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ELIZA'S BABES: OR THE Virgins-Offering.

BEING Divine

  • Poems,
  • and
  • Meditations.

Written by a LADY, who onely deſires to advance the glory of GOD, and not her own.

LONDON, Printed by M. S. for Laurence Blaiklock, and are to be ſold at his Shop neer the Middle-Temple Gate.



LOoke on theſe Babes as none of mine,
For they were but brought forth by me;
But look on them, as they are Divine,
Proceeding from Divinity.

To the READER.

WHen firſt the motion came into my minde, that theſe Babes of mine, ſhould be ſent into the world; I would faine have ſuppreſt that motion, for divers reaſons which may be imagined, by them, that ſhall read them: But eſpecially by thoſe, that knew my diſpoſition. But riſing one day, from my Devotions, it was ſuggeſted to my conſideration, that thoſe deſires were not given me, to be kept in private, to my ſelf, but for the good of others.

And if any unlike a Chriſtian ſhall ſay; I wrote them, for mine owne glory. I like a Chri­ſtian, will tell them; I therefore ſent them a­broad; for ſuch a ſtrict union is there betwixt my deare God and mee, that his glory is mine, and mine is his; and I will tell them too, I am not aſham'd of their birth; for before I knew it, the Prince of eternall glory had affianced mee to himſelfe; and that is my glory.

And now to all ſuch ſhall I direct my ſpeech, whoſe brave ſpirits may carry them to high de­ſires. Place not your affections in your Youth, beneath your ſelves; but if you would be happy on earth, and enjoy theſe outward bleſſings, with free and lawfull contentment; beſtow your firſt affections on my Almighty Prince. I would have you all love him, and him to love you all. I being his, muſt doe, as he will have mee: and methinks, hee directs me to tell you, that you ſhall never bee happy on Earth, nor glorious in Heaven, if you doe not love him, above all earthly things. More, I muſt tell you, that if you will dedicate to his ſervice, and preſent into his hands, your wealth, witt, ſpirit, youth, beauty, he will give you wealth, if leſſe, more uſefull: your witt more pure, your ſpirit more high, and tranſcendent, and your youth and beauty, which time will ſteale from you, or ſome malignant diſeaſe, with paine, rend from you; them he will lay up awhile for you, and returne them againe for eternity, with great advantage. And that you need not doubt of the certainety of what is told you, they that tell it you have found part of it true, and ſhall the reſt. I cannot be content, to be happy alone, I wiſh you all bleſſed too; nor can I ſmother up thoſe great and infinite bleſſings, that I have received from him, with private thankes. That Great Prince of Heaven and Earth, proclaimed by Angels, that he was come into the world, to ſhew his good will and love to mee; was here content, to dye a publique death for me, to ſave me, from a Hell of miſery; in which I lay, and ſhould have layen, had not he, the Prince of Peace, and the faireſt and chiefeſt among the ſons of men, ſhed his moſt preci­ous and royal blood, for mee; and before he dyed he left word, that I ſhould not feare, for it was his great and glorious Fathers will, to beſtow on us a Kingdome. And was ſo great a Prince, not aſha­med to avow ſo great affection and love to mee, and ſhall I be aſhamed to returne him publique thankes, for ſuch infinite and publique favours? No: I will not, but with all my minde, heart, and ſoule, I bleſſe and praiſe my Almighty God, for ſo great benefits, beſtowed on me, his unwor­thy ſervant. Methinks it is not enough for my ſelf onely to doe it, but I muſt ſend out my Babes, to doe it, with mee, and for me: And if any ſhall ſay, others may be as thankefull as ſhee, though they talk not ſo much of it; Let them know that if they did rightly apprehend the infinite mercies of God to them, they could not be ſilent: And if they doe not thinke the mercies of God worth publique thankes; I doe, and therefore I will not be aſha­med, to be that one in ten that returned, to acknow­ledge himſelfe a cleanſed Leaper. And now my Babes ſome may ſay to you, unleſſe you had been more curiouſly dreſt, or more finely ſhap'd, your Mother might have kept you in obſcurity. Tellhem, I ſent you to their more learned and refined wits, to forme you to a more curious ſhape, and tyre you in a more inticing dreſs. But this I will ſay for you, You want none of your limbs, and your cloaths are of rich materials. I dare not ſay, I am loth to let you goe: Go you muſt, to praiſe him, that gave you me. And more Ile ſay for you, which few Mothers can, you were obtained by vertue, borne with eaſe and pleaſure, and will live to my content and felicity. And ſo Adieu: But ſtay! Something you may truly ſay for your own imperfections, and your Mothers excuſe, That ſome of you were borne, when herſelf was but a child; but

My joy, my bliſſe, my happy Story
In Heaven is writ, and that's my Glory.
Pſalme 56. Verſ. 10.
I Glory in the word of God,
To praiſe it I accord.
With joy I will declare abroad,
The goodneſs of the Lord.
All you that goodneſs doe disdaine,
Goe; read not here:
And if you doe; I tell you plaine,
I doe not care.
For why? above your reach my ſoule is plac'ſt,
And your odd words ſhall not my minde diſtaſte.

And when you read theſe lines, miſtake not a Divine affection, for a Poeticall fancy; for I affect not to expreſs my fancy, but I would have my fancy expreſs my affection.

The Invocation.

Come Sacred Muſe to mee this day,
And ever here, make you a ſtay
Within the cloſet of my breſt
For I with thee, doe finde great reſt
My ſweet Companion, here thou art,
Dear Lord, Let it not from me part.
From thee, this gift, I did receive,
To thee, the ſame I doe bequeath.
Aſpire, aſpire, my minde, aſpire,
From earthly things unto the higher.
Set not thy minde on baſe deſires,
But thinke upon the heavenly Quires,
Of Angels ſweet, that ſinging be,
And ſtill the face of God doe ſee.
Admiring much, his wiſedome great,
And glorious ſweetneſſe of his ſeat.
Then hie my Soule to that ſweet place,
Where glory is, with mirth and grace.

The Requeſt.

Come ſweet Spirit expell my feare,
Aſſure me that thou haſt a care
Of me, and of my giddy youth,
Aſſure me of it, ſtill for Truth,
That thy Spirit ſhall me direct,
And that thy power ſhall me protect.
Then ſhall my ſpirit be at reſt,
And with ſweet thoughts my ſoule be bleſt;
When that I know, thou loveſt me,
And that my youth ſhall guided be,
By that Spirit, that doth diſpoſe,
All for the happineſſe of thoſe,
The which be ſervants unto thee;
Bleſt be thy Name, that ſo made mee.

The Anſwer.

HIs Spirit much thou doſt deſire,
His Spirit much he will inſpire.
What thou deſireſt, that ſhall be,
Thou haſt thy wiſhes granted thee.
With thee, needs muſt I wiſh to live,
That mak'ſt me wiſh what tou wilt give.
Lord harden thou my heart, as hard as ſteel,
And loves vaine paſſion, let me never ſeel,
Onely in Heaven, my ſoul ſhall ſeek her reſt,
In Heaven perpetually to be bleſt.
On Earth a while I muſt tormented be,
Becauſe that ſin, too much abides in me.
It is the injoying of thy Spirit,
That makes my ſoule here, true joy inherit.
And here to ſhew me that thou hat'ſt my ſin
Thy Spirit like the Sun-beams, is drawn in.
Then doth my Soul, full wo, and ſad remaine
Till that ſweet ſpirit doth appeare againe.
Then when thy Spirit, againe reigns in me
Then comes my joy, away my paine doth flee.
For when thy Spirit my Soul doth injoy,
Nothing can then, my happy Soul annoy.
For why? No cauſe of ſorrow, I can ſee,
Becauſe, beyond my ſelfe, it raiſeth me.


FRom this diſtraction, Lord my poor ſoul bring,
That ſtill thy heavenly prayſes, I may ſing.
For this diſtemper doth my ſoul affright;
My Lord, it takes from me, all my delight,
And pleaſure that I had, in ſerving thee.
This trouble great, vaine folly brings to me.
If from thy holy ſervice, I be tane,
No comfort can I find, but endleſſe paine.
For what can yeeld our Souls here true content,
If to ſerve thee, we are not wholly bent?
For here I ſee vaine pleaſures, quickly fly,
And that which I did love, muſt ſurely dye.
But in thy ſervice, if I pleaſure take,
And thy ſweet word my whole delight do make.
That word doth ſtill my drooping ſoul aſſure,
That for the beſt it ſhall be all to me,
If patiently I doe awaite on thee.

Of Submiſſion.

WHat comes to me, Lord comes from thee?
Nought comes to me, but comes from thee.
What though, againſt my will it be,
If thou it fitting ſeeſt for me.
Let be, and Maſter thou my will,
That I thy ſervant, may fulfill
Thy holy will, and thee obey:
Make me obedient be, I pray.
If I obey thy Majeſty,
I need not fear, although I dye.


WHat though my morning be debard of light,
For me thou ſhalt break forth, a noon moſt bright.

The onely Comforter.

WHat in this world doe I deerer eſteem?
Or greater in my minde, here ſtill do deem?
Then that Spirit which floweth ſtill from thee,
Which makes my ſoule in happy bliſſe to be?
For nothing in this world, here can me pleaſe,
Nor yet my Soule, from paine and grief can eaſe:
But thy ſweet ſpirit which abides for aye,
For theſe vaine worldly things, doe fade away.
My ſoul immortall, did proceed from thee,
And pleas'd with mortall things, ſhe cannot bee.
You earthly pleaſures, I can uſe you all,
But treaſures of my ſoule, Ile not you call.
Goe flee vaine pleaſures, for ſure all muſt grant,
Nought can us pleaſe, but what is permanent.
In thee my Lord, my ſoul alone is bleſt,
In thee alone, I doe attaine ſweet reſt.

The Soules Flight.

WHither away, my Soule, do'ſt high,
That thou ſo fain, from me would'ſt fly?
Sure it is, to ſome holy place;
That thou thy ſelfe, there may'ſt ſolace.
Thou wilt not here abide with me,
But goe to God, there to be free.
To him thou liv'ſt, to him thou flyeſt,
That is the reaſon that thou higheſt.
And here I wiſh thee not to ſtay,
I wiſh to Heaven, thou mighſt away.
From Priſon oft, I wiſh thee free,
That thou mayſt be at liberty.

The Virgins Offring.

WIth thee, bleſt Virgin, I would bring
An Offering, to pleaſe my King.
Two Turtle Doves, thou didſt preſent,
Can there be better by me ſent.
A Lambe more pure, then they could be,
I heard was thither brought by thee.
Theſe two ſmall Turtles now of mine,
To him, I do preſent with thine.
The Lambe will ſerve for thee and mee,
No better offering, can there be.
Thus with thee, Virgin doe I bring
An offering will pleaſe my King.

To my Doves.

YOur life, I ment not, till my death
Might give you freedome with my breath.
And when I breath'd in Heavens Aire free,
I did intend your libertie,
But offer'd now, you ſure muſt be,
A Sacrifice of thanks from mee.
When we are dead, we cannot give,
Our offerings muſt be while we live.
Two Doves, no Phenix, you muſt be.
I muſt ſee that live, comes from me:
You as an offering, goe from me,
But on your wings, my heart muſt be.
My heart now free, from all deſire,
But what is kindled by heavens fire.
To him, I doe preſent, as free,
As ever he did give it me.
I on your wings, would ſore aloft,
And ſtill live free from humane thought.
Accept great God, what I preſent,
Thy glory is my Souls intent.
Goe now my Doves, and ſoar aloft,
The drooping heart raiſe you full oft,
To ſuch a heigth, bear it away,
That it may ſee celeſtiall day,
And never lett it on earth reſt;
But leave it in Heavens glorious breſt.

The Trimph.

SIth thou from thrall haſt ſett me free,
I will ſing prayſes unto thee.
Thou haſt brought me from Temptation,
And fild me with contemplation
Of thy heavenly habitation,
In which lives a glorious Nation,
Which triumphantly doe ſing,
Praiſe and glory to their King.
No darkneſſe, nor no dolefull night,
Obſcures their Viſion of delight,
No noiſe doth interrupt their voice,
They doe inceſſantly rejoyce.
Mayſt thou my Soule, now be ſo bold,
That glorious place for to behold,
And ſay, how that faire Cities bleſt,
In which the righteous ſhall have reſt.
The wals are rais'd of Gems more bright,
Then are the Diamonds here in ſight:
The Saphire, Diamond, Ruby fine,
Their beauty in each one combine.
The other Gems their luſtre bright,
With them doe give ſo fine a light;
That like the Rainbow it doth ſhow,
But far more bright, you'l think I know.
Moſt glorious things, are ſaid of thee
Thou City, where the mighties bee,
The ſtreets, are of the pureſt mold,
Exceeding farr, the brighteſt gold;
And from Gods glorious Throne doth ſpring
A River that ſweet pleaſures bring,
Adorn'd with many a goodly tree,
Which freſh and flouriſhing ever bee.
They doe not onely pleaſe the eye,
But heal the wounds, would make us dye,
Nor fruitleſſe doe their trees appear,
But pleaſant fruit yeeld all the year.
I doe not wonder, fruit ſo rife
Upon theſe goodly Trees of life.
No change, doth in this place appeare,
No ſcorching heat, nor cold is here.
This heav'n the bright Lamb his wife gives,
And ſhe in this place alwayes lives.
She is more lovely then the Roſe,
Freſh, faire and beauteous, and ſtill goes,
In long white Robes, ſo pure and clear,
Like Orient Pearl ſhe doth appear:
And on her head, a Crowne more bright,
Then is the Sun, here in our ſight.
The pure white Lilly, at her feet,
And pleaſant Roſe there ſtrive to meet;
For all their beauty and their grace,
Is from reflexion of her face.
Theſe lovely flowers doe never fade,
But for eternity were made.
How can this place but pleaſing bee?
When here ſuch pleaſures you may ſee!
And in this place, you may behold,
The ancient Martyrs Crown'd with gold,
With Palms of Victory, in their hand,
Which were giv'n them at Gods command.
By a bright ſtreame like Chriſtall pure,
The bleſſed Saints ſit ſafe and ſure.
In a faire Grove, pleaſant and ſweet,
They with great joy each other meet.
And they recount, their troubles paſt,
And their tranſcendent joyes at laſt.
The Quires of Angels, ſtill do ſing
Continuall praiſes, to their King
Like them, let me, be praiſing thee,
While here on earth thou'lt have me bee.
Here let me drinke, deep of that ſpring
That flows from thee, and I ſhall ſing,
Sweet praiſes to thy holy name:
My tongue and hand, ſhall ſpeake thy fame,
I ſtill muſt end my God to thee,
All praiſe and glory given bee.

To my Siſter. S. G.

HEavens bright ſhining ſtar, ſhine in thy face,
Thy mortall body, with rare vertues grace.
I wiſh thoſe beams may ſtill thy ſoul inwrap,
That Satan may not thy ſweet ſoul intrap.
From his malicious ſnares, I wiſh thee free,
That thou mayſt have thy ſoule at liberty.
Set not thy heart upon theſe fading pleaſures,
Thou art an heire to heavens eternall treaſures.
Their vain delights will not abide, but vaniſh
From thy pure ſoul, in youth them quickly baniſh,
If thou delight in them they'l breed thy paine,
But if thou baniſh them, then ſhalt thou gaine
To thy high-borne Soul immortal treaſure,
Celeſtiall joy, true eternall pleaſure.
Then here on earth thy heaven thou ſhalt begin,
For pleaſures vaine, intice thee unto ſin.
Vaine pleaſure ſoon, Sweet Siſter doe thou fly,
That ſin in thee, may fade full ſoon and dye.
Fix thou thine eyes on that faire Sun of light,
Who aye inwrap thee in his beames moſt bright
Dazle and blinde thine eyes, to earthly things,
Ope them in Heaven, where his ſweet angels ſings.
He bring thy ſoul to that immortall place,
Where like the Sun ſhall ſhine thy mortall face.
I know you pleas'd will be, to hear of me,
If I am bleſt or happy, you ſhall ſee.
My Soul, I therefore now have ſent you dreſt,
When ſo ſhee's tyr'd, ſhe cannot but be bleſt.
My glory and my Lord have tane from me
The garments of ſad mourning, you ſhall ſee:
Upon her head a Crowne of joy he'ath plac't,
How can ſhe be but happy, when ſo grac't.
The bright faire robe of honour ſhee hath on,
Which can be giv'n but by himſelfe alone,
Seeing he hath dreſt me for his throne of glory,
But I muſt ſtay to act another Story.

Canticles 2.

THe Winter is paſt, the Summer is come, I will now ſolace my ſelfe in the Vineyards of my beloved; for he will guide me here by his Counſell, and at length receive me to his Glory.

The Rapture.

MOſt people hover here below,
Too neer the earth, Ile not doe ſo;
But Ile ariſe, and to Heaven goe,
I will not tarry here below.
This earthly ſtate's, too meane for mee,
Ile flee where the bright Angels bee,
That ſtill the face of God doe ſee,
With them, my Soul can beſt agree,
'Mong them Ile ſet me downe and ſing,
The praiſes of our glorious King,
By him we have our bleſt being,
We with delight his praiſes ſing.
Still in this Rapture let me bide,
And from this pleaſing bliſſe nev'r glide,
But be like to the Eagle ey'd.
I have juſt now methinks deſcride
The glorious Sun in Heaven ſo bright,
On this tranſcendent throne of light;
It dazles now my humane ſight;
The luſte of it is ſo bright.
I would not now with mortals be,
To tell them in what bliſſe are we.
Let them ariſe, and come to me,
If they would know our dignity.
O let me not to earth now goe,
How dark and hideous, it doth ſhow,
They crawl like Ants methinks below,
Among ſuch Creatures I'de not goe.
But if to earth thou wilt have me,
To doe what thy will doth decree;
Let me deſeend more willingly;
By me thy will muſt acted bee.
But yet before I goe away
Grant I beſeech, for what I pray,
Or let me here with thee ſtill ſtay,
Take no offence at my delay.
Oh let thy heavenly Sun of light
With me ſend down his beams moſt bright,
So to my ſoule ſhall be no night,
She being inwrapt in Heav'ns bright light.

The Flight.

ELiza for, aske now not here,
She's gone to heaven, to meet her Peer.
For ſince her Lord, on earth was dead,
What tarry here! ſhe'd not, ſhe ſed.
And to the heavens, ſhe took her flight,
That ſhe might be ſtill in his ſight,
And ſo to us ſhe bid adieu,
But prov'd her ſelfe a lover true.

The Life.

IF as men ſay, we live not, where we are,
But where we love,
I live above.
For what on earth, or yet in heaven is there
Deſir'd can be,
'Tis none but thee.
Great God, thou onely worth deſiring art,
And none but thee, then muſt poſſeſſe my heart.

My Wiſhes.

I Wiſh no wit to wrong my Brother,
I wiſh not wealth to wrong another;
I wiſh no beauty to enthrall,
I wiſh no worldly wiſh at all.
I wiſh from ſin God would me bring,
I wiſh for heaven, at my ending.

Ʋpon a paine at heart.

GOd laid his hand upon my heart,
To ſee, if I would from it part:
I was content to let it goe,
I lik't it beſt to have it ſo;
For then no more it ſhould be pain'd,
When it with him a place had gain'd,
But hee'd hav't here, a few more dayes,
An Inſtrument unto his praiſe.

The Portion.

WHat if the world on me ſhould frown,
Thou art my Crown;
If wealth and beauty part away,
Thou art my ſtay.
Let others count this world a hell,
In it I'me well;
No wonder, if I happy be,
Sith, I'me in thee;
For why? in thee all bliſſe doth dwell,
Then here to me can be no hell.

The Friday before Eaſter.

WHy ſhould I now, lament & moan?
The bleſſed ſeed, to day was ſown,
Shall never in the earth decay,
But riſe in triumph, the third day.

On Eaſter day.

A Riſe and ſee, why doſt thou ſleep,
The bed of earth, could not him keep,
The Sun is riſſe, that made the day,
In grave, thou needs fear no decay.
Thoſe glorious beams hath made the earth,
A place to give thee a new birth.
From Mothers wombe thou cam'ſt to be
A Creature of Mortality;
From wombe of earth, thou rais'd ſhalt bee,
A creature like the Deity;
When thou art pleas'd, that I ſhall dye,
I am content in earth to lye:
There ſhall I ſafely lye and reſt,
Till thou wilt raiſe me with the bleſt.
Though I could wiſh, that it might bee
As were my childiſh thoughts in mee,
That like Elias I might riſe,
On Cherubs wings, in Chariot wiſe:
To thy bright heaven, where I might bee,
There cloath'd with immortality:
Thoſe thoughts were childiſh tis confeſt,
In grave I muſt be ſor heaven dreſt.
The earth a while, my body muſt retaine,
Though as a King, my Soul in heaven doth reign.

The Pavillion.

ON thy fair wings, moſt ſacred Dove,
Let me be rais'd, with thee on high
Unto the heavenly God of Love,
Where I ſhal reſt me quietly.
No ill ſhall there my Dove affright,
I'le bid all feare on earth adieu,
For I am now at ſuch a height,
As cannot reached be by you.
In this Pavillion I ſhall ſing,
Though I may ſee you fly at me,
I am aſſur'd by his bright wing,
He will not let me wounded bee.

The Submiſſion.

MY ſoul to Heaven would haſt & fly,
And there make ſuit, that I may die
Becauſe from heaven ſhe is detain'd,
Lives in a body ſometimes pain'd:
And in her glory cannot be,
So long, as here ſhe ſtayes in me.
But that thy will ſhee doth reſpect,
And looks to what thou haſt elect,
And will contented be to ſtay;
That here thy will, ſhe might obey:
She wiſheth rather to pleaſe thee,
Then in her glory for to bee.

The Change.

VAine world, when as I loved thee.
Dire ſadneſſe ſtill poſſeſſed me,
But ſince I lernt to diſpiſe thee,
Sweet joys and gladneſſe filleth me.

The Choice.

HEavenly treaſure,
In ſome meaſure
Haſt thou here unto me ſent,
Yet I would dye,
And to heav'n fly
To poſſeſſe a full content.
My ſoul's ſweet joy
Nought doth annoy:
But my body's ſometimes pain'd,
I cannot bee
From all ill free,
Till bright heaven, I have obtain'd
Here the ſtory
Of thy glory
Is that which doth me delight;
But ſure more joy,
With no annoy
Muſt be in thy Palace bright,
With ſpeed thy will
Let me fulfill,
And take me to thy heavenly light.

The Reſt.

FRom Heaven ſtill flows ſuch ſweet Celeſtiall joy,
That this earths troubles ſhall not me annoy;
For I above them ſhall ſet ſafe and free,
And underneath me ſhall them gliding ſee.

The morning Star.

BRight morning ſtar of heavenly light,
Riſe to my Soul, and baniſh night,
And with thy fair bright beams expell
Thoſe clouds that make this world like hell:
And with thy ſweet attractive power,
Raiſe thou me, to thy bliſſefull bower:
Where being rais'd, let me aye reſt,
Fixt in the Region of thy breſt;
Where like a bright ſtar I ſhall ſhine,
I being array'd in rayes of thine.
And to the darkeſome world ſhine bright,
I living in thy glorious light.

The worlds farewell.

NOw to the world I bid adieu,
I'me haſting better things to view:
To Heavens faire Palace ſhining bright,
It may be I may fly to night,
And'mong bright Angels ſpend my time,
To hear and ſee, but what's Divine:
And with an Orient light be clad,
And live like to the Angels glad;
For what makes me ſo joyfull here,
Cauſe in thy robes, I ſhall appear.
Lye thou my body in theeath,
Till thou ſhalt gain a better birth.
From earth thou cam'ſt ſpotted with ſin,
And thither ſo return'ſt agen.
When thou art purified then I
Shall take thee and thou ſhalt not dye:
And when the Trumpet thou doſt hear,
Thou in thy glory ſhalt appear.
A King doth come to bring that lott,
Which he himſelfe for thee hath got,
A Kingdom 'tis, of joy and glory,
And now, I end my earthly ſtory.

The Swans.

FAire Swans, you now beyond me go,
In pleaſant Robes, like pure white ſnow,
But I ere long ſhall be more bright,
In faire eternall robes of light.
Your fair robes fall and fade away,
But my bright robes, ſhall nev'r decay.
You ſing they ſay, before you dye,
But when I'me dead, then ſing ſhall I.

To a friend at Court.

REtired here content I live,
My own thoughts to me pleaſure give.
While thine owne actions anger thee,
Sweet quiet thoughts contenteth me.
This bleſſing ſweet retiredneſſe brings,
We envy none, but pity Kings.

Chriſts Kingdome.

WIth you bleſt Angels, I muſt ſing,
That brought the news of heav'ns great King
That from bright Heaven awhile did part,
To raiſe his Kingdome with my heart.
Before he came there was great ſtrife,
To lead me to a helliſh life:
But like an humble Babe cam'ſt thou,
Yet made thoſe mighty powers to bow.
Thou didſt regain me for thy right,
For I at firſt ſprang from thy light,
Satan aſide a while drew me,
But could not keep me Lord from thee.
When thou haſt caſt off that foule fin,
Thy Kingdome in me didſt begin,
And here thou wilt ſtill reign in me,
Till I ſhallcome and reigne with thee.
A thy approach, black ſhades did vaniſh,
And from my heart thou fearc didſt baniſh,
And in their room did light appear,
And joy inſtead of dreadly feare.
Sweet joy and peace, thou didſt bring me,
How can I chuſe but ſing to thee:
To my great God all glory be,
Thou plac'ſt his Kingdome here in me.

Vaine thoughts baniſht.

A Dieu vain thoughtt, Adieu, Adieu,
My Soule no more delights in you,
You'r no companion for my ſpirit,
I muſt a heaven of bliſſe inherit.
Your darkneſſe dims my ſouls cleare fight,
And you debar me of heavens light:
When free from you I heaven can view;
Vain thoughts, I now will baniſh you.

My intention.

GO vaine invention, get you hence,
With me make not your reſidence,
Court not my Muſe with fine invention,
To praiſe my God tis my intention,
Lord let no line be writ by me,
That excludes, or includes not thee,

Earths honour ſlighted.

OF Earthly honour tell not me;
The vanity of it I ſee:
Tis like a flower that ſoon doth riſe,
If ruffly ſtruck it falls and dies.
But that bright honour which I priſe,
Sweetly ſprings up and never dies;
And's like the Sun whoſe pleaſing ray,
Doth baniſh night, and bring the day:
His pleaſant ſweet attractive light,
Raiſeth me to a heavenly hight.
With this fair honour being dreſt,
I'me free from fear, and live in reſt.
'Tis heavenly honour I eſteem,
All earthly honour vain I deem:
The one is made to fall and dye,
I love what bides eternally.

Luke 20. 36. In that world they ſhall be equall to the Angels.

HEre like the Angels let me be,
And as thoſe bleſſed ſpirits free:
From vaine engagements let me bide,
And as they with thee ſtill reſide.
Like them I'me made, by my new birth,
But I'me ſtill wrapt in robes of earth.
Through a darke mantle I thee ſee,
But oh that I unwrapt may be.
This bleſſing now on earth me give,
That like thine Angels I might live.
So ſhall my ſoul ſuch ſweet joys find,
That earthly things I ſhall not minde.

Ʋpon the morning riſe.

NOw welcome ſweet and pleaſant Morn,
Doe you not thinke, that I you ſcorn:
Cauſe with a more Orientall light,
Imbelliſht is my bleſt ſpirit.
With thanks I ſtill you entertaine.
For by your light, my eye-fight gain:
But you are darkneſſe, to that light,
That is diſcride, by my ſouls ſights.

Ʋpon hearing the Birds ſing.

SWeet Birds with you Ile ſet and ſing,
Due praiſes to our heavenly King.
Like you me thinks, I am as free,
So made great divine Prince by thee.

My Robes.

I Will not now to thee Lord come
As I from Adam came,
But I will come as in thy Son,
His Robys ſhall hide my ſhame.
He is my Spouſe, and my lov'd Lord,
In him thou loveſt me,
I to thy will would ſtill accord,
And with him ſtill agree.
In his bright Robes, I will preſent
My ſelfe to thee and ſay,
To doe thy will is my intent;
In him I thee obey.
Thou canſt not now, Lord me reject,
Thou muſt me perfect ſee:
His beauty both on me reflect,
I'me beautifull to thee.

The Dart.

SHoot from above
Thou God of Love,
And with heav'ns dart
Wound my bleſt heart.
Deſcend ſweet life,
And end this ſtrife:
Earth would me ſtay,
But I'le away.
I'le dye for love
Of thee above,
Then ſhould I bee
Made one with thee.
And let be ſed
Eliza's dead,
And of love dy'd,
That love defi'd.
By a bright beam, ſhot from above,
She did aſcend to her great Love,
And was content of love to dye,
Shot with a dart of Heavens bright eye.

Of Poetry.

POets they ſay are always poor,
But tis not they are at thy door.
They cannot chuſe but wealthy be,
For why? Rich poems flow from thee.
'Tis they that clime the hill, is none of thine,
But goe for aid unto the Muſes Nine.
No wonder though ſuch fools are poor,
That goe for Alms to a wrong door.
They ſeek to them to get their wealth,
Who have too little for their ſelfe.

To the King. writ, 1644.

TO thee, Great Monarch of this Iſle
I ſend my Babes, pray make them ſmile;
For yet methinks tis in thy power,
To make them ſmile, or let them lower.
They'r children to that Prince of might,
Who is the Prince of peace behight.
Do not with war my Babes affright,
In ſmiling peace is their delight,
My Prince by yeelding won the field,
Be not too rigid, dear King yeeld:
Examples that are great and high.
I hope you'l follow, fix your eye
On my great prince, that is your King,
He left a Heaven, you peace to bring.
A Kingdome I'de not have you leave,
But rather three reform'd receive.
All bliſſe and peace I wiſh to you,
Let us in peace, your preſence view.

To the Queen of Bohemiah.

LOng ſince, it was by me defir'd,
To ſee that Queen ſo much admir'd;
But well I knew, t'was not for mee,
Great Princeſſes to goe to fee.
But thraldomes key, did let me out,
And trouble brought my wiſh about,
By thraldome then I freedome gain'd,
By trouble my deſire obtain'd.
I then did ſee her ſo admir'd,
And thy rich graces Lord inſpir'd.
A minde ſo great and bravely beare,
What in the moſt breeds care and feare.
A ſpirit high ſo humble bee,
To deigne her ſweet regards to me.
Her I admire, and for her pray
On earth ſhe may live many a day:
And when this earth ſhe ſhall forſake,
That into heaven, thou wouldſt her take,
Where ou a Throne ſhe may be Crown'd,
And with bright Angels compaſt round.

The Lover.

COme let us now to each diſcover,
Who is our friend, and who our Lover,
What? art thou now aſham'd of thine,
I tell thee true, Ime not of mine.
And you will ſay when you him ſee,
That none but he, defir'd can bee,
He is the onely pleaſing wight,
Whoſe preſence can content my ſight.
For He's the pureſt red and white,
In whom my ſoule takes her delight:
He to the flowrs heir beauty gives,
In him the Roſe and Lilly lives,
His pleaſant haire with feemly grace,
Hangs by his faire ſweet lovely face,
And from his pleaſing eyes do dart
Their arrows which do pierce my heart.
Theſe beauties all are richly grac'ſt,
For on his head, a crown is plac'ſt,
Of glory, which doth ſhine ſo bright,
As mortall eye can ſee this light,
This lovely Lord's, the Prince of Peace,
In him, my joyes will ſtill increaſe;
For he's the true, and conſtant friend,
Whoſe love begun, will never end.
From Heaven he came with me to dwell,
And ſav'd my ſoul from direfull hell,
'Tis he alone my heart doth gaine,
That keeps me from eternall pain.
While here I live, here he will bee;
Death cannot ſeparate him from me:
And when I dye, he will me place,
Where I ſhall ever ſee his face.
Into his glory, hee'l take mee,
This doe I know, this ſhall you ſee
And now you know my loved friend,
My loves begun, it will not end.

The renowned King.

LAdies! if beauty you deſire,
Or to high fortunes doe aſpire,
Come now with me I have deſcride,
A Prince, that to all, can you guide.
He is a King of great renown,
And on your head can place a Crowne.
And with immortall beauty bleſſe,
Can you wiſh more? yet wiſh no leſſe
If you deſire this Prince to ſee,
Then leave the world and goe with me,
To true Eliſian fields, i'le guide
You, where I this great Prince eſpi'd.
The holy leaves of Sacred writ
Are thoſe Eliſians, there let's gett,
Where with joy we ſhall him finde,
This glorious Prince will pleaſe your mind
He's like the Roſe in Sharon fields,
Pleaſant to ſight, and ſweetneſſe yeelds,
With ſweet and faire, from his bright face,
The Lilly and the Roſe gets grace,
With ſerious thoughts now him behold
If you him love you may be bold,
And in his preſence ever bee,
His beauty will reflect on thee.
If thou get beauty from his face,
He will you take from your mean place,
And on his Throne he will ſet thee,
Where with his Crown thou crown'd ſhalt bee,
That beauty ſtill with thee will ſtay,
Time will not carry it away.
That Crowne ſhall no man take from thee,
But thou ſhalt wear't eternally.

To my Siſter, S. S.

SWeet Siſter, Let us in Heaven greet,
Since here on earth we cannot meet
Hard by that ſtream of Chriſtall pure,
To meet thee there I will be ſure.
That ſtreame which from this Throne doth riſe;
Whoſe waters pure cure our ill eyes:
Then let us ſit us downe and reſt,
No enemies ſhall us there moleſt.
Lets leave our bodies here as dead,
When thus our Soules to heaven are fled:
Where we poſſeſſe a raviſht joy,
When as the world lies in annoy.
Let's take thoſe waters now and drink,
'Twill make us then no more to think
Of theſe baſe follies here below,
Dear Siſter, let us both doe ſo.
Then let us ſet us down and tell
By whom we were redeem'd from hell,
T'was he that ſits on you bright Throne,
Wrought our redemption all alone.
Who would not now their ſoules prize high,
For whom ſo great a Prince did die.
Come let us up thoſe ſtreams and ſee,
Where thoſe bright glories ſitting bee.
There Three in One conjoyn'd we ſee,
And yet each Perſon differing be.
There ſets our powerfull God alone,
Upon his glorious heavenly Throne,
At his right hand ſits his dear Son,
Oh! Who would think he'd let him come
From that bright Throne to ſuffer here.
And for our ſakes vile to appear.
Ten thouſand, thouſand Angels bee
Tending about his Throne you ſee:
They ſing the praiſes of that King,
Oh hear, how rare, and ſweet they ſing!
My ſenſes now are raviſht quite,
My Soule is fill'd with ſuch delight,
That if I now my choice might have,
They ſhould my body lay in grave,
And ſay, That I did chuſe to dye,
And let my body on earth lye,
Till it moſt glorious ſhould bee,
Like to Thoſe Angels that we ſee.
The holy Spirit there doth bide,
For in the Son they all reſide.
No bodily preſence doth appear,
But of that God that ſufferd here.
Theſe glories cannot limned bee
By my frail pencell, well I ſee.
Now let us down thoſe banks, like green.
Rich Velvet, whereupon are ſeen
Bright orient Pearl, and Rubies fair,
Strow'd on the velvet here and there,
Bright Diamonds ſcattered there doe lye,
Look! there ſprings up the violet by:
As if a pride that ſweet flower took,
Her face in that bright Gem to look,
The pure white Violet doth delight,
To hang upon that Ruby bright,
The ſweet Carnation Pink that growes
By that rich Pearl, howe fine it ſhow's.
Now let us on theſe ſweet bancks reſt,
Methinks we are divinely bleſt.
Look by thoſe chriſtall ſtremas, there grows
The Lilly fair, and lovely Roſe.
How in the waters they doe ſhow,
Bright er then they do where they grow.
A Luſtre fine thoſe waters give
Unto thoſe plants that by them live.
Come let us now goe walk and ſee,
Like whom we ſhall hereafter be,
See there Elias doth appear
Like to the Angels that are here,
I did forget; we ſhall in light,
Be like his glorious body bright,
But hark! Methinks I hear one ſay,
Thou muſt from Heaven to Earth away:
You muſt your children goe and teach,
How they this bleſſed place may reach,
Twill be a pleaſant ſight to ſee
Their faces like thoſe Angels bee,
The which ere while, we did behold,
In Robes more bright then is the gold;
The which on earth we think ſo fine,
When we in thoſe baſe mettals ſhine,
But yet before you goe away,
Here me a little what I ſay:
If croſſe you find things goe below,
On earth a while it muſt be ſo,
Let it not trouble your bleſt mind,
In Heaven you ſhall no croſſneſs find,
If any aske you how I fare,
Then tell them ſure I'me free from care;
For I'me in heaven, you left me there.

The Viſion.

WHy from celeſtiall bliſs, did you
Draw me? theſe meaner things to view,
Through thoſe faire gates of pearl, get I
And that moſt pleaſant wall paſt by,
Up that pure river ſtrait I went,
That from the throne takes his aſcent,
Then to the glorious throne I got,
Where I did ſee, O God, what not:
For whatſoever doth excell,
In thee, doth in perfection dwell.
That glorious Luſtre and bright ray
Made me forget my mortallday.
Me thought that fine Orientall light,
Made me like it appear as bright.
From theſe ſweet joyes why draw you me
My ſelf in meaner Robes to ſee?
For ſince I us'd to heaven to go,
All things on earth do ſordid ſhow.

The Heart.

TWo hearts in one breaſt can there not remain,
The one heart puts the other heart to pain.
My heart I will ſtill keep, take thou thine own,
My heart is happy when diſturb'd by none.
Without a heart I know you cannot live,
Therefore your own I freely to you give.
Mine is in Heaven, and will admit no change,
To leave my reſt in heaven, on earth to range.
I'de have it written in my happy ſtory,
None had my heart but heav'ns great prince of glory
My youths affection, to him I did ſend,
None can have any but what he will lend.
From mortall thraldome deare Prince keep thou me
So though on earth, I as in heaven ſhall bee.

The Bride.

SIth you me ask, Why borne was I?
I'le tell you; twas to heaven to fly,
Not here to live a ſlaviſh life,
By being to the world a wife.
When I was born, I was ſet free,
From mortals thraldom here to bee;
For that great Prince prepar'd a bride,
That for my love on earth here dy'd.
May not I then earths thraldom ſcorn,
Sith for heavens Prince I here was born?
If match't in heaven I weare a Crown,
But earthly thra'dome puls me downe.

On the day dedicated to the God of Heaven.

LOrd, if this day belongs to thee,
No part of it pertains to mee.
Then ſith this Day, is wholly thine.
Let thoughts and actions be divine.
Let my ſoule, be divinely clad,
And let me be like Angels glad.
With Angels food, this day feed mee,
And let heav'ns Nectar my drink bee.
And to compleat my hearts deſire
Send downe a beam of heav'ns bright fire.
By it let me that pure path ſee,
That leads to glorious bliſs and thee.

The Defiance.

COme now tumultuous flouds and ſhow,
Your ſpite by tumults, you ſhall know,
Eliza's plac'ſt above your reach
Upon her ſoul you make no breach,
Unto the world, you do let ſee
You'd have her looſe, but gain ſhall ſhee.
What you can get ſhe doth not mind,
Her treaſure lies not in your wind.

When my Brother was ſick.

IF that my Brother thou wilt take from me,
Lord with thy will make me contented be.
But if it be, thy bleſſed will my Lord,
To my requeſt to bend and to accord.
And if no harm, to him, that it might bee
In this requeſt, then gracious God hear me,
And grant, that well and long, he here may live,
And honor thee, and glory to thee give.
And be an inſtrument here of thy praiſe,
And in thy ſervice, ſpend and end his daies.
But if in his young years, my Lord thou pleaſe
From paine and grief to take him unto eaſe.
And if thou fitter doſt my Brother ſee,
With thee to raign in glory, then to be,
Here ſubject to a world of ſlaviſh fears;
For in this mortall world we muſt have cares.
Onely in heaven we ſhall ſweet freedom gain,
In heaven, there is no fear, no care, nor pain.
Then to thy holy will, my gracious Lord,
Make me thy ſervant ever to accord.
And if to Heaven thou wilt my Brother take,
I pray thee teach my ſoul for to forſake
Vain earthly thoughts, and flee from earth to thee,
So with my Brothers ſoul my ſoul ſhall bee.
My wiſhes are, thoſe beams may raviſh thee,
That wrapt me now in ſweet felicity.

The Guard.

YOu bleſſed Angels, that ſtill live,
And tendance on us mortals give,
From my moſt dear Lord you are ſent,
To tend on me, for the intent,
From harm and danger me to keep.
You are my guard while I do ſleep,
I do not grudge for to confeſſe,
Nay my poor ſoul can ſay no leſſe;
I am unworthy of that favour,
Granted to me from my Father,
That you on me, ſhould tendance give,
Yee which in glory ſtill do live.
I have offended him each hour,
And done the ill lay in my power.
Then you, that ſtill obedient be,
Oh! why ſhould you attend on me.
This is a myſtery full deep;
You being righteous, ſinners keep.
My God I pray thee make me know,
Why thoſe bleſt Angels ſhould do ſo?
For ſhould I my deſerts conſider,
My judgement thus I muſt deliver,
Into the pit, and dungeon deep
Where Satan is adjudg'd to keep:
Where fire and brimſtone raging be
Where pain abides perpetually,
Into this place of miſery,
There ſhould I goe, when that I dye.
Go leave thy thoughts, thy own thoughts leave,
And from thy God, anſwer receive.
From that fierce place of miſery,
Thee for to ſave, the Lord did die.
And though no ſin he did commit,
He of his goodneſſe thought it fit
To take thy ſins, and quit them all,
And bid thee then no more to fall.
And tells thee, thou needs not to fear:
For why of thee he takes the care.
And that on earth while thou doſt live,
For tendance on thee he will give.
His Angels charge, thee to protect,
And be the guard of his Elect;
His mercy is the onely reaſon
We are ſecur'd from Satans Treaſon.


I Am my Gods, and he doth let me ſee
In hima true and ſweet felicity.
Thoſe ſprings of joy, that riſe ſtill freſh in me,
Proceed my dear ſweet heavenly Prince from thee

On ſudden Death.

IF thou in haſt ſhalt ſend for me
Great God to live in Heaven with thee,
Though to ſome minds it ſodain be,
It is not ſodain unto me.


LOrd thou doſt bring a heaven with thee,
Then where I am a heaven muſt be,
For thou art ever Lord with mee.

The Giver engaged to the Receiver.

THou ſaiſt thou art ingag'd to me
For what I give, when I'm to thee:
Thou doſt accept a gift that's poor
For it I have ten thouſand more.

The Sun Beames.

THy bleſſings, like the Sunbeams bee
Reaching from heaven to earth on me.
Like a rich Canopy they ſhow,
Spreading from Heaven, doth round me flow.
'Tis not abundance rich makes me,
But a ſufficiency from thee.

To my Brother.

ELiza ſaies when as ſhe dies,
Shee'l baniſh tears from all your eyes,
Unleſſe for envy you will weep,
That you could not her bleſt ſoul keep
From her eternall bliſſe and joy,
Tolive with yours in earths annoy.
When you have brought me to my grave,
Then tell the world, tis what I'de have,
Yee need not ſay you left me dead,
But ſay, I am laid in my bed.
Where I ſhall ſafely lye and ſleep,
For heavens great Emperor doth me keep.
'Mong Kings and Princes that attend.
Till to our glory we aſcend.

What I Love.

GIve me a Soule, give me a Spirit,
That flyes from earth, heaven to inherit.
But thoſe that grovell here below,
What! I love them? I'le not do ſo.

The onely bound.

MY boundleſſe ſpirits, bounded be in thee,
For bounded by no other can they be.

The Chriſtians happineſſe.

GOds high Spirit ſhall thee direct,
His Angels ſhall thee ſtill protect.
They ſhal thee guard, while thou doſt ſleep,
They from all evill ſhall thee keep.
So thou no evill needs to fear,
Becauſe of thee God takes the care.

The Retribution.

IF thou art pleas'd to have my heart,
Accept it Lord from me,
Sith thou doſt chuſe it for thy part,
I give it none but thee.
Mine eyes to thee I doe preſent,
Accept them now of me;
For thou unto me haſt them lent,
They doe belong to thee.
Thus heart and eyes, and all are thine,
That doe belong to me.
Before I knew that they were mine,
They were all made by thee.

Gods Commands eaſie.

MY Lord! how eaſie is thy will
Do, as I would be done unto.
Thy holy Law I then fulfill,
And give the Lord his praiſes due.
Why ſhould I to another doe,
What I would not have done to me,
All praiſes to thee Lord, is due,
For all we have proceeds from thee.


GLory to my gracious Lord,
Who to my wiſhes doth accord,
While here I live, I muſt thee praiſe,
For as in Heaven I ſpend my dayes.
For nought doth here my ſoul annoy,
But I poſſeſſe a Heaven of Joy.
And when from this bliſſe, thou'le take me,
In glorious Heaven my ſoul ſhall be.

The Companion.

WHo doth an heavenly Muſe injoy,
Regards not this vain worlds annoy.
Nor can they ever be alone,
Heavens Muſe is there Companion.

Ʋpon the loſſe of my Brother.

WHen loſſe of ought would thee torment,
Cry; 'tis thy will, Lord I'me content.
My love muſt not divided be,
'Twixt Earth and Heaven, thou'lt have me ſee.
My brother from me thou haſt tane,
But yet content I muſt remaine.
A Brother and a friend was he,
But much more thou wilt be to me.
When thoughts of abſence moves a tear,
Thy will is, that I ſhould forbear,
He went not but by thy decree,
And I muſt not diſpleaſed be.

On the Sun.

AT height of noon, it cannot be,
That I can fix mine eyes on thee,
But when at ſetting; I am bold,
With ſetled eyes thee too behold,
Converter of Atheiſtick thought,
Thou wert to me, when as I ſought
A remedy againſt that ſin,
Which I too deep was falling in.
Some one above thee muſt make thee,
Thou govern'd by a God muſt be.

Being told, ſhe was proud.

MY body, it muſt ſurely dye,
Off to be proud then what have I.
Yet proud, if they will have me be,
My high-borne ſoule, it is of thee.
But Lord, my Soul, is none of mine,
Shall I be proud, of what is thine?
As being thine, from pride I'me free,
It is enough I'me freed by thee.

My pleaſing Life.

SWeet quiet, ſweet obſcurity,
Here in this life, beſt pleaſeth me,
Till from earth's thrall I ſhall be free
To live in glorious bliſſe with thee.
When from earths tumults I am free
To contemplate great God on thee
A heaven of bliſſe in thee I ſee
How can this life, but pleaſing be.
Nothing of thee merit I can
But yet when free from thrall of man,
I can thee ſerve with heart more free
Then from that thraldome ſtill keep me.

To a Lady unfaithfull.

THe Prince of heaven being in love with you
Did to his glorious Kingdom, bid Adieu.
The heaven, he was awhile content to leave
To ſee, if you would his chaſt love receive.
You did belong to him, when he you ſent
Into the world; but you from him ſoon went,
And his chaſt love, ſo pleaſing and ſo ſweet,
You left your wanton Paramour to meet,
With his unlawfull love you pleas'd your ſelfe,
Fye Madam, leave him, he is but an Elf.
See what your dear ſweet Prince hath done for you,
'Tis very ſtrange, but yet tis vety true.
When he did ſee you wantonize with them
Who were profeſſed enemies to him:
He then with his fierce enemy did fight,
To reingain you as his ancient right.
He loſt his royal bloud to purchaſe you,
How can you then but to this Prince prove true.
Can you a Coward love, and ſtain your name
By being falſe unto this Prince of fame?
Your want onlovers actions hate the light
And you'r aſham'd to act them in our ſight.
Then here Ile tell you, if you know not it,
All your actions, and vain thoughts unfit,
Your true and lawfull Lord doth ſtraight eſpie
He ſees the wanton glances of your eye.
Think with your ſelfe, and then you will refraine,
You both your ſelf, and your great Lord defame
I wonder how you can this vain world love,
As if you did forget your heaven above,
And in your ill unlawfull actions live.
Your God doth freely all things to you give:
Prove you but conſtant to his love and true,
All things are lawfull to be us'd by you.

The Curſe.

IF thou detainſt my right from me,
I never will wiſh worſe to thee.
Thou ill enough haſt in thy ſelfe,
My right to thee will prove an Elf.
My Angels will be good to mee,
But Devils they will prove to thee.
A Metamorphis ſtrange I ſee,
Angels with me, Devils with thee;
Thus while I wiſh no ill to thee,
With what I have God will bleſſe me.
And will with what thou doſt detain
Put thee to a moſt helliſh paine.

This on my Tombe ſhall written bee, When I in Glory am with thee.

VAin mortals, you thinke I am dead,
You are deceiv'd, for I am fled.
Unto that Kingdome I did chuſe,
when as the earth I did refuſe.
And I in glory now am plac'ſt,
And with a Crowne in Heaven am grac'ſt.
My ſoul in fair bright Robes doth ſhine,
My Lord, methins they'r like to thine.
Which in the Mountain did appear
Glorious ſhining, bright and clear.

On marriage.

LOrd! if thou haſt ordain'd for me,
That I on earth muſt married be:
As often I have been foretold,
Be not thy will, by me contrould.
And if my heart thou doſt incline
Children to have, Lord make them thine,
Or never let't be ſaid they'r mine.
I ſhall not like what's not divine.
I no ambition have for earth,
My thoughts are of a higher birth.
The Souls ſweet Babes, do bring no pain,
And they immortalize the name.

The Gift.

MY Lord, haſt thou given me away?
Did I on earth, for a gift ſtay?
Hath he by prayer of thee gain'd me,
Who was ſo ſtrictly knit to thee.
To thee I onely gave my heart,
Wouldſt thou my Lord from that giſt part?
I know thou wouldſt deliver me
To none, but one belov'd by thee.
But Lord my heart thou doſt not give,
Though here on earth, while I doe live
My body here he may retain,
My heart in heaven, with thee muſt reigne.
Then as thy gift let him thinke me,
Sith I a donage am from thee.
And let him know thou haſt my heart,
He onely hath my earthly part.
It was my glory I was free,
And ſubject here to none but thee,
And ſtill that glory I ſhall hold
If thou my Spirit doſt infold.
It is my bliſſe, I here ſerve thee,
Tis my great joy; thou loveſt mee.

The choice of my Friend.

PRay tell the world, I did chuſe thee,
Cauſe thou aſpir'ſt to heaven with mee.
I did not chuſe for earthly ſtate,
But'cauſe thou ſeem'ſt baſe earth to hate.
It was not earth, my love did merit,
'Twas a high and heavenly ſpirit,
Thus with heaven, I did decree
That ſuch a one my friend ſhould be.
And while our ſpirits doe aſpire
To heaven, I have my hearts deſire,
And ſtill methinks I am yet free,
We living both great God in thee.

The change.

Great God!
HOw haſt thou chang'd my thoughts in me,
For when I thought to be a wife,
I then did think troubled to be,
Becauſe I ſaw moſt live in ſtrife
But thou a husband haſt given me,
Whoſe ſweet diſcretion doth direct,
And orders all things ſo for me,
As if of heaven, he were elect.
To take all trouble quite from me,
That earths poſſeſſion here doth bring,
And ſo doth leave me quite to thee,
Thy praiſes here to ſit and ſing.

Promiſe Performed.

MY Lord, thou haſt perform'd moſt free
What in thy word thou promis'd me.
That if thy Kingdome firſt ſought wee,
All things on earth ſhould added bee.
Thou haſt giv'n me earth, water, aire,
And heavenly fire which is more rare,
That heavenly flame, thou haſt ſent me,
To offer up the earth to thee.
And if thou pleaſeſt them to take,
I willingly ſhall them forſake.
I'le not be loth to give to thee
What of thy bounty thou gav'ſt me.
Plenty thou haſt, great God in ſtore,
And if thou pleaſe canſt give me more.
If earth thou tak'ſt, and heaven giv'ſt me
A gainer yet, I much ſhall bee.

Not a Husband, though never ſo excelling in goodneſs to us, muſt detaine our deſires from Heaven.

MY heart I finde upon her wings,
Ready to flee from earthly things.
But that the vertue lives in thee,
On earth a while retaineth me.
Not that of life I weary am,
For what on earth here wiſh I can,
From heavens great Prince, receive I doe,
I muſt moſt freely tell to you.
Great bleſſings from him I injoy,
And with him I have no annoy,
Yet theſe muſt not retaine my heart,
Another of me claims his part.
To heavens great prince I muſt away,
No love on earth here muſt me ſtay.
He lent me but awhile to you,
And now I muſt bid you adieu.

My Deſcent.

IF any one thinke meane of me,
'Tis cauſe they doe not my birth ſee,
I did deſcend from a great King,
And an Immortall God did ſpring.
I'me daughter to the King of Kings,
And muſt contemn baſe earthly things.
To heaven's great Prince, he married me,
And now my linage you may ſee.
And while I mean am in your eye,
I often to my glory flye,
And with my great Prince do abide,
Where placed by his bleſſed ſide.
With heavenly bliſſe methinks I'me crown'd,
His glorious beams do me ſurround,
Where I ſet and hear the ſtory
Of my Prince, and ſee his glory.

To my Husband.

WHen from the world, I ſhall be tane,
And from earths neceſſary paine.
Then let no blacks be worne for me,
Not in a Ring my dear by thee.
But this bright Diamond, let it be
Worn in rememberance of me.
And when it ſparkles in your eye,
Think 'tis my ſhadow paſſeth by.
For why, more bright you ſhall me fee,
Then that or any Gem can bee.
Dreſs not the houſe with ſable weed,
As if there were ſome diſmall deed
Acted to be when I am gone,
There is no cauſe for me to mourn.
And let no badge of Herald be
The ſigne of my Antiquity.
It was my glory I did ſpring
From heavens eternall powerfull King:
To his bright Palace heir am I.
It is his promiſe, hee'l not lye.
By my dear Brother pray lay me,
It was a promiſe made by thee,
And now I muſt bid thee adieu,
For I'me a parting now from you.

My Bill of thanks to Mr. C.

THough my words rare thou doſt not finde,
Might not God be prais'd by my minde.
The heart, not phraſe, God doth eſteem,
To him my heart in them are ſeen.
Let men, like God, my words, not minde
In them, a thankfull heart they finde.
To praiſe him is my ſouls intent,
For his great bleſſings he hath ſent.
You ſaid at the end of my dayes,
God would them bring out to my praiſe.
My own praiſe! I regard it not.
I have enough; God is my lot.
I would hear God now praiſed bee
For his great bleſſings giv'n to me.
You'ave bils of thanks oft ſent to you,
For earthly bleſſings, and they'r due.
Shall not then heavenly bleſſings be
More priz'd then earth; they ſhall by mee.
This Bill of thanks to you I ſend,
What though it be not rarely penn'd?
'Tis the intention of my heart,
That I in it to you impart,
It is not onely ſent to thee,
But Preachers all praiſe God for me.
I with a Trumpet could proclaime
Praiſes to the God of fame;
For teaching me to know his name,
All people for me doe the ſame.

Being in paine.

LOrd, if my ſin produce my paine,
Pray let me never ſin againe.
For pain is grievous unto me,
And ſin is hatefull unto thee.
Let me not do what troubleth thee,
And thou'lt not ſend what grieve ſhall me.
But if my patience Lord thou tryeſt,
If I will bear, what thou applyeſt,
To cure the malady of ſin,
Ceaſe not my pain, but ſend't again;
For pain I rather would endure,
Then grieve thine eyes of light ſo pure.
That our moſt ſecret thoughts doe ſpie,
And wanton glances of the eye:
For which thou ſendeſt puniſhments,
Or elſe corrects with ſapience.

Being taken with a ſudden pain on the Day appointed for God's publick Service.

LEt not this pain Lord, deter me
From publick offering praiſe to thee.
Though private prayers may pleaſing bee
From others, and as well from me.
But publick bleſſings thou giv'ſt me,
And publick praiſe I'de offer thee.
Thou teſt me, if I will confeſs
Thee before men; thou'lt do no leſſe
For me before thine Angels bright,
And thy great Father in his light.
In private I may ſerve thee here,
But that to men doth not appeare.
I then in publick will ſerve thee,
Whiles here thou giveſt me liberty.
And not depend on charity,
To think I doe belong to thee.

The Antidote.

THis Antidote will cure your fear.
The God of heaven for you takes care.
They cannot fear, that live above,
Their fear is cured by their love.

My Satisfaction.

I Am content with this earths fate,
Cauſe I am borne for higher ſtate.
Sweet quiet here I wiſh no more,
I'de have my glory kept in ſtore,
Yet I have on thoſe Robes of glory,
Of which I oft have read the ſtory.
That pure refined ſouls doe wear,
Living in regions free from care.
For with the eye of faith I ſee
My ſelfe ſweet Prince, as I'me in thee:
And with thee I doe live above,
Becauſe we live where we doe love.

But Oh my God! when ſhall it be that the dark Lanthorne of Faith, ſhall be ſwallowed up in the bright mantle of ſweet fruition?

Being called a Stoick

NOt as a Stoick I'me exempt from care,
But as a Chriſtian I would all things beare.
Nor that I blinded am and nothing ſee,
No: I ſee all, but take all patiently.

Gods Prerogative.

LOrd, ſhall I grudge at thy juſt will,
Or ſhall I queſtion thy great skill,
And think the world thou doſt not rule
As thou art wont; peace ſilly fool.
Without his rule it cannot ſtand,
All things are done at his command.
Doe not then grudge at what he doth,
Nor in thy heart have any ruth
Gainſt them who now do rule the Land,
They have no power but from his hand.
The earth is his, and he plucks down
Who him diſpleaſe, and gives the Crowne
To others, if they him obey,
They ſhall ſtill rule; if not, then they
Shall be deſtroyed with his frown,
And to their foes hee'l give their Crown,
Then let me Lord my ſelfe ſubmit
To what thy wiſdom ſeeth fit.
Sith no authority can be,
But what appointed is by thee.

My Manſion.

ELiza for, doe you not care,
She lives in heaven, free from earths feare,
Her 'bidings in thoſe regions be,
Her converſe with the Deity.

Mans unkindneſſe my Benefit.

LOrd, what a courteſie doth man to me,
When he's unkind, he drives me ſtraight to thee.
Where I my deer ſweet Prince, do ever finde
Carefull for me, contenting, pleaſing, kinde.
Then let them be, as liketh them to me,
'Ile not complain, ſith I can come to thee,
Who art my joy, my love, my crown, my peace,
In whom my joys abound, and ſtill increaſe.

My Second Part.

I Did withdraw me from the ſtage
Of this vain world, in my beſt age.
Thinking for heaven thou hadſt bedreſt,
So I retired for my reſt.
But thou a Prophet hadſt me made
Unto my ſelfe when I had ſaid.
Another part I here muſt play,
Before I went from hence away.
A wife thou choo'ſt out for my part,
Which I miſliked in my heart;
And thought wedded to none to bee
Great Prince of Heaven and earth but thee.
But thou that hadſt ordain'd that part,
Foundſt 'out a means to turne my heart:
Becauſe my Lord, thou'lt have me ſee
We happy in that life may be,
But then on thee, we muſt depend,
For thou alone that bliſſe canſt ſend.
For ſhould our Husbands love fixt be
Upon ſome others, not on thee.
Heavens Prince will never thee forſake,
But ſtill his darling will thee make.
And ſhould hee of thee careleſſe bee,
Heavens Prince, he will more carefull bee.
He from the earth wil raiſe thy heart,
That thou content maiſt act that part.

The Reſurrection.

WHy ſhould I be afraid to dye,
Or let my body in earth lye.
In that ſaſe bed I'me laid to ſleep,
When others in their cloſets weep.
It is to me a quiet night,
And next day brings the wiſhed light,
That makes for me eternall day,
My body there feels no decay.
And when I waken, I ſhall finde
All things well pleaſing to my minde.
Youth, beauty, ſpirit, now preſent
Themſelves for that days Ornament.
With Robes more bright then are the beams,
That from her pleaſing Sun here ſtreams,
Decay they ſay they never will,
For they were made with exact skill,
To adorne the bodies that aſcend,
And on the Deity attend,
Now ſhall I ſee my Princely peer,
That I on earth did hold ſo deer.
And with him ſtill converſe ſhall I,
Who would not now let their ſoul fly,
Seing there's no fear of decay,
Fools that think death a diſmall day.

Fearfull Ʋncertainty.

OH you that know not when you dye,
Whither your Souls to heaven ſhall fly,
Or wander, in the diſmall ſhade,
No wonder though you be afraid.
Would you not wear black helliſh weeds?
Avoid then, wicked ſinfull deeds.
Do actions that are juſt and right,
If you would live in heavenly light.
Do you think peace you can enjoy,
That others with your deeds annoy?
No! what you unto others doe
Aſſure your ſelves, ſhall fall on you.
And if good councell, now you ſlight
Look in Hells mouth, and be affright.
Avoid betimes, that helliſh fume,
Which all your pleaſures will conſume.

To Generall Cromwell.

THe Sword of God doth ever well
I'th hand of vertue! O Cromwel,
But why doe I, complain of thee?
'Cauſe thou'rt the rod that ſcourgeth mee?
But if a good child I will bee,
I'le kiſs the Rod, and honour thee;
And if thou'rt vertuous as 'tis ſed,
Thou'lt have the glory when thou'rt dead.
Sith Kings and Princes ſcourged be,
Whip thou the Lawyer from his fee
That is ſo great, when nought they doe,
And we are put off from our due.
But they for their excuſe do ſay,
'Tis from the Law is our delay.
By Tyrants heads thoſe laws were made,
As by the learned it is ſaid.
If then from Tyrants you'l us free,
Free us from their Laws Tyranny.
If not! wee'l ſay the head is pale,
But ſtill the ſting lives in the tail.

To a Lady that bragg'd of her Children.

IF thou haſt cauſe to joy in thine,
I have cauſe too to joy of mine.
Thine did proceed from ſinfull race,
Mine from the heavenly dew of grace.
Thine at their birth did pain thee bring,
When mine are borne, I ſet and ſing.
Thine doth delight in nought but ſin,
My Babes work is, to praiſe heav'ns King.
Thine bring both ſorrow, pain and fear,
Mine baniſh from me dreadfull care.

The Conqueſt.

GOd made on earth a paradice at firſt,
For man, but he by ſin betrayd his truſt.
But heavens great Prince who came to conquer ſin,
For me won Heaven and Paradiſe againe.

Queſtions and Anſwers.

Qu. LOrd! why have I ſo much from thee?

An. Th'art child to me.

Qu. But why on earth have I ſuch ſtore?

An. In Heav'n is more.

Qu. Lord I have more then I doe need?

An. The poor then feed.

Then ſith l'me thine,
I'le be divine,
And what I've more.
I'le give the poor.

To a Friend for her Naked Breaſts.

MAdam I praiſe you, 'cauſe you'r free,
And you doe not conceal from me
What hidden in your heart doth lye,
If I can it through your breaſts ſpy.
Some Ladies will not ſhow their breaſts,
For feare men think they are undreſt,
Or by't their hearts they ſhould diſcover,
They do't to tempt ſome wanton Lover.
They are afraid tempters to be,
Becauſe a Curſe impos'd they ſee,
Upon the tempter that was firſt,
By an all-ſeeing God that's juſt.
But though I praiſe you have a care
Of that al-ſeeing eye, and feare,
Leſt he through your bare breſts ſee ſin,
And puniſh you for what's within.


MY gracious God be not my foe,
It matters not if man be ſo.
And let my wayes great God pleaſe thee,
Then from all foes I ſhall be free.

What Kingdome to be wiſht.

WHoſe Kingdome can I wiſh but thine,
Who mak'ſt hell, Heaven and me divine.
What Kingdome ought I wiſh to be,
But where all thine ſhall reign with thee.
All thoughts of Kingdoms I will baniſh,
But of thy Kingdome will not vaniſh.
No Kingdome muſt I wiſh,
But Heav'ns great Prince of glory,
Which if I be divine,
Will be mine onely ſtory.
Earthly bleſſings doe me ſurround,
With heavenly bleſſings I am crown'd.
On earth I live free from all care.
Becauſe heavens King I love and feare.

Comfort in Temptations and Afflictions.

COme Chriſtians that ſo mazed bee
At earths events, O come and ſee
What cauſe there is for your diſmay,
When God takes care for you each day.
Th'Apoſtle bids us then to joy,
When as temptations us annoy.
And heavens great Prince ſed unto you
Before, he bid the earth adieu.
Let not your hearts here troubled be,
For if you do beleeve on me,
In heav'n a Palace there is for you,
Fear not, in me, it is your due.
I'ſt priſon that doth you afright?
In dungeon deep hee'l be your light.
I'ſt war whoſe fear you do pretend?
The Lord of Hoſt can you defend.
I'ſt ſicknes that doth cauſe your dread?
He eaſie can make your ſick bed.
Unleſs by theſe he will you take
Into his glory, and there make
You to behold thoſe Viſions fair,
Will raviſh you from all your care.
Then ſith heav'ns King can ſafe you keep,
There is no cauſe for you to weep.
You ſhall not enter to his reſt,
If you be doubting him moleſt.

On going to the Sacrament.

I To the world Lord will let know,
That I deſire thy death to ſhow;
By going to ſome publick place,
And take the pledges of thy grace.
And when I take the bread, then I
Will ſay, my Lord did for me dye.
And thus Ile doe great God for thee,
For thou haſt done much more for mee;
And when I drinke the wine Ile tell
Thy blood redeem'd my ſoul from hell;
And then Ile offer up to thee
What thou ſweet Prince! requireſt of me.
None but the Sacrifice of praiſe
Doſt thou require now adayes,
And that I ſhould remember thee,
When as theſe things are done by mee.

My Prayer in my Youth.

MY Lord, whoſe mercies to me are unſpeakable; who in thy works art great and powerfull, wholly bend mine affection on that which is certain, and not ſubject to varibility; to that which to that which no ſiniſter miſhap can alter; Oh, let not my Soul which thou haſt made to be fed with heavenly Manna (which ſtill will laſt) here ſeek to be ſatisfied with vain delights, which ſoon will vaniſh. Baniſh from me the Thoughts of vaine de­lights, and make me know that they muſt end. And for thoſe infinite bleſſings which thou haſt deigned to beſtow upon me, make me for ever to admire thee, and from my heart ſend up the ſweet incenſe of thanks and praiſe for thy heavenly benefits beſtowed on me thine unworthy ſervant.

The Temptation.

MY Soul! Woulſt thou finde favour with the Lord, be not then afraid to goe to him; Let not the feare of thy former paſt ſins, nor of thy continuall weak­neſs be an occaſion to hinder thee of thy happineſs but let the aſſurance of the pardon of thy ſins, and the certainty of the promiſe to ſtrengthen thy weakneſs, animate thee to goe confidently to the throne of grace. There do not imagine that thou ſeeſt thy ſins ſtand as60 a thick cloud to keep thy prayers from aſcending to the preſence of thy God, nor think that through that dark cloud thou ſeem'ſt unſeemly in the eyes of thy loving father; be not thou ignorant that the bright beames of his gracious favour, hath diſperſed thoſe clouds of thy ſins, never to be gathered again together, before his pure eyes. Know thou, that he will not let ſuch fear­full ſights, and ſad appearances, to ſtand in his preſence, to afright his dear choſen children; No my Soul! ſuch ſights are not there; he that cals thee hath removed from thee all thoſe things which ſhould hinder thy paſ­ſage to him; or diſturbe thy quiet appearance, before him. He cals thee, and bids thee be confident in his preſence; He aſſured thee by his word that thou ſhalt finde his ſpirit ſtrengthning thy weakneſs, and inabling thee to performe that which thou thoughteſt impoſſi­ble for thee to overcome.

My Soul! he hath brought thee from thy ſtraying er­rours, he hath inabled thee to overcome the manifold temptations of thy ſuttle enemy, when he would have made thee to have thought there was no God, then thy God manifeſted himſelf to thee, when he would have had thee taken pleaſure in the vaine delights of this wicked world, then thy dear father having a watchfull eye, and a carefull minde over thee, ſent a heavy dulnes into all the powers of thy ſoul & body, inforcing thee as it were to leave thoſe earthly vaniſhes, becauſe neither ſoul nor body could take delight in thoſe things, which o­thers call pleaſures. by reaſon of thy exceeding heavy dulneſs. Then doſt thou my ſoul, think that a moſt ſe­vere puniſhment on thee from thy father, when thou ſaweſt others injoy the bleſſings of thy God with great contentment: Then in the height of this diſtemper wert thou my ſoul almoſt brought to the pit of deſpair. When as the enemy pictur'd before the eyes of thy ſoul, the ſad appearance of the anger of thy God, and ſtill he61 perſiſting in his pernicious temptations, bid thee leave his ſervice, telling thee it was to no purpoſe to be ſo carefull to ſerve him, for thy prayers were not heard, thy tears not regarded, thy heavineſs not removed; and if Gods word be true, he hears all that cals upon him, and removeth from them their griefs. Thus ſubtly delt my enemy with me, thinking to havein wrapt me in his hidden nets of moſt pernicious temp­tations. Firſt, making me to think my God was angry, then that he heard not my prayers, and that his word was falfe: thus by conſequence faine would he have made me to have doubted of thy being, O my eternall and ever-being Father. By theſe ſnares would he have bereft me of the hope I had in thy word, by which I was brought to know thee. Thy creatures teach us (I acknowledge O Lord) to know that there is a God, but they cannot teach us to know how to come to this God, or how to finde comfort in thee our God; 'tis onely thy word can declare to us what thou art, and thy ſpirit it is that muſt aſſure us, that this word is thine. It was thy ſelfe O Lord, who art able to performe what thou haſt decreed, that haſt brought this flinty heart of mine to the knowledge of thee. My Lord, I muſt needs confeſs thy powerfull working in framing this heart of mine to the belief of thy word, and thee; for before thy ſpirit mollified this heart of mine, thy word was to it like water gliding over the hardeſt marble, no whit entring or piercing the ſame.

My gracious Lord, thy divine Majeſty in all the chan­ges and chances of my life, hath had a moſt peculiar care of me, for now haſt thou taught me to know, that thoſe temptations, and thoſe perplexities, in which my ſoul was in, have been all diſpoſed for the good and happineſs of my Soul. Now thou makeſt me to know that thy word is true, and that our grief doth work for our good: for though our temptations be never ſo62 great, thou canſt and wilt deliver thy children.

It was thy Majeſty that kept me from doubting of thy being; it was thy fatherly goodnes that ſtupified the powers of my Soul and Body with that heavy dul­neſs, not becauſe thou wouldeſt puniſh me for my ſins, no! thou didſt teach me to know, that my gracious Saviour had already indur'd the puniſhment that my ſins deſerv'd; My Lord, thy Majeſty did not lay that dejection on me proceeding from thy juſtice, but thy mercy. For my God! I muſt confeſs to thee, that which thou then didſt know, for then I did love the world, more then I loved thee, and becauſe thou wouldſt have me love the pleaſure that ſhould never end; thou madſt me to take no pleaſure in theſe delights, which never end but in ſorrow. That heavineſs was then a bitter pill to purge my Soul from the groſſe hu­mours of earthly love, that afterwards ſhe may be made more fit and apt to receive the ſweet bliſſe of thine e­verlaſting love. This thy love to me kept me from fal­ling into the miſerable pit of deſpaire; thy loving kind­neſſe it was that moved thee to let that word of comfort with which thou ſuſtaineſt thy ſervant St. Paul, ſound ever in my ears, That thy grace ſhould be ſufficient for me without which grace of thine, I not having ſufficient ſtrength of my ſelf, ſhould have fallen into the gulf of e­verlaſting miſery. Thy love likewiſe kept me conſtant to thee and thy ſervice, & kept me from doing or ſaying that in my diſpairing thoughts, that had not been fit for thy ſervant to doe or utter. Thy unwearied love and great wiſdome it was that ſent thoſe tryals and tempta­tions to me in my youth, that thou mighteſt ſanctifie my youth to thy ſervice, and make me careleſſe of thoſe pleaſures, that my young years were too much addicted to.

For if thy Majeſty had ſuffered me to have run on, to have taken pleaſure in thoſe vanities, till I had been in63 wrapt in them, and had ſet my whole delight in thoſe vaniſhing pleaſures. Then had it been more hard and grievous to me to have left them; But thou, O my Lord, didſt deal more graciouſly with me; for before I knew what pleaſures meant, thou took'ſt from me the love of pleaſure, for which great mercy of thine, I ren­der thee moſt hearty thanks.

My Lord! When I conſider of theſe thine infinite mercies, I cannot chuſe but admire thy goodneſs, and admiring, ſay unto thy heavenly Majeſty. O Lord, what am I that thou ſhouldeſt have ſuch a peculiar care of me; I am not worthy to be in thy thoughts, much more unworthy to be belov'd of thee; yet it doth evi­dently appear that thou doſt love me, in that thou takeſt off from me the love of the world; for my Lord­unleſs thou loveſt me, thou wouldeſt not have cared for my love, and I know that it was in love that thou wea­nedſt me from the world, becauſe that I ſhould love thee alone, and not the world.

The Angels Joy.

YOu bleſſed Angels, by my Father are we honoured to have you for our attendance. Sure your lovely faces could not but look ſad when my Saviour ſuffered: for methinks it was a ſad ſight to behold, your loving Lord hang tormented on a curſed tree, and for thoſe too, whoſe ſins cauſed his torment; and then for you to hear him cry out in the bitterneſs of his Soul, My God, my God, Why haſt thou forſaken mee? Methinks it ſhould have ſo incens'd your wrath againſt us poor mor­tall creatures, that you ſhould have petitioned to your All-powerfull Lord; that all humane fleſh ſhould have64 ſuffered endleſſe torment, ſeeing they had ſo juſtly de­ſerved it, rather then your righteous Lord ſhould have dyed.

But whether my Soul; in the deep conſideration of the undeſerved ſuffering of thy righteous Saviour doſt thou run? Shall the Angels which are our attendants be grieved at our happineſſe? My Soul, wrong not thoſe bleſſed ſpirits with ſuch vain thoughts; for God was not pleaſed, nor his wrath appeaſed towards us till that time: Oh ſad time, yet pleaſant time, the time of thy moſt gracious dying: Sad, in reſpect of thy torments, O bleſſed Saviour; yet pleaſant in reſpect of the unex­preſſable liberty, and endleſs happineſs, which by thy powerfull dying we obtain'd.

Oh Bleſſed Spirits, I cannot now thinke, that you were diſpleas'd with us, for your nature doth ſo concur with his will, that it cannot be oppoſite to it.

But yet God was angry; yea, to the very apprehen­ſion of his onely Son, What elſe made him cry out ſo grievouſly, My God, Why haſt thou forſaken mee? God was angry then with his Son, for us; you had rea­ſon then of grief for him, not anger towards him: but yet ſure to ſee him angry with his Son, and to ſee his onely Son ſo grievouſly tormented, you could not but be mov'd, what then muſt move you? ſure it could be nothing, but our ſins for which he ſuffered.

Oh you heavenly Spirits. I finde you rejoycing, when we had our Saviour born, and ſure you could not but re­joyce, when the worke of our ſalvation was finiſhed, your joy was then intermingled with your ſorrow, if you be capable of ſorrow, for you could not but ſor­row, to ſee your God ſo grievouſly to ſuffer; you could not but rejoyce, to ſee that they on whom you atten­ded, ſhould be ſo happy, that by his death they ſhould be admitted to injoy eternall life.

If you joy at our repentance, ſure your joy at our65 forgiveneſſe, and then was the time of our forgiveneſſe come, when he willingly yeelded up his life, that we might live eternally, then was our debts paid, when as thy now glorified body, Oh Son of glory, was debar'd of the heavenly appearance, of thine eternall God­head.

Yee bleſſed Angels, yee joyed in your ſorrow, and not we, but our ſins were hatefull to you, which were the cauſe of his moſt grievous ſuffering.

More bitter then grim death could be,
My ſin, my Lord was unto thee,
Becauſe I ſinn'd my Lord did dye,
Becauſe he dy'd, hate ſin will I.

On Earthly Love.

FRom thee, O Heaven of glorie flowes that celeſtiall ſtream, that being taken hath power to make us forgetfull of our earthly love, the which muſt vaniſh, and alone can ſet us free from thoſe tormenting paſ­ſions.

Thou ſweet ſtream, having cur'd us of thoſe diſtem­pered paſſions, haſt then the power to work in our hearts a more peaceable and durable affection: earthly affection, ever brings diſtemper, ſometimes diſtraction; but that ſweet love, which thou O pearly fountain, rai­ſeſt in our breaſt, flameth in our hearts, peace, reſt, joy, and it worketh a perpetuall aſſurance of ſtill injoy­ing what we love, wiſh, or can in heart deſire.

My Lord! My ſoule is raviſht with the contemplati­on of thy heavenly love; and I cannot chuſe but infi­nitely admire thy mercies to me thine unworthy ſer­vant;66 for grievous were the perturbations which I was ſubject to, when I was infected with the poiſon-bane of earthly affections, the which a time thou wert pleas'd to let reigne and tyrannize in my breſt, which like a thorne in the fleſh, not being drawne out, by the hand of art, lies throbbing and working torment, not onely to the place where it hath taken up its abode, but brings diſtemper to the whole body: So that unruly paſſion ha­ving taken up his place in my heart, did not onely ty­rannize there, but wrought deſtraction in my Soul, and bred diſtemper in my body; But bleſſed be thy Maje­ſtie for that diſtemper, for in that time of my weaknes, thou Oh all-powerfull hand, by thy moſt heavenly art, didſt draw from my heart that tormenting paſſion, and by the addition of thy heavenly love, which thou didſt leave in the room thereof; thou repairedſt in me the breaches that that unrulie paſſion had made.

When I was ſick I thought that I ſhould dye,
I did miſtake, 'twas earthly love, not I.

HOSEA 2. 19.My Contract.

MY Lord! Doth not thy Majeſtie ſend thy meſſages of love and favour, to thoſe that will take hold of them, and beleeve there ſhall be a performance of what is promis'd, Thy Word tels us, That they that beleeve in thee ſhall have eternall life: My Lord, I do beleeve it, and that this Meſſage, ſent by thy royal Embaſſador, be­longs67 to mee, aſwell as to any other; [I will marry thee to mee for ever] Thou art righteous and wilt perform it; who would now refuſe ſo great, and ſo good a King? I diſdain not marriage, I deſire it with this great Prince, who is the Prince of Kings, and at whoſe foot-ſtool they muſt one day lay down all their Crowns, and bring in all their riches at his command: The greateſt of them muſt confeſs they hold their Scepters of him, and to him they muſt doe ſervice, at his will. This is a Prince of ſuch exact perfection, that I cannot ſee any thing in him any way to be diſlik't. When I conſider any creature, I can finde in it but little to be belov'd, but a great deal of inconvenience with it, to be diſlik't; why then ſhould I ſet my minde on the creature of ſo little worth? and not wholly have my minde intent on the Creator, who alone is excellent. Moſt mighty Prince, I muſt confeſs my ſelf unworthy to be the leaſt ſervant in the Court of ſo magnificent a King; much leſſe to be one who ſhall have the honour to be marryed to thee; but becauſe I doe thinke my ſelfe unworthy of thee, ſhall I be ſuch a fool to refuſe ſo great a fortune? No, I will not. My Lord! I now challenge thy promiſe, for I doe think thou haſt prepared me a minde for thy ſelfe, for thou madſt me long ſince to be ambitious of perfection, but when I ſaw it was not to bee obtain'd in this world, how ſlightly did I eſteem of all things in it? thou having prepared my mind for thy ſelf, by the diſlike of all imperfect creatures, and the love of perfection, Thou madſt me to ſee a clear perfection in thy ſelf, and wroughſt in me a love to thee; and becauſe I dare not preſume to the thoughts of poſſeſſing thee, thou ſeeing my deſires, ſent that comfortable meſſage to me, and to all that doe ſincerely love thee, that thou wil receive us to thy ſelfe, and wilt marry us to thee for ever.

I being wedded to Heavens King,
As his bleſt Spouſe muſt his praiſe ſing.

The Soules Agitation.

MY great and glorious God! In what a ſtrange agita­tion is my Soul, being aſſail'd by two contrary con­ſiderations; the one of my heavenly bliſs, in which thou didſt at firſt make me, and to which thou haſt and wilt, in the fulneſs of time againe reſtore me; the other of the fordid and vile condition, in which I had by my re­bellion inwrapt my ſelfe. The thoughts of the firſt fils me with a ſweet contenting joy; the conſideration of the other with a hatefull deteſtation of my ſelfe; for when I record in my minde, how thou at the firſt mad'ſt me a creature of a rare compoſition, one part of thine owne divine ſpirit, the other of earth purified, by thy heavenly art, and built up fit for a Temple for thy divine greatneſſe to inhabite; theſe thoughts fill me with a pleaſing contentment. But when the conſidera­tion of my vile condition, in which by my too much yeelding to pleaſe my earthly companion, comes into my minde, I then hate my ſelfe, for I have thereby made my ſelf ſubject to all painfull diſeaſes, yea, to mortality, by my intemperance; for how juſtly might I have pleas'd my ſelfe in the lawfull and temperate uſe of all thy other creatures; and could not a whole world of pleaſures content us, but we muſt take that one for­bidden? My God! I am to my ſelfe, a hatefull crea­ture, how much more muſt I needs be to thee, whoſe eyes can behold no impurity? but my dear Father look not now on me as I have cloath'd my ſelf, but look on me as new arrai'd by thy bleſſed Son, the King of Saints.

And to ſettle the diſturbed motion of my mind, ſend69 downe a beam from thy glorious divinity, that might ſo inlighten the eyes of my Soul, that I might now behold my ſelfe, as cloathed with thy ſelf, for thou wert pleas'd to cloath thy divine nature with my mortality; that my mortall nature might be made immortall, by being joy­ned to thy divinity. My great God! theſe thoughts will not onely take off my hatred from my ſelf, but I fear, if it be poſſible, make me too much love and admire my ſelfe: but it cannot be; for that bright beame from thee, makes me ſee my ſelfe, not but in thee, and with theſe thoughts haſt thou ſo rais'd my Soul beyond what it was, that I ſee my ſelf cloath'd with the bright white robes of thy pure innocence; for thou knoweſt no ſin. I now look on my ſelfe as ſacred, and on this fleſh as immortall, onely becauſe it hath ſpoted it ſelfe with ſin, after thou hadſt made it purer then the common earth; therefore in the earth muſt it be laid again to be purified till it be fit to be new built up a glorious ſtructure for her divine companion: Then wilt thou take us both up into thy glorious habitation, where we ſhall not be capable of doing any thing that ſhall any more cauſe us to part from our ſelves or thee.

I once immortall was Lord! made by thee,
I that bliſs loſt; But I againe it ſee:
Reſtor'd with more, great Prince of Saints to me.

The Contempt of the World.

MY Gracious God! Doe I offend thee, if I contemn the world? I finde thy bleſt Apoſtle counting all70 but dung in reſpect of the knowledge of thee; then by his example I hope I offend thee not; but yet, when I conſider it is thy workman-ſhip, which is moſt ex­cellent, and thou haſt given it to the ſons of men, I cannot but call my thoughts in queſtion with ſome ſuſ­pition of fear of offending thee; for my dear God! I confeſs, that what I ſee moſt deſired by people, for themſelves or for others, is to me moſt diſpleaſing and diſtaſtefull. My powerfull God! if I doe not offend thee in it, ſtill keep me in this minde; if I doe, root out (as it is my daily prayer) this contempt, and all things elſe that within me diſliketh the pure eyes of thy divine Majeſty.

My Lord! Somewhat to clear my ſelfe to the world, that I doe not offend in this point (for thou knoweſt my heart) I doe not contemn any thing in it, as thinking meanly of it, as thou hadſt made it; My great God! thou madeſt all things good at the beginning, but ſince the making of them, the perfection of all things is much changed. Our ſins altered the purity of all things in the world; then as it is made ſordid, by our ſins, I diſtaſte thoſe odde things I ſee pleaſing to the moſt.

But my Lord! This may draw me into another in­convenience, and make ſome thinke, I thinke better of my ſelfe then of others, for diſtaſting thoſe things ſully­ed with ſin; But I know thou wilt anſwer for me, that I confeſs to thee that by nature I am ſinfull, addicted to love thoſe things ſoyled by our ſins; ſo that it doth not make me think well of my ſelf, but it makes me love and admire thee the more; when I ſee thy abundant mercy to me, in giving me a minde, ſo contrary to the moſt; for I doubt not but thou haſt made many in the world as happy as thou haſt made me, in giving them ſuch a minde; For my deare Father! What do they atchieve when they attaine that here which they deſire, a few conveniences, accompanied with ten thouſand troubles,71 fears, and diſtaſtefull cares; for I have often heard ſome expreſs, how happy they ſhould be but for ſuch and ſuch inconveniences, when I having food and raiment ſufficient, and poſſeſſe a heaven of felicity in thee, am happy without a But.

The Royal Gods.

MY Lord! With what a Title haſt thou honored the Kings of the earth: I have ſaid yee are Gods; and the Children of the moſt high. Thou haſt given them that Ti­tle their deſires pretended too, to be Gods, and to be of their race, they that knew not thee, my great God! nor from what true immortall race they ſprung; yet would have the world think them to be of divine linage, and themſelves to be gods. And ſhall not wee, who know from whom and by whom Kings reigne, think our Prin­ces to be as they are ſtil'd by that great King, who ſet them to reigne for him? God forbid, but that we ſhould ſo think of them, and they of themſelves. He is the great God of the world, and hath ſet them as leſſer Gods un­der him, to governe and protect that people over which he hath plac'ſt them. The people muſt then honor their King, as a God under him, not obſerve or adore him above him; and hee muſt eſteem himſelfe as a Godoo; if he be of that great immortall race he will not degenerate, but will be like to him: He will be like a fiery pillar in the night of ignorance and darkneſſe, to direct them which way they ſhall walk; and as a cloud in the day of perſecution, to keep them from the purſuing adver­ſary: he will my God with thee hide them under his wings, and they ſhall be ſafe under his protection: hee will be juſt too; puniſhing thoſe who ſeek the deſtru­ction72 of thine and his people. His bowels of mercy will be extended, and he will not puniſh according to their deſerts; and rather then deſtruction ſhall ſhall come to thine and their people, they will follow the example of that renowned Prince, thy firſt-born Son, they will with him a while leave their glory, and take up with him an humble deportment, and cry with him, Thy will be done not mine: They thus imitating thee, their great patterne, ſhall be bleſſedt by thee with eternall renown, and crow­ned by thee in immortal glory: but firſt thou haſt ſaid, They muſt dye like men.

The Rule.

MY Lord! What an infallible rule haſt thou left us, to know, whether we be thine or no; for if the preach­ing of the Goſpel of our bleſſed Saviour Jeſus Chriſt, be to us fooliſhneſſe, and as a thing we delight not in, we may juſtly feare we are to periſh: but if it be eſteem'd by us the power and excellent wiſdom of God, which de­lights our hearts; we may be confident we ſhall be ſav'd; for the preaching of the Goſpel is to them that periſh fooliſhneſſe