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A DECLARATION Againſt all Poperie, and popiſh points: and is renoun­ced from them and by them whom the Scorners in ſcorn call Quakers: And likewiſe ſome Queries to the Pope and his Prieſts that are guarded with his law: to be anſwered in writing or print; and to be ſent them called Quakers at London in England.

FOraſmuch as a Proclamation is ſet forth by O.P. and his Coun­cil, in which is an oath to be profered, to be taken, of Ab­juration, againſt all Popiſh ſupremacie and authority over the Catholique Church in generall: and we who are, by the World ſcornfully called Quakers, who own the Doctrine of Chriſt Jeſus, who ſaith, Swear not at all, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath; but let your yea be yea and your nay nay, leſt ye fall into condemnation: Jam. 5.12. In Chriſts Doctrine and the Apoſtles Doctrine we do abide, and oaths is denied, and forbidden: and ſo thoſe who were called Chri­ſtians which was in Chriſt Jeſus, who abode in his Doctrine and the Apo­ſtles Doctrine, ſuffered as they do now that doth the ſame: as in particu­lar John Morland who had been a Captain, was fined and impriſoned, be­cauſe he could not ſwear, but kept to yea and nay in his communica­tions, and many others fined that cannot ſwear: but with the light which comes from Chriſt Jeſus, from him by whom the World was made, we do deny and condemn, with the light, all Popiſh wayes, and their Supremacy and authority over the Catholique Church in General, root and branch and therefore many of us which are called Quakers have ſuffered and ſuffereth, and layen long impriſoned by the Popiſh law which guarded the Jeſuits, and Crucifixes and Imagess: which now guards many of the Prieſts in England and their Church, which law did guard the Jeſuits and their Church: therefore the authority of the Catholique Church in Ge­nerall, and the ſupremacy of the Popes power we do utterly deny and renounce, as knowing their works of darkneſs: and condemn them all with the light; and the branch which comes from the root: by which branch many ſuffers now in England for declaring againſt all Popiſh wayes and the authority derived from him, by which the Church was guarded, freely without an oath; for God doth us command, for we ſee the ſword of the Lord is drawn againſt it: And ſo over our ſelves in particular we cannot ſuffer any of his preheminency to bear rule, for it is an uſurped authority. So with the light of the Lord Jeſus Chriſt we are brought to declare againſt it; for with the light it is condemned, and here the power of the Lord Jeſus Chriſt is reteined: And we do know with the light which comes from the Lord Jeſus Chriſt, That bread and wine is carnall; which our Lord Jeſus Chriſts body and blood is not: but is pretious, He ſaw no corruption, and is a myſtery: which is not bread and wine, let them conſecrate it never ſo: And ſo to declare to you plainly, we do denie the Sacrament, for we know there is no Scripture for it: And the Lords Supper is not carnall, where it is ſaid he will make his abode with you, and ſup with you: the Lord is not carnall: but is the myſterie and his bo­dy is glorious, and not beggerly Elements, as outward bread or wine: for this is the blood of Jeſus which waſheth away our ſin; and this is the body of Je­ſus which makes us free from the law: which ſtands not in meats and in drinks and carnall Ordinances, for the body is Chriſt: and ſo we do denie and condemn all that worſhip that ſacrament of Elements of bread and wine, and that ſupper which ſtands in thoſe things: and we wit­nes Chriſt is come, who is the ſumme and the ſubſtance, and ſo need not have a remembrance of any Element: but we which be dead with Chriſt and live in his life, from the beggarly Elements, them that lives in them goes about to ſlay us; ſo as it is written they that are born after the fleſh perſecutes them that are born after the ſpirit: And again we do deny that there is any purgatory, and declare againſt it as knowing the blood of Jeſus which cleanſeth us from ſin, which is an holy thing; and know him who takes away our ſin and deſtroyes the works of the Devil: which many hath the bread and wine which know nothing of the body and blood of Chriſt, no more then the Jews which turned from Chriſt, when he told them, that, except they did eat his Fleſh and drink his Blood they had no life in them, and they looked upon him carnally as the Papiſts do now, which are deluded & deceived. And again with the light which comes from the Lord Jeſus Chriſt, him who was not born by the will of man, him by whom the world was made, with his light do we deny and condemn all their conſecrated Hoaſt, Crucifixes, and Images, and they are not to be worſhip­ped but to be condemned with the light, which will let them ſee they are enemies of the Croſs of Chriſt which be in things before mentioned, and all them that worſhip them. And to you this is the word of the Lord God: the light of your conſciences ſhall witnes it: God is a Spirit and is to be worſhipped in ſpirit and in truth: and all that make Crucifixes, or Images, or worſhip them, they are the South ſayers and familiar ſpirits: the Founder of the Images and the worſhipper of the Image, from the living God is confounded, accurſed, and with the light condemned, and God worſhipped in the ſpirit: which ſpirit judges all Images, and Image-makers, & ſees there is no due worſhip to them, or them that makes them, but condemnation and judgment: the light in the conſcience ſhall it witnes: And again we declare againſt the Papiſts, and them which ſay Sal­vation is to be merited by works: for then it is not of faith, in him who was not born by the will of man, which light condemns mans runnings and willings, and that which he call merits, there is no ſuch Scripture: and therefore we denie the word merit & know that man doth not attain any thing by his wil, of him who was not born by the wil of man; for he knows him not, for he is a myſterie, which light condemns all works of darknes and all evill, ſinne, and unrighteouſneſs, and all them which acts it: and who are in Chriſt are new Creatures: and to them there is no condemna­tion, who walk not after the fleſh but after the ſpirit: ſo every one ſhall have a reward according to his works whether they be good or evill. And with the light, which comes from Chriſt Jeſus, which never changes, all points and Doctrines of Papiſts and the World, is condemned, and them who do affirm them: And the ſame light is the condemnation of them that takes oaths, out of Chriſts Doctrine and from Chriſt Jeſus, and ſo knows not his will, who abides not in his Doctrine: So as Gods children have found his power and ſtrength which hath carried them on, when he hath commanded them to declare againſt all falſe wayes, falſe Teachers, and Popiſh wayes, and Popiſh lawes, and often have been almoſt murthered, but the Lord hath been their preſent help in time of need, and trouble. And ſo Popiſh wayes are renounced without any equi­vocation, mentall reſervation, or ſecret evaſion whatſoever: So we cannot go out of Chriſts Doctrine and ſwear by any oath: for if we do, we break the command of Chriſt and go out of his Doctrine, and the Apoſtles which ſaid, Swear not at all: They that ſay, ſo help me God, and act contrary to the light which comes from the Lord Jeſus Chriſt, are with the light condemned from God, and are in another Doctrine: but who be in the light of Chriſt Jeſus, have Gods help. And ſo all ſuch as uſe their tongues and make a trade of the Scriptures, which were ſpoken forth from the Spirit of the Lord, they are judged and denyed, and turned away from, though they have the form of Godlines and not the power, but denies it. And ſuch by ſuch are the dear children of God caſt in priſon, who are the cauſe of it. And again in the preſence of the Lord God, we declare againſt all Popiſh wayes, and the Prieſts, and their church: and their autority, and all that belong to it, the root, and ground, and branches: and with the light do ſee them, and all who have any of their power, to be condemned with the light: And to you this is the word of the Lord God, and all who wait in the light which comes from the Lord Jeſus Chriſt, receives power from him which is the Head and go­verns his Church which is the Head of it; which Light is the con­demnation of the changeable Prieſthood. And with the light we ſee all Papiſts, and who be in the Popery, to be enemies of the Croſſe of Chriſt, and ſo imitate a croſs, ſome this way, ſome that way, who are all with the light to be condemned. And to you this is the word of the Lord God. I am the light of the World and doth enlighten every one that cometh into the World, ſaith Chriſt. And if you do love the light which comes from Chriſt and receive Chriſt ye ſhall receive the light of life: and as many as receives him to them he gives power to become the ſons of God, which are the children of light and do beleeve in the light. But ye that do hate the light, and will not bring your deeds to the light, becauſe your deeds be evill, and the light will reprove you; this is your condemnation, the light, ſaith Chriſt: ſo here is your Teacher, if you love the light, and here is your condemnation that hate the light, the Light. And remember that you are warned in your life time. And if you do love the light which comes from Chriſt it will lead you to the Church, which is in God, 1 Theff. 1.1. And bring you to teſtifie againſt the World, that the works thereof are evill: and will let you ſee that the whole world lyes in wickednes: And it will let you ſee that the Scriptures which were declared from the light, and life; they that was in it, was in unity: and all the ſects are mong them that have the good words, and lives in their meanings, and thinkings, and ſtrife, contention, and perſecution; and be ſuch that hate the light, whoſe deeds be evil which Chriſt teſtified againſt, which be ſtrangers from the life of God and Chriſt Jeſus, the Covenant of promiſe: and ſo all ſuch are with the light comprehended, ſeen, fatho­med, judged, and condemned. The light which lighteth every man that cometh into the World, is my witnes:

Foraſmuch as the enemies of God in all ages, have gone about to ſlan­der the Truth of God, and to caſt reproaches upon righteous ſervants, whom he ſent forth to bear witneſſe for the Truth againſt all the unrigh­teouſnes of men without reſpect of perſons: So now alſo the enemies of Chriſt Jeſus, and of his righteous ſeed, (ſhewing themſelves to be of the ſame generation of their fore-fathers, which ever perſecuted the righ­teous ſeed, which ſhewed before of the coming of the juſt one, Act. 7.52) labour by all means to render the truth odious, and to ſlander, and re­proach the people of God, by them ſcornfully called Quakers, fulfilling the word of Chriſt, Matth. 5.11. which ſaith, They ſhall ſay all manner of evil againſt you falſly for my ſake; and crying out to the Magiſtrates, as the multitude of the Jews did againſt Paul, that they ought not to live any longer: Act. 25.25. Act. 22.22. And as the chief Prieſts and Elders, and all the Councel ſought falſe witneſſes againſt Jeſus to put him to death, but found none, Matth. 26.59, 60. even ſo do they now. The high Prieſts of this age with the multitude of the ungodly, who go about to accuſe the people of God called Quakers (to be Jeſuits, Fryars, Popiſh-Prieſts, Ro­miſh Frogs, Morriſdancers, and perſons Popiſhly affected) to the Magi­ſtrates, as appears by an Information given to the Magiſtrates at Briſtol: and by Books, or Pamphlets put ſorth in Print by William Prinn, and others; and one Thomas Andrews Prieſt at Welling burrough in Northamptonſhire, who accuſed one John Whitehead, who by him and the World is called a Quaker, to one Thomas Pentloe called Juſtice, and cauſed nim to be carried before the ſaid Thomas Pentloe, the 15 day of the firſt moneth called March now laſt paſt; who after he had examined him ſaid, if he would go home to his wife; and abide with her, and go towards her the next morning, he ſhould have his liberty. To whom the ſaid John Whitehead anſwered, he ſtood not in his own will, but in the will of God, and could make no ſuch promiſe, not knowing what the morning would bring forth. Whereupon the ſaid Thomus Pentloe gave the Conſtables, charge over him till further Order, who kept him in their cuſtody two nights and a day, (which was, and is contrary to the Laws of the Nation) And then when he was carried again before the ſaid Pentloe, and one John Brown, called a Juſtice, with whom was the ſaid Andrews and another Prieſt, who asked John White­head many queſtions laboring to enſnare him; but they not finding him to have broken, or tranſgreſſed any known Law of the Nation, then they conſulted together, as the Preſidents and Princes did againſt Daniel, to finde an occaſion againſt him, concerning the Law of God, Daniel. 6. and one Marmaduke Storre another of the People, by them called Quakers, who came to viſite his brother, who was formerly by the ſaid Pentloe ſent to priſon at Northampton: And thereupon the ſaid Pentloe and Brown ten­dered to them the oath of Abjuration: appointed for ſuch as are ſuſpected to be Popiſhly affected, but their ſouls being ſubject to the Com­mands of Chriſt Jeſus not only becauſe of wrath but alſo for conſcience ſake, who ſaith: Matth. 5.34. Swear not at all, but let your communication be yea yea, nay nay; for whatſoever is more then theſe cometh of evil, v. 37. And the Apoſtle James ſaith: But above all things my brethren ſwear not, neither by hea­ven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath but let your yea be yea, and your nay nay, leaſt ye fall into condemnation, were made to deny to ſwear at all: But did in the preſence of the Lord, renounce al things in the form of the ſaid oath named before the ſaid called Juſtices: who notwithſtanding did thereupon require them to find ſuerties to be of the good behaviour: and to appear at the next Seſſions: then the ſaid John, and Marmaduke did deſire them to read a law that they had tranſgreſſed: or to ſhew them wherein they had broken the peace or good behaviour: but the ſaid called Juſtice did refuſe; and ſaid they was Judges, and did judge it to be ſo: then the ſaid John and Marmaduke told them they ought to Judge them accor­ding to the law: and if they would not read them a law: that they might be convinced by it to be of evil behaviour, they would not find ſu­reties: wherupon thy ſent them to priſon at Northampton, where they yet remain priſoners, though the breach of no known law can be juſtly laid to their charge: thus they and many others who in faithfulneſs ſerved the late Parliament and hazarded their lives, and ſuffered the plunder­ing of their Goods, in expectation to have had righteouſneſs ſet up, and all oppreſſers and oppreſſions removed and taken forth of the way, as was then largely promiſed: But behold, nothing is brought forth but winde there is not any deliverance wrought in the earth, neither have the inha­bitants of the World faln: for they that depart from evil are made a prey to this generation of Prieſts, and Magiſtrates who perſecute the innocent and impriſon them that in obedience to the commands of Chriſt Jeſus, dare not ſwear at all: do ye thus requite the Lord, ch fooliſh people and unwiſe? who ſeek after the life of the righteous, and daily lay ſnares for the inno­cent: and ſay in your hearts who who ſhall ſee you: underſtand ye brutiſh among the people, and ye fools when will ye be wiſe, he that planted the ear ſhall he not hear, he that formed the eye ſhal he not ſee, he that cha­ſtiſeth the Heathen ſhall he not correct? he that teacheth man knowledge, ſhall he not know?, yea, the Lord knoweth the thoughts of men that they are va­nity, Pſal. 94.8, 9, 10, 11. Therefore ceaſe from your perſecution of the children of God and from your wicked inventions, and ſnares which you make to enſnare the ſimple by, whom you in ſcorn and deriſion call Qua­kers, and Jeſuits, and Fryers, and Popiſh prieſts, and many other ſuch like names of reproach you caſt upon them: But they who you call Qua­kers in the preſence of the living God of Heaven and Earth do you who are reproachers with all your reproachfull names deny; and the Pope, and his ſupremacy and authority over the Catholique Church in general, and over every one of themſelves in particuler: And do beleeve and know that there is not any Tranſubſtantiation in the called Sacrament of the Lords Supper: or in the Elements of bread and wine after conſecration thereof by any Perſon whatſoever: And they, and every of them the peo­ple of God called Quakers, do believe and know that there is not any Pur­gatory: And that the conſecrated Hoaſt Crucifixes or Images ought not to be worſhipped, neither that any worſhips is due to any of them; And they, and every of them alſo beleeve, and know that ſalvation cannot be me­rited by works: and all Doctrines in affirmation of the ſaid points they and every of them, we do renounce and bear witnes againſt. And do deny all equivocation, mentall reſervation, and ſecret evaſion whatſoever, ſpeaking the words of Truth in plaineſs by the help of God: And for ſo doing they are perſecuted, ſtoned, ſtocked, mocked, reproached, and impriſoned by thoſe who cannot endure plaineſs of ſpeech: who are equivocaters, mentall reſervers, and ſecret evaders: who cannot receive the words of Truth, the yea and the nay in their communications: but contrary to the commands of the Lord Jeſus Chriſt, to whom every knee muſt bow, labour to bring people out of his doctrine: and ſo into the condemnation of the Devill: but the Righteouſneſſe of the perfect ſhall direct his way: when the wicked ſhall fall by his own wickedneſs, Prov. 11.5.

A word and a warning to all people, whether Prieſts, Magiſtrates, or others who are plotting in ſecret againſt the innocent, with the children of light you are ſeen, and comprehended, and with the light of Chriſt Jeſus in every one of you I ſpeak, which is my witnes, and your condemnation that acts contrary to it; Take warning in time, leaſt you ſay you had time when it is paſt. And remember you are once more warned, in your life time.

From them whom you in ſcorn call Quakers. Signed by George Fox, Francis Howgill, Edward Burroughs, Alexander Parker, Thomas Adam, Anthony Pearſon, Gervaſe Benſon, Thomas Rawlinſon, Robert Rich, Robert Dring, Gerard Roberts, Simon Dring, Amos Stodart, John Bolton, Weſt, William Rayman, Henry Clark, In the name of themſelves, and the reſt.

Some Queries to the Pope, and to all his Adherents and Followers.

  • 1 VVHether is not the ground of your works from that which would murder, yea or nay? and whether is not the Ground of your works from that which knowes not the Life of God, yea or nay?
  • 2 Whether doth not that Ground from which your works proceed, priſon the juſt? Whether doth not the Life of God remove the ground of your works, and ſo overthrow the life of your Kingdom, yea, or nay?
  • 3 Whether doth not he which Imitates a Croſs, follow the fancie of his own minde, and ſo ſet up Images: and whether God doth require this, yea or nay?
  • 4 whether doth not God forbid, and ſay thou ſhall not make to thy ſelf any Graven Image of male or female or any creeping thing upon the earth, or any fowl in the air, or fiſh in the ſea? whether God doth not forbid the making of thoſe Images, and you that make thoſe Images, whether you be not out of Gods command, and judged with the Life that gave forth the Scriptures, yea or nay?
  • 5 Whether any Image ſhould be bowed down unto, of male female, yea or nay?
  • 6 Whether you that ſay, bread and wine is the body and blood of Chriſt be not they that minds earthly things, and are carnall and naturall; whoſe God is your belly, whoſe end will be deſtruction; who are enemies to the croſs of Chriſt, which Croſſe denies ſelf?
  • 7 Whether ſelfe will feeds not upon bread and wine, and whether may not man feed upon that in his will, and know not Chriſt nor his body; who is not born by the will of man, which will is condemned with the light?
  • 8 If that wine be the blood of Chriſt, whether that be it which waſhes away ſin, yea or nay: and if that bread be the body of Chriſt, whether is it that body that makes free from the Law: for the Apoſtle ſaid, they were made free from the Law by the body of Chriſt?
  • 9 If it be another body that you eat; and another blood that you drink than that which makes free & waſhes away ſin, then whether do you not deceive the world yea or nay?
  • 10 Whether every one may not purchaſe bread and wine for money; and whether any can purchaſe the body and blood of Chriſt for money to cleanſe them from ſin withall: though Judas may ſell him; whether is that which ſells him for money, and which buies him for money cleanſed with him, yea or nay?
  • 11 Whether Jeſus Chriſt the Son of God, be Glorified with the ſame Glory, in the ſame body, as he had with the Father before the World was, yea or nay? and whether he is not the ſame as he is laſt, when the World is not; as he was, when he was firſt, before the World was made, yea or nay?
  • 12 Whether there be any worſhip of God, but that which where is the Life: out of all Images and Likeneſs, yea or nay?
  • 13 Whether all you that obſerve Maries and the names of the Saints, be not they that worſhip names and words, yea or nay: and ſo are turned from the Spirit which gave forth names, with which ſpirit God ſhould be worſhipped with­all.
  • 14 Whether all Charity and Works that do not proceed from the Spirit of the living of God, is not all to be condemned for the fire which are not wrought in God, yea or nay?
  • 15 Whether all mens merits be not in his will, and that then free-will; and whether the Croſs be not mans will, and to his Merits, and ſo then to that out of which his Merit ariſeth, but ſaith the Spirit, It is not him that wills, but God that ſhewes mercy?
  • 16 What is the will of man, and out of what had it its riſe, and what Glory muſt it be that muſt be ſtained, and what is the ſeat of envie, and whether any murderer hath eternall Life abiding in him yea or nay; and whether he that en­vies, is not a murderer, yea or nay?
  • 17 Whether, where there is works profeſſed and merits pretended, and envie lived in, this ſacrifice God doth accept; where faith is ſtrangled and ſhipwrack made of it: read Cain and Abell who can?
  • 18 What is your Ground that you eat fiſh ſome ſet dayes; and whether the Croſs of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt be not inward: to that mind that runs outward into viſible things as ſet fiſh, and ſet fleſh, and ſet dayes?

    Whether ſuch be not obſervers of dayes? and whether the Croſs be not to the ſeat of luſt and envie; and to that minde which makes outward Croſſes, Likeneſſes, and Images: which are to periſh and turn to duſt yea or nay; whether outward croſſes, likeneſſes, and Images and obſerving meats and dayes be not of the World; yea or nay: and whether that nature, which holds them up be not of the world, yea or nay?

  • 20 Whether the Croſs of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt is not that which crucifieth to the World, and from all Wordly things in the ground; yea or nay?
  • 21 Whether ever any of you received the Subſtance ſince that which you call the ſigne was practized by you, and ſo bears witnes to the ſubſtance, and denies the ſigne yea or nay?
  • 22 If that bread and wine be the body and blood of Chriſt, then was there a body and blood of Chriſt before Chriſt was manifeſt in the fleſh, yea or nay; for bread and wine was before Chriſt was manifeſt in the fleſh, and when he was Manifeſt in the fleſh, then was there another body and blood of Chriſt; and all that have the bread and wine, do they know the body and blood of Chriſt, yea or nay?
  • 23 Whether do you hold a Purgatory for men to be clenſed, after they be dead and laid in their graves: and what is it that clenſeth in that purgatory, ſeeing the Saints witneſſed nothing clenſed them but the blood of Chriſt which blood is in­corruptible?
  • 24 Whether that your bread and your wine which you call the body and blood of Chriſt will not corrupt yea or nay? and whether he that eats and drinks that, ſhall not dye and ſee corruption; and be never the clearer; nor be made free from his ſin: but ſhall dye and ſee corruption: and whether Chriſt doth not ſay; who ſaw no corruption; He that eats of his Fleſh and drinks of his Blood ſhall never die?
  • 25 Whether you do beleeve in the New Covenant; which God promiſed in giving his Son; and whether there be any remiſſion of ſin: but by him; yea or nay: and whether he forgives not ſin upon the earth; whether you can witnes this, yea, or nay?
  • 26 Whether you do beleeve that any ſhall come to that ſtate to be taught of God; that they need no man to teach them yea or nay? and whether any are children of God, but who are in this ſtate: and whether ſuch have not their ſins blotted out and forgiven on earth, yea or nay?
  • 27 Whether do you wait for and beleeve in to be made heirs with Chriſt yea or nay, and to have the ſame minde which was in Chriſt, who thought it no Rob­bery to be equall with God, whether you witnes this yea or nay?
  • 28 What is your ground of the knowledge of God, and whether you had known there had been a God or Chriſt, or Goſpell or Croſs, if the Scripture had not declared of them; and whether the Scripture is the foundation of the true knowledge of theſe things; yea or nay? if ſo whether is not this to lay another foundation then the holy men of God builded upon; which knew theſe things be­fore Scripture was written, yea or nay?
  • 37 Whether do you beleeve that Chriſt hath Lightned every one that comes into the World; and whether you beleeve any ſhall be made free from ſin, while upon the earth yea or nay?
  • 30 Whether is not that the Light of Chriſt which doth convince all men of ſin, and whether any be juſtified, or have received the conforter, while they are convinced, and condemned for ſin, yea or nay; and if that light be not the light of Chriſt, ſhew the difference between the light of Chriſt, and that light which convinces all men of ſin, in their Operation and Motion?
  • 31 Whether all that man ſees viſibly with a naturall eye, is not naturall in the naturall knowledg: and whether in this State the Religion which is not pure doth ſtand the wiſdome and knowledge, which differs not from the beaſts of the field, yea or nay?
  • 32 What is the eye in the unbeleever, which the God of the World hath blinded that they cannot ſee the, light of the glorious Goſpel: and what is the light of the glorious Goſpel which is hid from them: whoſe eye is blinded and what is the God of this World that doth blind the eye; whether the goſpel be a viſible thing, and whether the God of the world doth not keep open the viſible ey, which leads into temptations: and what is the ey which the true God hath blinded; leſt they ſhould ſee and be converted?
  • 33. Whether the Act of Philip and Mary was not made by the authority of the Church of Rome, and had not authority to rule over the Church of Rome, and to guard the Jeſuits and Prieſts, which law now guards many of the Prieſts of England; and whether that be not a branch which comes from the root which they make uſe of: and whether that be not to be renounced, as well as other the points of Popery which was the guard of their Church: And whether the Prieſts of England will renounce Popery in words; and have that law to guard their Churches as guarded the Jeſuites; and if ſo, whether this be not hypocriſie, yea or nay?

Theſe Queries are to all the Prieſts in England that are guarded with a Popiſh Law, which guarded the Jeſuites; and to be ſent to the Popiſh Prieſts, the Jeſuits, and to the Pope at Rome, to be anſwered by them in writing, and the anſwer to be returned to thoſe people who are depiſed with all Sects, who are ſcornfully called Quakers in England, at London

And we do deny the making the likeneſs of any thing that is in Hea­ven or in the earth, or in the waters; for the Lord our God forbids it: and furthermore, he ſaith, Thou ſhalt not bow down to them. God ſaith Deut. 4. That thou ſhalt not make the likeneſs of any beaſt that is on the earth; nor the likeneſs of any feathered fowl that flyes in the aire, and God ſaith, thou ſhall not make the likeneſs of any thing that creeps upon the earth, leaſt thou lifteſt up thy eyes to Heaven and thou ſeeſt the Sun, Moon and Stars, the Hoaſt of Heaven thou be driven to worſhip them; and God ſaith, corrupt not your ſelves with making any graven Image, or repreſentation of any figure, whether it be the likeneſs of male and female; and the Lord God ſaith rake heed to your ſelves, leſt you forget the Covenant of the Lord your God, which he hath made with you; & leaſt you make any graven Image or the likens of any thing, as the Lord thy God hath charged thee; and if ye corrupt your ſelves, and make any graven image, I call Heaven and earth to record againſt you this day, that ye ſhall ſhortly periſh from the land, v. 26. And the Lord God ſaith in Deut. 5. Thou ſhalt not make any graven image of any thing in Heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters, for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God. For thus ſaith the Lord, ye ſhall deal with them, ye ſhall overthrow their altars, and break down their pillars, cut down their groves, and burn their images with fire; for thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God; the Lord thy God hath choſen thee to be a ſpecial people to himſelf above all people that be upon the face of the earth. The graven images was to be burnt with fire, for they was the curſed thing from God, and God drave out the na­tions from before his people which made images, which his people was not; for the Heathen did ſo make likeneſſes whom the Lord ſpewed forth of the Land, which defiled it with their likneſſes and images. Baal had images, 2 Kin. 3. And the Lord ſaid put away the images, and break down the images of Baal; and in 2 Chron. there you may read of the image work, and the graved image the idoll, 2 Chron. 33.7. and Pſal. 73. When thou wakeſt, O Lord, and raiſeſt us up, thou ſhalt make their images deſpiſed; and the Lord hath awaked, and hath raiſed us up, and their images are deſpiſed, and ſo, confounded be all they that worſhip graven images, and in the Pſalms you may read how they worſhipped molten images, Pſal. 106. And Nebuchadnezzar made a great image, and them that would not worſhip his image, was to be thrown into the fiery furnace, and the worſhipers of God would not worſhip his golden image, Dan. 3. and in the Revel, ye may ſee that they that do worſhip the Beaſt and his image ſhall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, and ſhall be tormented with fire and brimſtone before the holy Angels, and before the holy Lamb. And the ſervants of God ſong which had got the victo­ry over the image and the beaſt, Rev. 15. and the children of Iſrael ſhall remain without an image, and they ſhall ſeek David their King, Hoſ. 3. And Rom. 1. ye may ſee how they turned the glory of the incorruptible God into the ſimilitude of the image of a corrupt man, and of birds, and of four footed beaſts, and creeping things; ſuch God gave up to hardneſs of heart, and they turned the truth of God into a lye ſuch their minds was reprobated and fil'd with unrighteouſs and deceit, taking all things in the evil, and theſe were and are the image-makers: and ye may read in the Acts, they of Epheſus were worſhipers of images which the Apoſtle witneſſed againſt, Act. 18. And though the Lord did com­mand the children of Iſrael they ſhould not make an image, yet they made a molten image which Moſes ſtampt to peeces, and burnt with fire, and the Lord was angry with them; they turned from his counſel, Deut. 9. And in Judg. 17. there ye may read and ſee the molten images; and in Judg. 18. ye may read of Michaels image, and the molten image, and how they ſet up Idolatry, and the Lord ſent Jeremiah to tell them the founder of the graven image is confounded, for his melting is but falſ­hood, for there is no breath in them, they are vanity, the works of err­ors, in the time of viſitation they ſhall periſh; and Jacobs portion is not like unto them, he is the maker of all things. Iſrael is the rod of his in­heritance, the Lord of Hoaſts is his name. Laban had images who would have wronged Jacob, Gen. 31. The Lord ſaith, Exod. 23. thou ſhalt utterly overthrow and break down their images. And in Exodus, The Lord ſaith, they ſhall break in peeces their images. And the Lord ſaith, I will deſtroy your high places, and cut away your images, and caſt your carcaſſes upon the bodies of your idols, and my ſoul abhors you, Levit. 26.30. Num. 39. The Lord ſaith, ye ſhall deſtroy all their pictures, and break aſunder all their images of mettal, and pluck down all their high places: and in 1 Sam. 6. there ye may read the Philiſtines, Prieſts, and South-ſayers and their images, and ſimiitudes of Mice, which de­ſtroyed the land, verſ. 11. And ye may read how David burnt the Phili­ſtines Images, 2 Pſal. and Jeroboam which was not as the ſervant of God, as David was, but he did evil in the ſight of God, and made molten im­mages to provoke God; and therefore, ſaith the Lord, I will bring evil upon Jeroboams houſe, and cut them off. And ye may read how they went into Baals houſe and deſtroyed it, and his images and their altars; and the children of Iſrael did not that which was not upright before the Lord their God, and made images, as thoſe that profeſs themſelves Chri­ſtans do now, and theſe angryed the Lord, 2 King. 17. and made molten images and calves, and ſo worſhipped the Hoaſt of Heaven, and ſerved Baal; therefore the Lord was exceeding wrath with them; and he ſaid break down their images, 2 King. 18. and he brake their images in peeces, 2 King. 23. And Joſiah took away their familiar ſpirits, and South-ſayers and images, and idols, and Aſa deſtroyed the idolatry, and commanded Juda to ſeek God; he break down the images and altars of the ſtrange idols, and the images thereof, and the kingdom was quiet before him, 2 Chron. 14. And the people of God went and deſtroyed the houſe of Baal, and his image, 2 Chr. 23. And you may ſee how Ahaz did not upright in the ſight of the Lord like David his father, but he made molten images, and provoked the Lord to anger, 2 Chron. 28. And you may read how Juda brake down the images, and cut down the Groves, 2 Chron. 31. And how Amon ſacrificed to the images which Manaſſes his father had made, which did evil in the ſight of God; and Joſiah did upright in the ſight of God, he began to purge Juda and Jeruſalem from their groves and high places, and carved images, and molten images, and ſtamped them to powder, and cut down their images, 2 Chron. 34. and the Lord ſent Iſaiah to cry out againſt their images; which their fingers had made and ſaid they had forgotten God, Iſaiah 17. and he ſaith, the graven images may not ſtand, Iſa. 27. and he ſaid the image of ſilver and of gold ſhould be caſt away as a monſtrous City; the ornaments and the covering; Iſa. 9. And behold, ſaith he, they are all nothing, their images are wind and confuſion, Iſa. 41. and the Lord ſent Jeremiah to cry againſt their images of Bethel that is in the land of Egypt, and ſaid they ſhould be burnt and the houſe of their Gods, Jer. 43. and the Lord ſent Ezekiel, to cry againſt their images, who ſaid your images of the Sun ſhould be broken: I will caſt down your ſlain men before your idols and your images of the Sun ſhall be cut in peeces, and your works ſhall be aboliſhed, and ye ſhall know that I am the Lord, the ſlain ſhall fall in the midſt of you: And the Lord turned his face from them that made images, Ezek. 7. And the Lord ſaid thou tookeſt gold and ſilver and made the images of men; wo, wo, unto thee ſaith the Lord, Ezek. 16. And the King of Baal conſulted with Images, Ezek. 21. and there ye may ſee in what generations the Images were, and who turned from God, turned from the Images, and Jeruſa­lem and Samaria painted upon the walls, the Images of the Chaldeans painted with Verinilion, and ſo diſcovered their fornication from the Lord; and the Lord ſaid, I will deliver thee into the hands of them whom thou hateſt; and thy ſhame and thy fornication ſhall be diſco­vered: do not you all people paint upon the wall Images of other people, though not of the Chaldeans, and doth not this manifeſt your whordom: or will you ſay you are delivered to do theſe abhominations, Ezek. 23. and the Lord ſaith, I will deſtroy their Images, and cauſe their Idols to ceaſe, Ezek. 30. and Amos was ſent to cry againſt their Images, and their Gods, Amos 2.5. and the Lord ſent Micab to cry that he would cut down the Images in the midſt of them, Mich. 5. and the Lord ſent Hoſ. to cry againſt the Images, how they made them fair, and now they ſin more and more, they have made them molten Images of their ſilver, and Idols, according to their underſtanding, and they are all the works of craftsmen; he ſhall break down their images, Hoſ. 10.3. declare a­mong the Nations, and publiſh it; ſet up a ſtandard and proclaim it, and conceal it not, Babel is taken; Bell is confounded, Meredoch is broken down, her idols are confounded, and their images are burſt in peeces.


About this transcription

TextA declaration against all poperie, and popish points and is renounced from them and by them whom the scorners in scorn call Quakers : and likewise some queries to the Pope and his priests that are guarded with his law : to be answered in writing or print; and to be sent them called Quakers at London in England.
AuthorFox, George, 1624-1691..
Extent Approx. 41 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 7 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84776)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 114693)

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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA declaration against all poperie, and popish points and is renounced from them and by them whom the scorners in scorn call Quakers : and likewise some queries to the Pope and his priests that are guarded with his law : to be answered in writing or print; and to be sent them called Quakers at London in England. Fox, George, 1624-1691.. [12] p. s.n.,[London :1655]. (Caption title.) (Imprint from Wing.) (Signed on A3v: George Fox, Francis Howgill, Edward Burroughs [and fourteen others].) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "June. 23 1655".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Catholic Church -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800.
  • Quakers -- England -- Early works to 1800.

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  • DLPS A84776
  • STC Wing F1783
  • STC Thomason E844_10
  • STC ESTC R202129
  • EEBO-CITATION 99862530
  • PROQUEST 99862530
  • VID 114693

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