A DECLARATION OF His Excellency Sr. Thomas Fairfax, and the Councell of Warre; Diſclaiming A Pamphlet, Entituled, Heads preſented by the Army to the Kings Majeſty, on Saturday, June 19. 1647. &c.
WHEREAS we find a Pamphlet lately Printed and Publiſhed, bearing the Title of (Heads preſented by the Army to the Kings Majesty, on Saturday, June 19. 1647. )4 though wee thinke it will of it ſelfe appeare ſuch a confuſed Headleſſe Piece, ſo ſurreptitiouſly crept forth, and in ſuch a pure Pamphlet dreſſe, as (wee hope) it will gaine little beliefe to our prejudice; yet to avoid any jealouſies or doubtful thoughts which it might poſſibly breed in any honeſt minde, wee cannot but take notice of it, and for the vindication of the Army, doe hereby declare, That the ſaid Printed Pamphlet is moſt falſe, ſcandalous, and injurious to us, and this Army; neither hath there been any ſuch Paper preſented to His Majeſty by, or from this Army: And the ſame wee profeſſe and declare with great deteſtation concerning another written Paper, whereof we5 had a Copy ſhewed to us yeſterday by the Commiſſioners of the City, entituled, (Articles agreed upon between the King and the Army, the 16. of June;) And wee deſire all that wiſh well to this Army, or the King, or Parliament, or Peace of this Kingdome, that they would doe their beſt to finde out and diſcover the Authors and Publiſhers of the ſaid Paper and Pamphlet, or any thing elſe of that nature that may bee divulged concerning the Army, to interrupt or prejudice the preſent ſetling and compoſure of Affaires. And we hope it will not bee further needfull, or expected from us, that wee ſhould give particular Anſwer to every ſuch ſcandalous Paper, which the malice of our6 Enemies may forge againſt us. But that what wee have publiſhed to the world in our Repreſentation, and other papers avowed by us, may ſerve to cleare our intentions untill wee ſhall appeare to act ſomething to the contrary.