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Elixir Magnum Vitae: OR, The Great ELIXIR of LIFE, Being the most admirable Cordial-Drink, and its ſingular Vir­tues, never before made Publick; is now expoſed to Sale, as the most excellent Preſervative of Humane Bodies, for the gene­ral good of all Perſons.

THis Famous ELIXIR VITAE, was firſt brought into England by a Perſon of Quality, that for many years had travelled into moſt parts of the Chriſtian World; who being a Curi­ous Inſpector into Nature, and about Forty years a Stu­dent in Phyſick, for his own Delight and Satisfaction, (but never for Profit or Gain) moſt happily found out this Secret or Arcanum, the on­ly immediate Helper or Reſtorer of Nature; and has freely Adminiſtred the ſame, very frequently to his Friends in particular that ſtood in need thereof, as alſo to divers other Perſons in his Travels, both Rich and Poor, to his great Commendation; and that is that Medicament that he always made uſe of, and called it his Jewel.


And Note, That this Cordial-Drink, or Great Elixir, is generally eſteemed (and highly valued) by all perſons, that have tryed it to be the moſt Incomparable, and far exceeding all Drinks or Elixirs, that has hitherto been expoſed to Sale in this Nation.


The Vertues of this Great ELIXIR of Life, are theſe, viz.

IT is very prevalent againſt all inveterate pains of the Head, and de­fends the Brain from all noxious Fumes that ariſe from a foul Stomach, or the defects of the Spleen, watry and windy Vapours, which cauſe re­maining un-remov'd occaſions very unwelcome (and ſometimes fatal) effects, as the Vertigo Megrim, or Giddineſs or Swimming in the Head, alſo a Miſt before the Sight, or an uncomfortable Dimneſs in the Eyes; in ſome perſons they feel as it were a heavy weight on their Heads, o­thers are ſubject to fall, like thoſe with an Epilepſy, or much diſcom­pos'd like thoſe who are Paraletical; in others it produces Vomiting, and pains in the Head by fits, which is occaſion'd by a Coſtive body, but if this Elixir be apply'd, it certainly keeps the whole body open, and carries off the cauſe of theſe and almoſt innumerable other Maladies to admiration. It is moſt excellent in the cure of Sore and Rhumatick Eeys; for it takes away the internal cauſe, and wonderfully ſtrengthens the Sight, it alſo diverts ſharp Rheumes that fall upon the Throat and Lungs from the Head; thereby cauſing ſometimes Impoſthumations, Quinſeys, dry Coughs, or Hoarſeneſs; and in ſhort, ſo much impares the Lungs, that a ſhortneſs of breath, or Ptiſick follows, and in ſome, te­dious and lingering Conſumptions.

It is infallible in the recovery of thoſe that have loſt their Smelling, or Taſting, it cures Impoſthumes or Stuffing in the Head, or Noiſe in the Ears occaſioned by cold; it preſerves Hearing even to old age, and ve­ry much ſtrengthens the Memory, and comforts the Animal, Vital, and Natural Spirits.

'Tis of excellent operation in procuring a loſt Appetite, helps bad Di­geſtion, and the ſtoppage of the Stomach; and thereby reſtores lan­guiſhing Nature and Melancoly, drooping Spirits. After any long ſick­neſs it procures a freſh quick and lively habit of Body, it powerfully op­poſes all black, aduſt, and complicated Humours, which are the grand Enemies of Nature, this Elixir being frequently taken, draws them out of the Veins and Arteries, and thereby purifies the whole Maſs of Blood. It alſo removes all pains from the Heart, and perfectly cures all ſtoppage of Flegm in ſuch perſons that are frequently in danger of being ſtifled in their ſleep for want of breath; it alſo gives eaſe to aged perſons in the Ptiſick, and infallibly cures thoſe that are young.

If this Rich Cordial be conſtantly taken for ſome conſiderable time, it certainly cures the GOƲT in thoſe that have been long tormented therewith; in others it ſtifles it as it were in the Birth, extracting from3all parts of the Body, thoſe crude and viſcous Humours, which may well be called the very Spawn and Nourſher thereof, and this has been often verified in many perſons by experience to their great ſatisfaction, it alſo frees the Joynts of all Diſeaſes incident unto them, to admiration; and infallibly expels clotted and putrified blood or corrupt matter by Stool and Urine, and thereby many internal Diſeaſes have been cured, as Impoſthumations in the Kidneys or inward parts, Ʋlcers therein, or in the Bladder, Surfeits of many years ſtanding, or dangerous Impedi­ments occaſioned by inward cold, which otherwiſe might have ended in Death; and be aſſured there is no Medicament in the World comparable unto it in carrying off the dangerous effects of Drinking and Debauche­ry; for it immediately ſettles the Brain and Stomach, ſweetens the Breath, which will be ſtrongly tainted thereby, and procure a good Appetite It alſo brings away the Stone or Cravel by degrees, either in Bladder or Kidneys, to a Miracle; nor is there a better or more effectu­al Remedy to be had; for firſt it diſſolves the Stone, and then expels it into Sand as fine as Flower, in the Urine; and not only ſo, but it total­ly deſtroys the Matter or Humour, which is the original cauſe thereof. This Famous Elixir, never fails to repair or reſtore the decayed or wa­ſting Kidneys of Men or Women, and it certainly cleanſeth both thoſe, and the Reins alſo of all Putrefaction and Imperfections whatſoever, and thereby creates a free and wholſom paſſage of Urine.

It is ſingularly prevalent againſt the Kings-Evil, Jaundice, Dropſy, and Scurvey; and 'tis a moſt ſure Remedy againſt the Cholick, or Gri­ping of the Guts; and Bloody-Flux in young or old; it ſtops Vomiting to admiration. Alſo this incomparable Elixir of Life, is ſo great a Friend to the Female Sex, that they cannot deſire a greater, as relating to Health, which by all rationall perſons is (or ought to be) eſteem'd above all the Wealth in the World. It infallibly cures them of all unhappy Obſtructions in Body, and thereby makes them capable of Conception.

'Tis a certain Remedy againſt the Green-ſickneſs of all ſorts, and ſup­ports Nature in her priſtine Strength and Vigour, procures a good Com­plexion, ſweetens the Blood, and in fine puts the body into a very ſound and healthful poſture, as can in reaſon be deſired.

Moreover, it is moſt admirable in killing the Worms of all kinds, in young or old, as has been experienced by Thouſands to their great com­fort: and it ſpeedily (and no leſs effectually) frees the Liver and Spleen from all Obſtructions, and thereby cures the Fits of the Mother and Spleen, Falling-ſickneſs, and all other Fits; It is a moſt excellent Medi­cine for Nurſes, for it cleanſes and throughly purifies the Blood, and thence proceeds good and wholſom Milk, and conſequently healthy Children.

4This Elixir of Life never fails in curing the Rickets in Children, as alſo the Chin-Cough, by opening the paſſages, it ſtrengthens, cleanſeth and heals, and carries off thoſe ſharp Humours that occaſion the ſame.

It is moſt excellent in the alleviating the Burning heat in the Parlms of the Hands or Soles of the Feet, for by a due application hereof, it gives the Patient convenient refreſhment, and is ſo friendly to nature, that it rarely fails to take away the cauſe of a Diſtemper, and then it follows moſt certainly that the effects muſt ceaſe.

It cleanſeth the Spermatick Veſſels of all crude Seed and Matter, and maketh the body lively and fit for Generation, and by that means hel­peth Barrenneſs It alſo expels Poyſon, and is very effectual in rooting out the cauſe of all Agues, and Feavers; and is not only an Antidote, but a moſt excellent Cordial, in that Infectious and Mortal Diſeaſe of the Plague, from which, Good Lord deliver us.

This incomparable Elixir is more pretious than Gold, and will cer­tainly (by Gods aſſiſtance) preſerve life in the greateſt danger; there­fore let none ſpoil its Operation in uſing their bodies to other Phyſick, if a ſick perſon be not doomed to Death, or his life by Divine Permiſſion not yet Terminated, no better Medicament need be adminiſtred, and whoever uſes themſelves to this Elixir, will very rarely have the Small Pox or Meoſles

It is a moſt excellent Medicine for thoſe that go long Voyages to Sea, and preſerves, as well as cures, thoſe which are afflicted with the Scur­vey, and 'tis no leſs excellent for all perſons that in the Summer time frequently drink Mineral Waters, for it carries off the Dregs and Fecies that are uſally left, and too often of very dangerous conſequence.

The World would undoubtedly put a high value upon this Elixir, did they but know its admirable Vertues, in purifying and ſweetning the whole Maſs of Blood, and conſequently fortifying the Spirits, and there­by put the whole body in ſo ſound and healthful a condition, that few Diſeaſes ſhall be able to aſſault or offend it, ſince moſt Diſtempers muſt certainly vail (if Life be not terminated by God Almighty) to its inno­cent, but prevalent Vertue and Operation.

Directions for the Adminiſtration of this Great Elixir of Life.

THe Doſe muſt be given thus, (conſideration being had to the age and ſtrength of the Patient) from the age of twenty and upwards, no perſon need take any more than three or four ſpoonfuls at moſt, except it be in very ſtrong Robuſt bodies, who are naturally Coſtive; but in bodies of a more tender nature, they may being with two ſpoonfuls, or5 leſs if they pleaſe; but it muſt be taken at night going to bed, be it two, three, or four ſpoonfuls, and the ſame quantity muſt be taken alſo the next Morning. The manner of its Operation will be as it finds cauſe, in ſome it will work in ſix hours, in others in eight or ten, according as Humours abound, and the body is afflicted with different Diſtempers. this Cordial works frequently by Stool Urine and Sweat, but never by Vomit; 'tis a Medicine of ſearching nature, and thereby expels thoſe occult Maladies which are deſtructive in the end to all humane kind, nor is like to other Purging Medicines which uſually leave an uneaſy bin­ding or aſtringent quality behind, but 'tis in reality of a Balſamick na­ture, that heals and ſtrengthens ſo accurately, that it leaves the body in a moſt excellent vigorous condition to adminiſtration. Children in the Month may take it thus, viz ſix, eight, or ten drops in any diſtill'd Wa­ter as ſhall be thought fit, and as the Infant, grows on from one month old to twelve, you may encreaſe your drops (as reaſon and diſcretion will direct) till it amounts to half a ſpoonful, and then alſo qualify as aforeſaid, and to Children of two years old, give them one moderate ſpoonful, and to thoſe of four years old, a ſpoonful and a half, for thoſe of ſeven years of age, two ſpoonfuls, and for ſuch as are older, uſe your diſcretion.

All perſons that accuſtom themſelves to the uſe of this Cordial-drink, will from its firſt doſe be very ſenſible of its ſtrengthening quality it leaves behind, and ſo gradually increaſes or augment the ſame, till by Gods aſſiſtance an infallible cure be perfected.

For all ſudden Indiſpoſitions, or Cold taken, uſe this Elixir for three Mornings and three Nights together, and by the bleſſing of God, it will very rarely fail to perform a cure, let the Malady be what it will; but for old Diſtempers that have been habitual and continue inveterate, no perſon can reaſonably expect that a ſmall quantity ſhould effect a cure; but having followed the aforeſaid Directions, let the perſon take two ſpoonfuls at Night, and the ſame the next Morning for eight or ten days, after which reſt a week from taking any more, that nature may receive the undoubted benefit intended by this admirable Cordial; in any fits give a large doſe.

Note, That the firſt two or three days doſes, do but ſtir up the Hu­mours, which are afterwards by a continuation thereof, moſt happily carryed off; and the Diſeaſe (by Gods bleſſing upon the means) per­fectly cured, and Health reſtored, to the great joy of the Patient that long languiſhed under the malignancy of his Diſtemper.

Now in the Griping of the Guts, according to the ſtrength of the Pa­tient, may be taken four or five ſpoonfuls, leſs or more, as cauſe requires,6 and it muſt be repeated again in five or ſix hours, and the ſame again the third time, if need require, and you not doubt of a cure.

This Elixir is very excellent for ſuch perſons that are weak and Con­ſumptive, and for ſuch alſo that have a weak Digeſtion, for it very much comforts and ſtrengthens the Stomach, as is before expreſt; and in order to this, the Patient may take a ſpoonful before Dinner, and ano­ther after a few days, in the performance whereof the Stomach will be ſo well cleanſed and ſtrengthned, that of neceſſity the Patient will have a moſt excellent Appetite: Take the ſame quantity aforeſaid in an old Ptiſick-Cough, either before the fit, or after.

Note, Likewiſe, that this moſt excellent Elixir of Life, doth far ex­ceed all Cordial-Drinks, Waters or Sweating Medicines whatever, for they cauſe great weakning Sweats, and fails in carrying off the groſſer matter, but this Cordial expels much of the peccant Humour by a kind of Tranſpiration or breathing through the Pores, and laſtly evacuates the groſſer matter from the very Center of the Body, to the great comfort and ſatisfaction of the Patient.

And let me adviſe all perſons for their own good, as they expect the benefit of this Elixir, to be very exact and careful in following theſe full Directions.

And laſtly obſerve, that it may be taken in a ſmall quantity at any time of the day, as an Antidote to prevent Diſeaſes, for 'twill be no hindrance to buſineſs, nor need it be ſeconded with Broth or Poſſet-drink, as other Purging Phyſick is: It is ſafe for all ages, perſons, and Seaſons, in the hotteſt Summer and coldeſt Winter, when critical Di­ſeaſes reign moſt, and other Phyſick cannot be ſafely, then may this.

In all fits give a large Doſe. It has been found by experience to be a moſt incomparable Remedy in the higheſt Feaver, even when they Rave: It may be taken at any time, according to the perſons ſtrength, for it immediately quiets the Spirits, and cheers and comforts them; and at the ſame time ſtrengthens the Heart, and drives out the orginal cauſe by Sweating and by Stool; ſo that in few days the perſon will be re­freſhed, and the Feaver abated to a miracle: They muſt apply it two or three times, or as there is occaſion; this has in five or ſix hours in­fallibly cured many perſons, as is found by daily experience, which no reaſonable perſon can deny.

This great Cordial comfortably cleanſeth the Bodies of Women after Child-bearing; and it alſo effectually cleanſeth the bodies of all perſons after the Small-Pox, or Meaſles, and carries off all Dregs and poyſo­nous blood which the Diſtemper has left behind: It is likewiſe good for thoſe that are well, to take two or three Bottles of it at Spring and7Fall, by the way of prevention; for note, That all violent Purges fail in doing what this Cordial daily does, for their great ſpeedy paſſing through the Body, generally leaves the ill effects of the Diſtemper behind.

This Rare ELIXIR for the Publick good, and the benefit of the Afflicted, is expoſed to Sale, at the ſeveral places following.

  • MRs. Andrews, Pewterer, at the end of Gardners-lane in King-ſtreet Westminſter.
  • Mr. James Porter, Barbar, at his Shop in St. James's-Market.
  • Mr. Richard Mills, at the Sign of the Golden-Faulkon, in the Pall-Mall.
  • Mr. Thomas Potter, Barber, at his Shop at St. James's Gate.
  • Mr. Richard Burton, at the Sign of the Worlds-End in Knights-bridge.
  • Mr. Francis Hopkins, at the Sign of the Gentleman-Archer, in Compton-ſtreet in Soho-Fields.
  • Mr. Bartlet, Distiller, at the Sign of the Turks-Head in Bedford-ſtreet Covent Garden.
  • Mr, Parker, at the Sign of the Bulls-Head in King-ſtreet Bloomsbury.
  • Mr. Christopher Conyers, Barber, in the ſame Street.
  • Mr. John Vallers, Shoe-maker, next door the Blackmoors-head in Exeter-ſtreet near Covent-Garden.
  • Robert Good, Comb-maker, at the Sign of the Box-Comb near Turn-Stile in Holbourn.
  • Mr. John Peark, Peruke-maker, at the Sign of the Golden-ball, over a­gainſt St. Clements-Church in the Strand.
  • The Widow Johnſons Coffee-houſe, over againſt the new Church in Ger­man-ſtreet.
  • Mr. Haſelwood, a Tobacconist, at the Golden Sugar-Loaf in Long-acre:
  • Mr. Wates, next door to the Sign of the Sun in Peter-ſtreet, Westmin­ſter.
  • Mr. Chantrel, Milliner, at the Golden-Bodies in great Turn-ſtile-Alley in Holbourn.
  • Mrs. Young, in Middle-Row in Old-ſtreet, at the Sign of the Dripping-Pan.
  • Mr. William Hawkins, at the Sign of the Wheat-ſheaf, in Hatton-Garden.
  • Mr. Yeoman, Milliner, next door to the Sign of the Feathers in Clare-Mar­ket, near Clements-Inn Back-gate.
  • Mr. Robert Clave, at the Sign of the Three Compaſſes near the Old-Swan by London-Bridge.
  • 8Mrs. Fuller, at the lower end of Brook-ſtreet, at the Sign of the Two Pe­rukes and Crown in Ratcliff.
  • Mr. Thomas Stroud's Coffee-houſe, near St. James's Gate.
  • Mr. Peter Andrews, a Cane-man, at the Gray-Hound, near Fleet-bridge.
  • Mr. Nicholas Hicks, Broker, at the Sign of the Hand and Lock of Hair at the upper end of Middle-Row in Holbourn.
  • Mr. Thomas Prince, Grocer, at the Sign of the Three Sugar-Loaves in Hatton Garden.
  • At Neds Coffee-Houſe in the Pav'd Alley in Austin-Fryers by Broad-ſtreet.
  • Mrs Mary Beck, Grocer, in Good-mans Yard in the Minories.
  • Mr. Stephen Orchard, Slop-ſeller at Shadwel dock.
  • Mr. Edward Hews at the Sign of the Dog in Stone-ſtreet, near St. Mario­vers-Stairs.
  • Mr. William Kean, at the Sign of the Three-Faulkons at the hither end of Newington
  • Mr. Nicholas Pool, Faulconer at the Faulkon in Twitnam.
  • Mr. John Wiſe, Comb-maker, in Thriſt-ſtreet in Soho-Fields
  • Mr. Brumigham, in Spittlefields near Biſhopſgate-ſtreet.
  • Mrs. Ellots, the Gloceſterſhire Coffee-houſe, at the lower end of the Old-Jury.
  • Mr. James Norcock, Snuff-maker, and Perfumer, at the Jeſſaminio-Tree and Snuffing-Gentleman next the King-Head-Tavern in Fleet-ſtreet, near Chancery-lane,
  • Mr. Henry Coley, at his houſe in Baldwins-Court, over againſt the Old Hole in the Wall, in Baldwins-Gardens.
  • Mr. Richard Jones, Bookseller, at the Sign of the White Horſe in Little-Britain.
  • Mr. Nathaniel Thompſon, at the entrance into the Old-Sping-Garden, near Charing-Croſs.

The Bottle contains half a pint, price 2 s 6 d.

About this transcription

TextElixir magnum vitæ: or, the great elixir of life, being the most admirable cordial-drink, and its singular virtues, never before made publick; is now exposed to sale, as the most excellent preservative of humane bodies, for the general good of all persons
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationElixir magnum vitæ: or, the great elixir of life, being the most admirable cordial-drink, and its singular virtues, never before made publick; is now exposed to sale, as the most excellent preservative of humane bodies, for the general good of all persons 8 p. s.n.,[London :1670-1680]. (Caption title.) (Imprint from Wing (CD-ROM edition).) (Reproduction of original in the Folger Shakespeare Library.)
  • Medicine -- Formulae, receipts, prescriptions -- Early works to 1800.
  • Medicine, Popular -- Early works to 1800.

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