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A LETTER Written by the PRINCE ELECTOR OF BRANDENBOURGH Unto the KING OF FRANCE, DECLARING The Reaſons inducing his ELECTORAL HIGHNES to take up Arms againſt The KING of SWEDEN.

Tranſlated out of the Latine Coppies.

LONDON, Printed by J. C. for John Crooke, at the Signe of the Ship, in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1659.


A LETTER VVritten by the PRINCE ELECTOR of BRANDENBURGH, Unto the King of FRANCE: Declaring the Reaſons inducing his Electoral High­neſs to take up Arms againſt the King of Sweden. Tranſlated out of the Latine Coppie.

Moſt Serene and Potent King, our Lord Couſen, and moſt honoured Kinſman.

IT cannot chooſe but be known unto your Majeſtie, as chief Mediator, what labour and pains hath been im­ployed to compaſs the Peace and Friendſhip, betwixt the Kings of Swedn, and Denmark, and to beget a repoſe and Tranquility in the Provinces of Denmark, and thoſe other his Territories which are ſituated in the Roman Empire. So likewiſe the other Mediators, as well as your Majestie, and e­very body elſe, did conceive, That by the ſaid Peace, the King and Kingdome of Sweden, were ſufficiently provided for: whoſe Power was not onely thereby greatly augmented, but Denmark was there­by ſo ſtreightned, and bound up, as that none, no not the Swedes, needed to have dreaded the attempts of a Kingdome, which was in a manner Rent aſunder, and to perpetuity blocked up within it ſelf: Eſpecially when as the King of Denmark, had entirely fulfilled the2 Conditions which were agreed on; though to his own, his King­domes, and his Succeſſors great Prejudice; And moreover (by way of Conſtraint) did grant unto the Swedes ſeverall other moſt conſi­derable things, according to their own good Likeings, and in con­formity to their preſcriptions; relying on the hopes, that the Publike Faith given by the Swedes, confirmed by ſuch ſufficient Securityes, and by the Religious promiſes of a King, and a Chriſtian, would have been performed.

But even as many others, ſo alſo this good King, and his people were ſufferers, during the Swediſh Publike Faith and Peace; For as they have often, and yet do complain, the Swediſh Forces op­preſſed them as much if not more, both in Denmark and Holſtein, ſince the War was appeaſed, as during the greateſt Violence of the ſame. And as if they heeded not at all the breach thereof, they neither obſerved Peace, nor agreement: although it could hardly have been immagined that the Swediſh Impiety would have tranſported them to what they have done; and whereat doubtleſſe both your Majeſtie, and all Chriſtian Potentates, as well as our ſelves, will be amazed.

Since it hath been reported by the King of Denmark's Miniſters; That by an unheard of example, amongſt Chriſtians, there was a Con­ſpiracy hatch't againſt the moſt Serene King of Denmark, his Children, Kingdomes, Provinces, and even againſt thoſe of his Territores, which are ſittuated in the Roman Empire; as alſo againſt the Liberty and Lives, and Fortunes, of his Innocent Subjects, who being in a peace­able and quiet manner of living, not apprehending any ſuch matter, ſhould under the Pretence of Friendſhip and Brotherly love, have bin all put to the Sword: or excluding the King & his poſterity, out of his Kingdom and Provinces, & out of his territoryes ſituated in the Roman Empire, to carry him and his progenie away into Capti­vitye, and to have reduced his ſubjects under a perpetuall ſervitude; Contrary to the late peace concluded on, and performed by the King of Denmark; Contrary to the Publike Faith given: Contrary to the Honour and Reputation of the moſt powerfull Mediators: and finally contrary to all Laws both Divine, and Humane; And3 that on the ſame day when as this Conſpiracy brake forth unex­pectedly, The King of Sweden himſelf did in a Hoſtile way, not only fall into the Iſland of Sealand, and aſſailed the King of Denmark in Coppenhaghen, his Chief Cittye, and place of Reſidence; But by his hoſtile Armed Forces, did invade and aſſault the provinces of the Roman Empire, which are compriſed in the Weſtphalian treaty of Peace, Contrary unto the ſame, and contrary to the laſt Peace between Sweden and Denmark, Continuing to Exerciſe the ſame Hoſtilities and far greater, and thereby to infringe the Publike Peace.

Which pernitious change of affaires, when we maturely conſidered, and alſo with anxiety Pondered, by what meanes the Publike, and our own ſecurity might be beſt Provided for, during this ſo great a breach of the Publike Faith. We en­countred with ſo many and weighty Conſiderations, as we thereby clerely perceived, that moſt eminent and ſuddain enſuing dangers threatned both our Neighbours, and our ſelves, unleſſe they were timely prevented, by ſerious Conſultations, and that by the Almighties aſſiſtance, that ambition were bound, which till this preſent, had freely and unhindered, uſurped and dominered o­ver it's Neighbours-heads, and Fortunes, as it's ſelf pleaſed: And that in the firſt place, the Kingdome of Denmark might be freed from thoſe unjuſt oppreſſions, ſo that at length, peace, and quietneſſe, might be reſtored unto it, and to it's Neighbours.

And whereas till this preſent time, thoſe endeavors which have been uſed with the King of Sweden, towards the Mediating of a peace, were ſo little regarded, although urged and promoted by all poſible induſtry, and means, as that they have allwaies proved fruitleſſe, but eſpecially when as he ſeemed to perſwade others to peace. Beſides which he hath moſt unworthily, and undeſervedly Threatned us in a Hoſtile way: And hath now alſo infringed the Peace with Den­mark, which was but lately ſo religiouſly, and ſolemly concluded; Inſomuch as that there being no more hopes left for an agree­ment, and an upright Peace. We could therefore no longer de­ferr that whereunto we are obliged, both to the Common, and our own cauſe, unleſſe we would render our ſelves acceſſory, that4 our Neighbours being overcome, and ſubdued, our ſelves might alſo deſervedly be overrun.

And therefore we have been conſtrained to put our ſelves into a poſture, and Equipage, towards the Compaſſing of no leſſe glori­ous, and righteous atchievements, according to the Laws and Di­ctates of God, and of all Nations.

And whereas your Majeſties honour, and Kingly dignity, is alſo highly engaged, to cauſe thoſe things to be Religiouſly obſerved and inviolably performed, which as it were upon our ſuretyſhip were Publikly concluded, and agreeded on; And that betwixt your Ma­jeſtie and our ſelf, there hath been hetherto an entire and upright Friendſhip maintained: that we are equally engaged to each other by the alliance betwixt us; We counted it a part of our Duty, Sum­marily, to declare unto your Majeſtie, as far as the bounds of an E­piſtle will permit us, the reaſons which have induced us to under­take this defenſive Expedition.

Becauſe we were deſerted in Poruſſia and Poland, by the King of Sweden, contrary to the agreements, engagements, and reall pro­miſes, and left to the diſcretion of our then enemies, as all the world and your Majestie doth know: notwithſtanding which, we perſiſted in our Friendly affection, continued and obſerved the Peace hindered Enmityes, urged and promoted the Treatyes of peace, which Poland proffered on reaſonable conditions, and finally, did ſend our Am­baſſadors to procure, and ſettle peace, but all in Vaine.

Becauſe our Ambaſſadors, were indeed well received in the Kings Name; But to our diſgrace, were treated withall in a new and un­heard of Manner, were refuſed audience, and without cauſe given or ſhown (and therefore unjuſtly) they Proclaimed, and declared us en­nemies.

Becauſe the King of Sweden, had made a Peace with the King of Denmark; Had received the ſatisfaction which was agreed on, ap­propriated unto himſelf the Titles of the Provinces which he had ſo ac­quired, Injoyed, and made uſe of them, and did Publikely profeſſe himſelf to be his Friend, and allye; and though he retained the ſatisfaction, yet he performed not the agreements, and having framed a Conſpiracy, he Broek5 the ſaid Peace, and beyond all expectation, eſpecially, under the pretence of Friendſhip (whereas they dream't of no ſuch thing) he cauſed them to be kild, and led away Captives.

Whereas therefore the Common tye of Society, and Christianity doth oblige and conſtrain all and every one, towards the aſſisting, re­leiving, and defending, of the unjuſtly oppreſſed, not doubting but this ſo hainous Premeditated a conſpiracy, will move all good Kings & Princes: but eſpecially your Majestie; ſo likewiſe have we ſeveral others reaſons, motives inducing and enforcing us, to the preſent undertaking.

For beſides the conſtant & ſincere, reall friendſhip betwixt the King of Denmark and our Electorall houſe, & that both famiies are allyed to each other by a ſtraihter tye of Conſanguinity, ſo likewiſe both the King of Denmark & the ſtates Provintiall of the Territories of Holſtein, have in this their extremity, & unjuſt oppreſſion, required & deman­ded of us, that lawfull defenſive help, which they might juſtly expect.

Moreover as concerning Holſtein, the Weſtphalian Peace of the Em­pire, and the other Germain ſtatutes, and decrees, do command us to be in a readineſs whether we be called upon or no, Contrary whereunto Holſtein being a Province of the Empire, is troubled, oppreſſed waſted and aſ­ſayled, by an unjuſt and premeditated power and force.

Finally, the ſucceſſion of the beſt part of the ſaid Territories, be­ing deſigned for, and acquired by our Predeceſſors, and our ſelves, and to be left to our ſucceſſors, which if we ſhould wilfully permit to be alienated, and cut off from our ſelves, or from the Roman Em­pire, (of which we are not the leaſt member) and ſhould not opoſe all our ſtrength, and might againſt the ſame; We ſhould greatly fail in what we owe to our ſelves, and to our Poſterity, and might be ac­cuſed by the Roman Empire, to have neglected our duties, nor ſhould we perform thoſe things which behoove an Elector & a Prince of Ger­many, in the behalf of his Country.

Therefore, ſince there is no hopes left, ſave in the taking up of arms, we have prepared a defenſive force againſt him, who wilfully hath declared himſelf to be our Enemy: who only waits an occaſion to over-run us, and our Provinces: who hath religi­ouſly entred upon Treatyes and Agreements, but hath deſerted6 his Allyes and Abetters, againſt all equity, and hath expoſed them to the mercy of their Enemies, who ſolemnly made a peace, and reaped great benefit thereby; but retaining the profits thereof, moſt raſhly brake the ſame again: who moſt unjuſtly oppreſſeth his Neighbouring Kings, and Princes: who engaged his Publick Faith, but as publickly infringed the ſame again; who by no means deſires peace, who is an Incendiary, and Fomenter of all Wars, and Troubles among Chriſtians: and who therefore de­ſerves the wrath and curſe of Chriſtendom.

As therefore theſe forces are raiſed by us, on a juſt and legal cauſe, not intending ſo much as to move an Arm, or a Foot, to in­trench upon the Rights of others; But chiefly, to relieve thoſe who are unjuſtly oppreſſed, to reſtore the diſturbed and infringed Peace and Tranquility, unto its former ſplendor again, and thereby to in­duce the King of Sweden, the ſooner to haſten and promote the ſame. So we do moſt aſſuredly and earneſtly hope and believe, that by the Almightyes aſſiſtance, and the piety, love, faith, and juſtice of the cauſe, as alſo by the aſſiſtance of all Chriſtian Kings, Princes, and Common-wealths, but eſpecially by your Majeſties (who by a ſuc­ceſsive and particular due beareth the Title of the moſt Chriſtian and Equitable King) this deſign will be ſeconded: remaining alſo con­fident that your Majeſty will joyn with us herein; that all the Mer­chants, and Negotiants, throughout the whole world, may not, by the Swedes, attaining to the abſolute Dominion of the Baltick Seas, be made Tributaryes, and enforced to pay Taxes, & Impoſitions, unto them to all perpetuity. To the great prejudice, and damage of all other Kingdomes.

Herewith we recommend your Majeſty to the Almighty's Pro­tection, wiſhing you all happineſs and proſperity in your underta­kings.


About this transcription

TextA letter written by the Prince Elector of Brandenbourgh unto the King of France, declaring the reasons inducing his Electoral Highnes to take up arms against the King of Sweden. Translated out of the Latine coppies.
AuthorFriedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 1620-1688..
Extent Approx. 15 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 5 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images.
SeriesEarly English books online text creation partnership.
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(EEBO-TCP ; phase 2, no. A84887)

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About the source text

Bibliographic informationA letter written by the Prince Elector of Brandenbourgh unto the King of France, declaring the reasons inducing his Electoral Highnes to take up arms against the King of Sweden. Translated out of the Latine coppies. Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 1620-1688.. [2], 6 p. printed by J.C. for John Crooke, at the sign of the Ship, in St. Pauls Church-yard,London :1659.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "Jan: 10th".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • Dano-Swedish Wars, 1657-1660 -- Early works to 1800.
  • Prussia (Germany) -- History -- Frederick William, the Great Elector, 1640-1688 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800.
  • Prussia (Germany) -- Foreign relations -- Sweden -- Early works to 1800.

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