George Keith HIS SAYING, That the Light within is not ſufficient to Salvation without ſomething elſe: PROV'D To be contrary to the Foundation of the Chriſtian Religion.
BY the FOUNDATION of Chriſtianity I underſtand the Ground, or Reaſon we have to Believe that JESUS CHRIST is a Perſon ALL-SUFFICIENT to Save his People from their Sins: His People, that is to ſay, thoſe who put their whole Truſt and Confidence in Him, to Deliver them from ALL EVIL, and to bring them to the Everlaſting Enjoyment of all that is Truly and Really GOOD for them. The People call'd Quakers plainly, and expreſly Declare, that by The Light within, they underſtand JESUS CHRIST Himſelf, and all that comes from Him, tending to the CONVICTION, and CONVERSION of Sinners. Now ſince The Light within is the Onely True and Eternal SON of the Onely True and Eternal GOD, LIGHT OF LIGHT, VERY2 GOD OF VERY GOD (yet but one God) is it not a kind of Blaſphemy to ſay, That the Light within is not Sufficient without Something Elſe? How vain and abſurd (to ſay no worſe) is G. KEITH's Inſulting over G. WHITEHEAD in the Pamphlet he Entitles, G. KEITH's Second Narative, in theſe words:Here now at length he hath openly ſhown his Deiſm and Antichriſtian Doctrine, for if it be an offenſive and falſe Aſſertion to ſay, The Light within is not ſufficient to Salvation without ſomething elſe, the Contradictory muſt be true, that the Light within is ſufficient to ſalvation without any thing elſe, and ſo without Chriſt's Blood outwardly ſhed, and his Sacrifice on the Croſs, and Interceſſion for us in Heaven, all which are ſomething elſe than the Light within Men. Anſwer; ſuch a Propoſition as this, the Light within is ſufficient to Salvation without any thing elſe, is to be Rejected for this Reaſon, that ſuch words imply this falſe ſuppoſition, that there may be ſomething, that is not included in the ſignification of〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉Goloſſ. 1.17. 〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. By him (Jeſus Chriſt, the Light within) all things Conſiſt, that is, they have their Being〈…〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉in him, whoſe Nature Praeexiſtent to the Humane Nature which HE was Pleas'd to Aſſume for Us Men; even for our Salvation, is the One NATURE, or BEING Abſolutely Infinite. I ſhall here Recite ſome words of a Letter I ſent to G. KEITH in Anſwer to one I Received from Him:You ſay, the Light within Us could not become a Curſe for Us, nor be Hanged on a Tree;To this I Anſwer, That the Same Perſon, or HE HIMSELF who is the Light within Us, became a Curſe for ƲS, and was Hanged on a Tree. You ſay alſo, ThatGOD is in all the Devils, and he is Light Eſſentially in them all; and yet would it not found harſh to thy Ears to ſay, The Light in all Devils is ſufficient to their Salvation? 2&c.Anſw. ſuch a ſaying would indeed ſound very harſh to my Ears: For GOD is not in the Nature of Devils, as he is in the Nature of Man: For our Salvation, not for the Salvation of Devils, the TRUE LIGHT was Incarnate by the Holy Ghoſt of the Virgin Mary, and was made Man, and was Crucified alſo for Ʋs, under Pontius Pilate: He Suffer'd, and was Buryed; & the third Day he Roſe again according to the Scriptures, and Aſcended into Heaven, and ſitteth on the Right Hand of the Father, and he ſhall come again with Glory to Judge the Quick and the Dead, whoſe Kingdom ſhall have no End. Whoſoever does not Act contrary to the Manifeſtation of his preſent Duty, may be truly ſaid, to walk in Light; and ſhall from time to time have ſo much (Explicit, or Implicit) Knowledge of what our Bleſſed LORD hath done, and Suffer'd in the Fleſh, and of his Interceſſion, &c. as the True Light, the Infinity of Wiſdom, Knows to be neceſſary for him: whoſoever therefore Faithfully adheres to the Light within, tho' he be depriv'd of the Sight or Hearing of the Holy Scriptures, of all Good Books, and of all Religious Society, he ſhall as certainly Remain in a State of Salvation, as if he had all ſuch outward Means of Grace. I ſhall ſay no more at this time, but that I Beſeech Almighty GOD to Give his Grace to Thee, and my Dear Chriſtian Reader, That we may know the Love of Chriſt, which paſſeth Knowledge; that we may be Fill'd with all the Fulneſs of GOD.