is the day. To morrow at Botſom-beacon is to be the Generall Rendevouz, as is yet intended, though ſome do fear deep inconveniencies may enſue thereon; the Counſels being yet various, and the ſouldiers talking high, So that it is thought the appearance ſhall be but of ſome part of the army. The Vice-Chancellour had the Generall laſt night to a great ſupper: and this morning he made a Spirituall breakfaſt at St. Maries; but neither the Generall, nor any of them, were thereat: The King ſent on Saturday (So that you may diſcern, that then he thought he might have been for New-market) for Doctor Brounrigg, Doctor Collins and Doctor Comber to be in the way: becauſe he intended to ſee them: and ſo they then were: and no doubt will be to day, if ſo be the firſt be yet in town, or can have timely notice of this his March. It were infinite to ſet downe the facetiouſneſſe that flowes from his lips upon all occaſions to all: That one day may be in his Chronicle. Major-Generall Browne is much his Attendant, and gaines credit of all for Gallantry and great civility. It is conceived, that after the Rendevouz, they may fall back into theſe their quarters againe, or elſe incline ſomewhat more neere Royſton; and Royſton become the Headquarters,4 Meethinks I foreſee eminent Ruine, if not a ſpeedy peace. God of his mercy avert the former, and guide, whom it concernes, into the beſt and ſafeſt meanes of the latter. This from him, who (doubtleſſe) may ſafely write thus, even from
THe King is now (being two of the clock) gone by: He left Cambridge, and went as low as Grancheſter: to New-market, ſtill they ſay: but perchance it is to Royſton. The Rendevouz holds to morrow, but to be on Og-Magog Hils.
I Told you yeſterday that the Rendevouz, intended for this day, was like to be but of part of the Army: and it will proove true: and it is not to be at Botſum-beacon, but at Bennet Church, and the rather by way of an Humiliation-day, then a numbring their Hoaſt: There is to be three Sermons preached by Mr. Peters, Mr. Saltmarſh, and Mr. Vice-Chancellour. God grant, that they may promote his Glory and our Peace. The more Generall Rendevouz is put off untill to morrow: and to be (as is now reported) about Fulmore. The King is at New-market; and it is conceived, that they will not bring him into the Head of the Army at the Rendevouz, but ſtill quarter him at the back of the Army, rather then he ſhould be accounted pertaining unto it. The Great Ones ſtill ſpeak high in his worth, whoſe preſence and aſpect cauſed trembling in ſome of the greateſt, and their ſtouteſt; as if it had been ſome Angelicall ſalutation. What is good, or may with ſafety be, I communicate unto you: But the wickedneſſe of ſome is ſo great, as not to be made ſo open, as in paper: and I feare it will have too great an influence (in time)5 upon the hearts of many. Let me know when you returne, that I may not loſe my labour in ſending a letter more, then you in friendſhip may expect from
THe humilliation day was kept at St. Maries, and Mr. Seaman came in for the fourth man: you have (I know) a preſumption, that I was not there; but I heare, that Mr. Peters is ſtill Mr. Peters. That day and yeſterday a fellow preach't againſt him (I think, or elſe againſt his way) on the market-hill. I, with the reſt of my company, kiſt the Kings hand, and ſaw him at ſupper. So long we ſtay'd; becauſe he was all that afternoone alone in his Cloſet; at his prayers or pen; as who can conceive otherwiſe? For his treaſure might in farre leſſe time (ſure) have been runne over. He came out very cheerfully, lookes very well, and communicated himſelf very freely in Diſcourſe, with ſome two or three that attended him. That day Collonel Thomſon (formerly of the Kings Army) endeavoured, as others, to have a ſight of the King, but was not onely refuſed at the Guards, but alo diſpatcht out of the Town. Yeſterday the three Doctors were with the King, whom he lifted from of their knees; and he had opportunity of ſome lit le diſcourſe with them.
The Army removed yeſterday from us, took with them tenne loads of Ammunition from the Caſtle: and the Ordnance follow them this day. They ſeem truely to look more towards ſuch Ordnance ſtill, then the Ordinance of Parliament. I know not, how they come to take ſo great a diſtaſt againſt the Houſes. After all, that the Commiſſioners brought, was read at the Head of each Regiment, and Major Skippon had in like manner gloſſed thereon, and in a plauſable way aſſayed to be a Mediator; they firſt were ask't by Major I. Skippon, whether they had heard, and underſtood, what had been delivered, who anſwered; Yes, yes: being asked,6 next, whether they were ſatiſfied therewith? replyed: No, no: What would they then? They cryed out; Iuſtice, juſtice, juſtice. And ſo went it through the whole Army: moſt ſaying, they long enough have had faire words; others wondring, how the Commiſſioners durſt come unto them, and ſome crying, lets vote them out of the field. By the rules of ſome knowing ones I diſcerne that they intend to purge the Houſes and Synode of ſomewhat which they account deſtructive to the whole. Could they truely deſcry it, and ſet about it impartially, it might be the Crown to (what they yet have not) a victory. Their head-quarters were laſt night at Royſton, and inclining (as I am inform'd) towards Ware. W. tels one, they are expected this night at Theobals. Well then may this be Barnaby-bright, by ſuch a March, and by my letter. But I march on; though chiefely, if not freely, to tell you, that, if you feare ſuch approaches may (as doubtleſſe it will) breed diſtraction in the City, then my affection bids you, Come out of her, come out of her &c. To the beſt cauſe, I wiſh the beſt ſucceſſe; and to my friends, ſafety, and (if it pleaſe God) Peace unto us all.
Let me not be forgot to any that likes well of my being
I Cannot heare how the Generall and Commiſſioners parted: but by the Soldiers, they were hooted out of the field. Neither was there ſo good Correſpondency between them and the Generall, as to ſup or break faſt together, whil'ſt they were here in Town.
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