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  • 1. What true Repentance is.
  • 2. How a man ſhould perceive it wrought in him.
  • 3. Exhortation to a due examination of everie ones ſelf.
  • 4. A right penitentiall Prayer.
  • 5. The Barres which hinder Chriſts working in the ſoul.
  • 6. What true and living Faith is.

Alſo two Queſtions reſolved:

  • 1. From whence WARRE doth ſpring.
  • 2. By what means it ends.

Together with other conſiderable matter fit for the times.


LONDON: Printed by T. P. and M. S. and are to be ſold by Ben. Allen in Popes Head Alley. 1643.


And publiſhed by a Lover of TRUTH,

THat they might heartily try and examine themſelves in this troubleſome and miſerable time; ſo, that each one might begin to enter into himſelf, and there make a nar­row ſearch; whether he be in CHRIST and CHRIST in him; or whether he be united to the World, the Devill, and his own Fleſh and Blood. Whether Light or Darknes have dominion in him and over him, for his ſervant he is and ſhal be whom he obeyes, whether of Sin unto Death, or Righ­teouſneſſe unto Life everlaſting.


REPENT ACCORDING to the Repentance of Niniveh.

O Beloved Man! who ſo ere thou art, conſider ſeriouſly in thy heart and mind, thy preſent externall and in­ternall eſtate and condition; haſt thou ever had any cauſe to Repent? didſt thou ever do? or leave undone any thing unadviſedly? didſt thou ever repent thereof? ſeriouſly examine thy ſelf, and help thy ſelf thus.

Quest. What is Repentance?

Anſ. Repentance is a divine work in Man, whereby GOD makes known to him, that he hath forſaken GOD, and his holy will, in the inward ground of his ſoul, and hath turned himſelf from the All-in-all enlightning Light of Grace, CHRIST JESUS; and through his own mind and fleſhly-Will rejected the government of the Holy Ghoſt; and yet imagined himſelf by his accuſtomed outward worſhip and aſſumed name of Religion, to be a right true Chriſtian, although he evidently lived in the love of the world, in fleſhly luſt, and in ſpirituall and corporall pride. For which ſub­tiltie and all other deceits of the craftie Serpent, GOD works in Man an heartie ſorrow and repentance, for complying with GODs ene­mie; So that a man by divine Grace begins openly to acknowledge ſuch heavie and inward fall, and departure from GOD, and his ho­ly will, bitterly to lament the ſame, and in very earneſt to hate his accuſtomed internall Idolatrie committed with the world, fleſh and blood, and with the proud and holy-ſeeming Devill, and ſo to forſake, relinquiſh, and abandon the ſame: That when he is temp­ted either inwardly or outwardly; he then by the living power of CHRIST within him, reſiſteth, fighteth, ſubdues, conquers and overcomes, and thus he lets the new penitentiall Light appear with­out ſelfneſſe or arrogancie, and ſhine forth to the Glory of the moſt holy name of God, and the edifying and amendment of his neigh­bour, in a right divine Love, according to the example of CHRIST, without any ſelfneſſe, for by the divine Repentance (which is true2 godly ſorrow) all ſelfneſſe will at laſt be totally mortified and ſwallowed up.

From hence ariſeth another Queſtion.

2. Queſt. How may a man know that ſuch Repentance wrought by GOD, is in him?

Anſw. By the inward and outward Combate which he hath daily and continually with the enemies of Chriſt (who is his Head) and overcomes their aſſaults. Alſo when he is outwardly tempted by the world, by its deceitfull Riches, tranſitorie treaſures, and by getting of the reputed neceſſarie proviſion of ſilver and gold, wher­upon the Heart would relie, if need ſhould be, or elſe leave it to his Children: that then in faith he makes void and quencheth ſuch darts of the world and ſaies: Ah thou deceitfull world with thy ſeeming Riches and vain glorie; I thank God through Jeſus Chriſt who hath redeemed me from thy love, and ſtirred up in me a Love to the heavenly Treaſure, which neither temporally nor eternally will forſake me; Which when I have and keep, I ſhall then truly poſſeſſe that which can and will keep, maintain, and preſerve me for ever.

If the World with its Honour, Reputation, Greatneſſe, or elſe with Contempt, Deſpight and Reproach, begins to exalt it ſelf againſt holy conformitie to the Croſſe of CHRIST JESUS, which follows upon this Repentance, when a man will not conform him­ſelf to the world any more, nor joyn with it, in fleſhly ſports, and ſinfull works; then the penitent ſoul is readie in Faith and ſaith: Avoid! away! I know not of any honour, greatneſſe, delight, ſport, or pleaſure, but what I have in and by Chriſt, and the Conformity with his Croſſe, whereby the world with all its honour, &c. is cru­cified to me, and I to the world againſt all inward, ſpirituall, and bodily Temptations and aſſaults; namely, 1. againſt the bodily; as cares for food and maintenance, grief for loſſe of temporall things, covetouſneſſe, luſts, deſires, and briefly in all and with all things wherewith the old Adam will delight, content, and cheriſh him­ſelf, or be luſtie, wanton, and alive (for all theſe things are in the eyes of God an abomination, whatſoever the ſons of Babel will prate and fable to the contrarie, it being ſo that God will have the old Adam killed through Chriſt, in his luſts, words and actions, and by no means cheriſhed.) Thus ſpeaks the repentant Soul, I am bu­ried with Chriſt after the old nature of the fleſh, ſo that I neither3 may nor can, ſhall nor will, live any longer therein, but in the New Life which is Jeſus my Saviour, I will ſerve God with fear and trembling, in holineſſe and righteouſneſſe (which is ſuch a delight as remains for ever) and thus I will be a croſſe to my fleſhly Taber­nacle, as it in its Luſts is a Torment to me, wherefore I bear alſo a longing deſire, for its laying aſide, and to be rid of it.

2. Againſt the ſpirituall Temptations, as when the Devill per­ſwades the ſoul, that ſhe is a farre gloriouſer, beautifuller, and bet­ter endued Spouſe then others, and that now all is ſo well with her that there is neither need nor occaſion of Fear; ſhe may alſo now judge, deſpiſe, and condemne thoſe that ſpeak any thing diſſonant from her, or elſe are not as it were ſubject to her, nor will not ſuffer themſelves to be moulded in her frame, to brand all thoſe, with He­reſie, anathematize, curſe and condemne them: that God would eaſily connive and wink at her, ſhe being the Spouſe of Chriſt, al­though perhaps ſhe failed now and then, or went beyond the bounds, &c.

Here we muſt obſerve that it is impoſſible for a man to under­ſtand and perceive all the Devils ſubtilties and craftie ſtratagems, unleſſe God reveal them to him, and in Chriſt defend him from them, ſo that they may not hurt the ſoul.

Againſt theſe craftie aſſaults of the Devill, thus ſpeaks the repen­tant and beleeving Soul, I am Nothing, a poore wretched, miſe­rable and diſtreſſed worme, therefore I have no reaſon at all to ex­alt my ſelf, for what my Head and Husband CHRIST beſtoweth on me, are of meere Grace which ought to work in me Humility; and acknowledgement of mine unworthineſſe (that I am not wor­thie of them) and in no wiſe work in me Pride, nor any Proprietie or puffing-up. Therefore avaunt Satan with thy ſubtiltie and de­ceit, for thou art a Theef and a Robber of the due honour of my LORD JESUS CHRIST, to whom onely is due all honour and not to me: and for that reaſon whoſoever will honour me, is and ſhall be mine enemie.

O beloved Man, in this manner (thy repentant enlightned ſoul conſidered) thou art as yet in an evill Inne or Lodging, where no good dayes do ſhine, but ſtrife upon ſtrife, battell upon battell, ſtorme upon ſtorme, of which ſtate the Scripture cleerly teſtifies, that no man ſhould be ſecure, but continually examining and pro­ving of himſelf, and encountring with, and couragiouſly reſiſting his enemies, leſt he be ſifted, deceived, foyled and overthrown by2〈1 page duplicate〉3〈1 page duplicate〉4the Devill, ſtirred up to unprofitable words and works by his fleſh and blood, and enſnared by the Love of the World, for if any of theſe Images poſſeſſe thy ſoul, then Chriſt is expelled, and hath in thee no form.

Perform, O Man, what actions ſoever thou wilt outwardly, yet it is but as the Scripture termeth it untempered morter.

Let every man after this manner trie and ſearch himſelf now, whether his hitherto practiſed Repentance hath been divine and true; namely ſo, that the old Adam is thereby truly diſturbed, cru­cified, mortified, and Chriſt really conceived, formed, born, grown, and become perfect in his ſoul; all which, O Man, thou muſt in power feel and find in thee, and not know it according to thy Rea­ſon out of the holy Scriptures or mouth preaching, for that is but a knowledge without feeling, a Hiſtorie without experience, and a word without power.

3. Therefore in the third place, I earneſtly exhort every man in particular, in the name of God, to examine duely, and to look nar­rowly to himſelf in theſe times of the righteous and burning wrath of God, whether he be a ſincere Chriſtian, ſuch a one as in the Love of God is powerfull and active, or elſe a meere verball or mouth-Chriſtian, a knower, talker, and no doer, as alas, alas, the generall cuſtome of moſt men is. For, O babling Babel, thou art according to thy imaginarie Faith, not ſpiritually rich, though thou knoweſt the holy Scriptures and its naturall or rationall expoſition, and art able to ſpeak thereof eloquently, and after a Philoſophicall manner wittily to argue and diſpute. Thou art not thereby ſpiritually fed nor refreſhed, although thou uſeſt the outward Sacraments after thy accuſtomed manner.

Truly thou perſwadeſt thy ſelf in vain, as if nothing elſe were requiſite to accompliſh thy Chriſtianitie, then an imputation of the merits of Jeſus Chriſt, and that in thine open tranſgreſſions, ſinfull courſes, Adulterie, Sorcerie, and Idolatrie: For it is evident that thou in this thy worſhip or Religion art very wretched, blinde, poore, and wholly bare or naked of the Righteouſneſſe which God approveth, yea it is evident to thee, by the Plagues of Gods righteous wrath, and the conſuming puniſhments which never have miſſed, but alwayes have followed upon a falſe and (before God) frivelous Religion, which puniſhments alſo even for that cauſe now adayes bear full ſway.

(For the true Religion hath never from the beginning of the5 world ſtirred up Rods of wrath, but worketh Patience in the fa­therly chaſtiſements and outward perſecutions for Chriſts holy Names ſake, and hearty Thankſgiving for the Conformity with Chriſts Croſſe; therefore if the world ſuffered in a good conſci­ence for the confeſſion of Jeſus, then were her caſe and condition good.)

Therefore, O thou Babell, riſe up from thy falſe foundation, leave thy ſpirituall Pride, wherein thou imagineſt as if thou wert a true, pure, and ſin free unſpotted Spouſe of Chriſt, and ſtoodſt in the power of the New birth, and Regeneration of the holy Spirit, in holineſſe and righteouſneſſe, in an obedient faithfull ſervice, with due fear and trembling, as unalterablie (or of neceſſitie) becometh the Spouſe of Chriſt, before God the heavenly Fathers preſence. Ah thou ſinfull ſtinking and loathſome Whore, lay down and ſub­mit thy ſelf with Nineveh before God in humilitie of Heart, with acknowledgement of all thy committed whoredomes and pollu­tions with the Creatures and thy ſtrange Lovers, lye down in the ſackcloth and aſhes of deepeſt and loweſt unworthy, that God may no further uncover thy ſhame and ignominie in the Judge­ment of his wrath; but out of his grace, may work in thee true Re­pentance; And then thereupon ſhall follow a right and true worſhip of God, proceeding from the living Faith, divine Love and Righ­teouſneſſe, a holy Chriſtian-like and blameleſſe Life. (for theſe two are ſo linked together, that that cannot ſeverally conſiſt) and con­fequently the inward Peace and outward quietneſſe, even grace, goodneſſe, mercie, happineſſe, life and bleſſing; as upon unbelief, unrighteouſneſſe, voidneſſe of Love, feigned Repentance, and out­ward falſe worſhip of God (whileſt the true internall foundation whereout the externall worſhip ought and muſt iſſue, is rejected and forſaken (as John Arnt in his third Book of true Chriſtianitie plainly layes open) and thereby are practiſed the Heatheniſh, yea worſe then Devilliſh life and converſation, &c. Warre, Plague, Fa­mine, and other puniſhments and afflictions threatned by God, are ſprung up in all places, among that people which call themſelves the people of GOD, and carrie themſelves alſo outwardly as if they were ſuch indeed, boaſting themſelves highly to be Chriſtians by their imaginarie Faith, which they themſelves have learned by their own power; and alſo by the outward Religion which flows from the former: and all this in a fiery Zeal or Heat (yet altoge­ther without the moving or driving Power of GOD to it) in their6 Churches, Prayers, Singings, Sermons, Communions, or Almes­givings, &c. and yet are altogether eſtranged from the Life of Chriſt according to the Power and Truth of it, both inwardly and outwardly, as by compariſon will evidently appear to every one, when he will make it without the flatterie and adulation of the old man, in a right due and Chriſtian-like triall and examination of himſelf. Therefore this conceited world might well begin be­times, duely and otherwiſe then hitherto hath been done, to exa­mine its cuſtomarie Religion, its pretended Chriſtian faith, com­munion in the Spirit, eſpecially by this burning wrath of GOD, and yeerly encreaſing terrible Deſtruction, from their heart, even from their very heart ſtirring up themſelves to turn to God in the right way and manner of Nineveh, not imaginary as if thoſe Villages, Cities and Countreys in Germany, and elſewhere, that have periſh­ed alreadie in Gods wrath, were more wicked then thoſe which are yet in a tolerable ſtate and condition in reſpect of their outward proſperitie. No verily, no, For if the remaining Towns, Cities, Countreys and Dominions do not ſoon, even very ſoon (for the time of Life to Repentance paſſeth and haſteth with greateſt ſpeed to an end) bring forth true and upright fruits of Repentance, (for with falſe and ſeeming fruits God will not be baffled off nor appea­ſed) and with Nineveh humble your ſelves from your very Heart unfeignedly, and proſtrate your ſelves down before the highly diſ­pleaſed God, or elſe you ſhall periſh in a more terrible manner: for the ſlowlier, the ſharper and ſeverer the Judgement of God will break forth, which no going to Church, Preaching, or hearing of Sermons ſhall divert (though ye ſhould uſe and practiſe them daily according to your accuſtomed manner, as other Nations in other places have done, and yet for all that are ruined) but bring upon you the like judgement as other confumed Countreys and Regions have felt, nay draw and haſten upon your ſelves a farre heavier judgement.

Therefore he that yet will be adviſed and take counſell, let him ariſe and go forth out of his own private little and fleſhly Babell, and conſequently alſo out of the great and publick Babel, leſt he pe­riſh in them in body and ſoul: For the wrath of the Lambe ſhall ſoon ſhew it ſelf in a right Lion-like property againſt his mockers and deſpiſers. Therefore let him kiſſe with true and heartie peni­tentiall tears, him that may be kiſſed, leſt he periſh in his own vain Way, and be thrown from bodily into everlaſting Deſtruction. O7 thou blinded Babel, be, I beſeech thee, intreated for Gods ſake, and for thine own ſalvations ſake, to relinquiſh that damnable Imagi­narie-Belief, being but an opinion prated into thee, as if thou ſuffer­eſt as a right and pure Spouſe of Chriſt, for the true Religion and right fear of God; for were't thou the Spouſe of Chriſt, and pra­ctiſed the right and true Fear of God, without all doubt God would be thy mercifull Father, and not thy conſuming fire: O how hear­tily would Chriſt thy Head and thy Husband take care for thee, and cover thee in motherly Love and tendernes under His Wings: Ah how would the Holy Ghoſt intercede for thee with unſpeak­able Groanings, ſo that the Juſt Fire of Gods Wrath could not thus conſume thee: yea how heartily would thou rejoyce if it ſhould be the will of God to baptize thee with the Baptiſme of the Croſſe, for the confeſſion of His Son, for as much as thou thereby ſhouldſt be made like unto the Image of God.

But O Babell, thou art neither inwardly nor outwardly faſhion­ed and framed in the right form after Chriſt Jeſus thy Lord and God: Ah thou Arch-whore, wherefore imagineſt thou thy ſelf to be a Virgin, ſince thou art ſo throughly impregnated and defiled with the Diabolical ſeed of Sin, that neither in thee nor about thee, there is no appearance at all of any thing elſe to be ſeen or heard, but ſin, ſin, ſin: O remember, how by thy kingdom of ſin thou ſhalt together with thy Paramour the Devill, (by whoſe inſtigation and motion thou doſt plead ſo hard for the curſed kingdom of ſin in thee, and not ſo much as de fireſt once, through Chriſt to become perfectly Righteous and without ſin, but wilt to the utter Con­tempt of His Holy Merits, uſe thy Saviour as a daily ſervant of ſin:) be caſt into the pit of Hell, with a double helliſh torment, for all thy crying and ſaying: Lord, Lord, and for all thy Preaching, Prophe­cying, Signes and Wonders, &c. and then thou ſhalt rightly and really perceive and know whether (as Babell ſaies:) Chriſt cannot chuſe but love the wicked and malicious ſinners, whom He both threatneth and alſo makes to feel wo, wo temporally and eternally.

Now he therefore that will eſcape the place of torment tempo­rally and eternally, let him in right earneſt without any hypocriſie and ſimulation direct his Heart to God, powring it out, and all that is in it, wholly and fully before him, lamenting and ſaying for him­ſelf and for others with a broken heart and contrite ſpirit, bitterly, heartily, and moanfully, thus:


O Thou great God, and terrible LORD of Hoſts: Ah we Men have ſinned, we have committed unrighteouſneſſe, and have been ungodly, we are wholly revolted from Chriſt Jeſus our in­ward Living Fountain, whereby we are totally departed from thy Commandments and ſtatutes, and are become ſinners deſerving nothing but puniſhment. Ah Lord, our Teachers, Princes and Ru­lers, and all the people have ſo treſpaſſed againſt thee, that they have forſaken thine inward Law, and Teſtimonie, tranſgreſſed thine outward Covenant, neglected thy Voice, nor would hear the ſame in them, but have ſought all from without, and are thereby become ſo unprofitable, that there is ſcarce one that doth good, yea not one; and yet we will not learn to be aſhamed, that thy beloved Son Chriſt Jeſus is rooted out of his true inward Church, Temple and Dwelling, nor freely and openly confeſſe and acknowledge theſe our great ſins, and horrible tranſgreſſions (that thereby thou mighteſt be again reconciled to us in and by Chriſt (the onely Mean of Reconciliation and unition with thee the living God) and turn thy countenance to us in grace through the Mercie-Seat) which we by the new extirpation of him out of our ſouls have more horribly committed, then ever the Jews did by the outward cruci­fying of him: Nay we plaiſter over ſuch our miſdoings with our outward cuſtomary worſhip of God, by which we moreover wic­kedly varniſh over our heatheniſh, ungodly, yea altogether Diabo­licall life and doings with a manifeſtly pernitious and damnable do­ctrine, as though we could not chuſe even in and by the New Birth otherwiſe but be ſinners, and to deſerve puniſhment, whereas by the teſtimony of the holy Scripture, through the true and new Re­generation (which is wrought by Chriſt Jeſus in us by the effuſion or imparting of his holy Spirit) we muſt be purged from ſins, freed from all puniſhments of wrath to ſerve God in holineſſe and righte­ouſneſſe all the dayes of our life; and to walk in fear and trembling before his preſence, which is the perfection of the true Chriſtians in Chriſt Jeſus their Head in this Time of Grace. But whileſt that we, as did the Jews, reject the inward Circumciſion and Baptiſme, and relie on the outward covenant in our open ſinfull courſes and fleſhly doings according to the firſt birth, therefore thy juſt curſe, and hi­deous execration on all ſides lighteth upon us, O righteous God, in that thou haſt ſent ſuch miſeries upon us that are but Name and Mouth-Chriſtians, and outward Religioniſts, wherein many are9 already languiſhed both in body and ſoul; yea O righteous God, thou art readie in thy juſt anger to ſend yet greater plagues upon us, for the vials of thy wrath ſtand prepared to be effuſed upon us who are not yet right Chriſtians, but godleſſe revolting children, who yet ſtill as thou (according to thy righteous judgements) afflicteſt, plagueſt and puniſheſt us, we adde more and more to our backſli­dings, that ſo we may be deſtroyed from the earth, and our Name be never any more remembred.

O God heavenly Father, ſeeing that from thy Grace, Goodneſſe and Mercie all (things) ſpring, and all good Gifts have yet their originall, and muſt through Chriſt flow into us: therefore mollifie we beſeech thee, through the power of thy Spirit our ſtony Hearts; break them to pieces, by thy true ſorrow, Contrition and Repen­tance, which thou thy ſelf workeſt in Men. O, bruiſe them ſo, that they may come to a true knowledge of their ſins, and in a ſincere penitencie lay themſelves down before thee in a ſorrowfull and con­tinuall prayer, crying, ſeeking, knocking, and not leaving off in their repentant Lamentation. Ah Lord mark: Ah Lord hear: Ah Lord be gracious: Ah Lord mark: Ah Lord delay not for the ho­nour of thy Name ſake: for thou art our Creator, and we the work of thy hands. O Father, thou knoweſt that after thy Name we are called, wherefore wilt thou then thus utterly deſtroy us, that we be no more a People: Ah righteous God, this have we merited by our ſins, that thou in juſtice ſhouldſt everlaſtingly caſt us from thy ſight, for all our doings in and with our wonted externall Religion or for­mall God-ſervice (it proceeding not out of the Living Faith, Spirit and Truth: foraſmuch as the inward powerfull office of the holy Spirit is (alas) aſcribed to the outward Miniſterie, and thereby all is perverted and ſubverted) they are in thy ſight, O righteous God, a truly polluted and defiled thing, much more odious then Dung and Filth, wherefore thou (O holy God) throweſt in wrath the dung or durt of our holy dayes, and the noiſe of our Songs and Pſalms back into our faces: Ah that we were not ſo hard hearted, but that we might perceive that the Curſe inſtead of the Bleſſing on all fides pur­ſueth us. O Father we turn us to thy bottomleſſe Mercy, which is greater then all our ſins, and cry heartily to it, that thou wouldeſt not enter into Judgement with us, nor lay the ſin to our charge, for we can anſwer nothing elſe, but this: Ah Father, we have ſinned, and our ſins are more then the ſand of the Sea, which have (alas) ſeperated us from one another, and brought wo upon us, becauſe10 we have caſt out of us and rejected the Throne of Mercy with its Office, and have adhered to Idols and humane Traditions: O God of all grace and goodneſſe, forgive us, we beſeech thee, our great ſins, and be gracious to us. Oh have mercy, upon us, for we are but duſt, aſhes and earth, wherefore then ſhould we be thus utterly con­ſumed in thy wrath without all Mercie.

O moſt loving Lord Jeſus Chriſt, look upon that great calami­tie and deſtruction with thy Love-repleniſhed Heart, which thy Father in his juſt diſpleaſure hath determined now to let paſſe upon whole Mankind, the like whereof never hath been under heaven before, nor ſhall be the like for ever hereafter, ſeeing that the wick­edneſſe of the preſent world alſo farre exceedingly ſurpaſſeth all the ungodlineſſe heretofore practiſed from the beginning of the world, therefore the judgement ſhall light ſo much the more hea­vily, and hidcouſly upon the hard hearted, and deriding Mockers and deſpiſers.

O thou onely Mediatour, intercede thou for us out of meere grace and mercy, fot without thee there is no means to be found, neither in heaven nor earth, betwixt thy Father and us poore, miſe­rable and forſaken people. O intercede! thou onely right and true Interceſſour, ſeeing thy heavenly Father doth at all times heare Thee. O thou heartie Friend of Men, let this move thee to compaſ­ſion, that men, for whoſe cauſe thou becameſt man, ſhould wholly be ruined, and deſtroyed, and that thine Inheritance which thou haſt redeemed with thy roſie red Blood, ſhould become a ſpoyle and prey to thine enemies. Ah we perceive, mark and find that by reaſon of the new crucifying of thee, thou wilt exerciſe vengeance upon vengeance through Heaven and Earth, upon men and beaſts: Ah we have really deſerved that the pit of darkneſſe ſhould ſwal­low us up everlaſtingly as right fuell for that helliſh fire, becauſe we have indeed loved Darkneſſe more then Thee the true Light, when thou wouldſt inwardly aright have enlightned us, and revealed thy kingdom in us, therefore we deſervedly alſo reap our unfruitfull works of darkneſſe, and ſhall in Hell ſmart for it according to thy righteouſneſſe and judgement, and have nothing to ſay againſt it. But, O God thou bleſſed holy Spirit, who haſt thy chiefeſt delight in and among the children of Men, to heal them again, to ſanctifie them, and to purge them from ſins, O hide not thy ſelf now in this time of extremitie and urgent calamitie, becauſe that we have grie­ved thee, and expelled thee with our reigning ſins. O thou Divine11 Flame of Love, aſſiſt our cold hearts with unſpeakable ſighs: Ah mediate: Ah intercede, Ah kindle our hearts with a true fervent and heartie ſorrow and repentance, that we may not ſo unawares and ſuddenly be ſnatched away without all Mercie: Ah thou true chaſtiſer, chaſtiſe and reform our unnurtered Hearts: Ah thou one­ly Enlightner, enlighten thou, we beſeech thee, our darkned hearts: Ah thou onely Sanctifyer, ſanctifie our unhallowed hearts. O thou true Cleanſer, cleanſe now out hearts that are unclean and altoge­ther defiled by the world, money, fleſhly luſt, and ſpirituall pride.

O thou true Circumciſer, circumciſe our wholly uncircumciſed hearts.

O thou onely true Converter, turn to day out of thy meer grace and mercie, and convert our perverted hearts, for without thy gra­cious drawing and powerfull operation in us, we are able to do no­thing: therefore thou onely true worker of the will and the deed, make thou to day, to day the beginning in ours and all mens hearts to a true and cordiall Ninivitiſh Converſion. For if thou turneſt us, we are rightly turned and converted from our wayes, ſo that we do truly repent, and ceaſe to ſin, relinquiſh the world, hate the fleſh and blood, and fight in thy ſtrength againſt the ſubtle aſſaults of the world, the fleſh and the devill, and obtain the victorie, and not in a deceitfull way make a ſhew of holineſſe for a day, as if we ther­in were become religious men, according to the cuſtomary, natu­rall, ſeeming, Mouth-Repentance, and notwithſtanding all this, remain inwardly the very former ſows and dogs, and in the dayes to come ſhew forth plainly the ſame properties of ſows and dogges, and upon a new pretended Remiſſion, ſin afreſh again; and think to plaiſter over again outwardly ſuch works of the Fleſh with a Sa­crament, not conſidering that ſuch uſe of it is turned to a double torment in hell for them, for no Remiſſion is ordained for ſuch Hypocriticall Repentance, but Hell and everlaſting damnation.

Come, O come thou true Divine Flame of Love, and guide us to the true divine worſhip, and pierce to day our ſouls with the true beams of thy grace, whereby all accuſtomed hypocriſie, falſe holi­neſſe, Phatiſaicall godlineſſe and the fair externall gliſtering ſhew, being nothing but a meer Devils cloud may vaniſh, for theſe are and for ever ſhall be an enmitie with thee the everlaſting, true, and living God.

O thou moſt clear and ſhining ſplendour, enlighten throughly our hearts, that the holy ſeeming Devill, and the deceitfull ſelfneſſe12 and arrogancie may be truly expelled. O thou ſole inward Teacher, and outward True witneſſe of the Divine Truth, teach all men in­wardly aright to know Chriſt Jeſus, and in thy power to call him Father in truth O thou Director to the true path and onely Way to ſalvation, which is Chriſt Jeſus the Son of the All-praiſed God in his Body, namely, the Church of the Saints; Ah lead us, we be­ſeech thee, in the right union to him, foraſmuch as we are, alas! by the inſtigation of the ſpirit of error ſo far ſeperated, and ſo miſera­bly disjoynted from one another, that out of the ſcattered multi­tude, that true and promiſed One may in right unitie and ſincere brotherly love again ariſe: O thou onely Apprehender, lay hold upon us to day with the hand of thy grace, and bring us again into the eſſentiall heavenly paternall countrey of Grace, that we may there altogether ſpend the remainder of our earthly life with fear and trembling, and ſerve thee the eternall God unblameably in ho­lineſſe and righteouſneſſe from our whole heart.

Ah thou onely Looſer, looſe and untie to day poore mankinde from the hideous ſnares, bonds and chains of the holy-ſeeming Devill, and all his inſtruments, which change themſelves into An­gels of Light, and thereby violently ruine and deſtroy poore Man­kind. O thou the true Deſtroyer, deſtroy the kingdom of ſin in us wholly, quench the luſt riſing in the fleſh: conquer the world with its deceitfull Treaſures, kill and crucifie the fleſh, refrain and ſtay all that, which exalteth it ſelf againſt the inward eſſentiall knowledge, and from thence-ſpringing open confeſſion.

O open the eyes of our ſoul, that ſhe may lift up her ſelf to the Mountain, from whence the quickning and for ever refreſhing de­light, joy and comfort doth ſpring, and flow, that ſhe alwayes may long after the ſame. O looſe the inward ſpirituall eare, that it may truly hear Chriſts word and voice, that it may ſtand open to all the works, wonders and deeds of God, and alwayes ſtopt and cloſe to all vain talk, unprofitable words, and jeſts, unmeet for Chriſtians to hear. Untie the tongue, that ſhe may be thy holy pen, and no inſtrument of the ſeducing and (with the old Adam) flattering devil any more.

O untie our hands, that they may in right true and unfained love give to the right and truly poore and needie, of the right bleſſing of God, and not of that Mammon, which by covetouſneſſe, exaction, extortion, and under the colour of righteouſneſſe is hoorded up, which doth at this preſent time tye faſt the hearts and hands of men13 in all ſtates with ſuch a powerfull dominion, that they are not able truly to lift up themſelves to God, being they are full of the blood of Lazarus.

O thou onely Renewer, amend thou and renew in us all in all, that we may even at this day, while there yet remaineth time for Repentance (which will quickly even very quickly be paſt, run out) that we ſo may become new living creatures and children of God, brothers and ſiſters of Jeſus Chriſt, and a living Church and dwel­ling of thine (O God thou holy bleſſed Spirit) and not any more de­ceive our ſelves with our outward accuſtomed aſſembling in the ſtony Churches (in which the ſtony hearts, and ſo one ſtone goeth to another) as though that were the Comminalty of the Saints, and but gather our ſelves in the true and living fellowſhip of thee O Spirit of God, in truth and the ſincere bond of Divine Love, and out of one Spirit, ſoul and heart, truly honour, praiſe and magnifie thee O onely God.

Ah thou holy and for ever bleſſed Trinitie, one onely eternall God for ever, be again mercifull unto us, and ſpare us according to thy righteouſneſſe for the dear Merits ſake of Jeſus Chriſt. Ah, out of thy meer grace renew in us the Covenant of Grace, that we may again become thy people, and thou our God and gracious Father. O manifeſt ſuch a Covenant out of grace in all Teachers, Princes and Rulers, and in the ſouls of all the people, and ſhew unto them thy wonderfull goodneſſe, O thou Saviour of ſuch as hope in thee: O God, let thy countenance ſhine again in us, that we may be re­vived and enlivened in right living power. O God encline thine eare unto us and heat us, for we are become very ſmall. O open the eyes of thy mercie upon poore Germanie and Ireland, and behold how lamentably it is deſtroyed, waſted, overflowne, made deſolate, and even wholly ruinated. O look upon this thou great God how through the inſtigation of the three unclean prophetical ſpirits men afflict, torment, marter, kill, ſlay, and devoure one another, inſo­much that the wilde beaſts in their nature and race abhor ſuch in­humain outrages.

O thou Archſhepherd of Iſrael, awake & behold, how thy poore ſheep are ſcattered, and torn, and they that fear thee are alſo ſcat­tred and ruſhed away. Ah God and Lord, let the blood of the poore and innocent ſheep and lambs, which do not know, wherefore they thus are torn by the ſpirituall and bodily woolves, move thine an­grie heart, and once ſtir thee up to a mercifull deliverance. O let,14 we beſeech thee, the promiſed help come out of Zion. Ah ſhorten the dayes of the inward and outward deſolation. O let, we beſeech thee, the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah roare in power againſt the bloodthirſtie and treacherous whom thou, O righteous God, haſt in abomination, that they may be inwardly and outwardly terrified and aſtonied, and may ſo with horrour periſh, according to thy Judgement. O thou righteous God, crucifie the Crucifiers of thy dearly beloved Son. Ah recompenſe to them that afflict and tor­ment him, Anguiſh and Torment, and give to the Refractary-ones the thunder and lightning, the brimſtone and fire of Hell for their reward. O God ſtand up in thy power. Ah Lord lift up thy ſelf, we beſeech thee, in thy ſtrength. Wherefore ſhall the ungodly exerciſe their worſe then diabolicall malitiouſneſſe and inſolence upon the poore and afflicted any further, and ſay in their hearts, and confirm and ſhew it with their deeds, as though there were no God, no de­liverer, no more any Helper of the poore and afflicted. Oh appear thou righteous Judge of the earth, unſheath thy ſword of Venge­ance, and let it fully reach the blaſphemers and extortioners, that the abominable ſcorners may once perceive, that thou art yet the righteous Judge upon earth, and haſt not yeelded thy judgements to mortall men to exerciſe them according to their own revenge, fulneſſe, but haſt in thy wrath, by reaſon of our unbelief, unrighte­ouſneſſe and wickedneſſe, wherewith we have offended Thee, ſuf­fered them to paſſe over us as a flood of water to mollifie us to Re­pentance, untill thine anger be fulfilled. Therefore, O God, convert us to day, and turn thy ſelf againſt the veſſels of thy wrath, repay unto them double, what they have done to the poore and innocent, ſo will we for it praiſe Thee with united hearts everlaſtingly, that thou in the midſt of thy wrath haſt yet remembred thy infinite goodneſſe and mercy; and turned thy ſelf from thy wrath and our well deſerved puniſhments, and haſt again mercy upon poore man­kind, and raiſed up a Saviour unto them. O heavenly God and Fa­ther, grant this our Prayer unto us for Chriſt his bitter death and ſuffering, to a true Ninivitiſh Repentance and converſion, that the day of thy promiſed Redemption may break in as a Lightning, and that the Jews and Heathen may be gathered together in and to the Truth, Amen. Allelu-jah. Amen.


The Barres, which the Devill and the darkned Reaſon do ſet before the Souls, that Chriſt cannot begin to work therein.

Ob. 11. That it is impoſſible, that a Man through Repentance wrought by God can wholly die from ſin that it henceforth ſhould have no ru­ling power. Anſ. Hereby is Gods omnipotencie, Chriſts merit, and the Holy Spirits inhabitation wholly made void, and greater power aſcri­bed to the Devill in our deſtruction, then to Chriſt in our Renovation, contrary to the tenor of the holy Scripture, Rom. 5. 6, 7, 8. 14. 1. Cor. 2. v. 16. Cap. 3. v. 17. 2. Cor. 3. v. 17. 18. Gal. 2. v. 20. Epheſ. 2. v. 5. 6. Epqeſ. 5. v. 27. &c. Now as long as this Barre of doubt remaineth in thee, ſo long is Chriſts kingdom ſhut up in thee, and the kingdom of ſin manifeſt, varniſh it over outwardly how thou wilt, it will nothing at all avail.

2 Barre.

Ob. 2That God is mercifull, and winketh at the ſins of Men for Chriſts merits ſake. Anſw. Verily hereby is Chriſt made a Miniſter of ſin, con­trary to the teſtimonies of the holy Scripture, Gal. 2. v. 17, 18. 1 Cor. 1. v. 30, 31. 2 Tim. 3. 17. Coloſ. 4. v. 12. Ca. 1. v. 28 Cap. 2. v. 10. and the Righteouſneſſe of God ſlandered and blaſphemed, Deut. 27. v. 26. Pſal. 5. v. 6. 1 Joh. 3. v. 10. and his Grace wreſted or drawn by licentiouſneſſe into a moſt damnable abuſe. Epiſt. Jud. v. 4. 14. & ſeq. 2 Pet. 2. v. 14. 1. Joh. 5. v. 2, 3. 1 Joh. 2. v. 6.

3 Barre.

Ob. 3Although man live not ſo blameleſſe and fear not God with all his heart, yet he may and can convert himſelf, and obtain of God forgive­neſſe of his ſin. Anſ. Hereby is Repentance (which is meerly Gods work, and is not within the comqaſſe of mans abilitie) Jer. 31. v. 18. 19. 2 Tim. 2. v. 25, 26. aſcribed to our naturall powers, and by that meanes idolatry committed. And in the like manner it is alſo with Prayer, for it is the onely work of the holy Spirit, Zach. 12. v. 10. Rom. 8. v. 15. 26. 27. Joh. 14. & 15. Now God heareth not ſinners, for they pray without the Spirit, which dwelleth in no ſoul that is ſubject to ſin, Wiſd. 1. ver. 3, 4, 5.

4. Barre.

Ob. 4Hereby men may be brought to deſperation, when all grace is deni­ed to ſinful evil doers, and a man would have altogether a pure Church. Anſ. O happy deſperation, which worketh a ſpirituall ſorrow, 1 Cor. 7. v. 9, 10, 11. killeth the old Adam wholly, Rom. 6. v. 6. ſiq. Rom. 8. v. 4. 19. Gal. 5. v. 24. maketh the world with all its doings to a bitter Croſſe, Gal. 6. v. 14. Phil. 3. v. 8. 1 Joh. 2. v. 15, 16. Matth. 10. Luk. 14. taketh10 captive the Reaſon, 2 Cor. 10. v. 5. maketh a man become a child, Joh. 3. v. 3. a beaſt and a fool, Pſal. 73. v. 22. yea a meer nothing, Gal. 6. v. 3. for a reaſonleſſe, natureleſſe, creatureleſſe, worldleſſe man, and freed from all vanity is fit for the kingdom of God, and that is then the pure ſoul, wherein God dwelleth, 2. Cor. 6. v. 14. ſeq. Pſal. 18. v. 27. Pſal. 24. verſe 4.

5 Barre.

Ob. Such men as theſe it is impoſſible to find in the world, therfore is it fooliſhneſſe, yea madneſſe to require this of any man. Anſ. He that is fleſhly minded muſt judge fleſhly, and calumniate Gods work and truth, for he is an enemie of the true Regeneration out of the Spirit, 1 Cor. 2. v. 10, 11. ſeq. Rom. 8. v. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Pſal. 73. v. 89. Gal. 4. v. 29. There is but a narrow way to Liſe, wherein for even very few and not many walk, Matth. 7. v. 13. 14. Luk. 13. v. 23.

The ſumme of Christianitie is this: That the old Man with his luſts and deſires muſt periſh, 2 Cor. 4. v. 16. be killed, deſtroyed and drowned by Regeneration, 1 Tit. 3. v. 5, 6. Rom. 6. v. 6. and all become new, 2. Cor. 5. v. 17. that Chriſt may be all in all, Coloſ. 3. v. 11. fill all in all, Ephe. 1. v. 23. and preſent every one perfect to the Father, Coloſ. 1. v. 28. Cap. 2. v. 6. 10. Coloſ. 3. v. 34. Coloſ. 4. v. 12. 2 Tim. 3. v. 17.

THE SUMME OF THE TRVE AND LIVING FAITH, and of all the Articles of the Belief.

The true and living Faith (O beloved Man) conſiſteth not in the knowledge of the holy Scripture, which Moſes, the Prophets and Apo­ſtles have left behind them, nor in ſuch Articles, which men have ac­cording to their reaſon collected out of the holy Scripture, which a man can learn by heart, and faſten in his memory, and then out of his na­turall power ſay and confeſſe; this I beleeve: for this truly is but the meet imaginarie faith, wherewith all the world is at this day bewitch­ed, deceived and befooled, yea ſo farre, that men go on to defend this their ſaith wrought by their own power by wrangling, contentions and diſputes, yea even by the ſword, with the ſhedding of the blood of the poore, and murthering of many innocent ſouls, which imaginary faith is the very true inward abomination of deſolation, from whence is alſo ſprung the outward deſolation of Countreys and people in the righte­ous wrath of God, which ſhall continue, break forth, and make deſolate ſo long as this unbeleef with its manifeſt power of unrighteouſneſſe and cold LOVE beareth ſway.

The true Faith, (O dear Man) is a divine work or power of God in17 man, which changeth and regenerateth him out of God, truly killeth the old Adam, and maketh a whole new man from the heart, minde and all his powers, and bringeth with it the holy Spirit, wherethrough man becometh without ſin, and keepeth and fulfilleth Gods Comman­dements, which to the beleevers are not heavie. For the righteouſneſſe of Faith maketh a man without ſin, fully righteous before God, ſo that he feareth God, honoureth him as a Father, and loveth him as a Lord, from his heart, whole ſoul and all his powers, and his neighbour as him­ſelf, as Luther deſcribed the true, but at this day very much unknown, Faith.

Now he that findeth ſuch power in truth in himſelf, and thereby doth the will of God, he is a true member of the houſhold of Faith, a Religioniſt, a Chriſtian, an heir and child of God; but he that hath not ſuch a Faith, nor ſuffereth the fruits of love to grow and bloſſome, in a right godly and not ſeeming-holy way or nature, he knoweth neither of Faith, Religion, nor Chriſtianitie, yea of no God in truth, though he underſtood all the Scriptures, all myſteries and Articles of beleef, and could thereof talk and diſpute eloquently and rationally, even as an Angel of Light, yet is he in Gods ſight an unbeleever, a miſerable and contemnable man, for he hath not in him the living power of the li­ving Faith which alwayes is fruitfull in love, therefore he talketh and prateth much of Faith and its righteouſneſſe, yet he knoweth not what either Faith or Faiths works are; whiles he doth not find and feel them experimentally inwardly in ſpirit and truth, nor outwardly ſheweth his talking and knowledge in deeds and works which God and good men may approve.

With ſuch unprofitable Bablers is (alas!) at this day all the world repleniſhed, namely, with ſuch as with open mouth cry, Lord, Lord; propheſie and do ſignes and wonders, but fulfill and accompliſh not the will of God in power, all theſe are but external plaiſterers, external cry­ers and ſeekers of Chriſt and the Faith, deſpiſers of the inward power of God, or of the living Word, of Faith, and the whole kingdom of God in men, in whom and by whom is the fulfilling of the Commande­ments, and alſo the true Chriſtian freedome in holineſſe and righ­teouſneſſe.

Therefore thou Faith-conceited Man, beſeech God, that he would work this living Faith in thee, and free thee from this damnable and wrath producing imaginarie faith, ſince that thou by this faith prated into thee haſt imagined to thy ſelf a freedome to ſinne, to tranſgreſſe Gods Commandments, relying upon Abſolution according to thy18 accuſtomed manner, whereby alas! thou art verily free but not from ſinne, as Chriſts kingdom requireth, but from God, and the fulfilling of his will and the obſervation of his Commandements in perfect obe­dience, and ſo art become truly a ſlave of Satan, 1 Joh. 3. v. 7, 8, 9, 10.

Every one therefore that will be a maſter of Faith, let him behave himſelf as a pattern unblameable inwardly, (by the office of the holy Spirit) in doctrine, and outwardly in life as a follower of Jeſus Chriſt; He that boaſteth of faith, let him ſhew the new obedience of faith by a new, righteous, holy and to Chriſt-conformable life and converſa­tion in the Love of God and his neighbour: He that vaunteth of the Articles of Faith, let him ſhew them forth in deed and truth, for God is ſerved neither with knowledge, babling nor diſputation, nor yet the Church of the Saints, which overcometh all things with Love in Pati­ence, and conſequently not with words, but with power.

Therefore O beloved Man that ſayeſt, that thou beleeveſt in God, or but that there is a God, make thy faith appear with true fruit in the ſtrict obſervation of his commandements, otherwiſe is thy ſaying vain, and thou in truth beleeveſt on no God, nor that there is a God, for otherwiſe thou wouldeſt tremble and ſhake at the breach of his Com­mandements.

Thou that ſayeſt I beleeve that Chriſt is dead for me, ſhew then by thy ſelf in deed the death of Chriſt, namely, that thine old Adam is buried with him, thy luſt and deſire is crucified with him, and thou riſen again with Chriſt in a new nature or life of the Spirit, otherwiſe is thy faith of Chriſt an hiſtoricall knowledge, without all power and propertie of Faith.

Thou that ſayeſt, I beleeve a Church of Saints, which the holy Spirit enlightneth, ſanctifieth, and purifieth: examine thy ſelf, whether the holy Spirit doth inwardly enlighten, teach, chaſtiſe, admoniſh, anoint, guide, govern, lead and direct thee, and thou alſo haſt by the power of the holy Spirit the kingdom of God revealed in thee, ſo that thou reſiſteſt all that exalteth it ſelf againſt Gods will, his knowledge and confeſſion, through the office or power of the holy Spirit, and that the tentation from the world, fleſh and blood, and wicked enemie, is a right helliſh torment to thee, ſo then art thou a true member of the true Church of Chriſt.

Sayeſt thou, O Man, ſo I am, for I am a baptized Chriſtian; O be­loved Man, ſhew forth the drowning of the old Adam, the mortifica­tion of his luſts and deſires, and the renuntiation which thou haſt made to the Devill, the World, and the Fleſh, in truth, ſo that they19 rule no more in thee, nor move thee to ſin, though they entice, ſtirre, and egge thee on to it. Doeſt thou not, or findeſt thou not this, ſo then art thou an unbaptized and unchriſtened man, for thou liveſt in the old and not in the new birth, therefore art thou a violator of the Covenant of God.

Sayeſt thou, yet I partake of the fleſh and blood of Chriſt: If thou partake thereof, then ſhew the living-making power of the fleſh of Chriſt, and that the blood of Chriſt hath cleanſed thee from all ſins in words and works, ſo haſt thou truly partaken of the fleſh and blood of Chriſt, otherwiſe goeſt thou to the Lords Supper to thy double con­demnation.

In ſumme, all the Articles muſt live ſenſibly in thee, and outwardly demonſtrate the living power of love, otherwiſe is thy Chriſtianitie meer hypocriſie, ſeeming holineſſe, ſelf choſen godlineſſe and imagi­narie faith, which do but further the deſtruction both of body and ſoul, as (alas) appeareth before our eyes, and yet no man taketh it to heart, or will duely examine himſelf.

Two Queſtions verie neceſſarie concerning theſe preſent and continuing Warres.

  • viz. 1. From whence Warre doth ſpring.
  • 2. By what meanes it ends.

AS the inward exterpation (or rooting out) of Jeſus Chriſt, with his holy and threefold office in mans ſoul, (which, when ſhe is obedient unto, and receives him, he then as the true and onely high-Prieſt, perfectly reconciles, ſanctifies, cleanſes, and preſents her as a new creature to his heavenly Father in holy attire of Love, and as the onely Maſter and Teacher in her, ſent from the heavenly Father, makes her remember her miſerie, in penitencie chaſtiſes her, inſtruct­eth, teacheth, guideth and preſerves her from the ſpirit of errour: and thus in her powerfully exerciſeth his royall office, as her Head and LORD, to the utter (ruine and) demoliſhing of the Devils Sin pallace, bruiſing the head of the ſubtle and holy-ſeeming Serpent, quenching and ſuppreſſing of all that ſhall exalt it ſelf againſt his inward kingdom of grace, as alſo to the overcoming of all outward enemies through the Spirit of Prayer, and his iron Rod or Scepter: and thus killeth and crucifieth ſin, Death, the Devill, Hell, the Fleſh and Blood, and break20 aſunder the whole kingdom of ſin, ſo that it can no more bring under ſubjection or into darkneſſe the ſoul, which he hath redeemed:) is the onely cauſe of unbelief, and from thence ſpringing unrighteouſneſſe, wickedneſſe, malice, hypocriſie, ſelf-choſen godlineſſe, outward falſe worſhip of God, or Sectarie and Schiſmatical religion, conſiſting meer­ly and altogether in outward things, as externall ceremonies, Articles, and Opinions, without any true inward and experimentall fear of God, perfect obedience or keeping of Gods Commandments; and thus with­out any true either inward or outward conformity to and with the life and converſation of Jeſus Chriſt (which properly is called and really is true Religion, according to which theſe divided Religioniſts ought to prove and examine their Name-Religions now adayes): So alſo is the rejection or neglect of this (placed by God in men) Foundation ſtone of all happineſſe, life, bleſſing, peace and holineſſe, &c. the onely cauſe of all inward and outward Warres, jarres, miſeries, calamities, deſo­lation, deſtruction, confuſion and fundamentall alteration of all the Foundations or Kingdoms of the Earth; whereby it is come to paſſe, that men (which ought to be veſſels of Jeſus Chriſt, that is, remain in the Love, grace, goodneſſe and mercie of God, beare one an other in the bond of Love, and be united each to other in the Spirit of Peace:) turn and become fierce veſſels of wrath, through hatred, envie, enmitie, deſire of temporall honour, or periſhable goods, raging even with ſwords one againſt another, inſomuch that the one falls by the others ſword in wrath and ſelf-willed revengefulneſſe, and thus the ſoul muſt come to her end with horrour; whereof the holy Scripture thus teſti­fieth: Since ye have rejected him out of you, whom I have ſent unto you and in you, viz. Jeſus Chriſt, the onely Prince of Peace; Behold therefore I have ſlinged and caſt you out of my grace, life and bleſſing, into wrath, death and curſe, and given you up to do things that are nought and unſeemly, full of unrighteouſneſſe and ungodlineſſe, yea I rejoce therein that one falls by the ſword of the other, ſo that Coun­treys and people are made waſte, and the Earth laid deſolate. For this is the effect and operation of the ſtrong deluſions wherewith I have threatned you, when ye ſhould forſake and ſuffer to be pulled out of you the King of Truth, by whom I would have ruled you with the ſtaffe of meekneſſe, and directed the Rod or ſtaffe of wo againſt mine Enemies, which (ſtaffe) now for the unbeleef, unrighteouſneſſe, and hypocucies ſake, muſt begin at mine Own Houſe, and continue for­wards, ſince there is no converſion or returning to me or my living Fountain.


Therefore to day, to day, whileſt ye hear my voice, and find the ſtrokes of my wrath, (which could not hit nor touch you, if my Child Chriſt Jeſus had ruled in you, and eſtabliſhed anew again the inward peace betwixt Me and you; for we are ſeparated one from another by the kingdom of ſin) go out of Babell, put away the high places which in you have exalted themſelves againſt the kingdom of my Son, and erected outward Idoll-houſes, and committed therein the abomination of deſolation, (according to my Sons prediction) through the motion and deceit of the holy-ſeeming devill: that yet the inward temple of your ſouls may be opened, and a pure, holy and righteous dwelling (in which I the LORD your holy and righteous God may go out and in) may be prepared therein for Me, through Chriſt Jeſus; and ſo the in­ward peace be eſtabliſhed: and then I will according to my righteous judgement, give unto you all the Heathen and mine Enemies, which would not kiſſe Chriſt, for a prey and ſpoyl, that you may according to my righteouſneſſe reward them double as they have deſerved it of me and my Son Jeſus. He that hath eares to hear let him hear: he that will not hear, he ſhall feel it temporally and eternally, ſaith the LORD God: For I am ſtrong enough to judge and avenge my ſelf.

The principall cauſes why the Devill doth make all Viſions and Divine Revelations contemptible and ſuſpected, are theſe.

1. THat the extirpation of Jeſus Chriſt and his holy Office in the Devils own members might not be revealed and diſcovered to the world, which needs muſt come to paſſe, if the Devils diſciples or apoſtles ſhould allow or approve the works of the holy Spirits Office; of which the holy Scripture witneſſeth, 1 Joh. 16. v. 13, 14. Amos 3. v. 7. Apoc. 1. v. 1. Joel 2. v. 28, 29. Phil. 3. v. 15. 1 Cor. 2. v. 10. Which works of the holy Spirits office, are no where abrogated; and therefore a man hath the more cauſe to obſerve and beware of the Devils craftie ſub­tiltie, for he is a ſeeming holy Angel, as his Miniſters now adayes in doctrine and life do ſufficiently ſhew, and therefore he cavilleth and ſlandereth the Miniſterie of the true Angels and Gods works.

2 Secondly, that the Devils kingdom of darkneſſe, which he hath gotten in men may not be diſcovered, (the which yet every man diſ­cerns and perceives by the works of darkneſſe which bear ſway everie where, and confeſſes that all things are naught with the children of Men; yet notwithſtanding none will go out of this darkned Babel, leſt22 he ſhould looſe the worlds friendſhip, its honour, profit and love, &c. for it is a hard and troubleſome thing for the old Adam, and goes to his very heart, when he ſhall be counted a Fool and a Beaſt (which he not­withſtanding is, by his higheſt wiſdom.) And to this ſcope all exhor­tations do aime, viz. that men ſhould turn again to God and his Son Jeſus Chriſt by true Repentance: Now to hinder this true Repentance, and to keep men in ſecuritie by their own hypocriticall repentance, the Devill (thirdly) doth cavill and blaſpheme, whatever God cauſeth to be told, denounced, and declared: For the ſame courſe and proceſſe is at this day in hand (with the worſe) as was taken with the firſt world, Sodome, Gomorrha, Jeruſalem, and other Cities and Countreys which periſhed in the wrath of God, which alſo by the devils motion and in­ſtigation deſpiſed all things, and relied upon their outward religion, and their uſuall inſolent and domineering government; and ſo by that means had no regard at all to the Day of the Lord, which the ſervants of God were fain to denounce unto them.

O ye ſpirituall and corporall buyers and ſellers, O ye voluptuous eaters and drinkers; O ye worldly and covetous planters and builders; O ye fleſhly and wanton woers, men and women: O ye ſtubborn and revolting children altogether, will ye not at all have regard to the fear­full Day of the LORDs wrath, unleſſe it overwhelme you as a Light­ning, and deſtroy you from the earth; will ye not learn to mark and obſerve by other mens harm and ruine the craftie ſubtiltie of the devil, and the deceit of his apoſtles, as from whom all calamitie and confuſion hath taken its originall, for they are thoſe that have cauſed the poore people to ſin, and eſtabliſhed hypocriſie by their witchcraft and idola­trie; by which means the wrath of God hath begun to burn, and ſhall not be quenched untill Babel be brought down and deſtroyed Now he therefore that will not fall with her from temporall unto eternall death, let him erect and lift up his head in Faith, obſerving and marking by all the works and ſignes of God, that the Day of Redemption draws nigh, and is even before the doore.


A Prayer for the Body of Jeſus Chriſt in this troubleſome and diſtreſſed time.

O Thou true and onely Head of thy (in all the world diſper­ſed) Church; Let to day the noble Balſam of thy holy Spirit flow down in full power into thy members, that through the pure and ſincere Milk, the children may become young men, young men through ſolid meat, perfect men, that we all may attain to the meaſure of thy perfect Age, Be it, O Lord Chriſt Jeſus; O let every member to day be right fruitfull in all works of Love which by thee are wrought in him to the honour of thy Fathers Name. Let thy holy countenance ſhine in us, that everie member may in all neceſſities of ſoul and bodie be power­fully healed: Arme everie one with a new power of Grace, that he may be ſtrong againſt all high things, which exalt themſelves againſt thy holy and inward Knowledge, and outwardly reſiſt it. Let the Light of the living Faith ſhine out of every one, that people may ſee the works of thy inward Righteouſneſſe, enter in­to themſelves and receive thee into themſelves the onely Worker of all Good, that to the diſperſed Church ſome may be daily ad­ded and gathered. O thou true and onely Living Power of God, drive away and repell all ſpirituall and corporall VVolves that they may not devoure not ſnatch away any of thy Members; make void all wicked counſell, which is conſulted againſt thy Bodie, that the raging and furious ones may perceive that all their con­ſultations againſt thee are in vain.

O thou Father of our Lord and Saviour Jeſus Chriſt, work in everie man out of thy Grace the true knowledge of his ſins, the totall dying and the ſpirituall reſurrection to a new, holy and righ­teous life.

O LORD, Jeſus, thou that therefore haſt appeared in all men, that thou mighteſt deſtroy and raze the kingdome of darkneſſe, and manifeſt thy kingdome of Light and Grace in men, appre­hend, we beſeech thee, vanquiſh the old, craftie and deceitfull Ser­pent,24 bruiſe its head to the purpoſe, bind it with the promiſed chains of Darkneſſe, that it may ceaſe to ſeduce people, in its ſeem­ing light of holineſſe.

O God thou bleſſed holy Spirit, ſince that thine is the Office of Judgement and Vengeance over all them that do evill, riſe up in thy Power; arme thy ſelf with might, and utterly caſt down them that revile and blaſpheme thy holy Office: Turn away ungodli­neſſe with the Scepter of Iron, ſince that few or none from his heart will kiſſe the Child Jeſus: O let thy help break forth out of Zion: Ah redeem thy poore diſtreſſed people: Unite Hea­then and Jews, make one Sheepfold, and let the Everlaſting Goſpel ſhine therein, to the glo­ry of thy holy Name, Amen.



About this transcription

TextAn earnest exhortation to a true Ninivitish repentance. VVherein is briefly declared: 1. What true repentance is. 2. How a man should perceive it wrought in him. 3. Exhortation to a due examination of everie ones self. 4. A right penitentiall prayer. 5. The barres which hinder Christs working in the soul. 6. What true and living faith is. Also two questions resolved: 1. From whence warre doth spring. 2. By what means it ends. Together with other considerable matter fit for the times.
Extent Approx. 63 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 15 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84560)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 155637)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 14:E83[23])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationAn earnest exhortation to a true Ninivitish repentance. VVherein is briefly declared: 1. What true repentance is. 2. How a man should perceive it wrought in him. 3. Exhortation to a due examination of everie ones self. 4. A right penitentiall prayer. 5. The barres which hinder Christs working in the soul. 6. What true and living faith is. Also two questions resolved: 1. From whence warre doth spring. 2. By what means it ends. Together with other considerable matter fit for the times. [2], 24 p. Printed by T.P. and M.S. and are to be sold by Ben. Allen in Popes Head Alley,London :1643. [i.e. 1642]. (Thomason received his copy on 26 December 1642.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Decemb: 26".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Repentance -- Early works to 1800.
  • Peace -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A84560
  • STC Wing E98
  • STC Thomason E83_23
  • STC ESTC R8690
  • EEBO-CITATION 99873371
  • PROQUEST 99873371
  • VID 155637

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