THE COPIE OF THE Lord Fitz-gerralds LETTER Intercepted: DISCOVERING A Bloody and moſt horrible Plot to kill, burn, and ſpoyl all the Proteſtants, by the Army of the Rebels in IRELAND.
Which Letter was ſent to his Coſen Sir LUKE FITZ GERRALD.
Publiſhed for the Kingdome to ſee the preſent horrid deſignes of the Papiſts in Ireland.
⟨March 31⟩ LONDON, Printed by Jane Coe. 1647.
DIrections are given by the Councell and Congregation, for all Acts of Hoſtility towards the Engliſh: The Orders were given to2 Generall Officers in private, and were dated the ſixteenth of December laſt.
Their directions were to kill, burne, and ſpoyle all that ever they could, all that did belong to the Engliſh quarters, or any that would ſpeak in their behalfe. Directions were ſent to Owen Roe the 18. of that Moneth, to make up all the Forces that hee could, and to march downe towards Trim. He cannot gather his men yet: for there are two Regiments of them in the County of Tiperary, and in the County of Lymricke: and they are now upon their march comming to him. He went out of Leaſe the 29. of that moneth, with what forces hee had there. Colonel Warren went from Kilkenny upon St Stephens day, and was commanded with 500. of his men (with all expedition) to march towardes Teighchrohan. Hugh Mac-Phelim was commanded to meet in the County of Kildare, with all the forces he had. A Councell are working at Kilkenny to have no Aſſembly; but I think the countrey will force them to it, if they ſtand out: for all the countrey is now weary of theſe3 times; for they are all in a manner undone by Souldiers. And for all I ſee, the Officers and Souldiers in Generall Preſtons Army, are weary of theſe times; for they get no pay, but what they get by the ſpoyle of the countrey. The Nuncio did expect ſome moneyes over: ſome Frigots are come, but no moneyes. The Nuntio that was here formerly is ſent for to Rome, and I think no money comes till he comes there, nor then neither, as I underſtand from ſome. All our hope now is, from the King of Spaine, becauſe he hath agreed with all others, upon ſuch tearmes as he agreed with the Hollanders. Such conditions we muſt have from our King now. That is in every one of our Clergies mouths already. General Preſtons ſonne came out of Spain, and brought all the newes, that the Hollanders and Spaine have agreed: He came over and a great many Commanders, looking for Souldiers to carry over. Preſton hath given Col, Napper a Pattent to be Colonell. Generall Preſton is little regarded now, for all his laſt Proteſtation. My Lord of Muskery is in4 Munſter, and hath more men at command, then ever he had in his life: he will be here within theſe five or ſix dayes: hee ſent for mee to Ballyhohill, that I might repaire to Kilkenny to take Lodgings for him. And all Kilkinny, they are in that condition, that they doe not know which is beſt for them, to joyne with God or the Divell. The greateſt Libellers amongſt them now, have no other practice, but ſetting out books againſt the Nobility and beſt of the Kingdome. We doe not finde fault with any thing they ſet out againſt the Lord Marqueſſe, or his Party; for we beleve they are naught. Some of us doe daily pray that they may mend, if they be ſo. We thought within theſe few dayes, to make the ſword our Governour; but now the caſe is altered: We are altogether governed by Black-coats, and two lame Fellowes; one lame in his legge, and the other in his heart. If God do not mend them quickly, the Divell bleſſe them. Here is one Butler in the Councell, that hath made all the reſt of the Councell drunke. And not onely the Councell, but hath5 made all the whole countrey ſo drunke, that they cannot ſee one another well, now. They are all looking upon the Fort of Duncannon, for feare Generall Preſton ſhould come neere it again: They will not ſuffer him to come neerer then Waterford, they do miſtruſt him every way, by reaſon of his Treaty with the enemy at Dublin. We heare that the enemy is hard by, and that they have taken away a great many of your cattell; I hope you have reliefe with you by this time. We do heare that all the Dilſons and ſome other Gentlemen in Meath, have joyned with the enemy: And that the Marqueſſe of Clanriccard is their chiefe Inſtrument. All the harme we can do them yet, is to curſe them, and to make them traitors in our Libels. God bleſſe you and yours from the Traytors whereſoever they are. I hope I ſhall meet with you at Kilkenny at the Aſſembly, if there bee any. There will be none if the aforeſaid two lame Fellowes can put it off: For hee that is lame in the legge, is afraid that his beſt legge will bee6 made ſhorter: And hee that is lame in his Heart, is afraid that his heart will breake quite, by the preſſing multitude of the peoples voyces. God ſend us quietneſſe, and cruſh our enemies. I reſt,
The names of the chiefe actors in the deſign carried on by the Iriſh Rebels, are,
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