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FRUITFULL ENGLAND LIKE TO BECOME A Barren Wilderneſs Through the wickednes of the Inhabitants; AND THE ARMY

Rebels & Traitors once more for not disbanding, and accordingly puniſhed, as ſome of them have been already at Seſſions, Aſſizes and otherwiſe, notwithſtanding all their wonderfull Victories, faithfull and matchles ſervices.

If the lawful remedies (for prevention) here juſt­ly adviſed, be not diſcreetly and timely uſed.

So ſhould Peace, Trade, and tranquility abound,
And this Army in all Ages, be renown'd;
Elſe, of what Cup they permit to be brew'd,
Themſelves ſhall drink, and cannot eſchew't.
DEUT. 30.15.

Behold, I have ſet before thine eyes this day, life and good, and death and evill.

Pſal. 107.34. Prov. 28.25. and 29.2. Lam. 1.1. Jer. 5.30.31.

LONDON, Printed in the Year, 1648.


FRUITFULL ENGLAND LIKE TO BECOME A Barren. Wilderneſſe, THROUGH The wickedneſſe of the Inhabitants, &c.

IN theſe myſterious & dangerous times, we are to take ſpeci­all notice of 3. ſeverall parties, working to 3. ſeveral ends in this Nation, one party moſt deceitfully & unjuſtly giving di­vers bloody & deadly wounds, another party moſt innocently and lamentably receiving them, and the third, moſt faithful­ly promiſing and dutifully undertaking to cure them.

It cannot be juſtly denyed, but the party thus offending, is lyable to be cenſured by the Lawes both of God and man, chiefly if their notorious and grievous facts be proved to be of ſet purpoſe, and the party offended, not being able (for a time) to proſecute the mat­ter againſt the offending party, they being potent adverſaries, able to ſtop the courſe of juſtice, yea and in effect both Judges and par­ties; the party offended do referre their juſt cauſe and innocent ſuffer­ings to God, unto whom belongeth vengeance, and chuſe the beſt and moſt expert Surgions they (to their knowledge) could find, to uſe their beſt experiments in curing that parties grievous wounds; yea, and for thoſe profeſſors better encouragement therein, and buy­ing of all neceſſaries for the cure, gave them both ready monies and2 other rich preſents at the agreement; whereupon, theſe Surgions faithfully promiſed and undertook to diſcharge an honeſt duty in all and whatſoever particulars requiſite to the compleat and abſo­lutecureing of that party ſo grievouſly wounded.

But it came to paſſe within a little ſpace, that notwithſtanding all theſe Surgions great profeſsions, faithful promiſes, & dutifull un­dertakings, yea and their abundant receipts both of monies and o­ther guifts, (almoſt ſurpaſsing all account) they ſpent both their time and labours, far more in the enriching of themſelves by thoſe benefites, then in the conſcionable performance of their duty, (by carefull uſing of their skill) towards the cureing of the wounded party; ſo by theſe deceitfull profeſſors negligence in uſing the law­full ordinary meanes, thoſe wounds and ſores do begin ſo to cor­rupt and putrifie, that they have brought the offended party to a far more dangerous and deſperate condition then at firſt they found them; for then any ordinary men of that profeſsion, by the uſe of the ordinary means might poſſibly have cured ſuch green wounds, but now they are grown ſo deſperate, that nothing but deſperate cure can be thereunto applyed.

Now the caſe being thus ſtated, a queſtion hereby the way hath need to be reſolved before we proceed; whether the offender or the curers were the greateſt enemies to the offended, and wounded pa­tients? It can hardly be denyed but the curers are the greateſt e­nemies, although the offenders were the firſt open and deadly ene­mies, giving the offended ſuch mortall ſtroaks as could not eaſily be cured, though the beſt means had been never ſo timely and careful­ly uſed: and therefore the party offending are no wiſe to be excuſed, but juſtly to bear their own blame; yet in regard they profeſſed not to be friends, but rather open enemies, and that they gave theſe mor­tall ſtroaks freely without either requiring or receiving any kind of recompence for their pains, and neither profeſſing, undertaking, nor promiſing to cure them.

But theſe Surgions moſt deceitfully profeſſing to be ſuch true, re­all, and cordiall friends to theſe paients, as if they had been indeed (as they ſaid they were) fleſh of their fleſh, and bone of their bones, & did faithfully and ſolemnly undertake, promiſe, imprecate, vow, ſwear, proteſt and receive, as great rewards as ever any Surgions received ſince theſe Warres (yea or the world) began; and yet not­withſtanding3 all, have proved miſerable comforters, yea and as falſe, corrupt, covetous, and deceitfull to thoſe poor objects of pitty, the wounded, bloudy, needy, and cheated party, as ever any Phyſitions or Surgions were to their turmoiled and grieved patients ſince the world began, leaving that honeſt party, who recompenced them ſo liberally, even ready to periſh in thoſe putrified & feſtered wounds, they having far more reſpect to advance themſelves and their po­ſterities on their patients ruins, then any wiſe to diſcharge their du­ties, according to that truſt thoſe patients repoſed in them for their recovery: ſo that if they be not condignely puniſhed and diſmiſſed, to the terrour of others, yea, and made to reſtore that recompence they unjuſtly received, and better Surgions choſen in their places, there is no hope neither of thoſe patients recovery, nor of other pa­tients ſafety, but all to be thus cheated and abuſed continually by deceitfull, ſelf-ſeeking and wicked men.

All which matters coming to this period, and the cruell party being ſo farre from repenting, that they have alwayes raged more & more, taking all advantages, and both ſeeking out and contriving many opportunities, plots, and conſpiracies to act more and more miſchiefe, againſt the ſame party whom they had thus wronged al­ready; inſomuch, that beſides all the diſtreſſed parties exceſſive con­tributions to thoſe deceitfull Surgions to little or no purpoſe, they were forced not only to ſpend a great part of their own blood and eſtates beſides; (both wounded and ſpoiled as they were) but like­wiſe, after they had freely guarded thoſe Surgions a long time them­ſelves, even to hire divers very chargable guards for a longer time, almoſt to as little effect, except only the laſt guard of all, which proved both faithful and valiant indeed, & did help and aſſiſt them againſt the open cruelty, and unparalelled both plots and violences of thoſe moſt bloody and unplacable enemies.

By which powerfull meanes and mutuall concurrance, they (by divine providence) through innumerable difficulties conquered, ſubdued, and captived their greateſt enemies; ſo that both their de­ceitfull curers and malicious deſtroyers, were brought under the mercy of them and their Guard.

But yet here ſtandeth the difference, thoſe ſubtle Surgions (whom they chuſed to be their curers, both of the Kings-Evill, and all other nationall and abominable evills, ſores and diſeaſes, unto which they4 (like their forefathers were ſubject) do preſume upon ſome pretence of priviledge, to agreee with the violent party without either the pa­tient parties, or their valorous Guards conſent, though all they can do, is but to ſpeak and trea & prate, whereas the other offended par­ty with their victorious Guard, have the power & fortitude to act, & ſmite and proſecute, howſoever they at preſent lye lurking, like a Lyon in his Den, untill they ſee their own opportunity to catch their prey, prevent them and laugh them to ſcorn; for though guilty men may bleſſe and make peace, yea and forgive one another, like New­gate birds: now after they have received, deſtroyed, and murthered the juſt, yea protected, aſſiſted, and juſtified the wicked, as being moſt abominable acts in Gods ſight, yea and although hand joyn in hand, yet they ſhall not eſcape unpuniſhed in his due time.

Now the great matters of ſtate now in preſent difference, being under this ſimile diſcribed, as the Prophet Nathan did Davids fault, they are both ſo plain and evident in our daily ſight and hearing, yea & palpable alſo by out feeling the ſmart thereof, that they need little or no interpretation, were it not for the plainer ſort of people, who love that ſuch needfull and remarkable matters in theſe diſtracted times, ſhould be expreſſed in plain tearms, having too much wofull experience, how dangerous it is to be deluded and blind-folded, either with whiſpering in the eare or with dark or Court-like phra­ſes and vain Complements.

The party who gave thoſe grievous wounds, is the King and his Confederates, (even the Papiſts & rude multitude) the party who re­ceived them, is this whole diſtreſſed Nation, chiefly the moſt free minded and beſt principled thereof, and the Surgeons who under­took and promiſed to cure theſe bloody wounds, is the Parliament, and the Guard which the Nation chuſed, is the Army, unto which party whereof, inſtead of any further illuſtration, ye may eaſily joyn their own part in what hath been briefly ſpoken.

Only for their cauſe, who delight more in plain Engliſh, then either in doubtful or myſticall ſpeeches, it is to be conſidered, that the King and his Conſederates, have given many cruell and grievous wounds to this bleeding Nation, not only by multitudes of oppreſſions, enor­mities, perſecutions, taxations, & monopolies alwayes grinding the faces of the poor, grieving the Conſciences of the wel-affected, before this Parliament, but infinitely by more mortall, cruel, bloody,5 and deſtructive Warres, fire and Sword, throughout all theſe three bleeding Nations ever ſince, whereof the particulars would fill ma­ny Volums to expreſſe, but they are briefly comprehended in that little book, called The Scots Miſt, lately come forth.

The Parliament, though both choſen and truſted by this bleeding Nation, to cure their wounds, and redreſſe their grievances, having received infinite treaſures and unſpeakable riches for theſe juſt and neceſſary ends, upon their manifold faithfull undertakings, promiſes, vowes, imprecation, Oaths, Proteſtations, and Declarations, yet have not in any competent nor correſpondent meaſure, diſcharged that great and publike truſt repoſed by the whole Commons of England in them; but were more earneſt & carefull to advance themſelves on the peoples ruines, then (as they ought) to perform their promiſe, or diſcharge their duties, according to the end of their election, truſt, and vocation.

And the Army, though they have been very valiant, conſtant, coura­gious, & victorious in all their practices againſt all the open enemies abroad, yet both themſelves & we have felt that they have been negligent, in taking ſome happy and ſpeedy courſe, both with thoſe treacherous malignants and deceitfull friends when they were quiet at home: ſo that by their lenity, negligence, pittifull delayes, looſing many faire occaſions, and precious opportunities the laſt year, even when none in England durſt preſume to ſtir nor beat a Drum) they might have been worthy inſtruments, both having the Sword ſtill in their hands, and as many more in number, then now they are, to have ſeen juſtice (without reſpect of perſons) executed, the publike treaſures accounted, wicked Lawes aboliſhed, good Lawes eſtabliſh­ed, and the peoples freedoms reſtored.

But through the Armies failing herein, (though we ſhould much more rejoyce in their converſion, then any wiſe in their con­fuſion) and alſo by their declyning from their faithfull Engagement at New market, as was moſt apparant at their Randevounear Ware, all theſe late inſurrections have come to paſſe, theſe inviterate enemies ſtill intending, and by all poſſible means ſeeking to have ſwallowed up both the Army and all the honeſt party, (according to that part of the Nationall Covenant, (howſoever they differ from the reſt) and that by the craft and ſtratagems of the Armies deceit­full friends in Parliament, who although they failled in their mali­cious6 plot of disbanding them wholly, yet they prevailled after­wards in getting the half, both ingratefully and untimely carſhired, and that by detaining from them their juſt wages and Arrears, that they might be neceſſitated to be burthenſome to the Countrey, by taking free quarter, when no enemy durſt any more appear.

By which deceitfull means, thoſe ſubtle enemies of all goodneſſe proved juſt like their Maſter Sathar, firſt by deviſing a temptation, next by uſing indirect means to bring honeſt hearted people under the power of that temptation, and laſt, in accuſing the parties whom they had thus tempted and ſnared, to thoſe who have any power to puniſh them, even for not preventing & overcoming that ſnare and temptation, though the deviſing, begining, proceeding, and ending, came all by thoſe falſe accuſers own means and procurement.

But ſince the Army hath not declared, what they intend now af­ter theſe their laſt viotories this year, as they did after their firſt victories the laſt year; and although they did, in regard they were not ſo punctuall in the purſuance of their Engagement, nor in pro­ſecution of the eleven Members, as they pretended and was expec­ted, they would hardly be truſted in words, without ſome reall per­formance in deeds, even beſides their Martiall affaires, wherein (by divine providence) they are victorious, ſeeing moſt of all in any au­thority, have been ſo deceitfull during all theſe troubles, that ſcarce any more ſuch truſt will be given in haſte, to any condition of men in this age, untill they bring forth more reall and ripe fruits, as well as leaves and bloſſomes.

Thus the enſlaved people of this Nation, are in a more deſperate as well as deſolate condition every way, now after this eight years Parliament then they were 20. years agoe, when it was adjudged leſſe then Treaſon in the higheſt degree, to mention the very word [Parliament,] ſo that the cure is become worſe then the diſeaſe, and the laſt errour worſe then the firſt.

And moreover, by means and occaſion of their corrupt, deceitfull and underhand dealing, in not going through with the work for which they were choſen, divers others alſo are (by their example and permiſſion) become great oppreſsors and underminers of this Common-Wealth; wherefore it wil be needfull here to expres ſome of the ſpeciall particulars, wherein at preſent, each one of them ben­deth their chiefeſt endeavours for ſelf intereſts, and no wiſe for ad­vancing,7 (but altogether for deſtroying) the publike cauſe which tendeth to the peace, ſafety, liberty, property, and tranquility of the people.

And ſo by a mutuall harmony as brethren in evill, though hating others in moſt other things, yet like Pylate and Herod are familiar friends, by concurring together for their ſeverall ſiniſter ends (am­bition, covetuouſneſſe, or whatſoever elſe) to the utter ruine of this enflaved Nation, except the Lord of his undeſerved mercy provide ſome ſpeedy remedy, either by this Army, or by ſuch other inſtru­ments or means, as he ſeeth moſt expedient for his own glory and the peoples ſafety; which ſpeciall particulars do here follow in order.

1. The Kings deceitfull demands and other expreſſes now in his moſt extream need, towards the proſecution of this perſonall trea­chery, that by his and his confederates ſubtile mannaging of the bu­ſineſſes, and over-witting our wiſe Parliaments Commiſſioners, chiefly to finiſh this treaty at London, (the place of his chiefeſt joy) he may recover his wonted, and unlimited authority, & ſo not only revenge, & grow as glorious and great as any Monarch or Monſter in Chriſtendom, but preferre all his Cavaliers, and lay on ſuch hea­vy burdens of taxations and oppreſſions on all eſtates, both in Coun­tries and Cities, as may ſo impoveriſh, enſlave, and diſable them and their poſterities for ever, from any more riſing or taking up Armes in their own defence, according to the tyrannicall cuſtom and prac­tiſe of other Kings over their ſubjects, or rather ſlaves, ſuch as Spaine and France.

2. The Parliaments deceitfull concurrance with his unjuſt deſires therein, as the caſe of this Nation is now in a rottering condition, ap­prehending it much ſafer, eaſier, & ſpeedier for ſaving their lives & eſtates, & avoiding account of the peoples treaſures, to make their own particular ſafe and wel-grounded peace with him alone for all (who is both their priſoner, & guilty alſo like themſelves, (whereas a juſt Judge would condemn & puniſh both) then with a multitude of honeſt people, who have far more accuſations againſt both him and them, then ever he or they will be able to anſwer.

3. The people (meaning the rude multitude) having no good nor ſolid principles whereon to build or ſettle their reſolutions, or to di­rect or avme their actions, and therefore they being light as the duſt8 in the drought of Summer, are carried aloft, even with evrey ſmall gale of wind, as well as by a great tempeſt, ſo that they are ſome­times for the King, and ſometimes for the Parliament, and ſome­times for both, and ſometimes for neither of them, yea or ſcarce for themſelves, and not ſo much as once minding, for leſſe duly conſi­dering whats needfull or expedient either for their own particular or the publick good, but what they have either by a ſtinted or ſet forme, or by habituall cuſtome or apiſh imitation of their Land­lords, Maſters, Friends, or Neighbours; ſo that ſuch time-ſerving and inconſtant mens endeavours, do tend more to the ruine, then to the good of a Natiou, if they be not under the Government of more wiſe, diſcreet, and better experienced men then themſelves.

4 The Prieſts ſitting cloſe at the helme, during all theſe troubles, as their Maſters the Biſhops did in former times, who though they could not anſwer the Parliaments 8. queries, had rather have other 7. years Warres throughout all the 3. Kingdoms, then to want one years Tithes.

5 Land-lords, exacting ſuch intolerable rents both for ground, houſes, and ſhops, now beyond all former times, and there­by ſo grind the faces of the poor, (who are heavy loaded with di­verſity of burdens otherwiſe in theſe ſad and troubleſome times, both when Trades are decayed, Trading monopolized, and dearth of victualls increaſed and multiplyed) that many Thouſands of fa­milies, (eſpecially where there are many ſmall Children) are ready either to ſtarve, diſpair, or run away and leave all, even for want of ſuch courſe bread, and other neceſſaires, as Parl men, Commit­teemen, Prieſts, and Lawyers, will ſcarce offer to their Horſes and Doggs.

6. The Lawyers, whereof ſome being uſually Members of Parl, do endeavour not only to frame the Lawes ſo to their own minds and ends, as they may receive divers interpretations, to the great vexation and grief of the people, but by that means and occaſion, ſuch tedious and chargable, yea and ſometimes endles Law-ſuites are at their unlimited wills and inſatiable pleaſures depending, that they abundantly enrich themſelves, and impoveriſh the Common­wealth: ſo that now it is thought, yea and approved a more ſafe, ready, and eaſie courſe for any plantiffe, to acquite unto the defen­dant, the one half of whatſoever debts he juſtly acclaimeth, provided he get the other half without trouble, fraud, charge or delay, then at9 ſuch exceſſive rates, delayes and uncertainties to proſecute any ſuch action at Law againſt him.

7. The City, at leaſt the turbulent domineering or conſpiring party thereof, diligently beholding, and vigilantly attending, whe­ther at laſt the King, Parl. or the Army ſhall be victoricus, though not in the Warres, yet by perſonall treacheries, that they may par­take with them, and ſo be ſtill glorious.

8. And the Scots, (chiefly the Royaliſt Party) like moſt of the Engliſh, chuſing rather to deſtroy the Sectaries with the ſword, then convince them by the Word, and to be ſtill ſlaves and beggers, then either to break their enſnaring Covenant, which the beſt of them­ſelves, and far leſſe the Papiſts and Atheſts whom they forced thereunto, were never able to keep, or to want one Tyrant or Idoll to ſit on their old worn Throne, whiles Sunne and Moone indure in the Firmament. All theſe be Englands chief deſtroyers.

But contrary to the practices of all theſe eruell oppreſſors, the hope of all true hearted Engliſhmen, whereof many Thouſands (both Londoners and others whom the Malignants call Leavellers) have lately preſented a Petition to the Parl. for imparciall juſtice and true freedom is, that God will either by this Army; or ſome other inſtruments or means (according to his wonted mercies in all ages) preſerve his people and deſtroy his enemies.

Vpon the Parliaments receipt of the aforeſaid Petition (meaning only the Commons houſe, not knowing more then ignorant and runnegate Schoole boyes, what to ſay, or how to anſwer their leſ­ſons) perceiving by the ſcope of the Petition, that the multitude of Petitioners were the very ſame perſons in Citie and Countrey, whoſe former Petitions the laſt year for Englands juſt Freedoms, by their miſorder of Parl. the common Hangman had burned, and that doubtleſſe thoſe conſiderate and wel-principled people, (who knew both their own due and the Parliaments duty) would importune them now as they did then, for a juſt and reall anſwer, and not reſt upon their unjuſt ſentence, or determination, but ſtill preſent Petitiō after Petition, to make them more and more aſhamed to the world, (if they were not hardened with ſin and ſhame) they were forced out of meere policy after much diſpute and debate, to adjourn for four dayes.

Surely this did ſhew as great wiſdom in our wiſe, diſcreet, brave,10 and grave Parliament, now as when they were forced not long age, both to take down their ſecond Exciſe houſe (which they built in Smithfield, and to quite their Exciſe of fleſh there, after the Butchers had both burned down the firſt houſe, and would pay no more Ex­ciſe to their Officers, notwithſtanding all their high Orders, Ordi­nances, threatnings, and penalties, but rather pay themſelves when they ſaw convenient time, as they and many Thouſands of others alſo, were in as good poſtuae, even to pay the Parl. mens pates, as they were to knock fat Oxen on the heads.

And it is no wonder that the Parl. of England, were ſo fearfull of the Butchers of London, becauſe they had good reaſon ſo to be, for is there any ſort, degree, or condition of men, yea Souldiers them­ſelves (who are eſteemed moſt expert in killing) more deſperate, bloody, aed dangerous then Butchers are, their hands being for the moſt part in blood, whereas Souldiers will reſt many weeks and months without ſhedding of blood? and beſides, Butchers do ſur­paſſe Souldiers in theſe other moſt remarkable things, for as they are moſt perfect in knocking down, and beating out the brains, and letting of blood, ſo they are moſt skilfull in driving all away, clea­ving a ſunder, hanging up, quartering, drawing, ſleaing off the skin, and ſo in diſpoſing of every thing in its own due order, time and ſeaſon, as it becommeth wiſe, able and diſcreet men.

So in all the oppreſſions and deſolations that this rich Parl. have made, ſince they left both ſelling of Lands in Ireland, and by cunning adulation and affectation, even faire & flattering ſpeeches, obtained both the multitudes of Plate and Contributions, and be­gan to force and ſquize out more and more by foul actions, they ne­ver met with their match (in the way of reſſiſtance) untill they be­gan to vex the Butchers of London, becauſe the Butchers ſcorned to be enſlaved, extorted, or have the gain of their toylſome labours ta­ken from them by the idle Parl. but as they were moved and oc­caſioned, ſo they powerfully and couragiouſly ſtood in their own defence againſt the Parl. ſo that neither the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, nor trained bands of London could appeaſe them, untill they had both burned the Exciſe houſe, terrified the Parl. and fought themſelves free, like brave fellowes from paying any more Exciſe.

Only the Army are to be excepted (in this and many other things) who at that time had engaged, but had not declared, when the11 Butchers had thus oppoſed, and began moſt excellently both to re­fuſe disbanding contrary to all high Votes and Ordinances, and to purge the Parl. untill they ſaw ſome difficulties in the way, which now they have paſt over, and doubtleſſe (if they be either wiſe, pun­ctuall or provident) will accompliſh their work, both for their own ſafety and the freedom of this Nation, according to their Engage­ments, Propoſalls, and Declarations.

Now the reaſon wherefore the Parl. did adjourn for 4. dayes at the receiving of the aforeſaid Petition, may be eaſily diſcerned, even to be the great & remarkable tryall they were put to at unawares, conſidering their rottering condition, being ſo hated of the people for their unjuſt dealing; and therefore they were neceſſitated to take 4. dayes, having 4 as ſpeciall matters to debate and reſolve upon in that limited ſpace, as they have had theſe 8. years (except in 4. of their great and golden dayes, when they were in the greateſt hate of parting and diſpoſing the peoples Treaſures, Plate, Taxes, Sequeſtra­tions, and Eſtates amongſt themſelves, their friends and relations; ſo that they wiſely proportioned the number of the dayes, according to the number of their moſt urgent private affaires, what ever ſhould become of the publick.

The firſt day, how they might proceed wiſely and warily with the Treaty perſonally, though neither really nor actually at the Bar of Juſtice, but how the King may acquite them and they him, and ſo deceive and enſlave the poor between them.

The ſecond day, how to preſerve their own lives, apprehending their own guiltineſs, and how far ſhort their practices came of the ſcope of that Petition, which tends to the juſt freedom of the people, for which mayn end they were choſen, truſted, maintained, and defended againſt all whom they made us think were their deadly e­nemies, but it ſeemes, will be their friends when they both pleaſe to enſlave the people.

The third day, how to ſecure their ill gotten Eſtates, & whether to adventure their late received monies beyond the Seas with the former, or to put it in hazard with their lives at home, they being in danger every day to be queſtioned, called to account, and tryed, even by thoſe whom they eſteem their Servants, but may happily and ſpeedily appear (as they are indeed) their Ma••••….

And the fourth day, whether to give a ſatisfactory or delatery an­ſwer12 to the Petitioners, knowing by experience their ingenuity and importunity to be ſuch, that no congratulatory nor complementa­ry, yea nor uſuall Parliamentary anſwer would be acceptable to them; and therefore (doubtleſſe) theſe grave Senators hand­ſomely conſidered, that it was better to give them no anſwer, but keep them in hope of an anſwer, untill they have finiſhed their per­ſonall treachery with the King, then certainly they would not ſpare to tell them another thing.

Object. It may be objected, according to the Parl. own declared tenent to the ſame Petitioners the laſt year, in anſwer to one of the burned Petitions (which are all contained in that little book inti­tuled, Gold tryed in the fire,) that all the people are to reſt ſatisfyed in the Parliaments determination, ſentence, ſence or anſwer, in what matters ſoever, or to this effect;

Anſw. And its alſo anſwered, that theſe men told the Parl. with­all convenient ſpeed by another Petition, that they would not reſt ſatisfyed in what the Parl. pleaſeth to determine, any further then their determination, ſentence, ſence, or anſwer, ſhall be right and juſt, according to the true end, intent, and meaning of their election, vo­cation and truſt, chiefly the peoples freedom and ſafety, and ſo al­wayes for their weale, but never for their woe; for otherwiſe why ſhould they be either choſen, called, truſted, or aſſembled, except it were only to be diſſembled, as their deeds witneſſe againſt them?

Queſt. But could not ſome Parl. men, like ſome of thoſe who were accuſed by the Army the laſt year, kick, threat, beat, and im­priſon ſome of thoſe Petitioners now as they did then, even for pre­ſenting the like Petition, yea and both vote and order the Hangman to burn their Petition too?

Anſw. No indeed, for at that time the Army had not yet engaged nor declared unanimouſly, to ſtand or fall together, for the juſt free­dom of this Nation, but at that time, were taking theſe and the like unjuſt practices of Parl. into conſideration, & preparing themſelves to take the beſt and ſpeedieſt courſe, both for their own and all their friends preſervation, not being fully perſwaded before that the whole houſe ſhould ſo ſuddenly vote them Rebels and Traytors, without either conſideration or cōmemoration of all their former victories, faithfull and remarkable ſervices, for not preſently disbanding, but13 that their only enemies had bin the King and his party, whom they had ſo lately & powerfully ſubdued, conquered and impriſoned.

So that the Parliament were but then in hopes, that the Army would disband, ſo ſoone as they were commanded, but now having undoubted proof and experience of the contrary, they dare not pre­ſume to meddle any more with any, who are, or ſeeme to be of the Armies principles, leſt they own both them and their cauſe, as well now as they did then, yea and revenge their quarrell too, not on­ly by more ſtrict accuſing thoſe 11 Members, but the moſt part of the houſe, if not the whole houſe, and ſo put them all to the flight, for they are too lap-winged, they having ſitten 7 yeares too long, to advance themſelves and impoveriſh the Nation, that they may be more capable to be ſlaves to them, as both the ſame Parliament-men and the reſt of the people have ben to the King.

For had theſe Repreſentatives been as faithfull, reall and cordi­all to their repreſenters, as they ſeemed and pretended to be at the firſt, when they relieved priſoners, aboliſhed Biſhops and divers unjuſt Courts and Monopolies, brought home the Baniſhed, and made many element Speeches to gain the peoples affections, that they might obtain their rich oblations, perſons and eſtates to defend them in theſe wars, they might have aboliſhed more wicked laws, and eſtabliſhed more good laws, yea and prevented, or at leaſt ſhortned theſe bloudy & diſtructive wars, & unſpeakable both loſſ­es & expences, to the Common wealth, puniſhed evill doers, and rewarded them that do well, more in one year then they have done in all theſe greivous 8 years.

And therefore, ſeeing there is no grapes to be expected on thornes, nor figgs on thiſtles, it is high time that the Army who (through God have done ſo valiantly, & is the preſent and apparent ſafeguard of all the honeſt party in this diſtreſſed Nation) would make a more wiſe, happy and ſpeedy uſe of this worthy opportu­nity, which God is pleaſed once more again to grant them, then they did the laſt year; for he hath made them his happy inſtruments of as great victories as ever he, hath made any others before them ſince the daies of Gidion, who only by 300, deſtroy'd many thou­ſands of the Midianites, or of Ioſhuah, who by the ſound of Rams horns threw down the wals of Isrech, and before whom, both the inha­bitants of Canaan and the Kings of the Nations•••dering about, whom God hath ordained to deſtruction, were but as ſtubble before the fire, or duſt before the wind.


Therefore, in conſideration of the preſent caſe of this diſtreſſed Nation, the Armies beſt, eaſieſt, and ſpeedieſt courſe (ſaving better adviſe) is, to uſe that power which God (in much mercy) hath put and reſerved into their hands.

1. After they have declared their juſt reaſons, deſires, and reſolutions to the whole Nation, concerning their duties in all publike affaires as the caſe now ſtands, even to diſſolve this preſent Parl. leſt to be free from preſent tryall them­ſelves, of all their unjuſt and double dealings, they involve both you and us all, in a greater gulf of miſery and ſlavery, then ever you or any other Army after you can either comfort us in, or deliver us from, whiles the world ſtands: can it be juſtly denyed but that they (at preſent) having the Sword, may upon far better grounds of the peoples ſafety (being the chief of all Lawes) diſſolve this deceit­full Parl. who have been 8 years ſurfetted; glutted, and fatned with all the beſt things that this Nation could afford, either without giving any account of the peoples treaſures, or acting any thing towards their freedoms,) then he or his Father had, to break up many good Parliaments, meerly for their own preroga­tives, ambitious, and covetous ends, to the ruine, miſery, and ſlavery of the people.

2. According to the Armies Propoſalls, there may be not only a ſet time ap­pointed for the begining and ending of Parliaments every year of their own ac­cord, after the peoples election, with certain limitations therein for avoiding of Malignants (as in Parl. there be too many at this time) but forthwith, to call a juſt Parl. to a ſtrict account of all the oceans of the peoples blood, and multi­tudes of their treaſures that have been ſpilt and ſpent in all theſe long cruell and deſtructive VVarres, as both many thouſands of faithfull witneſſes, and many ten thouſands of pittifull complaints will be produced from all places.

That juſtice now at laſt, without reſpect either of perſons or ſtates, being ad­miniſtred the cruel ſting of Norman bondage removed, & an exact account of all the blood, treaſures, eſtates, revenues, aſſeſments, oblations, alienations, contribu­tions, ſequeſt rations, compoſitions, and taxations made, then the publict debts may be paid, all kind of Taxes diſcharged, the Army and all publict charges by ſubſidues maintained, the peoples freedoms reſtored, wicked Lawes aboliſhed, and good lawes eſtabliſhed.

Otherwiſe, as the Parl. accuſed the King of many odious and haynous crimes, & did not proſecute their charge, & though the Army accuſed the 11 members of divers treacherous acts, & did not proſecute their charge; & though Lieut. Gen. Cromwell accuſed Mancheſter for many treacherous acts, and did not proſecute his charge, & though Mr. Lenthall the Speaker of the Houſe, and his brother Sir Iohn were accuſed, for haynous crimes againſt the Common-wealth, and their charge not proſecuted, but as it ſeemes all did forbear one another, for ends beſt known to God and their own Conſciences, yet it is neither feared nor doubted, but God knoweth very well how to reach both the height and deepneſſe of mens policies, treacheries, and confederacies, and how to catch them in the midſt of their ſins, when they are ripe for his judgments, but we hope better things of the Army, though little of the chief Officers.


About this transcription

TextFruitfull England like to become a barren wilderness through the wickednes of the inhabitants; and the Army rebels & traitors once more for not disbanding, and accordingly punished, as some of them have been already at sessions, assizes and otherwise, notwithstanding all their wonderfull victories, faithfull and matchles services. If the lawfull remedies (for prevention) here justly advised, be not discreetly and timely used.
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SeriesEarly English books online.
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About the source text

Bibliographic informationFruitfull England like to become a barren wilderness through the wickednes of the inhabitants; and the Army rebels & traitors once more for not disbanding, and accordingly punished, as some of them have been already at sessions, assizes and otherwise, notwithstanding all their wonderfull victories, faithfull and matchles services. If the lawfull remedies (for prevention) here justly advised, be not discreetly and timely used. [2], 14 p. [s.n.],Londgn [sic] :Printed in the year, 1648.. (Annotation on Thomason copy: "8ber [i.e. October] ye 17th".) (Reproduction of the original in the British Library.)
  • England and Wales. -- Army -- Early works to 1800.
  • Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649 -- Early works to 1800.

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  • STC Thomason E467_36
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