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A DECLARATION OF THE KING OF DENMARK, TO THE Emperour, the King and State of POLAND, And his Highneſs the Elector of BRANDENBURGH: In Relation to the TREATY Agreed and Concluded at the HAGHE in HOLLAND, The 21 of May, 1659.

Shewing the Trecherouſneſs of the Hollander in that TREATY.

LONDON, Printed by E. . for HerEverſden, at the Grey-hound in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1659.


A DECLARATION OF THE KING OF DENMARK, TO THE EMPEROƲR, the King and State of POLAND; And his Highneſs the Elector of BRANENBURGH: In Relation to the Treaty Agreed and Concluded, at the Haghe in Holland, On the 21 of May, 1659.


I Doubt not, but that you will in the higheſt manner Admire, when you ſhall underſtand the Treaty, lately Concluded on by the Miniſters of the moſt Chriſtian KING, and the PROTECTOR of England, and the Honorable LORDS, John Baron of Gaunt, John Baron of Merode, and John Baron of With, &c. 4Deputies of either Province: And conſidering that they are determined to leave Us, and to deliver Us over as a Prey to our Blood-thirſty, and unpacified Enemies of the Swedes; That is, that Generous Holland, who hath placed Us in the very middle of the Pikes, and would that We ſhould Embrace that fair-ſeeming Treaty.

Our Kingly City hath for the ſpace of Eleven Months together been Beſieged, many of Our Ilands have been Incorporated, great part of Our Countrey ſpoyled to the Ground, many of my Subjects have been Murthered, and Tyrannouſly dealt withall; Men per force taken from their Wives, Children Eſtranged from their Mothers, and the moſt part of Our Caſtles, Buildings, and Houſes deſtroyed by Fire; And that for no other Reaſon, but that they cannot ſufficiently be ſa­tisfied with the Blood of Our People, no Con­ſideration taken of their Oath made to Almighty God, upon that Peace which was formerly Con­cluded on. Finally, all this Cruelty is forgotten by Our Confederate Netherlanders, who joyntly fall from Us for fear of a War with the Engliſh; And therefore Concludes ſuch a Treaty, Giving Us a Law, without any Notice given to Us, or at leaſt; to be Heard or Underſtood by Our Mini­ſters,5 much leſs without the Conſent of Our Allies, or Confederates: Likewiſe all this tends much to the Prejudice of their Powerfull Alliance; And the many Promiſes by them made for Our Aſſi­ſtance. Now inſtead of Helping and Aſſiſting Us, in bringing all Things to honourable and reaſonable Conditions; They have con­trary to their Promiſes, maintaining of their Glory, and Our Finall Well-being, They have wholly forgotten that we ought to have good Recompence and Satisfaction, for the Fireing and Plundring of Our Country, and for the Violating of Our Subjects, and Riots by them Commit­ted; where to the Contrary, with this moſt curſed Ceſſation, they bind up Our Kingly Power and Hands, and the Hands of Your moſt Illu­ſtrious Highneſs's, who joyntly Depended upon thoſe Succours which they expected from the Ne­therlandiſh Fleet, and are now diſ-enabled to work out that Deſigne, which was to Tranſport o­ver Our Armies, and to Chaſe away Our Ene­mies from Our Kingly and Metropoliticall CITY: What a High Blame is this, that they ſhould both Swear and Promiſe Succours, not ſo much for Us alone, but for their own Ruine and Confuſion, by the Intereſt of the Sound, of their own Forces, and Couragious Officers, who they have Caſt6 into the very Throat of that Devouring Beare: All ſeems to leave Us, they Conſent, and force all to Ceaſe; Giving full Power and Authority to that Great Enemy, who to that End hath United all his Forces to make uſe of his Blood-Thirſty Sword againſt Us, and Our Subjects. It is ap­parent, that God is Angry, and that he Deprives RULERS of their Underſtandings, to Chaſtiſe Countries for their Offences.

Moſt Illuſtrious PRINCES, This is a great Burthen, and it would have been far better for ſuch Allies, or Confederates, not to have Incenſed, or provoked Me ſo far as to Wage War againſt the Swedes. But they ſeem firſt of all to hold the Swediſh Power in a Ballance, and now they throw My Kingdome into his Scale, and will likewiſe Surrender your Highneſſes Themſelves to the Power of the Swedes; Intending to make an A­greement apart with the CROWN and STATE of POLAND: And to the Contrary will Be­neficiate the Swede with ſuch Treaties as ſhall poſ­ſeſs Them of the Sound, and ſo Conſequently to make Him ſole LORD of EUROPE.

May it pleaſe your Highneſſes to take Notice, how Hainous a Thing this is in the Eyes of God,7 and how Deſtructive it is. Such a Work and Ceſsation hath been made, and Concluded on, by the Deputies of the LORDS the States in Holland: And yet it hath been worſe Acted in ENGLAND, by their Ambaſsadour Nieuport, who hath Commanded the Hollands ADMIRALL to prolong the ſaid Ceſsation for Three Weeks; who hath Obliged Himſelf in ENGLAND, to cauſe the ſame to be Ratified and Approved of, by his Maſters and Principalls: Inſomuch, that now the Netherlandiſh Power, which is ſo Burthenſome to their Own Inhabitants, that it is now become Noyſome; And in the mean time, the Swedes lay Hold of All.

Your Highneſſes may be pleaſed to take the Pre­miſses into your Mature Conſiderations, and to con­tinue and remain Obliged to your Oathes and Fi­delities, to Maintain and Uphold Unity, and with all Speed to Agitate therein, according to the Deſignes Contained in theſe Charecters herewith going: Not doubting, that although Holland leaves Us ſo abſurdly, and that They Oblige Them­ſelves by the ſaid Treaty, upon the Refuſall of Our Acceptance, of the Agreement by Them made, in Lieu of the Aſsiſtance which They have Sworn unto Us, to force Us to it with their Fleet, but8 that the Almighty will Himſelf Fight for Us in De­fence of Our Good Cauſe, who will Crown your Sacred and Annoynted Heads with Triumphant Victory and Glory, and I, as David, and a Perſon left Deſtitute, ſhall with my Citizens Humble Our Selves before that Great God, and Depend upon Him alone, and then We ſhall in his moſt Holy Name Go Out, againſt that Swediſh GOLIA; And if it ſhould pleaſe God, that We Fall by the Sword, Our Wives ſhall ſet the City on Fire of all Sides, and ſhall depart from thence with the re­maining Ships, where Chriſt in his Mercy ſhall Conduct Them, who will take your Serene High­neſs's into his moſt holy Protection, &c.


About this transcription

TextA declaration of the King of Denmark, to the Emperour, the King and state of Poland, and his Highness the Elector of Brandenburgh: in relation to the treaty agreed and concluded at the Haghe [sic] in Holland, the 21 of May, 1659. Shewing the trecherousness of the Hollander in that treaty.
AuthorFrederick III, King of Denmark and Norway, 1609-1670..
Extent Approx. 9 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84881)

Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 167199)

Images scanned from microfilm: (Thomason Tracts ; 118:E770[1])

About the source text

Bibliographic informationA declaration of the King of Denmark, to the Emperour, the King and state of Poland, and his Highness the Elector of Brandenburgh: in relation to the treaty agreed and concluded at the Haghe [sic] in Holland, the 21 of May, 1659. Shewing the trecherousness of the Hollander in that treaty. Frederick III, King of Denmark and Norway, 1609-1670.. 8 p. Printed by E.C. for Henry Eversden, at the Grey-hound in St. Pauls Church-yard,London, :1659.. (Dated at end: 24 June, 1659.) (Annotation on Thomason copy: "July. 18".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Netherlands -- History -- 1648-1714 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- Poland -- 1648-1714 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Poland -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- 1648-1614 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • Text Creation Partnership,
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  • DLPS A84881
  • STC Wing F2101
  • STC Thomason E770_1
  • STC ESTC R207273
  • EEBO-CITATION 99866335
  • PROQUEST 99866335
  • VID 167199

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